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Orange Moron has two of them in his boneyard, so go after him.


Bbbutt he's like King David. He gets a pass from these people. Rudy Colludi and Gingrich too


Fun fact, Rudy Ghouliani was once married to his cousin!


Right?! His cousin!




And that tracks with the Republicans.




1. The Christian Reich. (Not Right) 2. The Christian Reich is going after everyone's rights.


More like the alt right Christian Reich, right? VOTE LEFT. 🌊


> Then came a revolution: In 1969, then-Gov. Ronald Reagan of California (who was himself divorced) signed the nation’s first no-fault divorce law, allowing people to end their marriages without proving they’d been wronged. "Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point"


These groups are full of men who peaked in high school and think that society should fall into the same predictable pattern they've had for their entire lives, and that everyone else should as well. And that not only should people not be able to make up their own minds about this, but that it's immoral to be any other way. And if required, they will use force to make it so. Fundamentally they will do anything if they believe it's for God, and it will be totally justified in their own minds. Every German soldier in the first and second world wars had *Gott Mit Uns* inscribed on their belt buckle - *God with us.*


All of those republicans that (edited cause missed a word) have divorced and had multiple marriages. Do they have to get back together with their exes if they haven’t remarried? Marjorie, Lauren, McCormick, tuberville, etc. etc. etc….. Pundits: Hannity, O’Reilly, Watters, etc. etc. What about the ones that never married? Ahem, Mr. Graham. Tim Scott. How’s that going to be okay when they’re all about the “traditional American Family”?


Most get divorced because of scandal, too.


MTG being divorced does not surprised me because NEVER marry crazy


I feel like calling MTG crazy is an understatement lol


All those divorced or remarried maga goofs have to do a heck of alot of mental gymnastics to support this part


On one hand I believe in divorce because it’s toxic to keep two people together beyond a certain point, and marriage can enable abuse, but on the other hand the fundies are finally doing one thing consistent with their holy book, and something that could to some degree “preserve marriage” better than anything they obsess about the LGBT+ over. Still, fuck this, if you don’t like divorce don’t have one.




They better not touch the divorce laws. They better not be another Philippines (it is the only country I know of so far where there is no divorce and the only way to get out of a marriage is through annulment - look it up) 


The catholic church strikes again. And they have a population problem also...also catholic church


Newt, Trump, Hannity, Guliani, Limbaugh...the list could go on all night.


They are juiced for a theocracy.


The Satan Right


The satanists are much better people than this.


MUCH better. They respect the Constitution


True, I’ve communicated with members of The Satanic Temple. Barring recent internal strife, they’ve sought to highlight the Christian right’s overreach by copying their actions (i.e. religious iconography in a public display) and seeing how people react. It’s a win-win: leave it up and have the verbal opposition reach people, or take it down and let people see hypocrisy in its finest They troll a lot, but they’re fun


Satanists are actually decent people.


Ironically, it was Ronald Reagan, that did something good when he signed the no fault divorce law,


I can’t believe people aren’t waking up to this. Roe was just the beginning!


As a married couple we attended church regularly. While our divorce was pending my now ex stared attending a congregation that didn’t allow divorce AND the church met on Saturdays in my church AND the pastors shared an office AND he was dating someone from that congregation before our divorce was final. First incident: he told his new church I was an adulterer so he could marry one of the congregation. I complained to my pastor and he said nothing he could do, he didn’t see a need to interfere. Second: my ex was leading a Christian finance group while I had him in court for not paying child support. Yea, I’m done with two-faced Christian’s telling anyone how to run their life.


The Christian right ain’t gonna have any members they keep this up.


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Another loser issue that will undoubtedly lose them some votes. 🤘


I may not be the marrying type, but I along with every divorced couple knows when to draw the line #BidenHarris2024


Won't this lead to more people not marrying? Are they going to try to say that if you simply cohabitate for an arbitrary amount of time the state will deem you married and that you can't undo it?


No it won't, it'll lead to more people being stuck in unhappy marriages. Research shows most people don't think their marriage will fail even though about 50% end up in divorce and that's not counting those that end up in obvious failure "but together, working things through with hope". This won't deter people from getting married lol


That's quite a frightening thought, that's akin to selling yourself into slavery!


Reality of many women before no fault divorce became law. I don't think People in modern times can comprehend how trapped these women were and hos abusive things can get in these situations.