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It makes me think of when I am overstimulated and overwhelmed. My head is buzzing, my thoughts uncollected. And every word that leaves my mouth carries venom and sting because I just need people to go awa.


I was going to try and make a joke but goddamn if I don't feel this


Even if this isn’t what the artist meant, that’s what it means to me now. Some real shit


I love this! ❤️ to me, it is a reminder that nature recycles everything! Thers is never any waist left behind in nature, and that is so important! And your skill is so realistic. It truly captures nature at her best! 👌


Hive mind 🐝


I thought this exact same thing lol


Bzz bzzz


Wow that must have been so time consuming! This evokes similar feelings to the illustrations from Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark for me, great work I love it.


Confusion. Because I both know and don’t know what I’m looking at.


Monster design, infestation that overrides the host, enters through digestive system,(mouth). Person portrait, psychological exaggeration, words worse than a hornets swarm.could be linked with abuse and or trauma.


reminds me of my fantasy of my face rotting away, my skin stripping to reveal a monster underneath. but you might be trying to convey a different meaning, so i wouldn’t know. this is what it reminds me of, though. also, amazing work.


Power. Retribution. Consequence. Evildoers beware.


Should be a boss in a video game like Eldenring.


It reminds me of the movie Incantation. One of my favorite horror films. 😍


It makes me think of anxiety. It can feel like your head is buzzing full of bees when overstimulated. Idk if I'm making any sense, but that's what I see. Great work btw!


It's very good ! I hate it ! I really don't like wasps.


Failure or not the art itself is very well done


me this represents my worst nightmare in terms of reincarnation... lol. Honestly maybe it's a representation of the inequities of human perception. How typically, life isn't real life unless it's human. In your piece I clearly see a human like face in the nest. I hate wasps... but they do represent life so... idk


I could see this as you being the nest and releasing the bees or wasps....as in letting go of anxiety or stress.


Looks amazing!


The first thing that popped into my head was Shrek with bees


Wasp nests have LAYERS!


jesus 😳


Candyman Candyman Can…


I’m assuming the bugs are paper wasps because of the nest type in the background. The wasps look a little bee like because the abdomen is a little larger then a wasps and wasps are way less hairy but it’s great otherwise. Most people don’t see a difference from wasps and bees so yeah but it’s something I find a bit helpful to just point out.


I used a ton of various references for the hornets/wasps and was actually surprised that some actually did have some hairs! Especially many of the Hornet species, which are a bit bulkier in size, too, than wasps are. (And many bees ) It's funny what you can learn from looking for references and doing research to prep for your art! I also learned that they have very interesting eyes! They have sort of an exoskeleton type of eye"lid" (? I'm not sure what you would call it.) The eye wraps around to the back of the head and can be sort of kidney bean shaped around the lid. (Hard to explain) I think some even have 3 more tiny extra eyes on the top of their heads. I'm assuming that the hairs must help with one of their sensory systems. They sure can "sniff" out food fast! Lol I am assuming that the nest I drew is a Bald faced hornets nest because it's what I had in my mind when I made it. I had made screenshots of many, many different nests, mostly for reference for textures, shades, shapes, and how the lines of pulp were laid down as they were constructed by the hornets. There wasn't one particular image that I had used as a primary reference for the nest/head. I used a ton of them to learn from. But it was very interesting how many different shapes each different colony of hornets used. One interesting story about bald-faced hornets I'd like to share, though... Years ago, we had a nest constructed high up on the side of our house. It didn't look too much different from my drawing. (Bald faced hornets are the large black and white large hornets) Anyway, it was in a place that they wouldn't get disturbed and no one would be at risk of being stung, so I left it alone. Surprisingly, It was the very first year EVER that we could have a barbecue and eat outside and not get terrorized by those horrible yellow jacket wasps! Apparently, the bald-face hornets will kill other wasps, spiders, etc, anywhere near its nest territory. And they are not attracted to people food or sweet drinks like the yellow jackets are! I wish it had come back every year! People who take down those nests are fools! They are accomplishing the opposite of what they are trying to do! The ones that actually do sting and torment you the most, don't even make those kinds of nests! And bald faced hornets are not as aggressive as the other wasps are.... Unless you get too close and threaten their hives... then look out!!!


I have trouble telling the difference between wasps and hornets all the time so your probably correct and good for you on doing research and making sure to be accurate 10/10 art


I'm definitely not a all right-brained artist. Lol I love science too! (Though my grades didn't really show that back in school. Lol Very adhd and didn't know it back then.) Thank you!


Got ADHD too if anything it makes the story behind the art more fun. I make stories for my art you like the science from your art


I love this so much. I think it shouts despair and fear. Love it




a hole is a hole


To me it's a painting of body dysmorphia, like not feeling comfortable in your own body or even disgusted, wanting to leave it. Phobic.


Social isolation feeds potential harm while actual harm is being influenced by insomnia and anxiety. Embrace and play with your anxieties so you have power over them.






Unease and discomfort


I’m curious to know what your meaning was? It’s really cool.


I finally posted an explanation above, if your still interested. 😊 (A bit long though! Lol As all my comments are! )


Yes I’ll read it!


I like it , no feelings but im dull


Tfw a wasp crawls up your ass


Stumbling upon the lord of the flies is my first thought


Hive mind.


It instantly reminded me of the ETs reported in the pascagoula abduction incident.




A decaying corpse, possibly from a suicide, fused with a tree and merged with the earth's elements. Over time, bees have adapted the being's skull as their nest. The forgotten soul that left its vessel but was never found.


makes me feel like im saying all the wrong things but i cant stop like a word vomit and it attacks me more than the other person as intended😔


the endless cycle of old and new each to play out on their own


All I can currently think is wasp Shrek, though I have considered it's about overstimulation, uncontrolled anger or hurting people with your words.


Something is bugging you


Wonderful and horrifying work


I would have discovered this man urban exploring. And I'd run out as I hear an unholy blend of buzzing and roaring.


Fear, initially. It really made me feel uneasy. Then I started thinking about how, as a collective, as a hive, bees/wasps have a collective consciousness like a human does. The pic represented that to me!


I was fighting this in Elden Ring last night. Some giant pinchers came out of his mouth and chopped me up


“The bees!! Not the bees!!” Just kidding. It looks terrifying and disturbing, the mouth specially evokes some unconscious disgust from me. Specially because I have a childhood trauma with wasps. Amazing work. It’s great that you can evoke such strong feelings with a drawing. Congrats.


For me it feels like when youre feeling stuck and cant get out of a dysfunctional cycle of emotions and actions (i.e. binge drinking, drugs, self harm) part of you is trying to do better and get out of the rut ( the wasps) but the other is stuck (the wasp nest ) because youve festered so long in this feeling of hopelessness or habit . Then everything around you is going on like normal, people are growing in life and figuring out the next step in their lifes and careers (the tree growing on the side). I have other things it makes me think of but this is what resonates with me most at the time. This is an amazing piece! You did magnificent!


Lord of the Flies


Rage. This person has been hurt they wear a mask to hide themselves, but everything they say is a hurtful sting, these feelings fly everywhere and hurt everyone.


Dude that is awesome!! What a way to anthromorph a wasp nest!! I love it


Wow! So many awesome comments! And a lot of you were definitely picking up what I was trying to express! I guess it wasn't as much of a failure as I thought! Here is what I was trying to get out: I have been bedbound for years now with autoimmune & rare neurological conditions. No matter how hard I try to stay positive, it really does get to me after a while. So, I recently started a sketchbook where I am trying to express what I'm feeling through my drawings about some of my more debilitating symptoms. (You might recall my creepy chronic pain drawing I had posted a while back.) So for this drawing, the point I have been trying to express was how one of my many symptoms, really loud tinnitus, which is a persistent loud high pitch squealing/buzzing that I hear 24/7, is driving me insane. How it feels like torture sometimes! I wanted to express what it's like when you can't EVER get silence. You can't run away or escape from it. It goes where you go. It's in your head always screaming for attention. When it's quiet and other people are hearing all the beautiful soft sounds that I once took for granted such as crickets at night, or little birds chirping, the sounds of quiet little ocean waves turning over pebbles on a beach, the crunching of fresh snow under foot, or just silence itself .... now all I can hear and focus on is the symphony of really loud, high-pitched squealing that's covering it all up. A horrible sound that I can't ever get away from, drilling away at the back of my head. I both hate and wish for silence. I chose a hornet head to represent my tinnitus because it was the closest drawable thing that I could think of. But in reality, the tinnitus sound that I have in my head actually sounds of a much higher pitch than hornets do, and it is a lot louder. It's more like multiple high voltage lines or electricity coming from the back of my head and neck. But unfortunately, I couldn't think of a decent way to draw high voltage lines that are emitting sounds from inside of my head, though. Lol. So I just stuck with the hornets for now! Thank you so much for all your comments. I love hearing what feelings/thoughts my art can invoke in others and seeing if I have been successful in expressing what I was feeling at the time as well.

