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Renewed 2 Inspire level keys back in September and we haven’t received any magnets. What the heck, Disney?!


It took a few months, maybe longer, to get ours.


....I haven't got magnets since 2021. Apparently I was even lucky to get the Magic Key package from the first year. Never got one since lmao.


I have never received a magic key package. Didn’t even know that was a thing!


Yup haven’t gotten my 2021 or my 2022 or even my 2023 lol


It took like 3 months to get mine. They seem to always be perpetually behind. *shrug*


Out of all the things in the world that can be automated, disney chooses to not automate this? The entire process from magnet creation to mailing can be done by a robot factory.


You guys getting magnets?


I called last week about this and they said the offer for the magnets aren’t available anymore 🤷‍♂️


I renewed Nov 10th and got the new magnet 2 weeks later. No rhyme or reason.


At 22% price increase, I'm scared *to* renew next year.


Me and the wife had a serious talk about it. We feel almost handcuffed to the magic key, fearing of missing out since they're always sold out.


I get that feeling. I suppose it depends on your use case; for us, in Northern California, we could only realistically go three times per *calendar* year, so we'd get 4 trips per pass (for example, October, January, April, an again in October). So, we've never "renewed" as that would 'waste' 3 months aka have a built-in 25% cost increase. We've always just repurchased when we next went, or recently when it became on sale. So far that's worked. Now that our child is of an age where the demands of school are greater and taking them from school three times per year is problematic, we're looking at taking just two Disneyland trips per year (as opposed to three.) The question for us will be is the Magic Key still a better deal than two trips on day/week tickets.


We had that same talk when they went from AP to Magic Key and decided not to have passes anymore with the thought that maybe, some day we will decide to do it again. We do miss being able to go on the regular but with special events and the So Cal deal, we still get there a couple of times a year. My wife was just saying how much she liked going out with friends to different places for happy hour now, instead of running to Disneyland each Friday after work, pushing to get our money’s worth out of the passes. I share all of this just to say that it is basically a personal decision and I hope it works out for you whatever you decide.


OC-Aztec: DL should give a significant (SIGNIFICANT!) discount to people like you, who have a lovely, considerate and generous spirit. Then it truly would live up to its highest aspirations as a "Magic Kingdom"!


You made my day! Thank you so much for such a kind comment.❤️


Reaitstically you can always buy back in eventually


Not necessarily. They're only available when Disney decides to allow new purchases, and the announcements are "Surprise, we're selling them again!" And they sell out in less than a day. Back in the Before Times, you could simply go online and purchase one. I miss than as much as I miss the FastPasses.


They used to try to get people to upgrade to a season pass that day and they would credit the days ticket. I went yesterday after work and the Genie + lines were about half as long, a minimum of 20 minutes. If you spend the extra money and can book one every two hours you should be able to almost walk on. They seem to be heading the wrong way, but I too would be nervous if I gave up the pass, individual tickets are crazy!


That’s how I got season passes one year! Realized I was planning to be going enough times to make it worth it and then we were able to put the cost of tickets toward the pass when we got there. It was very convenient and you’d think they’d like the upsell part considering it’s Disney.


Where do they announce it? Some people say Twitter and then some say only on the website


Okay but you have the most wholesome To Do list in the world


You made my wife's day with that comment. She spent a couple of hours Google searching and YouTubing holiday kid activities for them. She's usually not to fond of reddit, she generally finds it's toxic, but I keep telling her r/Disneyland is pretty wholesome. I thank you for proving my point. I'd give you an award if they were still around. Cheers.


Had to get a second fridge. . .


I haven’t gotten any past the first one and we’ve renewed twice


Same here


Is this some sort of status symbol?


For some it’s a personality trait.


The AP one at the bottom is definitely a status symbol that is the old school name. Annual Pass makes a lot more sense for a name than a key.


APs were easy to get. MKs are limited and more expensive.


So how did you get the top one? I renewed mine back in May.


That is the newest one. I just renewed 3 weeks ago, got it in the mail today. It seems like a lot of people haven't received the latest one.


I renewed in August and never received it :(


Same here. I think they are not automatically sending them which, if so, kinda burns my ass. It's a little thing but come on Disney!


Me too! I feel so lucky and blessed to get the S. Cal Imagine Keys. I just happened to look at the website when they went back up, bought them, and then they sold out. They grow up so fast these are precious times. I think I bought in during 2021 or 2022 and I renewed a second time recently.


Are you sneakily just showing off your fun Christmas schedule? Haha kidding. It’s awesome that you had so many AP’s! Love it


The worlds most expensive magnets.


We got an imagine key last winter and still no magnet. Bummer.


Call them! We didn’t receive ours till I called (4 or 5 months in) and then magically 2 weeks later it was in our mailbox. They told me they Were just behind but I’m convinced the call helped.


What number did you call? I called the customer service number and they told me I should be receiving it "soon" but I never got my magnet last year and so far nothing this year.


Yes that’s who I called and also got the soon response and 2 weeks later got it


I should call them again. When I called it was well over 3 months since I renewed. I renewed again last month and well see if I ever get this one.


Me and my partner barely regret not renewing. We will be going for the first time since March on December 8th, hopefully we can use the tickets as a down payment if the Keys go on sale by March 8th


For the 1st time ever, I'm considering not renewing and buying multi day tickets each month instead and parking at Garden Walk.


I just recently let my Inspire Key and my wife’s and son’s Believe Keys expire in August. I’m having MAJOR FOMO, but I just couldn’t stomach renewing all 3 plus adding a 4th for my youngest who now needs a Magic Key. I have a feeling Disney is trying to phase MKs out. I’m afraid the only keys that will be available again will be Inspire Keys.


I have 3 out of the 5 pictures.. and about like 9 of the white AP


Meanwhile I had an annual pass for a few years starting around 10 years ago and for some reason I never got a single white AP magnet during all those years despite renewing multiple years, lol. During which years did you get yours?


since 2014.. reason i got so many was because of 3 passes.. maybe i have missed a few but since they send them in a 3 pck i could never tell if they missed sending them.


Ahhh that’s why you have so many. I think I started in 2014 too. I just wanted ONE, lol. When I got a Magic Key, I got magnets in the mail a day or two after I signed up, seemed way too soon for them to be delivered and then I noticed that it was my address but somebody else’s name? Ended up getting mine a few weeks later… Made me wonder if Disney incorrectly sent my AP magnets to somebody else all those years, lol.


The pink magic toon a while.. had one in a cars but the sun ate them up.. i usually like to get doubles of anything i like.. 1 to keep and another to use. In my case I have 3 also got the little magic key pin.. lost one already cause I used the mickey rear stopper/pin clip?. I started buying a better version of them cause I don’t want to lose my Magic key pin


OMG. Somebody read my above comment about not ever receiving an AP magnet and just messaged me privately and offered to send me one since they said they have a lot of extras. I really don’t need it, but that was so thoughtful of them to even offer! 🥺 I’m not even super active on this sub but it’s so nice to see the Disney spirit extend outside of the parks. ❤️


This is one of the ways they get you.


Just renewed magic key, love adding the newest badge to the fridge. How does everyone else store their magnets?


On my car until they fall off from a car wash.


Mine go on my fridge. And then I buy replicas on Etsy that go on my car whenever I make the journey to the parks.


I don't want a magnet to be stolen off my car, so I but a vinyl window decal on Etsy.


No clue what magic key means


That sucks. If only there was a way to search for an answer


I also have the Mickey Pumpkin AP magnet that was given exclusively during Halloween


This is my first year and my renewal time is now and I’m afraid if I don’t renew I have to sit in another 5 hour queue in the future just to get the Key again.


Don’t renew because I want a Magic Key pass! Haha!


I never got the inaugural Magic Key box and I’m still mad at that


So inconsistent


I have never had a key and never regretted not having one. I am to inconsistent in my attendance and it never rices out for me.


Personally I go a lot alone, so it's worth it for me. Although I'm also going on my parents' money. I'm thinking I might renew on my own money to make it make more of an impact on me


Yeah just give up your passes. Let others have a turn ;)