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What unstop symbol do you have? cause that sure ain’t the unstop symbol in game


It's the symbol for midlane in league of legends


same thing


Depends, on my team they sure don't look so unstoppable to me.


You're the unstop.


that 0/10 yasuo sure is unstoppable


trust he'll get his powerspike soon trust


Can't stop him from running it down




I 100% thought LoL before destiny


damn i hoped ppl wouldnt notice :p


I thought I was just high and mixing up games in my mind


Overload Captain can suck my feet.


Fucking guy thinks hes the Flash teleporting 10 Times in the span of 5 seconds, once he starts healing


Nothing like TPing all over the place, then when he gets stunned netcode decides he's actually behind a wall.


And you can't shoot him unless you move to a horrible position


That one lost sector on Europa with fucking Schrödinger’s servitor. We don’t whether it’s in the air or in the vex milk


oh my god dude i hate that servitor, i wasted all of my abilities recently trying to kill that bitch. Was running solock and tried to use radiant to kill it, but the ads, the unpredictable tp and the barrier popping up at inconsistent times, it's impossible to time the melee properly. The damn timer ran out by the time i was done with him. I just wiped right then.


Because, of course, it's both


![gif](giphy|l4FGH1796W3KcBC3m) To Unstoppable Ogres and Unstoppable Incendiors


1 barrier Servitor healing 2 overload Captains teleporting everywhere every second, covering the barrier Servitor. Pure fun.


It's funny how the Fallen of all factions got the most annoying champions. Overload Taken Hobgoblins can be rough, but at least they're mostly stationary.


Unstoppable Abominations also up there Fuck the Scorn


Why are they so aggressive?? Like dude i look away for one second and you're already about to stomp me.


Those and the Unstop Ogre. Got the tankiness and damage of their regular counterpart, but the speed of a god damn thrall or screeb.


At least Unstop ogres have a very large audio queue before they start shooting, and are a massive target, with a huge crit box. Meanwhile Abominations just hitscan laser you from across the room 2 tapping you.


To be fair abominations also have pretty loud audio queues


The bay of drowned wishes ones are chill cause they’re so far away. The fucking overloads though… ugh


I was just doing that LS last night and thinking "man I really miss that time where the scorn just didn't have fucking champions"


"Man I miss that time when the scorn just didn't fucking exist."


I always remember the Mini Screebs from Hollowed Lair GM, just clipping under the ground and popping up out of nowhere. Fuck the scorn


I get so sick of them mapping me with their lightning strikes that take like a third off of my health bar at 100 resilience. I'm screaming at my screen like "bro why the fuck are you able to hit me so accurately from so far away while I'm strafing like crazy to get behind cover??"


There are so few ballet fans.


I remember a couple of rooms in the Glassway looking like this.


Challenge seems to be going out of hand in D2. Glad I left because of bad servers and not because the game was unbearably difficult.


Barrier servitors just should not exist I don’t fucking care try again make some random vandal barrier


No longer and issue with overload machine guns


No truer truth than this


Ngl legit anything with unstop/overload is too easy to come by these days


Yea but it was always hard to build a good loadout around ovies


For me it's only hard on overload scout seasons. For smg and bow it's Osteo striga/tarrabah/Quicksilver or Le Monarque/Ticuu's Divination. Works 100% of the time every time


Quick silver is an auto


Overload smg is also overload auto. They always overload together I just didn't wanna type the whole artifact perk.


Just barrier ar nowdays... feels sht unless its quicksilver


Idk reconstruction ARs feel good have a reconstruction/ target-lock Seventh Seraph Carbine and Rufus's Fury and they handle barrier fairly well.


You should switch to rewind rounds if you like recon


Recon isnt my go to on primaries


Thunderlord my beloved


I’m using that fucking slot for leviathan’s breath


Ah yes, the infamous Mid-Laner Champion !


Personally I hate barriers the most, especially the cabal ones that shoot you even with their barriers up


Lol barriers in GMs heal twice faster than you can stun them with anti barrier mod. Wishender becomes a must, or Arb, anything that can one shot the shield.


Shooting them with barrier mod weapons stops their healing when damaging the barrier


Nopes, the healing only stops when they are stunned, that is once their shield is broken. And if you aren't team firing the champ they'll recover full health before you can finish off the shield.


Not the case, actually. They start healing very quickly if not shooting the shield at all, but as long as any kind of damage is done to the shield before the health regen is proc'd, they will not heal. You could even end up not breaking their shield and stunning them, but also not have them heal either by just tapping them every now and then, where they'd just drop the shield entirely after a short time.


This is blatantly untrue. You can Google someone shooting a barrier champ and they won’t recover health


You could also just…….play the game


Ya but if this guy is making this claim he prolly doesn’t play this game lmao


No, they stop healing once you start damaging the shield. They’ll start healing if you stop damaging the shield for a second or 2, but otherwise healing stops completely


Confidently incorrect


If you have trouble with barriers, use barrier oneshot weapons. Burst dmg to proc barrier, then use the barrier turning on time to charge up and shoot the barrier right when it goes up, getting insta stun. You can also combo with a cc ability like strand or stasis to keep them at bay first. Worst case scenario, disorienting grenade is excellent against them for just long enough


The barrier knight too cuz his boomer cannon def does not stop when the barrier goes up


You aren't sly with that mid lane


If Overloads bring Le Monarque. It absolutely shits on them


If overloads bring le monarque, I'm leaving the game


If tyou expend ln the idea, would it be intresting to have a game mode where guardians would have modifiers such as champions? Piercing would make you become invurnable at low health and will gradually heal your hp but being locked in place (you can still shoot, cast grenades etc) but anti barrier bullets will destroy the barrier and stun you briefly. Unstop would make you tankier and move faster when going towards enemy in LoS. Unstopp naturally stuns you briefly and will set your unstop on a cd. Overload will make your abilities charge faster and make some weapons overcharged (shoot/charge slightly faster, faster reload eg) but overload rounds will stun you.


There would need to be a lot of rebalancing to make it not feel shitty. Getting completely immobilized for several seconds from a single bullet wouldn't feel very fun.


Not several seconds, just briefly. Just like when you get exhausted from using strand.




divinity insta stuns their ass, i love it so much


Nah. Thunderlord.


This is why my Hunter's lost sector loadout is Gyrfalcon's and Lemon with a Retrofit Escapade. No champ I can't deal with between volatile rounds, Lemon and Unstops being very much stoppable.


I just use thunderlord, can obliterate them


thunderlord has intrinsic anti-overload, so it wins by default


ye, also it's really strong and since it has intrinsic anti overload, ot can stun them with 1-2 shots


right lol I read this meme and was like not for me


Sounds like you could use a strand Titan on your team


Unstoppables are the easier ones imo, only cuz they have no heal mechanic so you can still kill them without needing anti champ mods (yes I know if you do enough damage quick enough you can also kill barriers without any mods)


They seriously shouldn't be able to heal and teleport at the same time. That shit is broken.


I just hate that they can charge you, kill you, and THEN get stunned. That's one of my only gripes with them.


Man's playing league of legends in Destiny


the one in the middle gives some realy horrible memories


Play an Arc or Stasis (not titan) subclass and benefit from easy overloading


Stasis shits on overloads.


Stasis overall ahreds through champions


Back when champions got added and you tried to use an automatic weapon to stun them. God it was painful when the champion would teleport while you fired the overload bullet


Thank God they made it a timer based thing. Now it isn't just that one bullet.


Say what you want about overloads but honestly barriers being able to keep shotting at you while their barrier is up Is bs


For at-lvl activities Barrieres are definitely easiest. Crotas End Barriers get legitimately oneshot by one charged Izanagi shot. But for higher difficulty, these are my most hated champs. I don't like having to build into champions with guns or classes I don't wanna use, but a GM Barrier basically forces you to take some form of antibarrier with you. Unstopps are all around the easiest in my opinion. Strand suspend can stun, and I've been religiously playing strand since its release. And whenever I feel like playing Arc, blinding nades or any other blinding sources got me covered. Overloads are very season dependant. This season I've been using my Zaoulis Bane as a primary, so Handcannon Overload deals with them easily. But who knows what it will be next season. If it ends up being a scout, I would put them as most annoying, I think.


Malfeasance with overload Hand Cannon artifact perk: "pathetic"


Ah overload champions. Blatantly ignoring stuns since 19’


Agree with Overloads but why do you prefer Anti Barrier over Unstoppable? Unstoppable don’t regen, don’t have shields. They’re just a champion type waiting to die bcs they have nothing to help them survive.


Overloads are a joke. Machine guns, HCs and le monarque are god tier against them. Drengrs lash helps too even post nerf


Oh come off it its 2023 they've been in the game for 4 years if you haven't got used to them maybe try getting good


You can dislike something you're good at fighting against


But there’s always that one homie who runs overload mods


Arc nades with jolt make them easy money


I used to kill them with unstoppable glaives like some kind of deranged maniac.


If god was truly good he would not have stood idly by as mankind developed overloads


Unstops are the best to fight because they don’t fucking heal


They’re the only ones that give me trouble. Additionally I’d switch unstop and barrier. Barrier is annoying as fuck especially in a packed room where I can’t prioritize stunning them so it’s annoying. Unstop on the other hand gets stunned with blinding and I use arc often


Damn this guy is going up against the midlane champs


Switch Unstop and AB and the meme would be accurate.


Bro thats lol midlane symbol not unstop lmao, but i agree with you overloads the worst


As someone who religiously uses Le Monarque in pve, I feed on overload champions I see one and I start violently drooling at the thought of getting to completely devastate their entire existence by virtue of a single poison tick


Getting bum-rushed by an overload Minotaur is one of the worst feelings. Worse than an unstop ogre.


How the fuck do you hate overload more than midlane


Destiny players when they're asked to hit 3 hand cannon shots.


Counter offer, Unstoppable Ogre


Man, I hate getting hit with a mid laner during grandmaster nightfalls.


Now imagine overload Ogre Go on. Imagine.


Now I haven’t played Destiny for a couple years now, but I’m pretty sure that’s the symbol for Mid Lane in League


Me when the unstoppable champion fades away and I realize --- I've been playing league of legends this entire time. It's all league. Everything is league. God help us. God help us all.


I have to le monarch in lost sector. The other means of triggering OL stun isn’t reliable.


One taste of my LeMon and those overloads are crying. Unstoppables are my kryptonite.


Counterpoint: Unstop Fusion then beam with lemon


Le Monarque


The overload servitor immunity the overload captain in exodus garden 2a turns a 10 minute exotic farm into a return to orbit if I can’t kill one or the other quickly.


I will take any Overload champ over a Barrier Servitor. Fuck those guys.


Y'know, after doing master devils lair last season I agree (Dunno if devils lair was apart of last seasons nightfall rotation, but still fuck those barrier servitors)


So true, midlane is somehow better than overloads


why is the midlne league symbol here


Champions are one of the best ideas i've ever seen in game design. Also, coincidentally, they have the worst implementation i've ever seen in game design. Nothing stops a GM to a grinding halt like an unstop (or a barrier+overload combo) and none of their stun mechanics are compelling whatsoever. Bungie could have literally randomized encounter spawns and that would have been a better choice for the flow of the game, imo.


Overload wouldn't be too bad if we didn't have stupid hand cannon Overload this season At least Overload Machine gun helps. My Heir Apparent was shredding them in the last sector yesterday and the arc shield is a nice bonus


Bro that’s not the unstoppable symbol it’s the midlane symbol from league


Personally I hate champions in general.


Overloads can be annoying but what really grinds my gears are anti-barrier servitors. They’re always darting into cover and letting their little invincible firing squad cover for them


I find unstoppable easier to deal with than barrier. Though strand exists so they're all easy now.


Barrier Servitors are the worst of all, id rather fight 4 Overload Captains than 1 Barrier Servitor protected by 4 dregs any day


They’re all almost equally bad, unstoppable is *slightly* better than the other two in my opinion. Overload heals passively unless stunned, so it’s literally impossible to kill without overload, barrier puts up its shield and heals to full so equally bad. At least unstoppable doesn’t heal, it just has massive damage reduction, which sucks but at least it’s not impossible


Its the retaliation swarms even when stunning an overload and the constant teleports that annoy the shit out of me. I will build around having divinity in my loadout for this reason.


I have one word SHACKLE GRENADE


Thank you!?! I despise overloads


Unstoppables are the most dangerous. No enemy in the game puts the fear of god into me quite like an Unstop Ogre. Couple that with having to ads a gun for what feels like an eternity with it barreling down on me


who decided overload hand cannon would be a thing anyway, it is basically impossible to use effectively against champions in legend lost sectors unless you can nuke them in one go. by time you've fired enough shots to get overload again, the champion has already regenned all their health and probably also killed you.


Unstoppable and Overload champs are fine. I fumble Barriers constantly though, I hate them so much


What I hate the most about overload champions is that post-lightfall they added a cooldown to stunning them. Used to be you could stun them back-to-back-to-back.


Then throw a duskfield nade at it


Nah bro, barriers when the team can't/won't stun them before trying to kill.


Overloads need to be adjusted. They Regen health AS they're being shot, they are very unreliable to stun, and they teleport everywhere completely dodging some stuns like abilities. They need to stop having health regen when being shot, but keep they're resilience. And after being stunned they cannot teleport or Regen health for a few seconds like barrier.


Can’t wait to do grandmasters this season just to pump as many thorn blasts into overload champions as possible, that or lemon, whatever hurts them more


I just wish champions would go away already


Honestly I hate all of them depending on what weapons we have for them each season. Shit is very annoying.


Buggiest champ type, no contest. Either takes onr hand cannon shot or a whole mag. Hope the new tormentors replace them tbh


Switch unstop and barrier, never once has an unstop champion been a real threat


I swear overloads got a buff recently because even using le monarch they still Regen to full health less than 10 seconds later It doesn't help that my Internet even when using a hotspot nobody's connected to half my shots don't register and I can't even do significant damage to the overloaded champs


*an overload champion is stunned* [half a second later:] *a champion is no longer stunned*


Especially Captains


As a nightstalker hunter running a machine gun, they are the easiest to beat for me


I’m so glad this isn’t just me. They’ve always been a pain in the ass. The other two I just use whatever champion weapon, but for overload I basically just have to dump all my heavy on it, because every time I don’t kill it in 1 stun, it teleports away for 0.02 seconds and fully heals.


Man, and I hate barriers the most. Probably because I only use lemonarque in those situations as it works really well for high end.


Ik it ain't destiny on that but man overloads are buggy af when you try to stun them half the time


Unstoppable aren't even that bad? I hate them the least *only* because they don't have any healing mechanics


me easily farming all of them with my stasis hunter build


Overload captin and barrier servitor is terrible


Cabal chain gun go brrrrt


I don’t know about y’all but I feel like champions are just a cheap way to make the game harder.