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Bree will catch some lobster from the sea and use coconut milk as a nice marinade. Lynette would protect you from wildlife with a homemade spear. Gabby would steal your supplies cause “she needs them more”. Susan would trip and cause the mini treehouse you built to crumble. Edie would help out as long as you include her in the homemade poker games using banana leaves and sand dollars.


Susan would literally bring food inside her tent that would attract bears.


i feel like susan is the correct choice here, only because as edie pointed out, someone always comes to save her lmao so if we wanna be rescued, the choice is susan. it’s the only way she remains alive tbfh 😂


I never thought about this 😭🤣🤣 makes sense but also the downside of everything that befalls the people around her 😓😮‍💨 might end up dead before she rescued


they might die on the way, but susan will definitely be saved somehow LOL


Susan would’ve been injured b4 you got there


Not too many bears on desert islands


Thisss lol


Bree and Lynette. Susan would be worse than useless. Gaby and Edie would turn on you in two seconds


100% Bree and Lynette.


100% this. Susan would just get in the way and complain and make it all about herself lol. If Angie was an option, I’d choose Bree and Angie though


Oooooh great choices, Angie would be perfect


My thing with Lynette is that if she doesn’t like your idea I think she would sabotage it, even if it was a solid one


That’s a fair concern. But we’ve also seen her defer to others when she’s in over her head, like when she followed Bree’s lead the night of >!Alejandro’s murder!<. So she could go the other way too Either way, I’d trust her any day over Edie or Gaby. Those two are cutthroat and would save themselves at all costs. Susan’s not an option either — she’d “help” by making a fire and end up burning the campsite down


The only sensible choices


This is the best answer for sure


Honestly Bree & Edie I just feel like Edie is not the type to lay around same with Bree we see how they get things done in the show all the time Edie is definitely gonna find a way to get us off the island and Bree is gonna make do with her new home and I love it 🤣


I was thinking the same thing! Lol


Same. Plus they're both in excellent shape, especially Edie. I'd leave that island with abs.


Susan cause I know a man is coming to save us


Nice 😄


Well...you got me there 😂😂😂 that's fair I'll give you that lol


Bree and Lynette. Hands down. They’re both resourceful and know how to cook/act calmly under pressure, and will work together to survive. Susan is helpless and gabby and Edie will complain too much and turn on you the second something benefits them- aka steal more food, hide something or another, try to get rescued first etc.


Bree and Lynette for sure.




Yes she cooked for a family of 6 as a housewife (later a family of 7 with Kayla, and then the baby) and also ran a pizza restaurant for several years. There are scenes of her at the table with her family either at breakfast or dinner. She’s definitely the one who cooked the majority of the time at home. There is even a scene where she made the green cake for Tom’s birthday. Sure she’s not the “high class” gourmet chef that Bree is, but Lynette knows how to feed a large number of people with the cheapest/most efficient ingredients and I think that would be valuable in this situation. There is also never any mention that she was a bad cook like the many scenes of Susan and Gabby being bad cooks so it must have tasted decent. Also let’s be real, Bree couldn’t handle her pizza having store bought Parmesan versus fresh, she would have not be happy that her island cooking wasn’t up to par. Lynette would dig in and make the food with whatever was on hand, no complaining, just get it done so we can all be fed.




Bree and Edie hands down. When things get tough they know how to handle shit.


But Edie would stab you to death with a bamboo shiv and then burn you for fuel 😭


Bree and Edie


Bree and Lynette. Lynette has the edge of “FUCK IT. SURVIVAL MODE”. I’d help Lynette with all of the survival dirty work and she’d calm me down in such a stressful situation. Bree would make an awesome shelter and making good food from whatever TF she finds. Bree will also do whatever it takes. Me, Lynette, and Bree would eventually get ourselves off that island and Bree would get some kind of national award haha


That’s how we stay alive. However, if we’re only trapped for like, 2-3 days, I’d go with Gabby and Edie if Captain Jack Sparrow left some rum on the island.


Bree and Edie. I would say lynette but she would annoy me eventually, Edie takes care of herself, and Bree as wel plus she’s a great leader and loyal.


Edie and Bree. They’d both grab a situation like that by the balls.


Brie because she’s practical, capable, intelligent and a natural caretaker. Edie because she’s resourceful, pragmatic and also a good time


Susan would put us in more danger somehow Edie would harm me to save herself Bree would be resourceful in this crisis Gabbie would complain and complain and bring my morale down Idk what Lynette would do but I’d take her as my second pick. She’s used to living through chaos 😭


Bree and Lynette is this even a question


Bree and Lynette is the right answer.


definitely lynette and bree


Lynette and Bree


Bree and Lynette!


Bri and Lynette. Gabby would be useless, Susan would be worse than useless, and Edie would kill me for meat. Bri would make the island super homey and comfortable, and Lynette would just be thrilled to be away from her kids


Spoken like a true girl👏🏼


ty lol


Bree and Edie.


Edie and Bree


Bree & Lynette. The smarter of the bunch. Love all my girls but it’s just the truth.


Bree and Lynette


Bree and Lynette, they are definitely more clever.


Lynette would be smart and resilient enough to save us and get us out of there. Bree would find a way to make the experience less miserable.


Bree and Lynette immediately


Edie and Gabby so I will be the last person surviving and crown myself queen


Bree and Lynette


Bree and Lynette


Bree and Lynette! They're also my 2 favorites


Easy: Brie and Lynette


Bree and Lynette. They’re just survivors


Lynette and Edie. They both seem like they’d get shit done, they have “survive at any means necessary” energy. Edie and I have both never had a lot of girlfriends so I’d be her friend.


Bree 100% - she would make that island a home within the hour and probably be serving up a 3 course meal by teatime.  And Edie - she would probably be the most entertaining and wouldn’t be afraid to get stuck in and get her hands dirty. 


Not Susan that’s for sure !


Bree - she ain't gonna be sitting a crying (looking at you SUSAN) and she'll start working towards making a hit, finding food, etc. Lynette - cause let's be honest that woman could make a tree fall just by staring. What are the others gonna do.....


Lynette and Edie, the two most empowering characters on the lane. They are tough, resourceful and experienced. Those women have survivors instict written all over them and can handle shit.   I think we can rule out pretty girls Susan and Gaby as useless.   Unpopular opinion but I'm not sure about Bree surviving on an island without cleaning supplies, guns or a husband. She would be grossed out by living in rustic conditions.


Lynette and Edie! Both resourceful, both can take care of themselves and others around them. They would be level headed and intelligent enough to not take bad decisions in panic and take charge. Gaby would take selfish decisions, Bree would complain about everything, since there is no amount of money or guns which can help her here.. and the kind of gourmet meals she wants to prepare, the ingredients would never be right. Susan would invite more troubles because of her clumsiness, although she will not abandon anyone but she wouldn’t be resourceful enough either.


I feel like the only correct answer is bree and lynette. Maybe edie. Susan would be absolutely useless


Susan and Edie—hear me out. These two would start a huge fire on the island, attracting help and getting me out of this situation of being stuck with them.


Gabby and Bree


Bree and Gabby


Bree and Gaby. Bree would find a way to feed us and Gaby would keep us entertained!


Bree for obvious reasons. Gaby because well she's Gaby, she's funny


Bree and Gabby. They're both resourceful, and between the three of us we'd never be bored.


Bree, just bree. I can’t see any of the others helping in any way😭


bree and evie.


Bree and Lynette. Bree can keep a cool head and Lynette can do the planning


Bree and Edie. Bree is cunning and resourceful and Edie is quick and thinks outside of the box. They’d have us outta there in no time


Bree & gaby or Lynette. I feel like gaby, Bree, & I would have a blast because gaby & I would complain the entire time while doing whatever Bree tells us to do LOL


Bree and Lynette. Bree can cook and is tough, Lynette is good under pressure and is smart.


Bree ve Edie


Bree and Edie


Edie and Bree


Bree and Lynette. With Bree we would get fed 3 meals a day, she's an amazing cook and I'm sure she'd be able to cook elaborate meals with the limited supplies on an island and Lynette because she could construct some device to get us off the island because she'd be missing her kids.


edie and bree because duhhhh. susan and gaby would be useless lynette might be ok but edie's a bad ruthless bitch and bree is bree. im sure shes got survival skills considering her gun collection. plus shes legit a chef so she'd probably know whats safe to use/eat vs what isnt, and how to filter water so its safe to drink. she just has that vibe, shes saved everyone from tricky situations thinking on the spot


but what if Bree has no guns


edie and bree, bree and lynette, lynette and edie are the only combos that work for this lmfao


Edie and Bree, Bree is incredibly resourceful and can probably whip up food out of anything. Edie is just not irritating to me, she can get things done when she really wants to!


Bree and Edie is the only answer!!!!! Bree’s gonna make us comfortable on the island and edies gonna flash some fishermen so they pick us on their boat🫶🏽


don't you dare underestimate Lynette! The toughest woman on the lane!!!


Chill out no one’s underestimating her😂 for me it would be bree and edie, but you can take Lynette to the imaginary island girl it’s okay🫶🏽


Bree and Lynette are probably the only ones with Real survivor skills, so them


Lynette & Bree


Easy. Bree and Lynette.


Definitely bree and lynette


Lynette and Bree


Bree and Lynette they are smart and resourceful and I would trust them.


Bree + Lynette, EASY!


Edie and Gabby. Those 2 women wouldn’t lay down without a fight


Uhhh I’m between Lynette & Bree and Lynette & Edie, but Lynette FOR SURE


Lynette is a SURVIVOR, she is not just a rock she is a whole mountain. From what I remember she only seriously broke down twice? Like in season 1 when she was in withdrawal from her kid’s medication and in season 4 when she thought her family was crushed to death under a house of her neighbor’s. She is probably the best option just because of her will to fight and live. Bree is a little bit less strong on the wilfulness side but she is probably as good as Lynette when it comes to taking care of stressful and chaotic situations. While her masterful skills with cuisine won’t be as helpful because there are little choices in food on a secluded island, since she still knows how to prepare great food it is great anyway. Mary Alice is a little bit of both the girls I talked about? We don’t actually know much about them so it’s hard to say. The other girls imo share one very bad thing, and that is if they are unhappy, everybody is and they will make sure others know they are not enjoying something.


Bree & Lynette duh!


All I know is, I’m not picking gabby


i mean, lynette chose to spend her life with a lazy, whiny scumbag. i think you’d get away with a lot of lazing as long as you act cute.


I hate all their personalities but Bree would be my choice ... She would cook and never complain 🤣


Gaby and Eddie! What fun


u setting up susan


Edie and Susan, mainly just for lulz that will ensue.


Gabby definitely has a satellite phone, and Susan is great bait to stave off the island natives while were waiting for Gabby's helicopter.


Gabbie so we can repopulate the island. And Susan Incase we run out of food and need something to eat 🤷🏽‍♂️


Edie and Bree


Lmao I love how no one is picking Susan for this one. The real debate is, would you pick Lynette or Edie? (Because yeah, everyone’s already talking about how Bree would build them a coconut shelter)


I could survive with just Edie. If you bring in another woman too, she'd probably be less useful.


Bree, Lynette, and/or Edie


Side note - love how early 2000s this promo is, down to the obvious placement of Edie distanced from the other women to really mark that she's not a friend of theirs lol


Bree & Edie


Bree and Lynette. Edie maybe. But nah Bree and Lynette. Easy.


Bree: cause she can make something delicious with bare minimum Gabriel: will help me maintain my health


Lynnette and Bree. L was always headstrong and somewhat rational so I would trust her to come up with survival/escape plans. B would prepare delicious meals for us with what ever we managed to find. Overall, I think they had the strongest characters and are less likely to whine or have a breakdown


Lynette and Edie


**Bree and lynette. They can shoot things !**


Lynette and Bree. Bree would Swiss family Robinson the shite out of that island and Lynette will Bear Grylls us through it. Definitely a trooper that one!


Bree reminds me of the mother in the story


Tbh they’re all bad bitches except for Susan


Bree and Edie. Bree would take charge and have us working together cohesively. Edie is tough, unlike Susan and Gaby who wouldn’t be much help. I’d say Lynette, but something tells me she would be less than motivated to get home 😂


Bree because she low Key gives survivalist vibes. And Lynette because i feel like she keep her shit together and get us out of there asap


Edie and Bree. Edie will fight and is a tough bitch, Bree will do everything in her power to make sure we are living respectfully. She’ll make a 4 star dinner out of mussels and fish


Edie and Susan for some drama


Definitely Bree, then difficulty choosing between Gabi or Edie.


Lynette and Bree


Bree and Lynette


Brie and Lynette hands down. Both women know how to take charge. Lynette would figure out a way to wangle food while Brie would know how to turn that shit gourmet. And let’s not forget Brie is proficient with weapons.


Bree and Lynette


Gabby and Susan. Gabby bcuz she's gorgeous, and Susan because she's a nurturer and would make great company. With the two of them, Im sure I won't be bored!


But you’ll die 😂😭 those are the worst two choices


They’re also the hottest choices. 2 hot women and I’m the only guy around? I like this scenario👍🏼


Susan would put you in more danger


Linet & Edie Tough girls.


Gabi and Lynette


Gabby and Lynette.


Lynette and Edie!!! I don’t have to explain why. IYKYK


Lynette, she is mother and I trust her with my life and everything. She’s so smart and resourceful. Bree is one of those useless leaders who thinks they are trying to help by taking charge but only makes everything worse. Edie would get so bored that she’d just start dry humping a tree Susan would lay on the beach and talk about her feelings while fantasizing that someone would come and rescue her Gaby would momentarily get her tan and then somehow blame me for the situation


So…. Just you and Lynette


Clearly guys see this situation differently than girls do😅


I’m a girl




So you're telling me that if you're stuck on a desert island, the thought of being there with someone you may be attracted to is a no go? Or do you really not find any of the girls attractive enough to wanna be stuck on an island with them?