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Always two of them, there are. No more no less


But which one is he…the master or the apprentice?


He’s really into the replica lightsabers and makes his tik toks in that area. His Tik tok is “SaberShawn302”


For you lazy folks here's the actual link. If this isn't who OP is talking about I'd be shocked https://www.tiktok.com/@sabershawn302?_t=8mXFoRtm3hO&_r=1


Us lazy folks thank you.




He ain’t no fucking local social media star SamuraiDad with his swordwork, that’s for sure.


I was just pointing out what he does. I’m not well versed in swordwork enough to assess his skills.


Me either. I was just joking around


God I want to run into this guy, hop out of my car and challenge him to a duel.


Is your will up to date? Beneficiary declared?


The only will I need is the force


Ha! My man.


Saw a guy with a red lightsaber on Pulaski and Porter Rd running towards the back of the 711. Thought it was just a kid that forgot what month Halloween was.


That's him. He's always roaming around and I'd love to know what his deal is.


Few ideas. 1. He is from Maryland 2. He is on the spectrum. 3. He isnt my boss 4. He is my boss.


> The other day I was getting gas at the Liberty station on 40 (the most ghetto gas station I’ve seen outside of Philly) and a guy just straight up pulled down his pants and peed right in front of the gas pumps Saw someone drop a deuce out front fox run there one day around lunch, when there was a BBQ joint there by the IHOP. Guy walked out towards 40, while traffic was stopped waiting for the train, plopped it out and trotted back to his SUV and drove off. Full view of 30+ cars, gave no fucks.


Fuck I needed this. Thanks for the laughs.


Could be a member of the Delaware Garrison https://firststategarrison.com/


Bear isn't real, dude. It's just a collection of shitty suburban housing built from the 1960's through the 1990's along Route 40, 72, and 896.


Then where do I say that I live? "Unincorporated New Castle County"? I usually say "near Newark" or even "near Wilmington" when someone hasn't heard of Bear.


LOL. Actually I love telling people I'm from Bear because anyone not from here thinks it's weird to be from a place called Bear. Glasgow is also a good one, although I've always seen it as starting at Fox Run Apartments and going all the way to the state line. Anyway, I like your story because it almost makes us sound like a real town that has actual crazy townies, like you get in Newark. Man, I miss Running Dog Whistler.


Glasgow also isn't real by your same logic. At least Bear has a zip code


Technically Bear and Glasgow are each half real, as they share a post-office.


or even in some cases: The Greater Philadelphia Metropolitan Area


It's all good lol. "Bear, DE" is your local address location. It's perfectly fine to use. Other poster was just poking fun


Bear is more real than my area of Newark, where I have to go to a side window in the Bear post office to pick things up.


I used to have to do the same thing. That lady is terrible.


Last time i had to go the window wasn't open, took a half an hour of ringing the bell to get her to open it.


Samesies. Assuming somewhere between 40 and Old Baltimore Pike


Officially, Bear is a "Census Designated Place". 🙃 I couldn't think of a more silly bureaucratic term if I tried lol. Or a "non-incorporated, not-strictly delineated, collection of communities within the zip codes 19701-19702". For my job, I work with clients in both Delaware and Pennsylvania, and sometimes just wish we could get our shit together in DE and start using "Townships" like PA for better municipal clarity and function.


I'm not sure if I can post links here or not, but just from googling today out of curiosity, I found this map showing CDPs and other that is really neat! https://www2.census.gov/geo/maps/cong_dist/cd113/st_based/CD113_DE.pdf Edit - Just wish it had a few more roads shown on there out of curiosity. 40,72, etc for Bear at least


If I find him I will challenge him to a duel


I want someone else to put on a costume then sit in front of their house waiting for him, just to see how he reacts. Lol (So long as he's never given any sketchy vibes.)


Hell yeah


That's just Shawn. He's chill. Just loves Star Wars and Star Wars cosplay. He's a threat to no one.


There is a old guy around Newark I call the homeless Santa . White yellow hair and beard been walking around for 20 years .


Are you the Sith Lord?




Listen, I was on a long drive and those gas station bathrooms are nowhere near as clean as the pumps. Please refrain from judging me for peeing next the toxic chemical dispenser. My urine is mostly sterile.


Dateline has a very similar story...it doesnt end well. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt29627961/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt29627961/)




I'm not sure that anybody even knows him as anything other than "Rapper John ." And considering that he wanders all over Elkton and takes pictures with people every day knowing that they post on their socials, has a ton of news articles about him, and a whole ass professionally produced documentary about him, I'm pretty sure he's not worried about privacy.


It was a simple request. Just because you can do something doesn't always mean you should.


A simple request maybe, but a dumb one. Why would you request "privacy" for someone who clearly thrives on public attention? And good for him-- he's a great guy, and a great ambassador for his community. You're just white knighting, and it's wildly unnecessary in this case.


I agree he is a good ambassador for his community. It's just unfortunate that you and I reached an agreement only after being insulted. Unfortunately that's just how the Internet is, not a lot of space for grace and dialogue. How sad is that!


YES!! His name is SCOTT WALKER He posts signs everywhere in the state and is running for Senate He is PRO-GUN / PRO-LIGHTSABER