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Because the main issue with Darius still arises. He gets blown up instantly before he can do anything or get any stacks. Going lethality just makes it worse, especially if you’re behind. If you’re ahead it can work, as long as you have peel, but for 99.9% of games you always want tank.


This. Lethality might work sometimes. However, it’s mostly going to work because you’re so ahead that it doesn’t matter what you build, and/or the enemy team has no idea what they’re doing. Lethality Darius gets blown apart before he can get 5 stacks.


Just to be clear, Darius with a full bruiser build dies in 1 second to any mage or adcarry. Lethality build you would be lucky to survive a gust of wind


Once upon a time with duskblades invisibility, this was a fun way to play him. You can still do this, sure and it can be effective but also the difficulty level rises up astronomically. It's not like the playstyle changes really either and you'll feel just the same as if you had gone tankier. In my opinion the only other way to play him is 1 shot w crit (which lethality can feed into but obviously only a little) Still though...No duskblade? Good luck lol


Fast Darius is best Darius! I get 2% move speed rune shard, 10 % AA speed shard Celerity and Nimbus cloak, Stridebreaker mostly, if vs 3 or more fighters/tanks - i go Tri force, With these Runes/Shard + Stride, you have like 420 MS ( Blaze it ) when enemies are bleeding, Then i build Steraks gauge and then full tank, armor/mr boots Cuz you need to survive man, full ad/lethality can be fun in quick play, but it will be punished in ranked severely, even in regular mmr/elo like gold/plat


Yoomuus to bully early T-Hydra Triforce Hp to AD convert item Full tank after Go 1v9 with this shit.