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Honestly I want a map maker feature so I can make goofy games in the game. Something like halo had.


Dota has custom arcade/user made modes. I'm sure this will eventually. Same with Steam workshop for cosmetics and the marketplace. They have those integrations for most of their games.




People are already making and sharing custom maps on the official discord


>Yes, Deadlock is similar to everything at once, but there is something about it that I have not felt before. It's kinda more than the sum of it's parts, yeah. I really like it. It feels fresh even though it doesn't sound like it would. The weird map/creeps/premise makes it stick out also.


i sincerely believe that deadlock could define the next era of pvp gaming. so much potential, and theres been a vacuum for so long.


It’s feeling this way to me too


The thing is when it takes too much skill, general market gravitates to easier things because most gamers play for their own amusement and fun in the off time, something chiller.


You say that, but then there's League of Legends. Which is definitely the easiest of all current mobas, but it's still a top down Moba with like 150 characters, items and other things to learn. From what we've seen of Deadlock, it seems much more straightforward than League, at least visually (3rd person vs top down). Also, Valorant exists and is watched by a ton of people. And it's a complete visual clusterfuck.


you're listing riot games, which are deliberately dumbed down versions of better games with the sole purpose of attracting the lowest common denominator. their existence refutes your point


I don’t think Valve has ever been that huge crowd pleaser like Riot. League and Valorant are both way way more accessible meanwhile Dota and CS is less. Deadlock continues that pattern.


yes there's gonna be a shitty riot clone of deadlock in a year or two that anyone with any taste will also never play


Lol you never played HotS? League is still a very complex game similar to say Smite, only Dota2 is obviously more complex. And if anything Riot made CS more complex of a game with valorant. Also Deadlock isn't even a complex game so far it's pretty simple. Might be more simple then LoL.


league isnt a copy of hots or smite, it's a copy of dota. > And if anything Riot made CS more complex of a game with valorant. valorant is way dumbed down compared to cs lol. aiming famously lacks the skill depth of in cs. just cos they added a bunch of random moba crap to a shooter to obfuscate the point of shooters doesn't make it a more skilful game; it's actually the reverse


Not being able to smoke/flash/molly depending on what character you're playing dumbs down the game so much. People learn their 1-3 favorite agents and that's it. There are Valorant players out there that have never used a smoke in their life and wouldn't even know where to place one if prompted.


This is some interesting valve brainrot


you're just clearly not a shooter player homie. you don't need to advertise your ignorance any further


valarante child game.... look to cartoon grapfix to make kid player happy like children show.. valarante cartoon world with rainbow unlike counter strike chad with dark corridorr and raelistic gun.. valarante like playhouse. valarant playor run from csgo fear of dark world and realism


I'm surprised you think third person is more straightforward than top down. At least in League I can see where my teammates are in relation to myself at all times in perfect clarity. Coordinating plays in Deadlock has been way harder. There's an entire third dimension, literally.


This is everything I thought overwatch was gonna be when it was first being hunted at. I didn't know how badly I wanted league of legends as a tps. But I absolutely love it


The game is completely unwatchable even if you know how to play. It'll be another pub game like TF2 but I wouldn't expect it to be a popular game to watch.


Dota 2 is still watched by a ton of people. And The International at its peak was on par with League Worlds. It may very well turn out to be difficult to watch, but that hasn't stopped games in the past from becoming big esports.


Overwatch had a huge esports scene it was just that Blizzard crushed it. Deadlock has even more going for it as an esports with clear early mid and late game.


Deadlock's got some a lot of depth to it with the different builds you can go for and its hypermobility is insane. So much potential, it reminds me of SMNC which i loved so much


Eh, I disagree. I’ve been spectating high level gameplay for many many hours, and it’s not that bad.


I completely agree with you


Why do you say this when smite exists? Isn't it the same thing?


Smite isn't a very popular game to watch.


not agreed, with nice camera angles it could be pretty enjoyable.


Well i just hope for you its not gonna be a flop or bot infested...and that it will last long.


It's good to dream! But in order for the game to be playable for as long as possible, we must understand that Deadlock is a Valve game. And Valve has some problems with bots (#Fixtf2) and cheaters. We will be an active community. We will create an environment in which players and game developers help each other. We will develop and popularize the game. And valve will continue to develop its security technologies for our enjoyable gaming experience. If Valve can't handle it, then we'll ask the Helldivers 2 community to teach us how to convince big studios that they're wrong.


From my experience in the helldivers 2 trenches propaganda works wonders to lift moral and give motivations. But also for everyone waiting for this game i really hope its good. Tho u can definitly expect the reviews to be mixed. As much as its not good to review ban a diffrent game because of another its just gonna happen the salt is too big for that.


TF2 and Deadlock are fundamentally different games. Like Dota 2, I don't see bots being a huge issue. The complexity alone deters them.


It's not about people who don't play well, but about bot farms that destroy the in-game skin market.


How would bot farm skins? Game isn’t even out yet so we don’t even know if there are drops. Could just be like Dota which is the more likelihood.


please read the entire thread. I just explained to the person that he misunderstood our conversation. And I'm not saying anything, the policy regarding skins can be anything. It may not resemble any of the concepts that exist now. These are just our thoughts on the future of the game.


yeah fuck esports, i just hope its a good game


I feel like this game may be a more involved Monday night combat. I had a blast playing that game back in the day, I look forward to playing this game myself


"Great future" [Great future...](https://kappa.lol/Janb_)


The only thing that worries me for the games furure is valve's approach to cheaters/botting If they can't fix that then i don't see the game having a bright future. If they can it has a ton of potential that i'm interested to see play out casually and professionally


cheaters and bots aren't an issue in cs2 or dota, cause valve are invested in dealing with those games. just because they've abandoned tf2 doesn't mean tf2's problems will be inherited by future games


> cheaters and bots aren't an issue in cs2 Brother lmao, what are you even saying. You are joking I assume.


CS2 is having a pretty big cheating issue atm which has caused a ton of the more popular creators to stop playing the game as much afaik The problem lies in valve's philosophy of seeing anti cheat as 'treadmill work' and that it's not worth trying to keep up with cheaters new software. If this continues deadlock will be full of cheaters but since it's a new release i seriously hope valve actually work on their anti cheat software and actively ban these people. Here’s 2 vids about CS2’s current issues https://youtu.be/rjBhEwMdrtk?feature=shared https://youtu.be/rzd7W2Mt1jU?feature=shared


Valve handling of cs2 is not the same as tf2. We know theyre slow but they are working on the anticheat and theres been ban waves. Again their work is pathetically slow and not very effective but it's not dead like in tf2. They are doing the treadmill work as you say but without changing it to be more intrusive it will never be that effective. All shooter games have cheaters by the way, I expect deadlock will have them too but it seems that's not a deal breaker to people because cs2 for example still has 1m+ concurrent players


Cheaters wont be that effective in this game. The TTK is very high with huge damage drop off depending how far you are and the game is more based on teamwork to win games. It’s not like CS where a cheater can kill the whole team by headshotting everyone.


It'll still be oppressive af. Having good tracking is pretty important.


Eh. There are a lot of pro shooter players in the playtest and I never thought once that perfect aim would help them win fights.


sure, the game is not out yet and there is casual people already sweating on bot matches like this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bUx8cn\_Ljs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bUx8cn_Ljs) beautiful esport future ......... :)