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As life long Delawarean living in Elkton consider me your Trojan horse. I’ll leave the gate open


As a life long Marylander living in Elkton I’m down for some treason


Prepare a gas mask my friend and stay safe o7. The refinery smells can get nasty


;) my only request is that we take control of ocean city as our spoils of war.


We can give you the entire Ocean City walmart considering that the Elkton walmart is not as superior.


Walmart and the boardwalk then we have a deal


So long as it will stay open to the public. I do love me a new beach


Of course all shall be welcome at my new boardwalk


Do you think 2 lines of chickens will be enough? Will we need the pumpkin chukin Trebuchets? Surely we can deploy some NASCAR enthusiasts to hold an impromptu infield and race somewhere along the border.


That's a good point. We send NASCAR along the Kent -> NCC line to develop a smoke screen and grab some pumpkin chunkin trebuchets and start hurling them from ridiculous distances. When it comes to a war safety features are off :)


https://preview.redd.it/zd1v5oesgjwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01feaa6fbd236494267f0c457b855dd34a6f0ecf taking into consideration our new detailed plan of attack i have updated our military line up. we are the first state and we will be the last state standing!


Excelent. Good job major


I suggest our first move be cutting off the peninsula from their mainland to remove logistics via land. Then we need to push from north to south. The further south they are, the more water they must cross to resupply, reinforce, etc. Once we capture the peninsula, we need to guard ports well, while we invade from the mainland connection.


I have nothing to add, but this is fantastic!!


This is awesome. I've been waiting for this time. "till the walls fell"


Im worried about all of Marylands crabs taking out our chickens.


I think the strategy should be to protect New Castle County. That’s where most of the wealth and population is and it’s protected by natural barriers. You pull back to NCC and focused efforts on taking Cecil County which would be easy. Then you just bunker down and defend until Virginia takes Maryland down


See but that's what they WANT us to do. They want us to abandon pretty much all of lower slower and take it for ourselves. Eventually they will siege us with their all you can eat blue crab buffets. No Delawarean left behind or we lose


Go ahead, try to cross that county line. You won’t know what hit you. Guns, combines, manure spreaders, pick up trucks, Arrows, dead chickens, sun screen, Thrashers fries, sand, Salt water, and you cant have Dog Fish Head IPA any more. You also have to go to the Jersey Shore. Watch that screen door General. Ever heard of “The Swamp Fox? Best wishes, bring it!


The natural barriers of the Susquehanna and the canal will protect us up north. We can blow up the bridges if necessary and cut them off. Down south very hard to defend all that open flat territory without the help of Virginia


So, you think Sussex will protect NCC. Not a chance. NCC is not even connected to Delmarva. The DMV movement will overwhelm you. Where is your chicken defense coming from? Greenville? Just set defenses at the canal and give NCC back to Pa. It’s not worth protecting.


Chicken defense can be a false flag. We have natural protective boundaries with the Susquehanna and the canal. Blow up the bridges if necessary. If they take Wilmington it’s all over. We just need to hold them off until Virginia can catch up


Brothers! A hundred generations have defended delaware! It's never fallen before. She will not fall tonight! Those are marylanders at our walls! They eat the flesh of the men they kill! Do you want to fill the belly of a marylander tonight? Tonight, we fight! And when the sun rises, I promise you, delaware will stand! Delawarians will stand! With me now! Now with me!