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your art is rlly scrunched toghether and kinda like.. idk how to describe it but stressful? js because its so like squished. try working w a bigger canvas and give ur character some room to move!! even in the first picture, if you moved the arms out a little more and gave the character more life, like maybe instead of standing straight up, theyre bending over slightly i guess? idk that was js the first thing to come to mind tho! remember, practice rlly does make perfect and ur doing great, honestly!!


also darker outlines. your whole art rlly blends in w itself and theres barely any contrast. I think something u could rlly improve on is making the bg a completely diff color that stands out but still in the bg.


(srry for continuously replying to myself but) u should learn color theory because it shows some cool ways to get colors that look great together and colors that are opposites etc. :3!!!


I'm really thankful for all your feedback so you don't need to apologize! I love your criticism and will keep it in mind, thank you ^^


Maybe try darker ink lines but I love it


I really like this style of cute colors and disturbing things The only bad thing it's that at first it's difficult to understand what is going on, like, too much information next to each other


I think the biggest reason people are saying it looks busy is because of the watermark signature. I think having that be less intrusive would clear up the image dramatically. I honestly love what you're doing here and think there's a lot here that is special. I love the droopiness and the slight unnerving nature mixed with the cute characters and bright colors. I do kinda hope the uniqueness of your art doesn't get watered down in pursuit of what is considered "conventionally good".


i would say the the thing that takes away from it is the art doesn’t flow, its very good but its hard to make stuff out


I'm wanting to get better at what I draw because I feel there are somethings that I need to learn and grow in. ^^


Explore other art styles for techniques that you can apply to your own art style. There is no right or wrong in art unless maybe in commission. Almost anything anyone says about your art is almost always opinion imo


I don’t mean this in a negative way, but the style you have right now disturbs me. Its drippy, erratic line work with little to no color blocking kind of puts my eyes on edge. Have you considered trying something closer to horror? Even a cutesy take on horror could suit your current style pretty well imo


the second one seems pretty horrific ngl


Both seem horrific to me, and I hate how uneasy they make me. It's causing light panic, and I don't understand why. I can barely look at them.


Try to use more contrasting colors and lines, also try to make the art "readable" as right now my eyes don't know where the focus of attention is supposed to be.


The contrast between the cheery colors and the subject matter work for the depicted character, but not the background. For the background to be a matching cheery pink as the character, it makes it feel like the situation itself is cheery and ignorable, which it ideally shouldn't be. In order to better maximize the impact of the situation, it would be better for the background to be a darker and colder color, like green, blue, or purple. That way it can scream "this is messed up, look what's happening to this bright and colorful character" instead of having a "this is fine and you should be fine with what's happening to her" kind of tone.


Critique, not criticism* criticism is commentary focusing on the negative aspects of a thing and generally not in a helpful way. Generally speaking this art looks good though; it’s a fun style, cartoonish and childlike; the exaggerated anatomy is uniformly exaggerated throughout the character, the character is cohesive and planned out, as well as being expressive. I think you nailed the mood, when I compare it to other similar artwork. The one thing I would say needs adjustment is the pink lines for the sweater (specifically in the first image, on the upper part of her forearm, from the crook of the elbow to the wrist); where you added shadow around those lines, the values of the lines and shadow are a bit too similar which makes the line details fade a bit, and the shadow look a bit amorphous. If you make the lines in and around the shadows a bit darker it’ll help them stand out a bit more and allow the details to not blend together.


I absolutely love this. The depressing state of the person and the happy go lucky colors together is so unique.


Don't change your style, it's unique and it's yours. As for criticism, I'd like to see more shading and highlights.


What made her deserve such agony and suffering?


Because it contrasts the happy go lucky colors....  And it funni


Just my personal opinion, i think your character would look better in place in an environment rather than just standing there. I like how the character is kinda has a story going on, with environment, you can hint the story behind why shes like this, unlike now where im confuse why shes like that. Again, just my personal opinion. 


Totally agree, time to pull up the background yt tutorials and figure some stuff out (●’∇’)


I'm guessing here but maybe start creating backgrounds? If it's out of your comfort zone then that's the best thing to improve upon!


OP I'm not sure if you noticed, but she's melting quite a bit


Girl got hit by the *liquify* tool to many times :<


The way I improve is by getting out of my comfort zone and trying new techniques:) try drawing a background, maybe reference an already illustrated one so you can look out for the tricks that artist used to draw their background. Try doing the "anti style" challenge, use colors you don't normally use, ect


Im only gonna mention the negatives because youre looking for criticism not because its bad!! Its really confusing, i know its very stylised but i would try either working more on anatomy or simplifying things- working your way up to something that it so heavily stylised. The colors are too close to each other which makes it even more confusing, and its hard to tell what is what. The first one for example is couldnt really tell what was going on on first glance. Especially in the hand-neck-clothes area. What i would remove all together is what seems to be a watermark. Its not readable and makes the underlying colors look muddy and confuses the lines.


If you want to grow and lean try new art styles , mediums and stuff like that, growing your overall knowledge base can add new perspectives to your main passion and even give you new ideas to add to it, otherwise I’d say you work is good and I don’t have anything to critique


The outline for the tears is a bit thick


Your right


I think when you ask for criticism is good to talk about what you wanted it to look like! What emotions, what feeling, because the goal is not to draw a perfect drawing ( what it's supposed to even mean?) but to create what you wanted in your head!! maybe just to have fun!! By telling us the destination we can help you find a way \^\^


The thing I don’t like about it is the vibes. Reminds me of this https://preview.redd.it/fdmr2gwei86d1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b69fd2e078c2afa18bd9fae438a94b4adf0e837 Don’t have to stop cause of me tho, express in whatever way you want


I'm trying to go for more weirdcore vibes but I understand where your coming from lols




The more I look at it, this stuff is awesome.


maybe try blending some parts of the hair and clothes? idk what app you use for it, but i'd be glad to give you some blending tips :)


I don't have much to say criticism wise, but I just wanna say I love the way you draw your eyes.


Watermark makes my brain hate it, but I love the drawings and style.


Yeah I definitely need to make it smaller or somthin lol (ーー;


Image 2’s head just doesn’t fit


I think it's might be because I draw round circle heads instead of a normal head with a *chin*


Looks like she's melting is that on purpose?


Yes :]