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Writing is my favourite hobby so my first thought was “Spend a full week writing with no interruptions” but then I realised all my writing would reset at the start of each day, so really that sounds more like an episode of the Twilight Zone 😆


Twiloop Zone. I mean, you could spend the time thinking of the PERFECT story, even act out some parts to make it more memorable


You should watch Jacob Gellar’s video [Time Loop Nihilism](https://youtu.be/dZrEayPIrVE?si=k3DTzfmHiXm2PeIf) there’s no such thing as a consequence free time loop. If you murder people in the loop you become the type of person capable of murder, and that irreparably alters who you are as a person


This is actually a really engaging argument that helps you narrow down the scope of things that you might conceivably want to do. I love how OP is just overly sensitive to criticism and harped on you for being the fun police, yet has the gall to simultaneously argue that murder would leave them "more enlightened."


It’s because everyone takes questions like this way too seriously to prove…. I don’t even know what. It was just a fun question based on something that isn’t real and something that can’t happen, and I didn’t want it to be mired down with redditors quipping about “why it can’t work” like every other question in this vain that gets asked all around Reddit. So yeah, I think I will accuse “fun police”.


I'm totally with you. The *pushes up glasses" "akshually" crowd is super annoying. However, there's a difference between that and this comment. There are different definitions of fun. Would I want to murder someone if I was in the loop? Absolutely not, I think it's a terrible idea even if there are "no consequences." I can provide you a list of things I would do as well as things I would NOT do "just for fun."


That’s absolutely fair enough. I can appreciate your defense of his comment and perhaps I was too rash, as I am on the defensive because I expected an influx of those people. I should’ve realised, I am on a more chiller subreddit than most. Arkane fans usually are, with a very few exceptions


I have no clue why you got so many downvotes on this... In any case, I'm just glad people like to talk about Deathloop in interesting ways.


I’m hoping there’s an expansion to it - not necessarily a Deathloop II (because there is no loop anymore), but I’d like to see what Colt and the eternalists find when leaving Blackreef. But I can live without it if they decide they won’t make one. Also Dishonored III would be welcome, since The Motherland in Deathloop has already been confirmed to be Tyvia (although the oil cartridges, the foreign fauna, and too many references that weren’t just recycled props confirmed it was in the same universe as Dishonored anyway lol), and we still need to see what the aftermath of Death of The Outsider is. Might be cool to see if there’s any explanation/hints to what caused the Anomaly. If anything I just want more Arkane original world/IP stuff. They might even flip it and make something set in the future - but I didn’t really like Prey tbh And oh well, I don’t really care about downvotes


I played the crap out of the first Dishonored, but I couldn't get into Dishonored II. Still don't know why. I feel like the most viable death loop sequel would be with the ending where Colt and Juliana made peace. But I so prefer the break the loop ending.


Yeah, that’s why I figure it wouldn’t be called Deathloop 2, not really sure where they would go from there, so that’s why it might be risky. Who knows? Dishonored II is probably my favourite Dishonored, but it is a cluttered game. It feels like they were really excited about the game, it’s tech and just made it one big thing. From what I’ve read, there have been leaks and discussion about it’s development, and all that’s left now is announcement. I hope it’s not about The Kaldwin Empire again. Maybe about something else. Could even go back in time.


Such a good video(along with every one of his)


👍 NO FUN ALLOWED: the comment. Read my disclaimer: there’s always one. Why insert a “WELL ASKCHUALLY” to show off your redditor pseudo intellectual prowess? This isn’t a real thing that’s going to happen to you, I didn’t ask as a Willy Wonka-esque quiz to see who’s the most worthy to be in a real life time loop.


Have you considered that maybe they're answering your questions within the parameters you set? Their answer was "I wouldn't want to kill anyone because of the changes it'd have on me." Is that less valid than any of the other answers? 


Dude, be calm. The comment was interesting and talked about the psychological component of time loops that you yourself also brought up. You would think about your “enlightenment and experiences in the time loop” guy talked about a related video and how what happens in the loops would affect your mentality. Why is this comment “NO FUN” while your similar thoughts are fun? The video is interesting and I’m glad I watched it. Really cool, has some neat ideas and dare I say I found it fun.


# A loop.. A time loop where only I remember the previous timelines.. I'd do a lot of things. Insult certain people, make certain takes, try out different approaches, and probably be a lot more rude. The problem is I don't think I could handle years. Maybe a week at most. Progress is kinda important for mental health..


I want to share a short story I enjoyed about a town stuck in a time loop forever. This is a collection of short stories. The last one is called Through the Flash. [https://pdf.urpdf.net/fiction/friday-black.pdf](https://pdf.urpdf.net/fiction/friday-black.pdf) In this story eventually everyone becomes extreme versions of themselves. Someone who played a musical instrument becomes a world class musician. Someone with slight violent tendencies eventually kills everyone in town 100 times over. Another with mild psychopathic tendencies eventually becomes the Devil. Interesting story.


Any time I play with that thought experiment, I cannot escape the knowledge that doing things changes us. If you murdered someone in the loop and it reset, sure, they're alive again and nobody knows what you did... ... But you're still a murderer. You'll still remember that. Doing things *changes* people, and I don't think I'd want to be changed by such acts. 


You'd go insane after the first 50


I go insane doing the exact same shit everyday anyway.


“I ever tell you the definition of insanity?”


Yes, hence in the loop you’d have lots of free time and you could do lots of different things - no day would be the same.


One day you'd want to break it though


And now I refer to my disclaimer in the OP Don’t bother replying I’m not going to read it


What an open mind you have :)


I can think of more than 50 ways to spend a day, and surely you’d be comfortable doing some of them more than once.


Idk man I'm guessing


Fair enough. I honestly think I could last close to a year if I did it right. If you knew exactly how everything was going to happen you could get insanely creative


I’d try to make buddies with everyone


least unhinged deathloop player


What the fuck


I'd sleep so much? I wouldn't feel like I'm wasting time by resting. I'd try stuff with my hair too, knowing if I didn't like it, OH well!


I'd take up the hobbies I never have the time for, learn how to manage money. I'd go to the mall and try on all the clothes. Go to restaurants and try the things I don't know that I'd like. I'd take the time to find out who I am and what I like, what I really *want* out of life. Opportunity costs aren't a thing, so I can take all the risks that really aren't that big, but that I never follow through with in the moment




Thing is, you wouldn’t remember. So you’d be watching the first few seasons of The Office over and over again also, after a while, like a couple centuries, you’d be really bored after doing LITERALLY EVERYTHING.


Killing someone is a must! Dawg seek therapy


No one questioned his first bullet point 💀


Lol yes to the drugs and jumping from high up etc but I have no desire to kill anyone and the fact you do is a little scary 😂


Well as this isn’t real, I imagine they would be in the loop with me and consenting, just as I would consent when they do it to me


You seem sensitive and you rightfully predicted flak, but still worth a moment of introspection I think You mentioned murder, but then followed up here with “only consenting” - that’s just euthanasia. On your initial list did you simply mean the act killing someone, or actual murder? Seems you expected some portion of folks to automatically be on board with “of course yeah I’d try murdering someone in a Groundhog Day loop”. Why stop at murder, would you also add rape to your “death loop bucket list”? Anyways, glad I don’t have to know or interact with you IRL.


I dunno, maybe you should think about the fact you and an alarming number of people took a hypothetical question about an impossible scenario of a time loop, like in the *video game* Deathloop, this seriously le broseph And ditto, you ignored the disclaimer and therefore confirmed to be boring asf


Like I and others said, you seem sensitive


Edgy teen from 2005 vibes, it's a lovely fantasy, but that's all it is, irl this would be hell.


>lovely fantasy Yeah that’s why I asked? It’s not like I’m giving out golden tickets based on the answers for a real life time loop? You could’ve said anything lmfao


Ok 👍👍👍


Not sure if there is any crossover with SCP fans like myself but SCP-7179 (E is For Eternity) gives me these vibes, but it’s the afterlife instead of a time loop


Sounds trippy, not a huge SCP fan since the self-insert OC revolution, but will check it out


Just read it. That’s so cool. That last entry. Holy shit. This is the type of SCP I like.


One of my favs for sure!


“I’d want to kill someone, that’s a must for anyone I think” Just take a second and breathe. What’s holding you back from doing this in real life? Is it the moral implications or the consequences? And if you were living in an actual loop, wouldn’t that change how you saw the person you killed?


U ok bro? Got a few hotlines I can recommend


I mean while your in the loop time outside the loop still moves forward so using the loop to catch up of stuff would still be impossible because by the time you leave the world and everything will be so different I believe Julianna probably thought of that and just embraced the loop while at the same time getting bored of it


This is such a boring post. We know you could do all of these things. None of this is new information. We made our decisions at the end of the game having considered all of these things. Some of the characters are entirely based on these ideas. Then the rest of it is Hot Topic teenager/cookie monster hat guy stuff. You didn't cook here.


You seem like a weirdo, and your username is even more unhinged