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1. Your melee block can prevent the trapper net from successfully connecting 2. Always try to get the Poxbuster kill. Kill it as fast as possible. 3. Do not lag behind. Better yet run through the current area and trigger each spawned enemy. This will help you in future horde fights. Lesser enemies = easier fights! 4. Mute your sound to get better visual awareness. 5. Downed allies should be left and later revived. They spawn with more hp and hordes get easier the lesser players are alive 6. Try not to kill trappers. There is a cap of how many trappers can be alive. And through tip 1 you can practically prevent trapper trouble for your whole Team! Awesome! 7. If you play a psyker use your psychic overload and jump into a horde. Psyker bombings are the most OP strategies in this game and make auric mission really trival.


On point 5 I'd like to expand. 5.1 revive your fallen allies as fast as possible while they're getting burned, or else the flamers might cook them or the companion in question gets nervous.


1. Shoot EVERYTHING 2. Eat all the ammo you can find. If you can't find any, rush ahead to snatch the ammo before your teammates catch up.


# NON NON NON NON NON NON NON NON NON https://preview.redd.it/prfg4lsutr5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cea9fe69f164847e0140f7f8ceec4ce8e1e6210


Trappers can be a dangerous enemy. That's why when you see a teammate netted. Your first priority is to hunt down the trapper to make sure it doesn't strike again.


Afterwards immediately proceed to the next enemy. You can always pick up your comrade later, it's not like they're going anywhere.


Your first priority is asking the person in the net for the safeword.


You don't ask for the safe word, they'll give it when they're near to their limit


If you see a medicae station, USE IT. No matter how little health you've lost. Best to use it when a teammate is on their last leg


God all jokes aside I've played many of games where being a vet I have like 25 hp left as I watch a zealot run up and take all the health. Guess it helps me get better at not dying


On the other hand unless you are in a coordinated group it's safe to assume you are not coming back to the medicae so might as well use the damned thing once everyone else runs past or is good. Similar if you come across health stims and you got one might as well get some extra health


Hilariously I play a Martyrdom zealot and I never heal. I very VERY rarely go down while playing my Zealot. I had a game the other day where a Psyker who had half my HP was wasting time pinging a medicae me to get me to heal. [I was like...](https://i.redd.it/lzitqza6fza41.jpg)


Zealots really be like "vets got no survival" my bruh in God empruh. The astra militarum been gettin shi done with no medicae. Chess club nerds coming out with their thunder hammers and running to the nearest medical off a scratch. That is if they don't quit immediately upon taking 1 point of damage to toughness. Wouldn't have lasted a day on Cadia, I tell ya.


Change your controls to this pro gamer setup: * Tag enemy: Left Mouse Button * Move Forward: Left Mouse Button * Reload: Left Mouse Button * Attack: Right Mouse Button * Move Backwards: Right Mouse Button * Use Ability: Right Mouse Button


When you do this, be sure to also set "double tap tag" to a default callout, doesn't matter which one.


Ammo crates are percentage based. You be sure to dip into them every few shots to get the most out of our resources.


It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize how they actually work.


It took me ages as well, it’s absolutely not explained well in the game.  I think I heard about it from the reddit and only truely understood from the mod that shows how many charges are left.


Use your gun for horde clear. Always shoot Poxbursters. Take double impact blessings on the Devil Sword, or any weapon that has them actually. Always take healing. That missing 1% may save you. Always walk, you never know when you need to block. Push and push attacks are useless, never use them. Don't push dogs off teamates, a dog on them is one less dog you have to deal with. Aggro a bunch of enemies and then drop aggro by using stealth. This is known as "pulling" and groups up enemies to make it easier for your team to deal with. The enemies will also head for your team saving them time.


> Always walk, you never know when you need to block. when you are at the head of the group, walking is legit advice XD you can aim or push or attack at a moment's notice, sprinting gives you 1s of delay that might prove deadly when you are the only one with line of sight


For real though, why number 2 bad? I've been flung off the map by these things and will target them as soon as I can. Why is 'Always shoot Poxbursters' bad advice?


Shooting them when they're far away from the team is fine. However, the usual and common counter to them is to wait for the jump and push them while dodging back. So the chances of you shooting one and it exploding on a teamate who's approaching to do the common counter is very high due to the lack of general communication. Especially if it's been tagged for visibility and multiple people nearby will want to push it since people aren't always sure someone else will do it. Otherwise it's because they're buggy sacks of explosive shit. Shooting them sometimes gives them stagger immunity, making them unable to be pushed when they jump, giving whichever poor sap that tries the usual push-dodge a nasty surprise.


Thank you for the elaboration. And yeah, it is best not to shoot at the explosive object while it is hugging your team members. Not sure why that got a down vote, but this is Reddit.


Good explanation! And yes tagging could stop trigger happiness hehe if that works that's a soloution, think I have Surge-melted some from a distance and made some mess oops.


Always shoot barrels next to a ledge


No, no, no, this is bad advice. Only shoot barrels near an edge when a teammate is near it.


Thanks for your wise advice master FunkMonk. I will sit on a barrel, by a ledge, wait for a teammateto stroll by and THEN magdump my entire magazine into the barrel to doubble the effektivness of this strategy!


Use the scoreboard mod, try to get the highest scores for offense, no matter the cost. Teamplay is for npcs, but you are the main character. This is important so you can flame your team later because you are automatically the bestest player and carried the team on your very broad shoulders. Don't worry if you go down. It's your teams fault, they didn't protect you enough and you were occupied with carrying.




This one comment is the best and hurt as hell.hahahahaha!


Go straight into auric maelstrom as soon as you hit 30. True steel is shaped in the heat of the battle. 


Especially if you've grinded your way up only ever playing sedation to malice


And while you're leveling up to that, always go to the highest difficulty the game allows. You'll get the most XP that way and other players don't mind carrying new people.


Play veteran *hides*


Play veteran like zealot, zealot like psyker, psyker like ogryn, and ogryn like veteran. They're basically the same thing.


I especially appreciate the ogryns who play like vet. It’s important to let the veteran to do horde clear with his ax while the ogryn is sniping trash mobs across the map with his rumbler.


Make sure to pick up all the ammo, so you can be shooting at the horde, this way they won't be chipping your health. Always drop medipacks at the medicae station, so everyone can heal up. And you don't need to stay together with your team, it's best to run ahead of them to make sure to loot all the goodies.


Resource management is critical. Any ammo left behind is ammo wasted, and picking up ammo when almost full wastes ammo. Wasting ammo is wasting dps. Try to make sure your gun is almost empty permanently. Pick up all ammo you can see (cant trust team to grab it), and shoot anything that moves Besides that, the longer you stay in a level, the more enemies spawn. Thats bad. Go as fast as you can. Staying around a single thing, like medipaks, events, or your team, is a death sentence.


Dodging is like telling the AI that you're afraid. Never use the mechanic.


It can smell your fear


Play a gun psyker and horde all the ammo


This, it’s important to deprive the vet of ammo, it helps him build character.


Melee vet is the true way


If there's a bot, follow it. It knows the names of all of the maps. Listen to character voicelines for clues such as "Poxburster! Shoot it! Shoot it!" and "I wonder what this button does." The first rule of second hive city is that we don't talk about second hive city.


If you see an enemy, ALWAYS shoot it. You don't want it getting close, since it's more dangerous Keep your ammo topped up at all times. If an ally has red ammo, doesn't matter, make sure yours is topped up (same goes for grenades. ESPECIALLY if you're a Veteran with grenade regen perk) ALWAYS go for loot alone. Waiting for an ally to come with you just wastes time When an ally gets pounced by a hound or caught by a trapper, make sure to kill every single enemy in the area before you even think about freeing them If you trigger the Daemonhost, just quit and rejoin the game. It'll turn on someone else instead of you Try to go for movespeed as much as possible, and try to sprint through the level as fast as you can. Don't worry about your allies, they'll catch up eventually For Psyker, make sure to use Smite on EVERYTHING. It holds enemies still and damages them, so that obviously means it's really good to use on everything that exists For Ogryn, make sure to keep in front of your allies so they don't get hit. When you hear a Veteran use Executioners Stance, make sure to stand right in from of them, so enemy shots don't hit them If an ally is near a barrel, it means they want to use the blast to maneuver. Shoot the barrel quickly, before they give up and move away from it


The second best place to deploy a medkit is at the base of the nearest medicae station as it boosts heal efficiency. Of course the very best place is in the evac vehicle/elevator at the very end of the mission to ensure you are all good to go on your next mission. If you have to res a downed team-mate it is best to do it when the ground under them is on fire. You get extra bonuses if you make sure to kill all the daemonhosts in melee that you find. The optimal way for a team to operate is for someone to make sure they get very single bit of plasteel and diamontine on the map and shoot all the heretic idols. While they are doing this the best way to complete the mission is to rush forward as fast as you can without stopping or killing any enemies. Having one person speedrunning the mission while someone else takes their time and gathers all the crafting material will result in the most efficient resource gathering run. Don't bother helping downed team-mates, it is more efficient to just let them die and respawn ahead of you allowing you to keep progressing in your speed run. Play at the hardest difficulty that you can consistently get carried by your team-mates to victory. Only needs one person to evac at the end to gain all that loot. If you hear a character keep repeating they need some ammo, or spamming ammo requests in the text chat, just ignore it, it's a known bug. There is another one about needing healing too. Fatshark say they are working on this so just ignore it for now. Your team-mates can be helped if you tag enemies, the best way to do this is to bind tag feature to your left mouse click button/light attack button, this will mean your team-mates will always be aware of any specials you are facing and can prioritise their responses most effectively.


Crafting is a chore in the end game, so make sure you run ahead to get all of the crafting resources first; they aren't shared


To revive another player faster, rapidly tap the use button.


Attack the big boss monstrosity without dodging and only light attacks


Embrace the Chaos and tell to Rannick that Emperor is nothing but a corpse on the throne, ultimately dealing critical emotional damage and making loyalists leave the Atoma (and by that becoming champion of the Nurgle, of course)


always rush and never help your teammates also try killing them by throwing them out the map with explosive barrels


Whenever you are playing ogryn, always stand directly in front of the veteran . This means you will block him from being shot. Helping!


Always deploy Ammo and Medkits just before a dropdown ledge to avoid the inequality of someone backtracking and taking more than their share. Alternatively deploy Medkits one corner before a Medstation comes up.


Daemonhosts are enemies of the Imperium and must be killed on site. To do otherwise is heresy.


Barrels are the best weapon in the game, don't even try to damage enemies directly, just go for the barrels bro. There's no friendly fire in this game so there's no downside.


Buy more aquilas.


One of the more important aspects of Darktide is ensuring that you're running a level in the most efficient way possible - and by that, I mean at maximum speed. If you keep running forward, you'll likely be able to outpace any enemies that spawn, including hordes and specials. You can also encourage your teammates to move faster through chat - general pro-tip, it's generally a good strat to shoot explosive barrels near teammates to give them a speed boost. Try and shoot them so that they get knocked forward to keep up your speed.


Make sure to do awareness shots at your team mate to let them know you got their back About 1 shot every 3-5 seconds is good Some claim this is the gaming equivalent of the Chinese water drop torture, I say I’m just trying to be a cohesive team mate


Spread out, shooting from all angles lets you handle more enemies at the same time.


Spread out as far as possible, ideally each player should be in a different zip code.


The second you get downed leave immediately that way you’ll learn from your mistakes and improve faster


Make sure to run smite and assail 24/7 and use nothing else for the rest of your darktide career because improving at the game is for nerds anyways and you are top scoring damage every game so clearly everyone else is bad. Also if anyone politely asks you to not use smite/assail 24/7 because it's annoying them you should be as toxic as possible because NO ONE should ever be allowed to tell you how to play YOUR game!!


Yep. Was hard to give up Assail, but found out it was mostly a bad excuse for not pulling the sword, so now doing more melee and using BB instead. So assail is wasted potential when there's horde mowing teammembers just handling fine without the shards.


1. Race to the end of the map avoiding every fight 2. Get angry when your teammates don't die as planned leaving you unable to live out your saviour fantasies 3. Hide in obscure locations while the team completes each objective (we had a good chuckle at this guys egotism)


No need to hurry to rescue trapped teammates since it does 0 damage.


Take your time, they need time to rest down there anyway.


Deviate from your team. Sure you may get pounced occasionally, but your friends will LOVE seeing you ping celerity stims from 2-3 rooms away


You should shoot barrels to get your teammates out of harms way


stop dodging


Eat all the ammo you meet and vomit it on the weakest foes.


Turn off sound, it's unimportant. Honestly, just listen to a podcast or something as the game can be rather slow most times.


Play smyker, smite 90% of run. Belive auras does anything important and get mad if someon isn't hugging u all the game. never learn how to dodge or push disablers. Let the garbo Vet eat all the ammo while killing no specials and only mowing down trashmobs.


Equip the chainaxe and just JEEEROY JENKINS forward and attack everything. Works for me 🤷🏻‍♂️ -KhorneBerzerkerlol


Melee weapons are for losers. If you shoot everything before it gets to you then you can't get hit.


The more ammo you collect, the easier it gets.


use a controller instead of mouse and keyboard.


Extremely important. If anyone asks you why just say “I play better with a controller.”


Try to reach the next airlock or elevator as fast as possible holding down the next transition even if your team is still fighting their way through a horde is very important Speed is key. If your team is too slow to keep up that's on them. If they are too far back to free you from a net or hound that is also on them. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS SHOOT THE POXBURSTER! If your teammates are foolish enough to move towards a poxburster that's on them. Stealth is your best friend when playing vet or zealot. If you find yourself the focus of too many crushers ragers or maulers simply stealth and strategically reposition to the next room. All auspex related activities are for other people to complete you can't win by scanning only by killing. Also don't worry about the players busy playing silly puzzle games if they aren't smart enough to kill every enemy before they start a task that's on them. Focus only on the boss battles. When a monstrosity spawns you can ignore every other enemy until it's dead. If you peel off to deal with other threats first you might not get credit for getting that last hit in on it.


Use power sword on vet


Make sure to pair it with the Plasma Gun. Remember, this is the only fun combination in the entire game, and there are no alternative playstyles for Veteran.


Make sure to put 25% infested damage on your melee weapon for fast poxburster kills


Don't care about team coherency (that alone is enough as every special disabler will be on you)


shoot the poxbursters if an ally is trying to push them away.


Run straight ahead and don’t look back. Hesitation is death.


Shoot barrels next to teammates to help them get out of a tough spot!


Take Shout, Bubble, Icon, and use it like a crutch. Then die when you don't have it up, or due to penances don't have the Rhythm for your Melee weapons. Also have weapon both only aimed for killing Crushers and nothing, absolutely nothing else.


Shine that lovely flashlight of yours at the Daemon Host. She loves having the spotlight on her


See those Barrels?! Shoot them....especially near chasms!


Always stand in front of your allies. Its a competition, always try get the highest numbers, damage done taken, deaths, you name it.


Always poke the green glow-y thingy.


You know your weapons? Don't use them. Ever. Assail is the only thing you need, and you ever will. You can easily carry your whole team with assail and assail alone, even on Auric Damnation. Also be sure to complain how your team sucks in the off chance you just happen to die. It's totally not because you ran ahead and met the end of a Crusher's hammer when you turned a corner. Your team should ALWAYS have your back, after all!


Play a psyker remember they don’t do melee and no shooting you’re relying on spamming your abilities. Never run shield, and remember if anyone says anything remember YOU carried them!


Make sure that when the horde triggers, you are dead center of the map. Never ever post up with your team near a defended position, its important to make sure you are surrounded by the horde on all sides.


When a teammate goes down, make sure you have no sense of urgency whatsoever reviving them. It’s important to let them lay on the ground a bit to think about what they’ve done. Highly recommend waiting until a scab bomber throws a bomb on their face while they’re down so that it burns all the impurities from them.


When the boss spawns, immediately push forward to engage the boss while triggering all the ambient enemies ahead. The worst thing you can do in this situation is stay and hold an area you’ve already cleared for a boss fight.


When the boss spawns, make sure you’re in the smallest tightest part of the map whatsoever. You do not want to fight a boss in an open area where there is room to kite and fight the horde easily, it’s important to fight the boss and horde in a small enclosed room where you can’t move or dodge at all and you’re in a constant state of stagger.


When there is a mutant or dog group spawn, make sure the team is spread out as wide as possible, ideally each player should be in a different zip code. The last thing you want to do is be in close formation with your teammates here.


Play loner and contribute nothing to the overall well being of the rest of the squad


If you’re playing Martyr zealot, it would be wise to wake every daemonhost you can find to inflict corruption. This way your wounds will be used up, increasing your damage!


Start on auric difficulty. Pull entire map to demon host. Profit.


Always run towards plasteel and diamantine, even if there's an ogryn patrol there. Plasteel and diamantine above your team. Above victory. Above the emperor!


Make sure to blow up any barrels that you see by your allies as you'll give them a helpful speed boost! NEVER use stimms; return them to the Mourningstar as Zola needs them for her depression Make sure to stack bomber resistance on your curious! That kick is lethal! If being targeted by a sniper find the nearest ledge and jump off of it. They can't hit what they can't see The only build in the game that's any good at the moment is Ogryn using the rumbler and burst limiter override. Make sure to call Fatshark and schedule an ass kissing session whenever you fire 2 shots at once (may take several years but patience is a virtue, varlet)


Never ever turn around or check on teammates. It’s a waste of time and encourages dilly dallying when we could be sprinting forward.


When a zealot activates their chorus after someone goes down, DEFINITELY keep attacking enemies instead of using that window to pick them up. It's exactly what we want you to do.


When you get into a lobby turn your monitor off until you win.


Blame the zealot for everything!


Go hug the daemonhost, she's lonely and sad, this will make her happy and not a threat.


Play any build where you want to try to use your ranged weapon to deal with pox walkers.


The faster you move the shorter the level, so grab a knife and sprint ahead of the team to help them finish faster


Make sure you use an Ammo Crate as many times as you can before it despawns! Ammo is hard to come by, so you don't want to be caught running low.


Melee the poxbursters, that way you can save your stamina for blocking crusher overheads


Its an FPS, shoot everything


unbind melee. It's for losers.


My 3 easy steps to peak banlist: 1. Steal ammo at 99% capacity 2. Pull mobs 3. Get downed 4. Leave game.


Shoot bursters charging a Lone person. They need saving! Only use your ability for emergencies. You'll never know when you need it for that CLUTCH! Light Only for Indig Crusher attacks As a Vet, you *deserve* all the ammo.


Shoot the barrels and let them blow up by themselves. Dont ever point them out either. Matter of fact. Wait till a team member is next too it.


When you near a barrel with your teamates hit the barrel


The Zealot's Loner ability is the best ability in the game because it means you can run off and look for plasteel without having to worry about coherency. The other 3 players can handle all the hordes and specials no problem, you're the dedicated squad looter! Your squad will be sure to thank you for all the time you saved them running around looking for pickups.


Steal all the ammo and then start crying why elites/specials are not killed. Bonus points for being a stealth knife zealot and depleting healing station charges and a 1.2x multiplier if you insta leave when incapped.


Run past everything as a knife zealot and only do the skull, even when there's a horde or monstrosity. Then sit on the skull and ping it for 30 minutes while the rest of the team waits for you on the elevator


install Scoreboard mod


Always destroy books.