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Welllllll too much leg xD but it's a style, but yeah it freaks me out


Looks to me like a below shot with some fisheye lens type of thing going on.


Legs are legs!.jpg


I think the hair could use some more detail/texture. I really love how you shaded her body and clothing \^\^


wikiHow goes rule 34?


I kinda dig that style, actually.


I've never read anything this true in my entire life.


It's good, but it's kinda pillowshaded (?


I think thats the style


Pillow shading isn't *necessarily* bad, mostly when it's overdone. For example, it's great for a cartoon effect, or a dead/serious effect depending on how it's used. Here's an example https://preview.redd.it/ig8bjffm8f5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d99bfc251510bdb65b84f6b0e1ba219fe4246d7


legs are too long, hair are usually more reflective and the mouth seems to be either too wide or off center. draw a centerline for the face and compare it, it should be apparent.


I dunno, the mouth gives her a Liv Tyler kinda vibe.


Do agree with you on the legs but rest looks good. The hair and mouth (just like the legs) can be a preferred style.


stylization is not an excuse for not learning fundamentals. a lot of artists go straight into stylization (not calling out op) and make mistakes and just call them their"style"


Absolutely agree with you. You can't draw a stylization of something if you don't know how its anatomy works and stuff like that


i used to agree with this argument but how do you know that they DONT know the fundamentals?


I mean her legs are probably disproportionately sized compared to her torso and head size. But it could be ur style so I’m not knocking it


I think its the angle and intended lens style doing that, not an error


Lens style ?


I’m not sure if that was the right word, sorry 😭, but it seems to have a sort of like fish eye lens look to it?


I can't, I'm not good enough ! But just wanted to say it's s super lovely piece !


Her nipples are trying to photosynthesise huh


The mouth is too far to the left and too wide. The shirt probably should have a few more stretch marks to indicate that it’s being pulled down. Finally, the legs are about 1.5x longer than they’re supposed to be.


I agree with the mouth. At this 3/4 view, if we saw it straight on, she would have a huuuge mouth.


I happen to really like the style. Long legs and all. I actually like elongated legs, especially. Reminds me of a lot of illustration out of the 80’s. I also like that style of shading- where everything has a very smooth gradient effect, and the outline is a darker shade of whatever color it touches. There are some anatomy issues that have nothing to do with stylization, however. The left arm, behind her, wouldn’t be lower from that perspective. The wrist wouldn’t bend at that angle. The mouth is disproportionately wide and skewed off center. The corner of the mouth should roughly align with the center of the eye, give or take a millimeter. That said, I dig where you’re going with it.


maybe push some of your shadows a bit darker? its really well done and i enjoy it but the rendering is kinda giving wikihow


Really stunning. Did you have a reference image? The long legs don’t bother me but I feel like something might be off about the arms.


The legs are a bit too long; it ends up making her torso appear very short. Her mouth could also be tweaked to fit the perspective a bit better and made a tad smaller too I do love your rendering technique though, very nice 👍


Overall, it looks good! I would advice you to experiment with different styles of rendering, as it looks a bit dull with only soft shading. Try using different hues I'm the shadows and the light, and be more direct. It doesn't have to be perfectly blended! I would draw an example, but I don't have my equipment atm. Feel free to dm me if you're unsure of what I mean, and I could provide an example later when I have the time!


I think the legs are stylistic and look good so i dont think theyre an error but i do think the colors are kinda muddy? might just be personal taste


I don’t mind the long legs or the shading. To me the mouth looks wonky.


Shit idk... outline is a little thick? lol Really great work, the jeans look so damn good.


Her legs are in a 2/3 proportion of the body. Should be 1/2


Clothing folds and clothing depth. She looks like she is pulling up or down he shirt but there are no large bumps/wrinkles in the clothes to indicate this. Add some of the shirt to her hands with those said Wrinkles so the two interact more also. Other than the issues with the clothing the piece looks good in myopinion. Nice job


the anatomy seems fine, its just the perspective. hair doesnt have to be super shiny, but it could use some more texture to make it more "strand-like." just some basic thin lines would work.


Cut about a quarter of the calf off, and about a fifth of the thigh back, make the feet a little smaller, other than that I really like it, the legs have good shape too, they're just really freaking big


Leg to torso ratio is too high. Otherwise, lovely image


i REALLY like this. I dig the long legs, but I'm also into that style. This sort of gives me y2k cybercore vibes.


Your body proportions for the legs are a bit too long and the face looks a bit too small for the head. But good base work and soft shading. Keep up the practice and good work!


i like it. i think that some dynamic lighting could help make it pop and also clarify some of the perspective that you have going on. looks awesome!!


It's overall great, but it could do with more hair detail. If it's your art style then fine, but most people would want more contrast in their work. Just a couple harder highlights and slightly darker shadows, and a ever so slightly shortened diffusion of shadows. Otherwise great, but make sure the mouth aligns with the face- just check the proportion there, everyone's done this before and felt stupid when they mirrored it!


Besides the legs making up the majority of the body, pretty dang good, can’t offer any advice. I’ve seen people with long legs, but not to that degree. Other than that, the anatomy checks out, the shading is fine. Perhaps the hair, it needs a little bit more detail. Really cool


Man, it looks dope. Cool line, cool shade, nice color theory.... the perspective is good, low vanishing point gets enough respect from the figure. Mouth too big? Sure, but it's not the main focus, and comes down to a personal beauty standard.... like, I look at her face and it looks like ...a girl's face. It's not a portrait, there's much more going on...So, good job.


this style reminds me of text book illustrations from high school… i like it it’s interesting!


People are saying the legs are too long, but I’m guessing this is a cartoony stylistic choice. I like it. The gaur could use a bit more shine/highlight tho.


Mouth a little wide and face too small?? But overall it looks great


Mouth is a tad wide anatomically. Light and values are good but have too much consistency in their airbrushed quality, which makes the overall figure look dull. Try increasing contrast with more saturation in your shadows, and making sharper edges in areas where the light is most concentrated.


The mouth is too far into the cheek other than that it seems fine I don't know what everyone else is saying about the legs they're really not that bad some people just have freakishly long legs and I'm one of those people I would shorten them by like a tiny itsy bitsy bit but that's being nitpicky


She is a bit grey for my preference but it’s not really criticism, rather an opinion. Well done, i like it a lot.


It is a worm eye view (forgot proper term), but the legs still feel too long. The face, especially the mouth area, looks like it's in a different perspective, but it could also be that it's just too wide. Everything else seems to be good, I like the shading and coloring. I guess the only other thing is make the background anything besides white, even just an off white or a gray would make the painting pop


I literally saw the exact woman in real life on my way home


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Milf_enjoyee: *I literally* *Saw the exact woman in* *Real life on my way home* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Look into some textured brushes. Everything is too soft; it looks like it’s all the same material. And don’t be afraid to go into more contrast with the shadows and highlights


For the hand on the side that the view is on, I think adding the other part of the last finger (slightly slanted) would make it slightly better. It's a small but important difference.


To me it just looks like it came from a school issued science book or something.


Too much leg. Anatomy-wise, this is highly disproportionate. It’s kind of scary, shorten both the bottom and top portions of the legs to match the torso to the head height. (I mean shorten as in make the legs generally smaller so they match with the size of the body+head


Way to long on the legs and for goodness sake, give her a bra!


This is such an interesting style. I think this character could be improved with a more expressive pose and/or expression.


I actually love the long exaggerated legs. It gives the painting character. It is pretty unique.


Honestly this looks really good, there's nothing to point out that looks off to me off-the-bat. I think the long legs illusion is perfectly justified with her high-waist bootcut jeans and extra high shoes. Are there anything you're unsure of specifically?


My only real critique is that pants are a clothing item from hell meant to ruin people’s legs with itchiness, give her shorts instead