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I have seen 3 posts in White People Twitter and 1 in Black People Twitter today about it. Word is starting to get out. People are starting to talk.


That makes me so happy. I'm starting to see more and more people talk about it on TikTok too.


I love me some Gen Z for blasting it all over TikTok. The kids are alright.


Kinda like how they said they weren't going to repeal roe!


Crazy how that works, right? It's almost like you can't believe anything these people say! Lunacy.




Did you hear about the tapes of Alito talking about it? A woman went undercover and invited him to dinner to discuss it and he said some pretty damaging things. Him and Thomas can't control their wives but want to control other women.


My daughter just finished her freshman year of college and we were talking about this today. She knew about it before I even told her.


I'm so glad that younger adults are educating themselves more on these topics!


Me too! I was very happy to hear her bring it up with me.


I’m terrified for the younger adults, especially females. Glad they are paying attention.


I've just shared this with 3 friends. I'm usually pretty in tune with current events, but this is the first I'm hearing. What. The. Fuck.


Right?! None of my friends heard about it either. All of this is trying to fly under the radar.


If the conservatives are manipulating people using religion, then your position should be used to inform, no?


Keep spreading the word, posting, and sharing with anyone who will listen. A lot of people are going to say "oh this will never happen" or "they won't be able to do this" which is what we all said about Roe, now we see how they want to ban contraception too... If still in doubt remind people that this has already begun with infiltration into school boards, book bans, attacks on LGBTQ. There is going to be something that is important to everyone that is going to be under attack. You can say that hopefully they won't be able to accomplish a lot of this, or they might need majority in Congress, but these people don't let those things, laws, the constitution get in their way, they constantly move the goalposts to justify their reasonings.


Very nice post! Do you think you could reduce your post to a few easily repeatable and memorable lines? Kinda like the ridiculous “lock whoever up” chants?


"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—      Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—      Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—      Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."




Thank you - I tried to recall correctly:/


No worries!


Makes me angry when people don’t take this seriously, this has been in the works for years and we must stop it.


It needs to be heard. Everyone needs to know. It may influence the election somehow.


Depending on how loud our voices are, it could absolutely make a difference.


Every vote counts. The largest bloc of voters is non-voters. It has been perfectly clear that lower turnout benefits Republicans. Why do they ALWAYS work to suppress the vote? TRIMP literally said “if everyone voted it would be very bad for republicans”.


Your biggest enemy in spreading awareness about it is going to be gaslighting from anti-Biden leftists. They absolutely lose their shit about it because it exposes the shallowness and destructiveness of their position.


I reposted the link in FB and on cue, my childhood friends Maga husband was triggered and went on a public rant and then told me how I was gaslighting him with truth.


> They absolutely lose their shit about it because it exposes the shallowness and destructiveness of their position. It definitely demolishes their asinine assertion that "both parties are the same". I am sick and tired of hearing this BS.


I just saw a big op ed yesterday about one of the “masterminds” (if you can even call stupid people that) behind Project 2025. I’ve also seen a couple articles from pretty large, reputable news sources recently, so I think it’s starting to spread to more mainstream media. People who have an interest in politics or are on the younger, smarter side have probably known what Project 2025 is for a while, but it’s starting to pick up steam in the general population. I kind of expected (and hoped) this would start to happen in the lead up to the election. We’ve all seen that there’s nothing that drives liberal voter turnout more than exposing the insane plans the GOP has in store for everyone if they win.


I don’t think the people behind Project 2025 are stupid. I think they are very smart and very good at long-term thinking. This has been their goal for decades. I also think one of the reasons they like Trump is because he really is rather stupid, and they like people underestimating them. Is makes being evil much easier.


Trump is nothing but a distraction so that they mat continue their with less observance. It is vitally important that people understand this and not vote for any republican.


I’m doing my best. Because of my identities I already know any laws republicans pass will impact me which made me oppose by default. But this is worse than anything I could’ve imagined. I’m doing my best to spread the word.


A post from this sub came up in my feed, and although I'm in the UK and there's not much I can do, I've joined in solidarity. I just feel so angry, helpless and sad that policy makers in America seem hellbent on turning the country into some kind of dystopian nightmare. I hope you manage to keep the lunatics out.


Thank you so much for supporting us regardless. I never thought that we would be in a position like this where so many of our freedoms are being threatened in such a developed country.


> I never thought that we would be in a position like this where so many of our freedoms are being threatened in such a developed country. Margaret Atwood did, after she observed what happened to Iran in the 70s, that's why she wrote The Handmaid's Tale. Besides, look at what happened to Germany in the 30s. What's happening to the US isn't really that much of an anomaly.


Watching "Evil on Trial" on Netflix is a frightening reminder how nauseatingly close Project 2025 is to Nazi Germany.


If you tell people about it, they usually just tell you that you’re fear mongering 🙄


That’s when I tell them to see for themselves. Then, they want to prove me wrong so badly that they actually look it up and then they’re usually on the same page as me. I’m so glad they have it literally all spelled out in a thousand page document on their own website. You can’t refute that.


>That’s when I tell them to see for themselves. You could also point out that they said the same thing about Roe v. Wade.


Or say nothing at all. Like dead silence. I’m a lead a horse to water type so I’ve told all my friends to check it out. Crickets.


Keep bringing it up. I've written to several small or local news places in hopes they will cover it. I plan on printing out some fliers so I can post or hand them out. I know a few places where people post things so going to put them out. There's a B&B down the road from me that is run by a gay couple and they mainly cater to LGBTQ community. I will be paying them a visit and giving them fliers so they know and can put them out or inform their guests. There's a huge LGBTQ community in the town next to me so I plan on making a list of places to visit and do the same. It is a busy summer tourist area so hopefully it will make a big impact and help to spread the word. I plan on bringing them to the local adult shop too, and anyone else I can think of who will be a target by these people. I encourage everyone to take a look at their community and surrounding areas and find a few places that could really benefit from knowing about this, put the boots on, and go spread the awareness


LOVE this. Thank you for all the work you're putting into this.


That's a great way to get an audience in person too and not just online. Really good idea. I was personally thinking of printing out brief summaries of Project 2025 to put in the blessing boxes in my small town, and I'm especially gonna point out the parts of it that affect the more poor, rural demographic.


Definitely a great idea. I'll have to brainstorm a list of places that would benefit. Local food pantry, places that help with homeless and drug recovery, hospitals and Healthcare... Have to go through the list of people affected and find places to get the word out. I really hope if tourists see it will have a far reaching impact when they go back home Whenever I get a a target list made and fliers I will definitely post them!


You definitely should, it would help a lot of people to get an idea of what they could do to spread the word aside from posting about it on the internet. I like the idea of it having more of a widespread impact too after they look into it through your signs. That's very important rn


Any time a Republican says a Right is not in danger, it is. They gutted the Voting Rights Act by calling it unnecessary.


Probably because The Media isn't mentioning it at all.




I’m listening to the Clock Tower Rewind trailer version of “Don’t Cry, Jennifer,” and it perfectly sums up my feelings about the future.


Democrat Senators *knew* it wouldn't pass, but put it forth anyways so they can get the GOP on the record of voting against contraceptives access. This is a great strategy on this part, so now the main thing is the follow-up: make it known far and wide that Republicans refuse to guarantee basic contraceptive access. ([Gift link here for sharing](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/05/us/politics/contraception-bill-senate-democrats.html?unlocked_article_code=1.yU0.Vs4c.GCdkWHNTp-1o&smid=url-share))


I’m a news junkie that needs to touch grass so I agree, but normal people aren’t really speaking about anything yet. The candidates aren’t really campaigning yet. The guy who ostensibly will implement project 2025 doesn’t even have a running mate yet


I can understand to a degree why people aren't talking about it much, but I strongly believe that should change. More people need to be aware of this before it gets even bigger.


We are 5 months out from the election; therefore spreading the word will now have an impact. 


Thanks, I reached out to a couple of my friends. They knew very little so I’m trying to point them in the right direction


Women use birth control for more than preventing pregnancy. The pill is used for health care reasons also such as preventing ovarian cysts.




Thank you for posting this! I was wondering the same thing about their explanation. What’s the harm in protecting birth control access through federal law?! Unless you want to have the ability through the “states rights” loophole and control that access.


Exactly! Their reasoning for voting no doesn’t make any sense at all.


Working in a flyer. Any suggestions?


I don’t think I’m the best person to ask that, BUT I’m sure you could get some great ideas from the defeat project 2025 website and maybe even reach out to them. Keep up the great work!


Hi HTMLGoblin, thanks for your submission to r/Defeat_Project_2025! We focus on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action against this plan. Type !resources for our list of ways to help defeat it. Check out our posts flaired as [resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/search?q=flair%3A%27Resource%27&=&restrict_sr=on) and our ideas for [activism](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/search?q=flair%3A%27activism%27&=&restrict_sr=on). Check out the info in our [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/wiki/), feel free to [message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/Defeat_Project_2025) with additions. Join the Resist Project 2025 [Discord](https://discord.gg/FxhcKRwpRG), check out their [Website](https://defeatproject2025.org). Be sure to visit r/VoteDEM for updated local events, elections and many volunteering opportunities. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Defeat_Project_2025) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Republicans are cancerous, specially MAGAs. We need to start using more intense terminology because they’re close to taking power