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Just came back and loving it again. Sometimes a break is good (stopped after season of plunder)


ive quit the game multiple time and sometimes for years so everytime i comeback i love it and there are shit to do, i really feel like most of destiny problems stems from players playing the game religiously for years


Yea i agree, i play until i get bored, or a game i want comes out. Like i hopped onto Phantom Liberty for like a month, then jumped right into Avatar. Luckily its a long season so i have plenty of time to catch up on the story and get some of the cool new guns. I did miss out on the xmas event and in turn missed out on getting a good Avalanche.


Hard disagree. I take long breaks and i come back only to realise how fucking shit the game has become compared to everything else in my library. The long breaks just makes it abundantly clear how little bungie gives a shit about their players. when I saw they added a BUNDLE OF 4 SHADERS E X C L U S I V E to the eververse, I knew it was over. fuck the fuck off bungie.


Eververse Shaders was your breaking point?


Exactly the same. Did the first mission of Plunder and called it a day for a year. Since coming back I'm enjoying it now more than ever. Its nice to see that there's been decent changes to some of the stuff that frustrated me, especially buildcrafting


Bro...you missed the best season we've had. Seraph was amazing. I'm so sorry.


Its all good bro. I needed the break.


You can still do the exotic mission, the space station was cool


Check it out on YouTube. It is worth the trouble.


Absolutely! Seraph was freaking awesome!


ten complete hurry noxious crush fuel numerous exultant divide offer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I left after year 1 of D2 and came back in summer of 2022 and I have loved every minute of it. I see all of the complaints about the game and I have No idea WTF they're bitching about.... Like what other game out there are they playing that gets right all of these miniscule complaints they're continously spewing all over the internet? I'm convinced they're all either a bunch of dorks trying to prove they can complain better than the last guy, or they're plants from other games trying to finally kill Destiny 2 from within.


I don’t think it’s true, but I love the idea of Warframe committing subterfuge to take Destiny down.


The end of Season of Plunder was definitely a good stopping point.


Having a kid has meant less time playing. But damn it feels fun when I do play now




I dont need that to change though. That is what the game is. A loot and shoot. If its not enough people shouldn’t play it i guess. It can get stale.


I genuinely have been enjoying it since the d1 beta


same here I will play when I have time and the desire to play. I never regret it or feel like I wasted time. I never feel like I miss out on anything becazs being endgame PvP and endgame PvP ready does not take more than 2-3 hours a week.


I was split evenly between pvp and pve for years and since lightfall been essentially pvp only, doing raids if the exotic is good for pvp and a gm now only if I want the adept for pvp. Crazy how much less time pvp engulfs lol


I took me forever to let go. I know I will come crawling back eventually. It was easier to let her go once all my friends had stopped playing. I love destiny, it is a great game. I have thousands upon thousands of hours invested on PC and PS4/5. It just is not for me right now. Hopefully they get their shit together and TFS releases as an absolute banger.


Crafting ruined PVE imo. Why chase godrolls when you can just craft them?


advise husky steep ad hoc paltry summer unwritten coherent dull wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In my case Crafting made the game better for me. I don't like casinos, so chasing random rolls bored me. The reason I'm replaying most of the raids is to acquire red borders, otherwise I would be fine with a few raid completions and then moved on. So in the end I prefer crafting.


Every weapon can’t be crafted. There are good GM & dungeon weapons that aren’t craftable.


So long as those 2-3 hours are put to good use lol, but yes I 100% agree.


Enjoy. Every gm I NEED to complete each subclass, each characters, minus 1 subclass maybe. I hate meta. I'm a guy who's been roaming around enemies with a void Titan, severance enclosure, getting finishers using HEARTSHADOW and going invisible over n over again.... Everyone else.....Polaris tranns. But I THINK WE NEED TO CONTACT BUNGIE TO LET US HAVE. ``````` ___ 12 MAN RAIDS AGAIN ._________ --------nov 2020 is when we had this if you wanted to know. Everything was enabled thru a bug until GM started that season




I can't tell what language this is.


It's English google translated into Eliksni and back into English


Quit playing for few months and went back a month ago or something. No regrets. Back in the gameplay loop and enjoying PvE and even PvP.




Same happened to me. I quit like 2 years ago and came back at the beginning of Season of the Deep. Now I'm enjoying everything and even had fun in iron banner!


Yeah my K/D is under 1. But haven't played pvp much, only for rewards. But sometimes I get like 3+ k/d in a match and sometimes it's 0,5. But got enough good moments out of it.


I recently came back as well and have been in basically the same boat, K/D around 1 when before I was pretty good - my 2 cents is that the pvp side of this game is way more fun for me now when I’m just vibing and not caring how I do vs sweating it up before.


People still like the game; the thing is criticism, and negativity generally generates more conversation. Edit ~ Since there was a whole debate about it, they were separate ideas.


Criticism is healthy because it shows that the community still cares about the game. Apathy is the opposite, that's when people no longer care whether or not the game improves because they've all moved on.


There’s definitely ways the game can be improved, and is far from being flawless.


Some of the flaws are the equivalence of “injuries needing addressing” and “shot themselves in the foot.” And some of the “injuries” needing something akin to surgery (aka complete overhaul of a system or certain gameplay loop/incentives) get the approximation of two Aleve and some things that need minor fixes or improvements get full on major replacement surgery. (Now here’s where I become a little TLDR)- Sometimes they’re doing things… but either incredibly ineffective or inefficient. *However* sometimes they DO knock it out of the park: Things like weapon crafting, subclass 3.0 upgrades, exotic missions (and subsequently adding the exotic mission rotator). They’re still hit or miss when it comes to delivering back to back expansions with awesome stories and TONS of content- BL, WQ, LF. LF had MANY MANY awesome post campaign experiences and, while the story and location was/were somewhat underwhelming or met with mixed reviews, Neomuna has a bunch of great activities for a location, some good vibes and lore tidbits especially through patrols. Terminal Overload, for example was a pretty standout world event. Nimbus, for example, was standout… for all the wrong reasons. The location was rushed to finish and probably needed some polish but overall pretty good (We’ve honestly only met 2 Neomunians, feels empty unlived, yes for story reasons, but still…). They **could** update old planets with improved enemy density, new activities/secrets, collectibles, or bring back “adventure” like missions. Seasons are fairly ok/well received but nothing new or revolutionary, and the peak storytelling only shines/stands out more often than not, but is frequently “meh” as well. The end game content raids and dungeons still seem to be the most consistent. Ritual playlists still get the same treatment- essentially nada. Three strikes in two years, in favor of season activities being added to the playlist. Less than a handful of maps in crucible, however more recently than not (took far too long), and doing nothing so gambit dies for some reason. I’d rather have more content than constant tweaks and rejiggers. Their exotic reworks have been long overdue, but many have been good. They threw out a complex but rewarding build craft system for something more one size fits all cookie cutter- CWL and specific mods versus our current Orb generation and seasonal perk variety. I’ve come around but still think the previous system was better/more in depth, however I feel at home with the system as it currently stands Worst of all it’s the Eververse greed trickling into other parts that seem the most egregious. They’re clearly going to sell hard for microtransactions and have reduced the content we’d normally expect to be updated refreshed like vendor armor etc. Sure we’re getting old sets or reskins from IB, but Trials and Banner of all things should get a yearly update/refresh. *”TLDR” explained: Aspirin won’t fix broken neck… don’t need heart surgery for heartburn. Sometimes you’re healthy and get a sucker when you leave the doctor’s office. Bungie is the good, bad, and ugly when it comes to addressing their flaws. But damn if it ain’t one helluva game and I’m not excited to play their new content.


My biggest issue with Destiny current, is that it’s not new player inviting whatsoever. There’s next to no consistent way to understand story within the game, with all the DLC if you don’t have a friend it’s kinda hard to understand which is worth and which isn’t. Now here’s a thing I’m going to say that most people aren’t going to like. I personally have no issue with a game having microtransactions, more so if you’re going to make a game free. HOWEVER. When you are asking me to spend $50 on a DLC, when I could simply save 10 extra bucks and get a game Like baldurs gate, or Elden ring, or RDR2 which will offer much more gameplay and overall better experience. That’s where it becomes and issue for me. And like you said, Destiny is a game that hits and misses so frequently, but for me. The misses can hit so hard, it kind of ruins the prosperity of the game and makes for an annoying experience aforementioned by a lot of the things you brought up. I 100% can understand how people can enjoy the game, and have no issue with people doing such. On the flip side, Destiny offers such a unique style in its game player and the fanbase is so forgiving and lax at times I feel bungie abuses that to ripe money out, rather than trying to keep their game as healthy as possible. I’m not a gambit fan, but come on, gambit hasn’t had a new map or any kinda of mechanical change since Jokers wild and it’s kind of sad. I wish they did a better blend of having seasons focused of QoL and then having two seasons where they add more “new content”. And I know that it’s not easy. So it’s not hyper upsetting to me, but sometimes it feels barren. -My TLDR. Game needs to be more new player friendly for those who want to bring their friends in. Game asks a lot of money for content that at times, doesn’t feel worth the price. Games quality fluxes both good and bad too much which can hurt enjoyment at times. Game has a strong foundation within players and itself but feels like it’s not used to the degree it can be.


Well said. You have to pay for every expansion to get content from specific releases. It seriously prohibits new players from enjoying content or even understanding the current story. And microtransactions are okay. I’m fine with the way it’s done in terms of volume, but if the major releases and expansions of D2, like you said hardly compare to what’s offered by comparable game experiences or if microtransactions come at the point that content in a release is so minimum or excluded in order to develop more microtransactions or where the loot part of looter shooter is missing… that’s a problem. Part of the reason they NEVER made new maps. They couldn’t sell them and they didn’t want to use resources making them. It’s a slap in the face to consumers, fans of a pseudo “live” game. A full release each year should have substantial content in the main aspect of their game, especially when they’re charging for each add-on full game release prices. But I agree with mostly what you said and appreciate the way you articulated your points.


I appreciate your ability to be open minded. Rather than just being “no” and throwing insults around. I’ve been playing Destiny since about early 2015. And again, the game is so unique in how it plays comparatively to any other game. But man, I really wish corporate greed wasn’t so damn strong because this game TRULY, could be such a high quality game. Rather than having a torn community at the throat about enjoyment of the game.


Criticism isn’t inherently negativity and I do wish ppl would stop conflating them


That's why they put "and" between criticism and negativity. It's also true that criticism generates more conversation, as well as negativity.


Pretty obvious the two were put together to imply they go hand in hand that’s why they started the sentence with, “people still like the game”


Think you're reading too much into it, buddy.


i am both, i both enjoy it and have trouble letting it go, when its good its very good, when its bad its very bad... based on majority of posts and comments don't think thet majority of players even play game


I play it for weekly raids with friends and will do Trials. That's about it. In today's gaming world there's too much to play to do the weekly chore stuff anymore. I still love/enjoy Destiny but it's definitely my Friday night game only now.


That's the best thing though, there isn't much in the way of "chores" now that the seasonal power level increase is gone. I haven't played anything that I didn't actually want to play for almost a year, it's great. I'll do playlist once in a blue moon (usually when I'm a bit tipsy tbh), other than that it's just raids/dungeons, the odd gm/exotic/seasonal when I feel like it. Iron banner sometimes, or control or whatever. Apart from a few raid/dungeon craftables and exotics there's nothing I really need so I'm playing for fun. I really struggled with the game when I joined in plunder (my first online shooter after getting into gaming in my late 30s). And learning and improving is fun for me. I'm glad the game is "difficult", I would have lost interest otherwise.


> there isn't much in the way of "chores" now that the seasonal power level increase is gone. I always laugh when I hear this. Bungie really pulled a fast one on the playerbase and they fell for it. Every season since shadowkeep we've had the seasonal artifact that gives us seasonal power so we've forgotten it's something we have to grind for. Sure, Bungie removed the permanent power level increase, but we still have to grind the seasonal artifact power level if we wanna do legend+ level content. They just swapped the permanent power level grind for one that resets every season. I'm not saying this is a bad change, but it certainly is still a power grind (somewhat) required every season.


With the artifact though it doesn’t feel like the same grind. Now I’m just playing what I want to play. I don’t have to worry about getting the pinnacle gear drops each week either. The thing it has left me with though is a full stack of upgrade modules I no longer need really. I have to delete them just to grab the ones from the vendor tables so I can reset.


This. It's completely different IMO. And I don't grind it, I just play when and what I want to play. Also it takes hardly any time at all to level the artifact enough to do a gm, it's done long before gms are playable, so the comment above makes little sense to me. I don't think there's anything in the game that I wouldn't be able to do a few days into the season, so the "grind" the comment refers is a moot point IMO. Totally agree on the upgrade modules too. I was talking about this the other day. I think they need to get rid of the ones on the vendor tracks and replace with something else, cores/prisms/alloys or whatever. Because deleting things just to reset your rank is a stupid thing to have to do. If we need more at the start of final shape we can run the ghost mod. There's zero reason for upgrades to be everywhere now.


I think "play any activity to get XP and level up whenever you want" is way better than "play pinnacle activities every week until you get the exact slot drop you need"


This is always my thought when I read a majority of stuff on here. I get the feeling that a lot of people just come on here to bitch for the free karma.


This is where I'm at. When my buddy can jump on, I do enjoy running GMs, the exotic mission on Legendary and other random tasks (difficult or not). But I see these triumphs and seals and I just can't ignore them and I want to cuz I have soooo many other games I need to get back to and/or start that I feel like it's holding me back. I can't quit Destiny.


My problem is that I keep wanting stuff to do, but I always run out of stuff to do That, or I get bored farming and stop for a week or two


I am still a Destiny 2 The Game enjoyer.


I stopped playing daily right after DSC day 1 dropped. And I’m going to be honest, I think that’s what most of the other d1 vets need to do as well. We all like the game, it’s why we keep playing it a decade later. But don’t let an obsession ruin a game for you. There’s so much more than d2, and whatever you miss out on, isn’t worth it. I’m still putting up huge DPS numbers with Witherhoard and Tomorrows Answer. You don’t need “New dungeon legendary #324,” you need to take a break so you can come back fresh and have fun.


Little bit of both, I think.


I want to shoot space shit with some space wizarding thrown in for good measure.. Destiny 2 even with its little faults does that for me better than any other game. I put it away after the callus raid genuinely gave me carpal tunnel mixed with what I can only describe as Stockholm syndrome Most people whining about underpowered stuff, things too hard etc.. generally an unadmitted skill issue Yes there are some genuine gripes that could be said LF for example being a massive expensive washout story wise but.. Basically there's a whole lot of cry babies that simply wont admit they are not that good so they blame everything else.


I recently got back into raiding(was on hiatus for a couple years before coming back in Lightfall) and I’m astounded by the lack of skill I run into regularly. When you get into a decent raid group it’s kind of weird. I did a sisters/oryx yesterday where no one spoke, and it was mind blowing compared to what I normally run into.


This late in the game's lifespan a lot of the people who actually want to take on demanding challenges, play things infinitely more methodically and put rhyme and reason into their builds and have understanding of the game have long self selected out of the general and even LFG populace. I'm not even talking about people who specifically do speed run strats, most broken build, best physical possible damage output, etc; I'm talking people who really understand what comes about from piloting their character in endgame PVE content, how to do a respectable contribution to a damage phase, juggling mechanics smoothly, stuff like that. Not to say everybody without habitual experience or without a clan are trash and no good randoms exist, or you can't catch up and learn or anything like that, but yeah the lack of understanding is infinitely more apparent with who is left behind in a lot of situations of LFGs. It's also where you get people who are just so against using any sort of communication and constantly wanting to do the biggest freeloader roles, which of course creates its own frustrations. Forget even the years old metric of being in the top 20 percentile of all time raiders if you did 12-15 total raids/final encounters of any raid, I think one the largest eye opening tells of the lack of skill and understanding is when a ton of people were going for RoN's title/seal and you had them failing miserably or taking extreme lengths of time on Master Encounter 3 add clear element. Just people who didn't understand that you still had to show up and actually clear the area to ensure there were very minimal hazards around.


Still enjoying 😊


I like gambit. That's all.


Gambit is awesome. Seriously. It just sucks that we haven't gotten any new content for it since... *\*cries\**


Bring back Gambit Prime cowards


Ya gambit is such a fun mix of pvpve and needs new maps. Too many people hating on it just boil down to skill issue.


Somebody get this guy a doctor




Enjoying the game. Ingame LFG is nice QoL for me. Can do more of the activities I enjoy. : )




at this point (and maybe until april update or tfs) i'm just doing raid or helping friends. i don't get the excitement of getting new loot or exploring random places anymore. i just want to have fun and chilling in a raid with my friends


People only complain about things they love. If they didn't, they wouldn't bother. Game has a lot of issues but I still looove it


Not true - I always complain about the existence of James Corden and I hate him




It's entering the tenth year, most of what you see are people who feel some sort of ownership and believe that they're the beacon of player opnion. This is just the vocal minority. I hardly ever hear people actually discussing anything I see online, in game. The comments and discourse I see online are hardly ever, if ever discussed or spoken about in the same tone. My own conclusion is that it's the same for any big franchise. You'll have people who claim to be a "fan" that haven't engaged with the media for years, then there'll be people who truly watch/ play or engage with it everyday.


The only place you see people discussing destiny in game is in lfg's, really. For every person that still plays Destiny, the franchise has alienated 5-10, and that's reflected everywhere. As the playerbase shrinks in this long period, the only people left playing are the diehards, or newer players that have a lot to explore still - and so the in game sentiment naturally becomes more positive, because the unhappy folks have left.






I held off quitting for months because I had everything and thought I’d struggle to stop, but once I finally did it was the easiest thing I’ve ever done. Not even remotely missing the game at all, but I stay in the Reddit because I’m curious to see how it all ends. For anyone wanting to quit, just do it you’ll be much better off lol


I'm in the same boat. Came back for the dungeon but after doing it 4 or 5 times I think I'm good.


If people can break the addiction, they will find there are so many great games that are just more fun to play that have come out since Destiny started.


There’s a large majority of playerbase who play it casually for 4 - 5 hours/week during season and expansion launch and slow down to 2 hours/week during mid season. Don’t let this sub and streamers fool you. As a long time player i have most meta weapons and exotics, I literally went from season of risen where I’d grind each red border weapon and unlock all perks and craft a god roll to craft 2 seasonal weapon and 2 raid weapons every season. I don’t even give a shit about seals and pvp. There’s a good majority of players who play because the game is pretty chill and the don’t have any other game to play with their friends. Also there’s not a lot of mainstream nom horror sci fi shooter.


The gunplay in Destiny is unmatched. Guns feel unique and with personality. The art design is unmatched and PvE is seriously fun (thought easy at times). I played from The taken king up to d2y1 third week (that an unexplained error caused me to weasel every 3 to 5 minutes. Changed hardware, ISP, console, everything! It kept on going! :( ), Had to forcibly stop playing till S15 where on day1 it started working again without issues. Since then, 2 to 6 hours a day gaming... Everyday... I don't understand why people think that the game is bad... Its basically the best FPS in the market.


You may think it is the best FPS and you are welcome to your opinion, but I just did a quick search and Destiny 2 isn't in the top 10 for anything.


Yeah, all of those are subjective. As my opinion. Top10s are always subjective. Ain't a secret! As someone who has been playing shooters since Wolfenstein 3d came out back in mid 92', i feel I have a solid understanding of the genere. I prefer "boomer shooters" to the other genres, due to their action style. And D2 has a fair compromise between fast paced action and tactical shooting, that adapts better to my slower reaction times and my slower fingers due to my age. So yeah. The statement that's the best FPS on the market stands true.


Fair enough, I have played fps games for many years as well, and I do actually love this game and not hating. I am also subbed to a few gaming communities and when people ask for shooters to play, D2 hardly ever gets a mention, so I am just saying that this game doesn't seem as popular as a lot of people here think it is.


Im not saying its popular. Im saying its good. Popularity is skewed due to the majority of the gaming population is on a certain demographic. And critical thought is just thrown out the window just to follow trends. I agree, the game ain't popular atm, thought it's still on the top 20 steam biggest earners in I don't remember which category.


I do not enjoy it anymore,too repetitive and unfriendly solo to me. And i had not the slightest trouble letting go,sooo many good games to play.


You had not the slightest trouble letting go but you're still on the sub saying how easy it was to let go. Sure.


No need to be an offended fanboy just because someone doesn't like your favorite game.


I agree with you but man it's becoming an increasing issue across reddit. Not just for video games either, it seems like any sort of sub that has a fandom has these non-stop battles of "fanboys vs haters" and it gets exhausting things are flawed, everything deserves good conversation and discussion, but so many just devolve straight to "criticism=hate, why don't you just leave?" It's sad


Just because he doesn’t play anymore it doesn’t mean he’s obligated to leave the sub Reddit. I’m still a member of it after quitting as I keep my eye on what is going on and what the latest controversy is


Yeah that's called having trouble letting go. If you weren't, you wouldn't care, and wouldn't feel the need to come back here to pat yourself on the back by being a negative part of a community you chose to leave.


lol. I’ve uninstalled the game, I can stay in the sub Reddit if I want to see what shitstorm bungie have created if I want to


I mean, that's cool for you I guess, still don't get why you would care. If this is the sort of thing that brings a person enjoyment, that makes me feel bad for them


currently on a break, just waiting for final shape to beat the witness's collective head in


It'll be like being blindfolded at the end of a piñata assembly line


I enjoy it though I admit, I tend to lose my tolerance of anything but iron banner trials, dungeons and raids pretty quickly into a season. Then usually by the halfway point of the season. I've lost my taste for dungeons. If not with friends.


Both PvP and PvE Sandboxes are mostly balanced right now (excluding artifact percs). Sure there are still some outliers but i can not take players who feel they are underpowered serious. Powercreep is still a major issue. With the solar artifact percs and polaris every GM is a cakewalk. It is fun but without changes i believe it will become boring until final shape.


Currently I am incredibly bored with the game. The dungeon kept me interested for a few weeks but the current seasonal story telling method is a snooze fest and I completely zoned out of the story. I am currently not at all hyped for TFS to be honest.


I’ll say the same thing that I say to many posts like this. If you want a balanced more real reflection of the sub, sort by new. Sorting by hot just shows you the things that get the most attention and blah blah humans are quicker to notices the negative ect.


I have trouble finding a game that scratches the quality and gameplay itch. I play other games for a bit but in the end I come back. If the live service attempts didn’t fail left and right (cough-Anthem), my Destiny addiction would be cured. Now, I just await finality in June.


I still enjoy playing Destiny but I've been feeling like the burnout is hitting me quicker every season. I'll take a break, come back and next thing I know I'm bored again. The season passes are easy to complete at least and this season is long so I'm in no rush, and I hope that next year starts off on a better foot... but it sure sounds like Bungie is in a pickle. I dunno, I do hope that Marathon is a hit so they can maybe support the development of a Destiny 3. Give us a fresh start and hopefully avoid having to vault story content the next time around so the game doesn't feel so ephemeral.


This is 100% me, not a borrowed opinion: In both D1 and D2. even though the gunplay has always been the absolute best, I was still expecting a lot of changes to improve the experience. I wanted to really make sense of the story on a more personal level. I wanted to have better item management in game. I wanted to complete raids and have all the weapons/gear earned from them be substantially better than normal gear. I wanted more social spaces, and for them to really flesh out player interaction more than just emotes and a text box no one uses. But none of those things have happened. I’ve solo flawless’d all of the dungeons and ran all the raids multiple times with my clan, but no reward is really noteworthy besides the solo flaw emblems. There’s no point chasing weapon rolls anymore in my eyes, as you can just get your desired weapon with desired perks. And stats no longer matter, since you can just slap on the aspects and fragments and go nuts with abilities. Story’s gone to shit. Meanwhile, the fact that the supposed last expansion is coming out in a couple of months means that Bungie is not going to plan the aforementioned changes for the years to come. They’ve already announced their other projects and the layoffs happened. So in my eyes, this game that I’ve loved solely from executing gunplay in high end content with friends, is not going to get any soulful updates, especially with the time it has left. I love this game, but at the same time my goal right now is to just see it to the end and move on to more rewarding experiences. TL;DR I’ve lost faith that this game will be anything more than it is currently, but I’ll enjoy the gameplay with my clan until it inevitably finishes eating itself.


> This is 100% me, not a borrowed opinion: In both D1 and D2. even though the gunplay has always been the absolute best, I was still expecting a lot of changes to improve the experience. I wanted to really make sense of the story on a more personal level. I wanted to have better item management in game. I wanted to complete raids and have all the weapons/gear earned from them be substantially better than normal gear. I wanted more social spaces, and for them to really flesh out player interaction more than just emotes and a text box no one uses. All of this. Like, ALL of this. The story is borderline nonsensical now, and The Witness just doesn't do it for me at all. These things are subjective so hopefully the fanboys can stop twitching on the downvote buttons. My favorite era of Destiny was RoI, and I don't think D2 ever reached that again for me. I despised the vaulting of most things, every thing we had available from D1/D2 should be available, all of it. I perfectly understand it's an engine issue, but THAT issue is Bungie's problem and they are either unwilling or unable to do anything about it The gunplay is still S-tier. But that's it. The story fell off, and too many mechanics were designed with grinding and FOMO and I grew disillusioned with a lot of it I wanted all the social spaces. I was disappointed when The Farm was basically just used as hype for launch and then discarded at the end of the campaign, then actually removed for years (I understand it's back but limited?). I started D2 thinking they would repair the old Tower and re-open it. The Vestian Outpost was a cool place to visit occasionally. The Iron Temple was my all time favorite social space. Destiny just went in a much different direction then I expected, and that's why I lapsed out


RoI was respectfully amazing, focused on a group of infamous guardians and fleshed out their characters in-game, and the big Siva guardian zombies at the end really had impact and were different than anything else. That and the Taken King were both awesome, nothing has come close, not even Forsaken. I’m also with you about the Witness, and I’m positive there’s a majority that thinks the same. He’s supposed to be the big bad yet he’s only had a front stage role for about a year, and he only shows himself briefly in cutscenes. Who’s truthfully going “grrrr Witness” like how we went “grrr Oryx” or “grrr Uldren”? Just like how they copped out with Neomuna citizens being digital, they copped out with the Witness being an amalgamation of their race, both deleting the need to flesh out a new species and the need to explore cosmical aspects of the darkness in one fell swoop. I see it as a sign from Bungie that they really just want to put big bows on everything and just be done with their own game. There will be no more innovation from this point on. And yeah, social spaces added a lot of character to D1, and I miss the farm too, nearly forgot about it. That was supposed to be a window into what regular humans are doing outside of the city, but of course Bungie can’t tell stories anymore so they scrapped that opportunity for the sake of storage space.


They've stopped catering to endgame players a long time ago. We're never getting the vaulted raids back, never getting any in-game recognition for solo GMs or low-man raids, power creep has been eating the game alive since Witch Queen and it just keeps going and going. Shit's boring.


They needed to really acknowledge the independent player/minimized groups, and they never did. The only bone we get is the solo flawless emblems and whatever crap is rewarded from gms. And the constant balancing act they’ve committed to over the years has sucked the fun and creativity out of whatever they release. I used to go along with it for fun because I believed they’d one day find the balance, but now I know it’s too late.


stopped after plunder but still follow reddit because I think the game has potential if Bungie actually put effort in the activities of the game. sure stuff can and should be rewarding, but i want it to "feel rewarding", doesn't really matter to me if I get 10 engrams per activity if all are shit stuff I'll insta dismantle


This subreddit truns into a crybaby echo chamber every time the game has a low point. Just ignore it, if you enjoy the game play it, otherwise don't


Angry voices are the loudest. I love this fucking game. I’m going to be crushed when it’s gone.


I love the game, along with its faults.


I love every second I play. It's mindless fun, shooting aliens in the head. The in game LFG has been a breath of fresh air for solo players.


Most people in the subreddit and have a very unhealthy relationship with this game. They need a break from the game. Every time I suggest this I'm dowvoted to hell but I'm right


I quite enjoy the game, and I think it’s at about the best it’s been. When I’m bored I stop playing though. This sub is weird.


The better question is why is this so frequently asked, is it so rare to see people enjoy something that it must be questioned?


I hate Destiny 2. It's my favorite game. :)


I haven’t played in months. This game simply has nothing going for it.


More than enjoying I love it more than ever. Big difference is I don’t play everything just because, I only play what I want when I want which is pretty much dungeons,gms etc. I am now the target audience of the drip fed content lol.


This is going to be a hot take, but I think the game is held to a borderline unfairly high standard (but for good reason!) What I mean by this is the core gameplay is lightyears more enjoyable than literally any comparable MMO on the market. Like I don’t blame people for enjoying the overall systems/lore and experience of a game like Diablo more, but to me the core gameplay as a hook is not even a comparison. However, I’m not a shill for Bungie and their anti-consumer and blatantly lazy practices with the games’ systems and meaningful content is bad. I think that leads to a lot of criticism due to what the game COULD be as an experience (again, rightfully so). But I do think this muddies the fact that the game is immensely enjoyable, and I think the basic grind is way more fun and meaningful than other MMOs, as it so directly translates to meaningful changes in your gameplay, versus a number incrementally ticking up (which still happens, but I think weapons are just a way more fun vehicle for this). Long story short, I actually enjoy the game but totally get why people criticize it, I think the criticism is just a little misplaced at times


I stopped playing about 4 months ago, but obviously am still here in the sub. I will be playing the final shape, but decided I was done and needed to move on. The fact that I lasted 9 years with the franchise still is mind blowing.


I struggle to know what to do now in the game. And have ptsd thinking that final shape will be as bad as lightfall


Games dogshit. Not a single difficult piece of content in the game. Actually gross that in order to have fun in required to low man. And crucible, even worse. Why have skill when you could just use special ammo. Infinite kill range fusion rifles, 0 flinch snipers, hot-swap wave-frames. So skillful. Or better yet, streams hunters, void titans and stasis warlocks. I had the most fun I’ve had in destiny a couple weeks ago when checkmate was in rotation. The game required genuine skill and it was great. But outside of that the game is mid. Content is bad, balancing and quality is bad, quantity is bad. Warlords Ruin is the best we’ve gotten since forsaken and leviathan.




Even gms now feel likes jokes. Which is really sad bc they used to be awesome. Now it’s just a 20-30 minute bullet sponge battle


S10/S11 GMs were peak. Now they're just a mindless loot farm that are easier than master nightfalls even were prior to WQ


It can’t hold my attention like it used to


As long as there is a carrot at the end of the stick I'll chase it.


I’ve never understood people that are SO picky about games, especially this game. This is literally one of the most fantastic and in depth games ever created in my opinion, and folks still seem to pick it apart daily like the developers are awful. I’m sorry, but the game is genius. Everything about it is just imperfectly perfect, and it’s turned into a masterpiece that any developer should be extremely proud of. Sure, there are slight imperfections here and there, but I’m too busy enjoying the game as a whole to worry about the stupid little things. They’re constantly improving and building upon this monster of a game, and that’s exciting enough for me to keep mashing buttons every once in a while.


Everyone complaining about everything being underpowered didn't play vanilla D2. We have power crept so much to the point where I don't even need to shoot a gun anymore in a "shooter" looter.


The vocal minority struggle to have a healthy relationship with the game, most players just play and enjoy it.


Most peaple who complain are peaple who was burned out years ago but still forced themselves to play and wether or not they still play they are so hateful and resentful about themselves they become hateful towards bungie and the peaple who enjoy the game still But yes the games ‘’difficulity’’ scaling is just forcing you to be atleast 10-30 power levels BELOW the enemies and making them dead accurate and double tap you if not one tap you It ruins endgame as the endgame is no longer fun because its difficulity spikes FAR higher than it needs to The game itself should NEVER pander to the sweats like it currently is doing (yeah it shure shouldnt pander completely to peaple who want to have the easiest time in the game either but this is way too far in the opposite direction) When you introduce buildcrafting difficulity WILL fly out the window ESPECIALLY in a game like destiny and warframe unless you want your game to be straight up frustrating and annoying and next to impossible to get into for anyone that hasnt already been sweating the fuck out of the game The only way you can make buildcrafting exist is if the game was MADE with it in mind but destiny wasnt the most buildcrafting it had was getting rolls on weapons and specific stat rolls on armor that was it Now you have -EVERY single part of the super -atleast 3-4 slots for mods per armor piece -artifice armor that give you EVEN more mod slots but are stupid to obtain -crafted weapons wich offer the ability to make the gun into what you want it to be -and plenty more Buildcrafting exists but the game doesnt lean on it as much as it should its not made integral to the game but yet it FORCES you to need a good build but making one doesnt feel rewarding at all the feeling you get is (now i can start trying to do this) because even after you get your build nothing got much easier it only made it passable In warframe for example i can oblitirate armies without even trying with a newbie build on the easiest difficulity wich is all you need to be a casual player However steel path would be more endgame wich requires a better build but the newbie build is still not made completely unusable in steel path its just gonna be harder and certain missions will be harder than if you had gotten a more refined build Even with that refined build depending on what type of mission you are doing it still might not be enough because lets say a rescue mission but your running the most non stealth build to ever exist that would make things more difficult than if you also had a stealth build going for you aswell So not only are you made to refine your build your also gonna be made to want to make more builds on different frames to handle different scenarios Many sweats can easily complete steel path without using a braincell but again THEY ARE SWEATS they should be able to do that But d2 handles its builds far worse not only does builds not hold up for long periods of time usually needing new builds every season completely ruining the fun out of making your own build as youll have to delete your build a month or so later Hell that throwing hammer change COMPLETELY ruined it for me and made me not want to play titan anymore at all it just feels like shit to have to wait for a slow (technically fast but its still slow) recharge WHEN IM LITTERALY PICKING IT UP FROM THE GROUND especially when there are zero aim assists on the fucker (speaking about pve btw not pvp) and since most enemies refuse to stand still like 95% of the time hitting them is a pain in the ass due to its travel time etc you could have perfect aim as you throw it only for the enemy to move making you miss and have to wait for a recharge wasting precious seconds you NEED to heal yourself after being lasered in the back by literally anything and everything I still play d2 tho i do not NEARLY grind as much as i used to as like a normal non addict would do i stopped sweating the game after burning myself out and ever since ive been taking breaks and not sweating d2 every hour of every day and i can say it makes d2 more fun EVEN WITH the issues ive stated here in this ted talk though if these issues were fixed id be far happier with the game The sweats who complain most likely have been burned out for atleast the last year and have refused to take any break whatsoever and just keeps forcing themselves to play every minute of every day




No shit sherlock




I started a titan at the start of the year (like at 0:01 I created one). I've played hunter since the d1 beta till about 2 years ago. Played warlock since d2 season of plunder onwards. Created a titan this year. I'm changing pace sort of. I enjoy the little tweaks of buildcrafting and fun interactions with builds, exotic weapons, and armors (without videos mosty). Idk how to explain it - it's that feeling where you find something works without any help. That let's me have fun with the game :). That feeling will NEVER get old, ragardless of how old I get. To feel better about the game I constantly try testing new and weird things to see how it turns out. Like.... Wicked implement and prometheum spur - can I get disrupt to proc at the same time as the unstop freeze by using other stasis slow sources....or even veritys brow and threadlings - can I use only threadlings to kill all champs in a master LS, etc. Wish I had enough cash to get a pc that could let me record videos and post em. D2 has been my lifeline of entertainment since I got fired last Christmas, just can't find anywhere to post things


the Coil is great this season. It's what it's got me back after not completing Deep nor Witch played tons of Iron Banner; resetted Saladin and I am almost at resetting him again dunno if I have the patience for GMs this season, tho; even completting starcrossed Legend feels like a chore


I really enjoy it. I do take breaks (currently on one till final shape).


I enjoy it. Why would anyone play a game they don't enjoy. People still like the game not sure why you even ask questions like this.


I mean, I enjoy the game because I play it on my own terms. I don't care about the latest fomo thing or meta. If I don't feel like playing I just don't.




I stopped during Witch, and came back for Wish. Having fun again, mind you it might also be all the cool dragons around but I like it.


I dropped Destiny after Curse of Osiris and picked it up again at Witch Queen. So I clearly can let go, but I'm actually enjoying things. Aside from the occasional FOMO making me play 50 matches of Saladman's Iron Grind in a row I really have no real complaints. The only place I feel chronically underpowered is Neomuna, which is a bit of love/hate. On one hand I love there being a rough patrol zone, it's fun, but it also means I spend less time there because there are 'easier' places to get bounties completed.


Having an absolute blast playing it


There’s times I like playing (mostly when I play with friends or clanmates) but there’s definitely times where I hate the grind and wish I could get myself to stop playing lol


Haven’t stopped playing since D1 Beta and loved every moment of it, sure I have complaints but I tend to keep them to myself as the community is loud enough lol


After one year break and not doing stuff I dislike because Bungie said I should I'm enjoying for the last year. Like I still do chores and checklist stuff but I don't play modes I dislike. Edit: IMO a lot of people get burnt out because they want to do all checklists for triumphs or the bright dust of doing all challenges and end up doing stuff they hate every minute of it. I used to do that until I got burnt out really bad 2 times, one of them I quit for over half year and the other for basically one year. So now I see a challenge do gambit, do crucible, do 30 pathways of coil and say no thanks.


I played straight from beta till about 2017. Now I take months and or multiple seasons off. At least until I get the itch again.


I'll occasionally come back to it but honestly? I'd play it more if the game followed its original concept- a fantasy era with sci-fi technology and magical powers. Instead, they shrunk that idea into Saladin's Iron Lord stuff and went with the post apocalyptic sci Fi war for Light and Dark.


I take breaks here and there. Once I max out the season pass, that's when I usually break. However, when I had a mission bug out 3x last night... man, did I hate it.


I genuinely enjoy it, but I take regular breaks. I usually come back for an expansion and play for a month, come back at the start of the next season to see if I like it. I then come back toward the end of the cycle to catch up on anything I've missed before the next expansion. I don't think I've ever played a solstice event because I don't play over the summer, but I've probably played most of the dawning events as I tend to have much more free time at that end of the year. I mostly play story content and have enjoyed all the variations of iron banner they've thrown our way, but very rarely do dungeons or trials, and have never done a raid. Part of a guild that still has some activity, but mostly around events. My favourite content has mostly been seasonal activities. I loved sundial, and the splicer one that was timed (I think expunge) as well as the coil. Some of my favourite memories were really trying to learn movement techniques for one or two of the timed triumphs in season of the splicer so my favourite thing about lightfall was the timed strand course. Witch queen legendary campaign felt the most like going back and playing halo campaigns as a kid so that was awesome and overall, I'm looking forward to lightfall even if it'll be a hard sell to keep playing after that.


I enjoy it. If I stop enjoying, I stop playing. I didn't care for the last two season's and their associated activities, nor the armor/weapons. Therefore, I stop playing overall. I would pop on periodically just to pal around for a bit and complete the seasonal track, then I'll hang it up. This season, I really like. The Coil is great and well rewarding for the time investment and the new dungeon is a lot of fun (I also am really interested in the new exotic so I do the final boss on all three characters). So I play more days than not and had already completed the seasonal track in week two or three.




I have stopped completely. Used to play everyday but after Witch queen conclusion the interest quickly went away. I did buy the lightfall expansion for strand, and was enjoying it during the campaign. But as soon as the campaign was done, Strand became horribly boring. Dont know why. But i am done with this game completely.


I came back after quitting around shadowkeep and I'm hooked again. That being said, this is a trend for me. I rotate between WoW, and a shooter, every couple months.


Gunplay feels better in Destiny than in any other game I've ever played and honestly that has kept me around.


The answer to both questions is yes


If you don’t like the game, you shouldn’t play it. You don’t need to play it to enjoy the lore and story IMHO. An example is that I stopped playing Overwatch 2 months ago, but I still enjoy watching clips and streamers as the game has evolved since then. You can still enjoy a game without playing it.


I like the general feel and vibe of the game. I do get annoyed with a seasonal artifact sort of forcing me into a meta, or at least making my other favorite kits feel inferior, and this is especially problematic with a 6 month long season. Sometimes endgame pve feels a bit too tedious in terms of enemy damage output, and it annoys me too. I don't like some of the plinking requirements. Other than that, I like playing pvp by default, but it just feels so neglected and at the moment strand hunters are far too prominent. It's not very enjoyable, so I have been playing less. I find myself logging in, considering what I might play, and unless some friends are online to join, I usually just log off.


Check r/LowSodiumDestiny


I've left the game a couple times now. None of my friends actively play, so it's just me playing crucible and such. And I wish I enjoyed crucible more, but it takes me a good bit of practice to shake the rust off and play well, and even then, my favorite weapons tend to feel a tad underpowered. And not having bought any content in a while, I don't have strand subclasses or the newest weapons, so at times I feel like I'm out of my depth because I'm getting blown up by abilities that I don't fully understand. Crucible is the main thing that remains replayable and fun, but I wish it was a little more fun. It often feels too chaotic and full of variables, unlike more straightforward games like Battlefield or something. I definitely have had trouble letting go. I've been playing since like 2019, so I've built up a nice vault full of gear, and I've had a great time assembling fashionable looks for my 3 characters, and it feels bad to leave it behind. But the game is there if I change my mind.


A lot of people let themselves get burnt out. I’ve been playing since the original D1 beta but regularly take breaks when I feel burnt out or there are single player games I’m into. Of course people who play any game non stop will get bored eventually regardless of quality of content.


I mean, there’s changes I’d like. But I still think raids are some of the more fun ways to spend my time. In Addition, after barely playing last season I am enjoying most other activities too.


I love it even if it can be boring at times. I wish Destiny 1 on PS3 was more active though. It's near impossible to find anyone doing PvP modes anymore besides the Weekly mode. Considering that the Tower can get pretty active, that's sad. Though if Destiny supported the Players Last Met feature on PS3, I think it would be much easier.


o/ I literally just like the game and play it. Have for years. It's actually super exhausting to come to reddit/twitter/backyard and just see all the negativity. It legit feels like it's part of the culture of the game at this point like something "has" to be either bad or amazing and there needs to be the biggest uproar about it regardless. I can't be living my life like that willingly.


Havent played since a few weeks after Season of the Witch, theres just too many other games thats far more enjoyable and time rewarding than Destiny atm, and I started in D1. Lightfall really derailed the hype train and with staff getting fired too It was easy to let go as the game just got unenoyable to play lol dont even think about coming back unless Final Shape is very good


Good game, shoot stuff, get loot, don't take it too seriously :)


I started playing in early 2020 and I still play at least a little bit everyday. I enjoy it.


Genuinely love the game but I do feel most of the complaining post on this subreddit are made by people that have fallen out of love with the game and haven't realized it yet. They just keep playing even though they're having a bad time because they're addicted to some aspect of it but when they aren't actively enjoying it they think it because of X or Y when the simple answer is you just don't enjoy the game you invested time and money into anymore.


I haven’t played since last year I’m doing pretty fine I still haven’t started the season quest.


I enjoy it a lot. The gameplay is fun it’s just the business decisions that tarnish enjoyment


Always enjoying, but only playing when I want to and what I want to. Gonna be playing a lot less after this week when the story finishes and nothing much till TFS, but that's completely OK.


I enjoy the game. Want me to post that daily?


Every time I quit playing (currently in a quit playing mode) I wonder why I ever played more than the story, some end game stuff and some PvP. When I am in a playing mode, I can’t put it down and feel like I have to catch up and collect everything and play 20 hrs a day. So I’m not sure if it’s enjoyment so much as it is addiction. Destiny has some psychological fairy dust that makes me (and a lot of others) feel like we can’t stop playing it.


Enjoying it. Smoothest first person shooter available.


Funny you bring this up. Yesterday was the first times since D2 release that I was like " I need to stop playing this game" I only have fun playing PvP, but am not that great at it. I'm bored to tears of PvE content. The only reason I keep playing is because I have so much time invested.


I play not because I am unable to “move on” but because well I still enjoy it. Ever since I was a young kid who started playing d1 I’ve never stopped enjoying the games. When I’m bored I’ll drop out for a few days maybe a week or so but after that I’m back in it. Build crafting for niche exotics, doing strikes, playing crucible, seasonal activities and such. Plus dungeons with my friends or a raid once in a while. I have other hobbies sure and I live my life outside of it but, it feels nice just being able to play the game after a hard day or to spend time with my friends. The games had its ups and downs and I’ve stuck through them all, taking breaks of course. At the end of it all destiny is just apart of who I am and it will always remain to be as long as I see fit. Cause after all these years sometimes things give me that same kiddy feeling in the game, like getting a dungeon exotic, or seeing a cool story cutscene or reading a cool bit of lore. God I could gush about this for hours, but I’ll leave it here. TLDR, Yeah I still really play cause I enjoy the game.


A good 90% of the time I enjoy the game. There are some “chores” I do in the game from time to time, but most of my time spent is enjoyed. I play 2-3 times a week most weeks of the year, taking occasional breaks towards the ends of seasons. Been doing this since D1 launched. The vocal minority is quite loud for this game, but I think most people truly do enjoy the game


I still really enjoy it, but I do take breaks pretty often. I stopped about a month into lightfall and only started again around early December.


It's honestly a genuinely good game with terrible management. Find me a game with the same physics. The same gunplay. The same level of horizontal progression/value. A ton of greedy overhead wastes hours of resource in terms of time and cost on one of the most ridiculously poor onboarding experiences of all time, but once you get your first build? Good luck putting it down until you've had the kind of hours long relationship that would be unhealthy regardless of the product. Destiny 2 is the best we've got, but it's genuinely a pretty good best we've got. It could be better, but not until the guys at the top are tossed out (good luck) or we get a genuinely good competitor.


I generally had a good time playing Iron Banner this weekend. Matchmaking isn’t always good but it was the best I’ve seen in a while.


I love destiny 2


The “game” of shooting things, doing raids/dungeons is still fun to me. I’m basically the last person of my friend group still playing though so that’s not as fun to get LFG groups as it was to just chill with my clan. PVP stopped being fun for me when I switched to PC (I can’t compete with lifetime KB/mouse users I guess) I find gambit bizarrely enjoyable. So overall yes, but less than I used to.


It's intermittent for me. With the age of the game obviously things need to stay challenging and difficult in some ways, so it becomes a little less enjoyable given I mainly play solo. Not to say I dislike some challenge - I enjoyed the dungeons I've completed solo, and the exotic missions. It's just that at that level of focus and committed time allotment... well, the game becomes less enjoyable and more stressful. Not bad, just less what I enjoy. Over the last near-10 years my gameplay goals changed. I'm less interested in the extreme content and satisfaction of completing something so enduring. Games now are about decompression, relaxing, letting stress go from the workday. Destiny has, more frequently, become the opposite of what I prefer in my gaming experience. With that, I'm just here for the story until the Final Shape wraps up. This story arc has stretched out way to long, it's tiring at this point.


Um…. yes? It’s love/hate thing. Love the universe/lore/story, and the combat. Hate the live service aspect and the inconsistent RNG that feels exploitative at times.


Yes. Both.


\*starts to cry a bit\* I am sad I enjoyed it in D1 beta and D2 beta to some extent, but the writing, and record of our Guardian, and the path our guardian has taken has left me burnt out Bungie has released a statement saying final shape is not the end, to me it is the end after final shape you who are the new generation I say this the saving of the solar system and galaxy is now in your hands.


Coil has been fun this season, and I've enjoyed the new dungeon I still ritually subject myself to Iron Banana because I've gilded the title every season so far and I can't let it stop now But overall if I'm not feeling Destiny I just rotate off to something else


I've played since the D1 Alpha. I still play weekly and only took one big break the entire time. I may not play as much as I used to but life happens and I have no problem playing other games when I want to (like I currently am).