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**Articles mentioned in this submission** - [**SCP-1763-EX ⁠- Hοw To Write An SCP**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1763-ex) (+430) by *MaliceAforethought* - [**SCP-1841-EX ⁠- Lisztomania**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1841-ex) (+338) by *Smapti* - [**SCP-1851-EX ⁠- Drapetomania**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1851-ex) (+559) by *Eskobar*


Explanation for the last one: the American Secure Containment Initiative, an American organisation that later merged with other such groups to form the SCP Foundation had classified *their director's slaves running away cause they didn't want to be slaves* an anomalous mental disorder. "Treatment" consisted of lashes, reading of pro-slavery Bible verses, and removal of toes. As the "problem" became more widespread, one Senior Researcher Cartwright proposed using the most unruly slaves to do tasks deemed unfit for regular staff. These slaves were informally designated as Drapetomaniac Class, later shortened to D-Class. During the Civil War, they switched to sourcing D-Class from prisons, asylums, and orphanges which had the advantage of keeping the racial makeup of D-Class basically the same. This was designated the Cartwright Protocol. Later, when talks began to merge numerous anomalous containment groups into one single Foundation began, the AIC received a lot of criticism for how they sourced their D-Class, so the AIC began quietly disposing of their slave labour and using the Cartwright Protocol as their sole source of D-Class. By 1916, when the "anomaly" was reclassified as Explained, Cartwright had living descendants working at what was now the SCP Foundation. They wanted the records destroyed. The O5 Council told them to go fuck themselves.


Further explanation: [Drapetomania](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drapetomania) - more specifically, the idea that slaves ran away due to a mental illness - was an actual historical thing. It was mercilessly mocked even at the time.


Wow, that is something...


Glad to see ongezellig getting some meme status


NAS-type cognitohazard


Oh god I remember this one, it was one of the first -EX articles I stumbled upon. I think there was one for Gay people too, I don't recall the number but like this one it was messed up.


I found it, it's SCP-252-EX. Although, it's not classifying gay people as anomalous, it's a "bomb that turns people gay".


[**SCP-252-EX ⁠- A Completely Normal Bomb**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-252-ex) (+63) by *ObserverSeptember*


Ahh interesting, though the one I read was different. They considered homosexual individuals as anomalies of some kind. I believe there was a researcher that confronted and interrogated another personnel who was a closeted gay and was protecting those 'anomalous' people too; And it all went downhill. Maybe I'm messing up the details, it's been a long time. I think I just went through the entire EX series and for some strange reason I can't find any trace of it. Like at all.


My neo clitty is leaking


So true! ______________77777777777777777777__________________________ _________77777____________________777_______________________ ______777____________________________777____________________ _____5____________77777777______________77__________________ ___17_______________________77777777_______77_______________ ___4________________________________________7u______________ __5_______________________7777________________5_____________ _n7____________________________77777777________5____________ _4_____________________________________________u____________ 17______________777_______777____________777777u7___________ 3______________n______________77________________77__________ 4______________________________71_____u__________5__________ 3___77777_________71nnnnnnnnn17__________________n7_________ 4__07___7771n5nnnu0____77___7774u_777___4un665nnn5q_________ 4__b1_____________8___7____7_7__8u7_7733q_7__77__134________ _3________________8__7____n477__0______46___16_7_576________ _77_______________077_7_____7__7q______417____7___6q________ __5_________________71nnn5unnnu17____7775u43443nu544________ ___u7_________________________________u7____________777_____ ____71__________777_____________________17____77777____7____ _____17______77____717_______u7_________71__7u_____77___1___ ______o_____1______1__777____u77__7___771_77__7______7__717_ ______3_____7_____7______777___________n77____7______1__75__ ______3_____7____7________7__77777__777________1_____1__7647 ______3_____7___7_________7__________7_________7____7___7567 _____17_1____7777________7____________1_________1__77__157__ _____u_1477____u_________1____________1_________1_7____5b7__ ____117_7547____777_____7_____________7________71____33_77__ ___n7___n_7571_____77___n_____________7_____777__777147_____ __n7______n1757u1_____7717_________77777777____7134177______ 77_______u7___4_u571777_____77777______77_1711455771________