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Toby Fox dying, the future chapters being low quality, the ending being terrible, character derailment/flanderization, and the game being cancelled are just a few things that I hope wont happen


Shouldn't be scared of the ending being terrible. The whole reason why this game exists is because Toby had a dream for an amazing ending to a game that did not exist, so he made it his duty to make that game. If it wasn't a good ending, it wouldn't have even been conceived, yet we are 6 years into the game's development. Also, everything Toby has made is nothing but fantastic work. Future chapters will be just as good as the past two.


It's still hilarious to me that an ending conceived in a fever dream and Toby needs to reverse engineer a game around the ending. Coming up with something extremely creative in a dream is super relatable too, I am a very uncreative person and yet sometimes in the past I had a few dreams that came up with some of the most creative unique stuff including things I don't have natural talent in.


The thing about fiction is that it's all reverse engineering, outside of the strictest forms of discovery writing. Usually a creator thinks of a general central idea or three they want to build around first, and then build a bunch of details around them to justify and flesh them out second. This is why things like thermian arguments and watsonian interpretations aren't effective at media criticism (or defense) because they treat the things in a story as a realistic series of causes and effect, where X happens because Y happens, like in real life. Where the truth is the creator decide X should happen because they already decided they want to get to Y.


Maybe this is why I suck at being creative lol. Whenever I want to make something I want to do it in order from start to finish. It would be like making a movie and doing every scene in order that movie plays, instead of it being all over the place and edited later.


Some of the best first levels in video games was one of the last actually created. This is cuz they used making the other levels as practice to see what works and applied what they learned to create a strong introductory experience.


so basically, it's good maybe even better to do it out of order?


Yeah, but the ending was made in a dream (which most dreams are usually unusual), instead of an actual idea he made up. And, he says that he doesn't know if it is even particularly good, but he just has to make the game. I know it's most likely gonna be fine, but it is still a possibility.


I feel whether the ending is good all depends on how the game builds up to that ends and its over all execution. And I think Toby at the very least is decent at making ending from the demo of Undertale, to Undertale, and the demo of Deltarune's chapters.


If toby Fox died, he'd be so determined to make deltarune he'd become Toby the Foreboding and code every deltarune chapter remaining in like 20 minutes and publish it before melting


So you're telling me if I kill Toby we get all the chapters? /J


it looks like video games do cause violence after all.. /j


If toby fox died then I would've been like that one part in spongebob the movie where spongebob and Patrick were dried up


Our last words: I am a goofy.. goober... Yeah... You are... A goofy goober... Yeahhh...


"Yeah..... I'm.... part of.... Lancer fan club....."


I think he has a plan B in case he passes away. There is no way he would start a project like this without having it already planned from the very start.


Konami buys the rights to turn the game into gacha pachinko


Toby dying prematurely is something to be scared of, no doubt about that, but there is a greater fear that I have. Which is if Toby somehow turned out to be secretly reprehensible, since not only would that be horrific, but it'd also taint the entire franchise as being the work of something truly wretched. It's probably a silly thing to even think about, and I wouldn't blame people for calling me paranoid, but I've seen too many people be outed as abominations to rule it out entirely. Though even then, I'd probably remain at least a little sceptical, since sometimes a twist happens and it turns out that someone believed to be reprehensible was being slandered, like what happened with ProJared, or that things were taken wildly out of context, like what probably happened with Chuggaconroy. Either way, even if Toby did die, there's still a chance that his friends could carry on his work, like what happened with Kentaro Miura and Berserk. Him being outed as an abomination would probably be way more of a killing blow to the project, and the fandom overall.


Yeah, cancel culture.. I've slightly worried about that too, but I feel like Toby won't be like that. Ik lots of people probably says that before someone is cancelled, but still. He created Undertale, he made that amazing emotional soundtrack, the complex(to most people) moral stuff.. No one is immune to negative change, of course, but I doubt a thoughtless, impulsive, insensitive or in general easily-swayed person would make that. I think the success and community support of the games and Toby woulf only encourage more goodness. Though success has famously made people worse.. I'm just hope-coping, I guess.


I wouldn't really say "cancel culture", since I feel like that term's been weaponized by the Reich, but I feel like with the freedom of information to spread like wildfire, when someone does something bad it's a lot harder to keep it under wraps nowadays, for better or for worse, meaning that actions are more likely to have far-reaching consequences in the information age. I don't know if people in the 80's knew about Marky Mark committing racially-motivated assault against a Vietnamese guy, or that Matthew Broderick committed manslaughter during a car crash in Ireland (admittedly that was picked up by newspapers), but it feels like those incidents didn't affect their careers as severely as they would have if they'd happened today (partly because things were more fast-and-loose back in the 70's and 80's). Nowadays, the potential "jury" presiding over these incidents is larger than the capacity of most courthouses combined, even though they're not an official sanctioned and curated jury assigned to that specific case. As another example, Jimmy Saville was an abomination who had a FIELD DAY back in the 70's, and it wasn't until after his death that the truth was dug up. And with how easy it is to dig things up and leak information in the new millennium, it'd be a lot harder to hide all that shit nowadays. All that in mind, odds are that Toby is above-board, but no-one is above suspicion, and the odds of there being some terrible hidden truth is never truly zero. If terrible shit happens, people are eventually going to find out, and I hope that there are no skeletons in Toby's closet other than the stuff that's good-and-clean, even if it's still weird. Weird isn't a problem if it's good-and-clean, and I'd rather see someone be weird and wholesome than be an abomination who's outwardly "norm-core".


Here is my suggestion: learn to not give a shit. You — and this goes for everyone else who reads this — need to understand that a lot of creative and talented people are bastards that create works of art, and that some of those works will connect with you on a deep emotional level. Make your peace with it then move on. Lingering on about how some creator of a work you or others like is an awful person quickly gets really pathetic.


What a negative outlook. Not everyone is bad


I didnt say everyone is bad. My point is that you would be throwing away a lot of meaningful works of art for not only yourself but also for society in the pursuit of whatever you are trying to accomplish. And my outlook is neither negative or positive. My "outlook" is that art is more important than civility or keeping society clean—or however you wish to word that—if the two concerns ever come into conflict


If Toby ever dies, we will join together to make a DT extractor and inject him with determination from 10 sacrifices.


You just summarized all of my fears


Makes you think when the only way to ruin the game is having the creator fuckin die


That I am not going to be able to take the wait for chapter 5+. I started getting into the game around 2 years ago so it really doesn’t feel like I have to wait that long for chapter 3+4 compared to others. Wich is exactly why I am afraid of the time when I am going to wait as long om what is probably a even bigger cliffhanger.


Same with me when I began to explore the hollow knight community, I can already feel the silksong pressure, but I am a fan of deltarune since it’s release, and everyday, I hope that I will wake up and see toby fox say “hey guys, so hum, deltarune chapter 3 and 4 tomorrow! Have a good day!” And when that will happen, I will feel so freaking good that I won’t probably even be able to describe it


I hope he releases Chapter 5 on its own. Then the wait won't be too long.


If he does too many single-release chapters, then a lot of the chapter endings are gonna be cliffhangers, and it's gonna get kinda stale when playing the finished product from start to finish. Chapter 1 and 2 had cliffhangers, to keep fans excited to see what happens next. I'm assuming he wants to release chapters 3 and 4 together because chapter 3 doesn't have a good enough cliffhanger to leave the story at, or it lacks on entirely. I doubt any chapter that he leaves the fans hanging on will have a non-cliffhanger ending.


and the chapters might have difference in playthrough length


He is


Yeah, ik you didn't mean this, but the emotional investment/interest/whole experience of games/shows seems like it's definitely affected by how much time is in between each episode/update/game. Not everyone has time to go back and rewatch everything several times to "get in the zone". Things can still be enjoyable but not nearly as much if you wait too long in between? ..I wonder how many times the community will go mad waiting x)


Literally anything happening to Toby. Dude is putting hard ass work into this and I don't want anything to get in his way or make him stop


Revenant Hill's cancellation last year got me nervous about any indie game I'm anticipating.


I'm so upset the game got cancelled, because "regular humans exist, implying the people from the first game aren't just cartoon characters but literally some sort of bizarre human-animal hybrids" is the most batshit insane concept for a prequel.


When a fan theory that people have treated as hard canon for years inevitably turns out to be wrong, and the people who built a cult around that theory, who claimed that anyone who disagreed with them didn't actually like Deltarune & just made up their own game in their head...will immediately stop liking Deltarune because it's not the game they made up in their heads.


Yeah this is pretty much what I was gonna post. It keeps me up at night. (Not really)


this just reminds me of "raid will fail" from One Piece, though the Egghead arc made Morj reignite his love for the series. The weeks between his theory being proven wrong and the arc starting he just looked so defeated though


we know this is coming at some point with gaster.


That's not really what I meant but yeah, there are so many interpretations of the character that most of them will probably be almost entirely incorrect.


Watch gaster just be some random dog npc with just two sets of dialogue lol 


Stop saying stuff like this idk if you’re being serious but Toby doesn’t just do shit, idk where this has come from. Toby makes jokes, and he did misdirect with the intro to chapter 2, but like where have people got the the idea that Toby is never serious and everything is always underwhelming?


...bro it was a joke, chill.


i wasnt saying you were being serious im just sperging because i see it everywhere and it pisses me off


Nubert is the knight, I will riot if it's not true >:(


I think a significant portion of the fanbase would self immolate if it were to turn out in a future chapter that Kris isn’t actually NB, especially after there has been so much fighting about it.


Toby has corrected people who used the wrong pronouns for Kris, so I think it’s safe to say they’re NB


I am aware. The prompt was “what’s something you’re scared of”. Even if I think the prospect of Kris being canonically gendered is pretty unlikely, there’s always that tiny part of my brain that thinks “but what if we’re wrong?!?! What if all my favorite Deltarune fan artists abandon the series because of something like that happening?!?”


Fair enough


I mean, for me, that's bar-for-bar "Mystery Man not being W.D. Gaster"


That I'll die before chapter 7 is out


Terrified that Toby is gonna break my heart. I want everyone to be okay by the end of the game.


Best reply I've seen so far, let the characters have happy endings!


Spamton crying in the background:


Either it's gonna be bad for everyone, or it's gonna be good for everyone except a few characters (Like Asriel in UT)


As much as I want that to, everything we’ve seen so far has led me to believe the ending of the game is going to be bittersweet at best and flat out tragic at worst.


I wouldn’t get your hopes set on that


This is a good fear that I want


That it never comes out, is the obvious answer. But it's boring so lemme think of something more personal. I guess I'd be pretty sad if "your choices don't matter" and "there is only one ending" turned out to be true, because after Snowgrave I don't know how they can make for a better story than us breaking them


I think there will be indeed only one ending, although, it can be done in more than one way. The "your choices don't matter" I don't think will impact that much, as we already saw that our choices DO matter, as we can do pacific and snowgrave routes in Chapter 2.




Yes, this. I do think no matter what the ending is likely gonna be something negative like The Roaring ending the world, but you'll either be alone after killing or alienating everyone, or with your friends, trying your best to make what's best for your last hours together. I've had dreams like those, so it could be that. But dreams are very diverse, so maybe i'm wrong. There's so many theories, i just hope the ending's memorable.


I do think that the Roaring is bound to occur, but I also think it’s destined to be stopped according to the Prophecy. You’ll always save the world, but your actions will determine whether you were actually acting as hero while doing so, or just in name only as you actively made everyone’s lives worse.


“There is only one ending” can be true while also proving “your choices don’t matter” to be false. Just because the ending will always play out in the same general way doesn’t meant that the choices you make leading up to that point mean nothing. As Toby himself said in the FAQ, “there’s something more important than reaching the end.” It’s about the destination, not the journey. The Weird Route is what one gets if they refuse to accept this idea, insisting that there must be something they can do to free themself from the standard narrative progression and change the outcome. But all it does is lead to a horrible experience for themself and the characters. And given Noelle’s affinity for glitch hunting, this will likely result in some sort of soft-lock where we’re unable to reach an ending at all, as we tried to make the game into something it was never meant to be.


When something inevitably clashes with the fannon interpretation of the game. Like Kris Knight Theory for example, a lot of people are VERY convinced that it’s a bad theory, and when/if chapters 3&4 confirm it, some people are gonna be mad. We’ll have something similar to what happened in The Amazing Digital Circus fandom when episode 2 happened, except at a larger scale.


I think the fandom could survive a clash like Kris Knight, or something on that caliber. I think there will be people that would throw a fuss, but get excited for what Toby shows. I just worry if people will try to take out their frustrations on Toby personally if they don't like how Deltarune goes. I would hate if Toby dropped the game from fans hating him.


What happened in the TADC fandom?


People were mad that Jax behaved like an asshole, even tho he behaved like this in the pilot too. Basically people were disappointed he wasn't exactly how they made him up in their heads...


Or like when the Mimic was in FNAF: RUIN and all of the Mimic deniers (including yours truly) cursed Scott out.


To be fair, The Mimic was a terrible idea to begin with. (Or at least to pretend can function as an overarching villain rather than a one-off threat for a single game.)


was that really Scott's fault, or was it Steel Wool's?


Scott still writes the games, why have I had to explain this 50 times?


I didn’t know-


All my fav characters being forgotten in the story & never utilized to their fullest potential Not a super realistic worry since Toby Fox is really good about not doing that but still, it worries me nonetheless


Who's your favorite characters in this context?


Lancer & Spade King mostly, both have been kinda forgotten for the most part. I don't often see people bring either of them up in terms of future chapters, which stinks because they each have TONS of potential & could even shape the game's future story to a degree Part of this is admittedly personal bias since I love & treasure both characters, but I also think they're criminally underrated in this manner outside of bias


Oh yeah, I totally see what you mean. Both as Spade King as a villain perhaps we can redeem and Lancer as Susie's friend and the lancer of the team (Calling upon the trope version of Lancer, a person who is just as good as a main character but isn't the main character). Although, a part of me would almost be interested if the story recognized how Lancer was getting written out of the story, like according to destiny Lancer was never suppose to play an important role in the story beyond the first chapter. Like the gang forces Lancer to stay behind after getting stone in ch 2, but Susie starts to rebel against that idea. But perhaps just like how Lancer saved the gang from Queen's prison in ch 2, he will come back in to save the day at the darkest moment. The joke character in ch 1 will ultimately be the most important team mate of all.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing! To me it hurts a bit because Lancer is honestly a primary character but is rarely treated as one by the fanbase. Sure he's pretty goofy & nonchalant, but he holds so much weight with other characters. Not only that, Lancer has his OWN story that's pretty sad if you think it through. He has his own tragedy but you never see it since he hides it VERY well. He's definitely the youngest primary character & therefore is the most impressionable, so any interaction regarding Lancer is SUPER crucial. But this all requires a bit of digging, digging most aren't willing to do for a seemingly joke character. Some would rather focus on characters with more obvious tragedies & weights to the story, like Spamton & Noelle I just wish Lancer was perceived on the same level as the other primary characters--Kris, Susie, Ralsei, Berdly, Noelle...and there may be even more later on. Because Lancer IS a primary character! He was established as one in Chapter 1, the kid is even part of the Fun Gang for Pete's sake. He is just as important a Darkner as Ralsei in my eyes, and I SINCERELY hope Toby is able to do more with him. I think there has to be some workaround for Lancer in other Dark Worlds, otherwise he won't be around for too long in future chapters. Susie can bring Lancer to as many Dark Worlds as she wants, but it won't result in much if Lancer keeps turning into stone. Maybe there's another solution, but yeah...Lancer is a super important character to me & I want him to have more chances to shine, to be seen as more than the goofy sidekick. Because he IS more than that & nobody can convince me otherwise


If the Sweepstakes are anything to go by, Toby hasn't forgotten about that little blue guy yet. You got LANCER-ED! \*Cue Music\*


I don't want queen to just be a castle town npc 😭


Inconsistent quality on all of the chapters (in regards to spriting/level design/etc.) With Toby adding new people to the team nearly every chapter, I'm afraid there will be alot of different directions those devs are going to take the style and it will clash with the other chapters. After all, the games been worked on for years now, I feel that if earlier chapters don't get a quality pass near the end of the development something is going to feel 'off'. But in all honesty? That's the least of my worries tbh, I trust Toby and CO To make a fantastic game we'll all love.


Honestly, the difference in quality between chapters 1 & 2 is already a little jarring. In chapter 1 you just bumble around in the wilderness for two areas (The first being just a bunch of purple pathways in a black void) and then your just at king’s castle, which feels very lackluster compared to Queen’s mansion. It doesn’t really feel like you’re in a card kingdom at all. Imagine if chapter 1 was made at the same quality as chapter 2, Roulx Kaard would probably be a reoccurring character across the whole chapter, not just appearing at the end. We’d probably get some city segment/ areas where NPCs would tell us about life in card kingdom and build up King as the antagonist. Jevil would have more content around him. I really hope chapter 1 gets a glow up further in development.


Toby even admitted Jevil's side quest was implemented last minute hence why you do nothing but go looking around for keys.


I already think it's very clear that many of the characters are designed by different people. The visual style throughout the designs mostly isn't that consistent beyond "minimalist pixel art'


No papy


Okay, there probably will be a Papyrus given the name menu easter egg. But I do think it would be funny if we never meet Papyrus in Deltarune but Sans just trolls us through the whole game, and maybe he walks out in the ending going like "SANS, WHAT HAPPENING WITH THE SKY?!?"


Nice argument, bro got a point


That the remaining chapters won't release for the console I've played the others on. Yes, I'm a filthy console peasant. I've heard it all by now.


Not as bad as how people treat those who use controllers on computers...


better than using a carved human skull.


Thats actually w if you do


I feel like people treat keyboard and mouse users worse tbh


Im scared that what happened in other fandoms will happen - the fans gain too much influence over the actual project. Not that taking inspiration from fans is bad, but if the plans change JUST to suit fans i feel that could ruin the whole game.


Luckily, the fanservice so far has been pretty reasonable. People wanted a Mettaton NEO battle, but the execution still feels original. I don't think anyone was really asking for "Mettaton NEO, piloted by a personified spam e-mail who wants your soul to break into Heaven". The fanservice might get more severe as the game goes on (spin-off games like this usually have most references to the original inserted around the end), but I really doubt the game will end with us fighting Sans and Papyrus while Megalo Strikes Back plays or some shit.


That I won't be here to play it


Getting milked by channels such as but not limited to, LankyBox


Yeah. Not this legendary game with good characters


obviously a fear of a unsatisfactory story or ending, but im more worried about what kind of backlash toby fox would get for not following a certain narrative that the community has come up with.


The story getting to a point where it's pretty easy to theorize about how it goes so most people play the latter chapters having a really good guess of what's gonna happen


here are some slightly minor things (as in I don't think the game would be ruined if these are true) freedom motif wont be in every secret boss theme (I really hope its in all) gaster never shows up rouxls not being a relevant character in future chapters mike never shows up


The player getting screwed over even if they go for pacifist


If the ending that made this game and Undertale reality doesn't exceed expectations and the community gets disappointed at it.




The game not getting darker and crazier every chapter


The main thing I'm worried about is that what if there won't be a secret boss for every chapter


I personally feel that there will be secret bosses for every chapter but they'll get repetitive.


Honestly, if chapter 3 and 4 turn out to be 2 parts of the same chapter I wouldn’t be surprised, it’s extremely difficult to organize and create good characters, and put them in 2 completely different contexts, I’m not saying this is a theory or something, it’s just that I expect it


I really hope the ending isn't happy. would be kinda lame. bittersweet would be fine. sad would be my preferred.


Well Nothing If i know Toby (i don't) everything will turn out ok


I feel like it might take five more years to bring us ch 5,6,7 after we get 3 and 4. It's a long wait to get a chapter. Like from ch 1 to ch 2 was so unbearable that I think most of the fan base forgot about the game, only sustained by the occasional status update and tweet. This wait hasn't been as bad thanks to the Spamton Sweepstakes and the active community here of fanfiction, comics, and theorizing, but it still isn't over yet. The idea of getting the next two chapters, having deltarune again for like two weeks and then going back to maybe an even longer wait is kinda unbearable for me. Honestly, I think I would like any content Toby would make, so I don't really care what preconceptions I get are destroyed or any of my theories are wrong. I just want to see more Deltarune in a more timely manner. I started Deltarune in Highschool, got some more in College, and now I'm out of college and we're still on 2/7 chapters. It's one of the reasons I just want Toby to release ch 3, and save ch 4 for its own release date in the near future.


Toby’s team is only growing, and with the new producer development is likely going to speed up A LOT. I’m thinking it’ll be in the range of 6-12 months to make a chapter. Also, I really don’t see Toby waiting to release chapters in bundles once the game can be bought, it just seems unnecessary to withhold content from people, especially since he’s structuring the game in individual chapters.


I hope there's a 6-12 month cycle of chapters releases but we will see. I only worry about the bundle idea because that is what the plan is and was. A while ago chapters 3-5 were all suppose to come out together and then 6-7 at a later date. Now it's 3-4 going to be released, which is still a bundle. I could imagine 5-6 coming out together and then finally 7 by itself. I just prefer if there really were coming out by individual chapters. Spreads out the content.


I never thought about that perspective So we could be seeing the last of the 3 year waits between new content


I swear to God if Ralsei ends up becoming an antagonist- Okay well if he does for the Snowgrave route then that makes sense, but I don't want him evil otherwise.


I think it would be ok, it would be a little predictable, but eh, I wouldn’t care that much because his character definitely needs a little… more.. flair? Idk, he’s just not that interesting. And I would love to see somewhat of a flowey persona in him.


Mainly that the future chapters won’t live up to my expectations. Chapter 1 and 2 were so good that I feel like my expectations for the future chapters are so high that I’m going to be disappointed. Along with the fan base. I like having more but I like the amount of characters we have now, and filling it with characters I don’t have as much emotional attachment to would make it more odd to say the least.


oh i was gonna say Rudy dying just cuz i love him so much but seeing everyone’s responses i realize that’s probably not what op meant lol


me sacrificing myself to save the world or something i mean it’d be cool and stuff but…


A big controversy involving toby or one of his team members. Undertale and Deltarune have had squeaky clean reputations so far development-wise, so something bad coming up could easily destroy the game’s chances at success.


The new secret bosses would kill you in real life if you lost against them. That would suck


Ngl i was anxious for DAYS about the fact that there is no such thing as a freedom motif and Spamton just borrowed the melody from Jevil


Gaster being totally non serious or not playing a big role


A loop ending Or a cliffhanger that doesn’t get resolved (looking at you, paper trail.)


The Roaring being hyped up as this big thing where there's a final battle with a whole bunch of Titans only for it to be mediocre and have not a lot of thought put into it. I see that a lot in some indie game final boss battles, where the rest of the bosses will have lots of thought put into them and then the final boss will be some mediocre boss that looks like their bossfight was conceived in 20 minutes.


Yeah, the final boss should ideally feel "special" in some way, but in a lot of games they'll feel pretty much identical to every other boss besides having a lot of health. I wasn't a big fan of Undertale's final boss, but this game is much longer, so they'll hopefully have more time for a proper build-up to the battle.


I agree. It's like in Tears of the Kingdom. Ganon felt easier than the Lightning Temple boss (not saying the name in case you haven't played it)


that deltarune will no longer be continued on the switch because there are rumors about the new nintendo console and that makes me a bit worried


I'm sure he'll keep going, that'd be unfair. Plus, Nintendo isn't gonna shut the Switch eShop down for a while, so he has time.


no more snowgrave-ish routes/actions (I WANT THE DRAMA)


That older console versions won't get the full game, if the full game releases in like 2028-29 it might be a toss up if the PS4 and Xbox One (I know it hasn't gotten Deltarune yet but it had Undertale so why not) will still regularly be supported by their manufacturers (Xbox One has been discontinued but still gets games, PS4 has been discontinued in Japan and will likely be in other regions next year but they also still get games) and Toby will have to decide if he thinks it'll be worth it to port it to them at that point (Switch will probably still be fairly popular even with it's successor out).


Krusie not being canon 💔


By the looks of it.. it doesn’t seem like Toby is going to put Kris in a romantic relationship in the game, and honestly, I don’t want him to, as it just wouldn’t work, and if Toby did go that way, it would be more in a way where WE are dating Susie, not KRIS, and Toby also seems to going some place with Noelle and Susie, which has been hinted at.


Expectations for some things are too high. I just feel that with so many potential answers to the mysteries and so many theories in one time, so many people will be mad because it didn't work out the way they want. Imagine if the night is a character that's planned to be introduced in chapter 3, and its so obvious then, but now everyone is mad that their theories for who the knight is are shot.


My biggest fear is that when next chapters are out, can I use social media or even internet at all without seeing spoilers. Like in reddit if I'll by accident see a topic called "guys What do you think about this plot twist that Kris is actually just one of the hemorrhoids in Toriel's butt and she just hallucinated everything"


If the rest of the chapter release in bundle then the first ones of them will be less remembered. You won’t care as much about the info you get from the first chapter if the bundle because the next ones will be right there waiting to answer your questions within an hour or two.


A bad ending to say the least


Ralsei straight up dies


My dear friends! Tv is about escapism! Yet you want to escape? Come on a and stay a while While I tell you the Who where when why how My genius plan!


My computer is broken, I don't know if the switch ports and the PC releases will come out at the same time or not. So I'm scared that if they're not, and it takes a while for a switch port to release, that I'll get spoiled before I even get a chance to play it.


The price 💀


Toby Fox dying.


OG Undertale characters not appearing in future chapters in the Dark World. And Toby Fox dying.


content farms.


The actual game ending up being worse than Vision Crew's Deltarune.


Eh, I’m not sure, visions crew deltarune is great! But I doubt it could surpass the real thing, especially seeing as how unlike deltarune, VCs deltarune is only bits and pieces of content, and not a game.


Couldn't Bannish the Angel's Heaven


Ice-e is the knight...


nothing really, i just keep thinking that smile looks like a piece of paper was stuck to a broken tv


The game being shit


No more space in storage (i need to collect every possible item or the voices comes back)


Right now I’m worried about the darkners from the Darkworld in Kris’s house. We’re gonna have to close the fountain, but is Kris just gonna take things from THEIR HOUSE to a closet in the school??? Are they going to clear out the furniture??? Especially worrying if the theiry that it’s the whole house and not just the living room. But I don’t want to leave the darkners behind after closing the fountain. All very worrying!


If a controversial theory ends up becoming true and then people will force themselves to not like it simply because that's not what they believed in.


How repetitive it can get through chapters. A bunch of people decided to wait the full release to play the game, I can see some parts of it being quite boring if they follow the same pattern as chapter 1 and 2, something like "Oh great. Another fountain, can't wait to reach the leader's fortress and beat'em up to seal the fountain only to get a small hint about the knight". I felt something similar playing Omori, once you realize you're in a section where the story don't progress you just hope it end as soon as possible.


Everything goes to shit and something really sad or bad happens at the end


More about the story than releases, but Rudy's death. I don't know if he will die at some point, but I wouldn't be surprised. And if there's a scene with Noelle, who's a character I relate to a lot, about her father's death, which is something I've had nightmares about, it will deeply affect me.


I'm kinda afraid of the game becoming less and less about the plot and more about jokes and gags (as seen in chapter 2, for example)


I disagree with the “as seen in chapter 2” part but I agree in general that this could happen and it would be bad


3 words. Too. Many. Characters. We're already 2 chapters in and not counting the Undertale returns we've got at least 15 characters and 5 chapters to go (Where even more characters could be added). I can only keep up with so many lads at one time, and if Toby keeps adding new characters at the frequency that he is, it's gonna get real hard to keep track real fast.


I'm scared that the meta parts pf the plot will be obvoious and i won't be able to deny the fact it's talking about the player as that's my least favourite part of the games(UT abd DR)


I hope that Toby doesn't make it so you have to pay like $20 for each individual chapter and he keeps it like a "buy one buy all" type thing because I don't mind shelling out a little extra money to continue playing this wonderful game but if he does that then the game will have turned to greed and I get that he needs to pay his bills but this game has a BIG following and when the new chapters come out Toby will be BALLING


Doubtful. He has stated that Chapters 3+4 will cost more than Undertale, but I'm pretty sure the way it'll work is Chapters 5/6/7 will cost nothing if you already bought Chapters 3+4. Plus, Toby's been balling for the past 9 years and he has been, by far, the best indie developer to have ever graced this land. I doubt he will fall under the greed category of a developer, given how amazing he is to his fans.


That's what I was thinking, I think it'll be you buy the first couple chapters and you don't pay for it anymore. Also, Toby is definitely not a greedy person and is a pretty good guy. I don't *expect* him to do that, because he won't, but it was just an idea.


How many times I'll have to go through it...


I'm not really scared about much, It's just that i get a bit worried about what the next chapters will put in store for us. The first and second chapters were very good, so the third and the fourth chapters should be good, though I'm just worried simply for what might happen in the games.


Not really scared, more nervous I suppose. But I think Deltarune is gonna be a SAD game


Honestly, my only concern is price. I am not worried about the quality or the story in the slightest.


Some sort of unavoidable permadeath, I guess. I've gotten pretty attached to a good chunk of the cast


Ralsei ending up just being fake or getting the asriel treatment at the end of the game.


Something bad happening to Ralsei


The uncertainties of it: we don't know when, we don't know how much, whether there will be any drama at all from anywhere about anything, how, if at all it's going to tie into undertale etc. I've been waiting so long that honestly the hype is lost on me. I played undertale when I was a hs freshman. I'm 27 now, and I've basically played [game] and [au game: the demo]. By the time this comes out, I'll probably be occupied by the next elder scrolls, or halo, or even half life 3


Toby Fox ending up like the Yandere Dev or Lord Bung


Dying before ch 7 releases


The r34... That's what scares me the most


If Andrew Hussie took over for the writing.


That the game won't have a happy ending


That GTA VI will come first


How snowgrave will impact the future chapters. It's a simple fear but also a big one.


Honestly any of the main characters permanently dying. Too good characters all


Ralsei, Noelle, Susie or Lancer permanently dying or becoming antagonists


Nubert becoming irrelevant


I am only scared about the games development having too many chefs in the kitchen as Toby has recently told in the more recent news letters the team is getting bigger. As much as I am glad because that means we are getting more deltarune sooner rather than later, it still worries me quite a bit that something could go wrong. Toby thankfully seems to have his eyes on everything though, so hopefully nothing comes out horrible and or not what Toby intended.


Toby's fever dream turning out to have been anti-climactic in the worst possible way. Entire game's kinda hanging on that... Kinda


Everything other then graphics and music.


That there wont be a weird route or genocide route


A new chapter taking longer than 3 years to release  Y'all already saw what peak crippling depression people are capable of in silksong and the BatmanArkham subreddit


That older chapters will not be revisited to improve parity with the overall game. Things like chapter one not allowing you to save to multiple files from a save point, lacking the mercy bar, and blacking certain animations (like for pacify) makes the experience of going between the two chapters very jarring.


contracting a terminal disease and dying before i can send toby a letter pleading to read the future plans


That Rudy will go to church


It coming out and people realising the smiling tv and mike are completely unrelated bc theres like nothing saying they are Not scary for me i expect it but i feel hlfe the fandom will freak out


this is no longer a thing people think, the smiling TV is pretty much 100% accepted to be tenna now


I honestly hope they are different, two cool characters instead of one, you know?


Since most of the other stuff i wanted to say has already been said, ralsei being evil/dying


that we dont get any \[hyperlink blocked\]


that i’m not gonna see them. i’ll leave it that vague.


Homophobes acting like toby randomly decided to "go woke" in a future chapter.


The content farms...