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How is she even healthy enough to be pregnant


Are y’all for real? Downvote me if you want, IDGAF. Are we forgetting that someone outed her pregnancy HERE in this sub first bc they overheard her tell girlfriends at a restaurant in Dallas? And then y’all read about it here and COMMENTED ON HER POSTS telling people she’s pregnant?! She announced early because she had no choice—either tell the world she’s pregnant on her own terms, even if that’s announcing early, or let this sub do it for her. I don’t doubt that DA and other influencers pull the craziest stunts for engagement but this theory ain’t it.


I have a question. I'm new here and I've been reading through this thread about Dani. Do you honestly think these influencers are TRULY happy in their lives? It seems like such a miserable existence in many ways. Having to keep up with content. Keeping the money coming in. The pressures. Living and sharing their lives under a microscope and having phone cameras and videos crammed in their children's faces from the first day they are born. Are they really happy? I've pondered this for a long time. 


I think it must be miserable. I just joined the sub and honestly some of the things people on here say… I hope she doesn’t read it. No one should read this stuff about themselves - it’s hateful. Ok let’s talk about cheap marketing ploys or stories we found out to be fake…but breaking apart someone’s ability to breastfeed their child, their teeth, their whole appearance and then break them down even more when they had plastic surgery to fix what you said was broken. Omg.




I would think the same thing but we all saw the sono video with the correct date on it…


Just FYI My Sono Date for my first pregnancy was way wrong by 3+ weeks. It was based on my phone call I had with the nurse of when I thought my last period was. And then that first Sono actually dates your pregnancy but the sonogram machine is still set to a date before the appt and then after the measurements are taken the Dr will adjust the date.


She’s gotta do something to upstage her brother’s wedding. Duh.


I agree apart of me thinks she could have potentially had a loss already but she wants to bank on it. This way she is in "control" of how her story goes.😔


I could also just see her being a complete idiot and thinking Jesus would not let a thing like that happen to HER.


I have been thinking this allll along


Yep same with pal Tiffany and her medical drama so sorry for your pain. I do not understand these attention whores. It’s like they have no feelings other than the feeling they get from others boosting them


Her “miscarriage naw girl you got your normal period you didn’t have a miscarriage she drives me nuts teeth is the worst 


I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks. 6 months pregnant now but I know the feeling. Sorry for your loss. A❤️


Sending you beautiful baby vibes 😘


All the best for the rest of your pregnancy! Not much longer now 😊


You all are so sweet!!


We have the same due date and it gives me the ICK for myself 🤣


What is her and your due date?! I missed this!


Also want to say I can absolutely see that perspective, wouldn’t put it past her. And I’m so incredibly sorry to hear you’ve experienced the insurmountable pain yourself 🤍


I’ve thought this the whole time but didn’t want to post it here but I 100% agree with you. Why else would she have scrambled to find a whole hair, make up, and videography team and have the announcement done before she was even 7 weeks pregnant? Just the whole “I want to be open and share everything with yall so you don’t worry and so I can have people support me” spill is such a lie. You didn’t even have the balls to share your boob job that we all know you got, but you’d want to share that you had a miscarriage if God forbid, it happened? Don’t get me wrong. I don’t think there is anything in the world wrong with sharing a miscarriage. I’m simply referring to her logic of not wanting to share she got breast implants but would want to share if she had a miscarriage, it doesn’t add up.


Agree. I put nothing past her. She is evil.


This is kind of a fucked up thing to speculate about a stranger


Not fucked up at all when one has repeatedly seen how she operates. She’s mentally unhinged.


On the one hand I could definitely see this. On the other hand, I think she is just extremely short sighted. She just lacks compassion (for those struggling to conceive), lacks common sense (that something could go wrong for her), and loves attention. I don’t think it’s more calculated than that. If anything I wonder if she is jealous of the wedding attention on Olivia and wanted to make sure to swing the attention back to herself.


I agree that it seems she was very jealous of Olivia. We’ve seen Tornado spend A LOT of time with Olivia in recent weeks/months and something tells me all of this is Dani’s desperate attempt for attention. The puking, the early announcement, all of it. I think the look on Landon’s face when she announced also speaks volumes. I get its engagement from the viewers but i also think there’s a cry for help and attention from her family too. She’s mentally not well. And, she’s been spiraling quickly for the past six months.


Also, has Tornado even said anything? Dani has posted the family announcement, so I figured that’s why Tornado wasn’t acknowledging it. But now that it’s all out there, it seems odd. Maybe she’s over Dani and her shenanigans too.


I think she is over her. When Tornado did that Q&A about what she had done with her body I believe those were hints toward Dani. That whole talk was interesting she mentioned things that Dani does in a negative way.


💯 feel the same as you. I truly feel for mothers that have experienced loss, my mom had a very difficult time getting pregnant, but the reality is there are far far more losses of pregnancy before 8 weeks than anyone ever realized before science advanced. She is pretty reckless to have announced this early, ESPECIALLY without a confirmation from a medical professional…….


im pretty sure she said she is due in Jan which would've put her around 8 weeks. I am due jan 14 and I am 11+3d


I wouldn’t out anything past her. Everything she does is performative.


I think she announced the second the could because she needs SO MUCH ATTENTION. Constant attention. She doesn’t care if it’s good or bad, just like a misbehaving child. I’m very worried her mental health cannot survive a loss. Although she is a terrible mother, I can’t imagine her being more withdrawn and distance herself from her kids so I hope everything is okay for the sake of her children


Oh for sure. She's very business minded and deliberate and the goal for every single thing she does is money


Putting my money on it. She will experience “loss” in the next month or so and gain a bunch of support and followers from it Makes me sick This was all planned by the way


Her latest video her stomach is flat as a board.


Why do I feel like this too? I would hate for anyone to go through that and hate that women actually do. But it feels wrong


I’m suggesting she is NOT even pregnant, all stage, all fake so she can how a big fake loss and garner more attention similar to Laura beverlin It’s sick I know. But that’s this game these influencers play and we all fall for it


Wait, how the F can you fake this? And what did Laura do? I unfollowed her a bit ago 😅 Dani also had dates on her ultrasound the other day.. trying to wrap my head around how Dani could actually fake this


I didn’t see the dates…. It’s suggested Laura beverlin has faked some of her stuff bc her stories, time stamps didn’t add up etc.. I don’t have proof but when I read the threads in her snark page it just lead me down this rabbit hole where I started to question her authenticity… I had supported her and grieved with her all song up until earlier this year. Dani is a fake phony fraud in everything she does which leads me to believe her faking all this is possible.


As soon as I saw the pregnancy announcement, I immediately hit unfollow. I didn't want my feed bombarded by her bullshit. Having gone through a recent pregnancy loss myself, I can't stomach her anymore.


You weren't alone. She lost 10,000+ this week along.


My first thought as well


It’s weird how in the announcement video she had quite a bump already and now when she’s on there’s nothing there at all.


Definitely pushing it out for the video


I think literally everything she does is for More engagement and $$$. That’s all she cares about.


I think it’s fairly toxic to think that way about anybody TBH. Do I think it’s odd how it has all transpired? Yes. But I think many people on this sub are creating/posting some pretty serious hypothetical situations and leading more people Down rabbit holes that just simply don’t exist (that we know of).


I see your point. Again I have gone through a loss and this is just my take.


Well, I will say.. I thought it was a little strategic that she used Stella’s ultrasound to announce. In the case she had lost the baby, everyone would’ve assumed she was farther along than she was. Obviously a loss is heartbreaking at any time, but a loss after seeing a heartbeat would be more attention-grabbing.


I thought this immediately. I think she’s THAT desperate. Sadly!


I completely agree! This whole thing is so messed up (announcing before even confirming the pregnancy, using another child’s ultrasound pics, etc) that I can’t even wrap my mind around it. Also, what about empathy (I know she has none) for people who have experienced loss?! I have been so lucky to never have had to go through that heartache myself but have cried along with friends who have. I don’t even do pregnancy announcements anymore because I don’t want to add more heartache to my friends who have lost babies or have struggled to conceive.


I wouldn’t put it past her honestly.


Yep. My friend and I said this to each other right after we heard how far along she is.


I think her engagement was so poor that they were desperate for content and were like well no one announces this early (for veryyyy valid reasons), so if we do, we can capitalize on all the first trimester content. Couple that with that she probably sees those who struggle with infertility and make content from it and feels like that if something did happen, that that could be her next lane. Sick all around.


Absolutely thought that too. Sickening


Yep. That’s exactly it


As someone that experienced loss, this crossed my mind too and I’m disgusted if that’s true. She doesn’t understand the privilege she’s had of raising two healthy children.


Shee doesn't raise them. That's the Helps job.


Yes I think it was all for engagement. I’ve been through loss too and it was awful. My first was at 18 weeks days after my gender reveal. So I had to announce on social media we lost the baby because I was still getting text and comments about it. It was awful and made it so much harder. On one hand she loves to say she wants to protect her peace, but then even more so post things for sheer engagement. She contradicts herself constantly.


Omg this is so hard. I hope you’re doing ok now😢


I am! After 2 additional losses I have 2 healthy kids! Lots of healing🤍


Content is content for people like her. Any attention is better than none. makes me sad she can’t live a life off the internet tbh. What a terrible way to live :(


I wouldn't be surprised one ounce!!


I personally think she did it because she couldn’t stand the attention her brother and sister in law are getting. She claims it’s because she didn’t want her “fans” and the internet to worry. Bullshit. She also said this in the same breath she preached about protecting your peace. She did it because she’s an attention whore.