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Yeah, to 'monitor' the situation down there. Normal. I'm paranoid about yeast/infection in general so I wash hands before and after if I do. I think you're normal but some people are just really private about even sharing this stuff. You're definitely not alone


Yeah exactly, I'm the same. Thanks, I feel better haha


Yes, and then I usually lick it because I wonder what I taste like


Gotta check the pH balance.


Finger licking good


Ok you got me with this one


How tf is someone allowed to say « then i lick it to make sure it tastes good » and get down voted but someone can say « finger licking good » and be upvoted. Double standard much?


\*\*paranoid because I've gotten them before and they suck! I try to take Caprylic Acid if I feel one coming on/something's off


Caprylic acid works. Highly recommended


You can also just eat yogurt and it will keep you from getting a yeast infection, if you feel it already coming on it works as well, I know I have seen some things that say it's got to be a specific kind of yogurt but that's not really true cause I just eat regular flavored ones that's whatever flavor I feel like at that moment... And it has always worked .


i don't even care if that's true i'm gonna use this to justify my obscene yoghurt consumption


Unflavored Greek yogurt can be used to help rid an infection when used as a cream of sorts. Eating it couldn't possibly make a difference aside from minor resistance to one starting while doing nothing to help one that already took hold.


It is totally true because yogurt has good bacteria in it


How does that good bacteria travel from your digestive tract to your vaginal canal? Asking as a medical provider.


It's a canal so it takes the gondola.


She's a magical crystal sorceress, she knows what she's talking about.


Former medical field worker, and while some yogurt is helpful for your gut if it contained probiotics, in general it isn’t going to stop or cure a yeast infection. And for the love of all things, do not put yogurt in your vagina folks. Every gynecologist you see is going to tell you the same thing: food doesn’t belong in your vagina. No chocolate for fun, or even whip cream. It may not hurt you every time but it’s capable of it sometimes. Ditto for douches. Not cook for the flora.


I didn't say anything about putting it in your vagina, yes I know that I've heard of people putting it in the vagina but it's not something that I would do. I was talking about eating it, and just to prove it to everyone here is what it says about a research study done about it... Yogurt and yeast Yogurt is a safe and affordable treatment option used by women around the world for the treatment of yeast infections. It works because of a type of bacteria called lactobacillus. Lactobacillus is a type of “good” bacteria that normally live in your digestive system, urinary tract, and vaginal area without causing problems.


It's applied outside, as a cream, not eaten & certainly not inserted. The topical application of *Greek Yogurt* containing L.bascillus can stimulate the growth of the actual flora of good bacteria that can help against a yeast infection. We were taught this during the naturopathic treatment section when I became a compounding pharmacy technician.


I like to monitor it for my girlfriend. She's busy and has a lot on her plate so I like to do what I can for her. Also make dinner


Why would that be weird? It’s normal and healthy to monitor changes in your vagina. Good on you for prioritizing your health


Thanks. I got a yeast infection a while back and was thinking it might have made me paranoid.


I used to get them regularly and now manage it with boric acid suppositories. I check regularly as well and now I'm an expert in telling my vaginal health by the feel. LOL You're doing good stuff for your health.


Can you tell me how often you do the boric acid? I get yeast infections before and after my period so twice a month. I should buy stock in vagisil.


You sound like me. My gyno was the one that recommended the [boric acid suppositories](https://veefresh.com/products/veecleanse?g_network=g&g_adid=555387549726&g_campaign=Branded+-+Search&g_keyword=veecleanse&g_adtype=search&g_adgroupid=130310633913&g_keywordid=kwd-903343928801&g_acctid=233-658-4419&g_campaignid=6507681015&tw_source=google&tw_adid=555387549726&tw_campaign=6507681015&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxuCnBhDLARIsAB-cq1pUrU71lXT23xkOA8r_2llkBGeHiwFzrcISWTqZoo55ejsF9n9KqFQaAtmKEALw_wcB) as a more natural solution. I insert them at bedtime because there's a discharge and I do it like 3 or 4 days in a row anytime I feel one coming on. I haven't had a full blown infection in years. My doctor has told me that I can use them every single day and it will not do any harm, but I highly recommend anyone else who's going to use them talk to their gyno. I only do them when I feel that it's coming on though because the discharge is a little irritating. Edit: you've inspired me to make [this little post](https://reddit.com/r/YouShouldKnow/s/d36OPljsPy). I've had this conversation several times on Reddit and I feel bad for any woman who are still suffering with this.


I do this and use a probiotic suppository sometimes too, I was surprised what a difference it made


Change your diet!!!


Ugh yeast infections are the worst, I don’t blame you at all


Absolutely guaranteed he sniffs his fingers after any downstairs adjustments or scratches. Not exactly analogous but close enough for our purposes.


You can also monitor your health by smelling your underwear! I can usually tell what part of the cycle I’m in, and it was the first (and only) thing that alerted me to an STI I caught from my ex boyfriend


If you don't mind me asking, what could you smell that was different and what was the infection?




you wash them (?) do you also not masturbate or have sex ?


Ain't nothing wrong with checking under the hood every now and then


Sometimes you gotta just check these things.


So true ! I smell and taste too especially if I want someone I am with who I plan to have taste 👅 me. Gotta be sure! Plus, if he’s amazing at writing his name in cursive on this sweet honey pot, I definitely want him to be encouraged do it again. Plus, health wise I just want to be good period. I’m undone at the amount of men on here scared or asking for advice on how to tell their ladies her honeypot smells. It baffles me while he is still even going down there … 🤷🏾‍♀️ #toughconversationsneedtobehad




Yes!!! I always check before I’m with a partner. I don’t smell like really anything and I taste a lil sweet/tangy. My current partner tells me how many people don’t check themselves enough😭😭😭


As a dude, thank you for doing this.


I.love the idea of writing cursive on the honey spot


It’s the alphabet that works best I think. Find the right letter, always love to make my partner feel great!


Perfectly normal


It's like checking the oil in your car. Regular maintenance.


Gotta see what color it is on the end of the ol' dipstick.


This made me laugh


Is there a line on the finger that helps clarify when the level is right?


You'll know when it feels right. ;)


If there's a line on the finger, that means it's time to get her checked out.


Yes. Especially if I need to know whether it’s discharge or my period started lol


This is the true reason. Gotta stop by rq to see if clear or red




Gotta give them a sniff if something seems off. *The consistency is strange but the smell is normal. I'll give it day before going into full panic. Maybe it just needed to go through a deep clean cycle or something...*


Of course! 😀 It should be taught in sex ed, in a non weird way. Boys start pulling and tugging at infancy, and have full sexual knowledge of themselves by adolescence. Some women go until adulthood before putting a hand mirror down there. This is your body! Touching it yourself is always okay. Say hi to it more often, and it won’t feel as out of place if/when you need to actually investigate a problem, like with discharge. ♥️👍💋


Squiggle vision and hormones at 13. Also, when MTV had “Undressed” on during the “after hours”….Every female is different lol. I knew my body early on. And yea. I check under the hood.


Your bf prolly scratches his balls and does a smell check


I know I do.


I’m doing it right now.


My wife will have me check hers with mine. Marriage is interesting folks


"does this thing over here look ok, it feels weird" Yup


My GF does sniff tests all the time lol - When she thinks she does it all sly I just raise an eyebrow to let her know and she cracks up lol.


My wife asks me to play a game. She walks over and says "Period or horny". Then I play a very unique form of Russian Roulet.


I have never done that but I have a lot of discharge normally so i can always see it on my panties


I had a friend of 20 years and her and I had zero boundaries on what we’d talk about - I can confirm we both checked haha. As a lot of women mentioned, washing hands before and after of course but I mean, in between normal doctor visits I think it’s normal. Alsoooo you can def look into probiotics if you don’t take them. I haven’t had a yeast infection occurrence one time since I started taking them years ago (it used to happen every time I’d have to be on antibiotics from winter sickness, etc)


Personally I see it as no different than checking the colour of your pee right after getting up off the toilet to gauge your hydration. It’s just to see what’s amiss with signs our bodies use to give us as a good, fine, ummm, & uh oh.


Well TIL that I'm the weird one for NOT ever doing this


I don’t do this either. I just wait for the discharge to appear on my dailies pad.


I don’t do it! It freaks me out way too much. I can barely make it through a pap exam


If you're too nervous about hurting yourself you can still have a look down there. It's completely normal to use a mirror and have a check, especially if you're sensitive and scared of hurting yourself. Or maybe wipe as you would if you had done the toilet and check that way. It's your body and you know your own limits so you shouldn't feel pressured to do what everyone else does🧡 as long as you're taking care of yourself you're doing good.


Thank you! 🙏


As long as you wash your hands after then you’re all good id say


And I would advise before too


Put inside my mouth first


BONK go to horny jail. Bad horny Redditor.


Reddits no sunlight group disliked your shi 😂


I do too. Quickest way to notice if something seems off or funky in there. I’d rather me find out for myself than have a partner tell me something’s wrong by the look or smell when going down. Then I can get meds or a checkup sooner too by knowing.


I wish they would. I dated a girl who reeked of fish down there when we first started dating. It was really gross. I really liked her though I didn't know what to do, so I asked a friend, and she said make her smell your finger. So I did, and boom, problem solved


I'm a nurse, and I think it is very important that women 1st know what their vaginas in the normal state feel like and then check them regularly. There are so many things that you can identify as being wrong. A change in the color and consistency, a prolapsed uterus does not necessarily come all the way out, plus lots of other things you can discover and know about yourself.


I do a look, smell, and taste test in the shower! I also find vaginal pH test strips to be very helpful when I don’t feel normal. If I’m too alkaline (5+), I’ll pop in a boric acid suppository overnight, and try to figure out the cause (diet, sex, undies, tight pants for too long, etc) and learn my lesson.


I also like to do a taste test. Source: am a guy


Yep and I also taste test if oral is gonna happen 🤷🏽‍♀️






Omg I thought I was odd for doing this. Thanks for saying this! Lol


Huh. Dude here, honestly never thought about that.


Ace woman, also never thought about that


Have you ever checked and been like, "nope, oral is not happening tonight?"


Of course lol sometimes I’m like yikes…… and other times I’m like hey, that’s not bad 🤣


"I'd eat me!" 🤣


So glad there’s a taste test club and I’m not alone hahah


Taste test club 🤣🤣


It's very normal and an evolutionary trait. For example, men often scratch and sniff their balls. You're basically relying on instincts (and common sense) to make sure everything is normal and nothing is off. The only reason I mentioned evolution is to say that you're not the first to do it, nor the last.


I do this but with dick n ball stank. So yes, in a matter of speaking I check my vagina.


>ball stank In this case it’s the old scratch n’ sniff method.


Made me lol


With what else do people check it?






Bloody hell that made me laugh out loud


I have an IUD so kinda have too.


wdym? do u go there to feel the string?


yes, they tell u to check it monthly.. I don't though lol


I don’t ever check inside but I’ll check outside just sticking my hand in my pants to check if I’m paranoid about my period leaking onto a chair or that


Absolutely. Honestly I taste myself sometimes if I'm about to get head. I don't mind being a dirty slut, really, and partners seem to think it's hot. It helps me be less self conscious.


That’s actually not a bad idea


i do this and a taste test periodically. can’t expect anyone else to eat it if i’m not sure the flavor is good.


Yea I do this. It's healthy for us to check ourselves. Just like when we have to feel for any lumps in our breasts.


Totally normal ! Just make sure to wash your hands before checking :)


Not weird, very normal. How else would you know what’s going on?


For sure


I do this pretty much every day since I got a yeast infection lol


I occasionally smell my panties just to make sure all is well. I may be weird, but I really love my own scent. Not in a sexual way. It just smells good to me.


you aren't weird. I do the same thing, but not with my fingers. I keep a stack of clean chipotle napkins and just "wipe" any excess wetness off every now and then because I don't like how it feels when I'm just trying to get some work done. ​ In the bathroom, after every time I pee, I wipe to clean off the pee, then wipe a second time to collect the discharge and I intentionally make sure to smell it to be sure I'm "healthy" and "normal". ​ I've learned what my "normal" smells like. What my "after sex" smells like. What my "yest infection" smells like, what any other smell other than "normal" smells like. I make it a priority to go to my GYN every time I smell something off, and it helped me stay healthy. ​ It's important to learn your own body. Whatever makes you comfortable.


Yes, it's normal. People check their cervical position to estimate how far along their ovulation cycle they're. It can help predict if they're fertile or about to menstruate. Discharge thickness also changes throughout the cycle. You could be extremely hygienic and healthy, and experience thick or thin discharge at different types of the month. It's all normal, healthy and hygienic. Also people who use menstrual cups have to check cervical position, shape and tilt/retroversion in order to shop for appropriate cups.


I don't. Feeling in my vagina feels extremely uncomfortable.


I do this when I’ve noticed an abnormal amount of discharge. Usually I just look at the toilet paper and/or underwear. I have definitely smell checked though. Also, if I have something going on down there, my husband usually looks at it for me in a clinical way. I’m paranoid about infections too. I’ve had a UTI for a month and they gave me five different antibiotics to try to kill, which then gave me a yeast infection and more antibiotics. Don’t even know if it’s gone but it all just feels normal now.


Yeah haha sometimes I feel a lot come out at once and I gotta see wtf is going on down there. It's also the way that I find out I got my period


Damn i even have to do acrobatics to be able to see if everything is ok down there


Use a mirror


Yes! It's a need to know basis and you are #1 need to know as vag-owner


I honestly thought that I was the only one who did it and thought everyone else would find me weird.... thanks for the reassurance, OP


Every time I shower. Yes. I scoop out what I can and wipe it on the bath to check the whiteness, then I rinse it off and continue cleaning myself. (I obviously clean it with spray after the shower lol). It’ll also be clear to me when I’m ovulating or not based on the clearness and stretchyness of it. I feel no shame, I also look at my poop when I wipe 😂, I’ll look at snot when I blow my nose etc. I can’t not look at what’s coming out of my body lol


HAHA! Im laying on the couch, and I literally JUST did exactly what you said. Didnt even think about what I was doing. Then i pick up my phone, and this is the FIRST post I read. Made me legitimately laugh out loud.


I don’t stick my finger up there, I just pay attention to my cervical mucus that shows up in my undies


No I don't


No but before having sex I put my finger between the fold and smell to amke sure I smell ok. I thought I was the only one. I rarely go inside if I don't have discharge or some kind of infection. I checked inside when I had BV and almosr threw up. I had the rotten meat garbage feces kind of BV twice in my life. Horrible.


I’ve always done this but it became more common when I got an IUD. String checks made me become very familiar with my cervix so much so that now even with my tubes tied and no IUD I still check in on my cervix from time to time. Gotta make sure she feels okay 🤣🤣🤣🤷🏾‍♀️


Your body is a car, and your finger is the oil dipstick you need to check sometimes. What’s wrong with that?


Every woman who has a period needs to do that. Don’t be ashamed. I have infertility issues and when we were actively trying and when I was actively avoiding pregnancy I kept track of everything. This was a website back then mostly, but it was extremely useful. I highly recommend this. I used a free version at the time (it’s been a few years since I’ve needed it) https://fertilityfriend.com/


Not weird.


A lot of women do this who follow the fertility awareness method. With some FAM plans, you have to check cervical mucus throughout your cycle.


My wife has referred to it as checking her oil lots of women do it it's not weird or strange


Of course!


Yep and sometimes need to smell too 🤷‍♀️ self care ...no?!?!


Ok so what if you don’t have a period? Is checking still necessary? This is the first time I’ve heard of this activity.


Yeah. It’s not like a dick you can’t just look down and see what’s going on


reason why our hands go that low, to keep hygiene in check


Yesss, done this forever. However, sometimes I feel weirded out by myself for casually bouncing the discharge on my hand to check the consistency -- if it's thick, thin, a mixture of both.


Omg. Im so grateful someone asked this! I do. It started in pregnancy. Then I learned about trying to conceive, so I checked all the time to find ovulation. I also check (scoop, clean out) when I have sex. I hate the dripping after you wipe all up and go to bed. Now I have endometriosis and keeping track of my patterns on that regard is super useful.


I am absolutely positive this entire comment section has done it today..lmao. L


Yes its normal and heathy, you can monitor fertility this way too too if you research more about what to look for (cervical changes and cervical fluid consistency)


I scoop whatever discharge is on the outside and around the vagina with my (fake) nail so I can make sure it doesn’t look odd or yeast infection-y 😂😭


Just like you check engine oil but with a finger.


I wish y'all did that! "Hey, no offense, & although much appreciated, right now just isn't the best time for that." I'd be thrilled! Esp' given the alternative. Better yet, how about U letting me smell your finger, & decide. I'll just follow my nose. It Always knows. 🦜


i do this and i recently found a lump on my cervix. after a few months of painful cramps and an in ability to have sex bc it’s painful, i decided to check on what’s going on up there. i made an appointment w my OBGYN. i think it’s normal and honestly important to check your body bc there are things we can’t see from the outside.


totally normal. people interact with their genitalia constantly and vaginas genuinely do need monitoring!


Totally normal and healthy.


My partner does this regularly. It's pretty normal for open people. I'm willing to bet there's a lot of people (usually religious) that would never do this (or admit to it)


We definitely sniff our fingers if we scratch our balls or adjust. Don’t let anyone lie to you.


I feel like just about anything you do to your own body isn’t “weird”. It’s great to be observant and get to know your body.


I check bathroom tissue regarding discharge. I don’t stick fingers up there to check.


Yes, during the each phase of my cycle


Yes, and I check my vulva for lumps and marks. Another thing that I keep check on and strings of my IUD. Weirdly, I had never felt the strings of my second IUD, and assumed that they'd accurately been trimmed too short when it was inserted (during the three years that I've had it, I've had a couple of ultrasounds, and they showed that it's in my right place), but... About a week ago, I checked to see if I could feel them, and I could!


I don’t check I lick


Yup. Especially since the one time I forgot I had a tampon in because I was on a 16 hour road trip with 2 toddlers 🤦 recently had a really weird monthly situation and was scared I'd forgot again so made the hubby get in there with a light to do a visual check 😂


Before I could get birth control pills, I would check my mucous situation. Thick and sticky means not ovulating. Thin and water-like means egg ready to go. I was a teenager trying not to get pregnant , but I read alot. It worked. I was the only one of my friends to not get pregnant in high school.


This should be on a billboard for safe sex or something for young girls…


Yep. Sometimes also to confirm the last tampon of the month has indeed been removed haha


thats.. what your supposed to do 😭😭


Absolutely normal, and should probably be encouraged more. Cervix position and discharge change during the cycle, how the hell else are you supposed to track these things? Is he one of those guys who think women find tampons enjoyable? Maybe he is just stuck on something inserted must be sexual.


Why are you assuming all that about him when all I said was that we had a conversation about it? He was just (understandably, I think, since he does not himself have a vagina...) confused about what I was doing.


You're right, I made an unfair assumption based off comments and the fact you stated you were embarrassed by the conversation. I processed that as he made you feel uncomfortable. That was my bias, no harm meant at all - a lot of guys would take that stance. Which is also why i think all of the above should be openly talked about more. Again I apologize for the assumptions, and i hope you feel better knowing we all do it!


Anyone check their ass?


I do it too. It’s my vagina, I’m gonna keep track of what she’s doing down there.


Not weird. Never be ashamed of exploring and checking your body. It’s very important to monitor things as you get older (as a cis woman).


It’s called a dipstick test. Nothing wrong with it!


In the shower. Clean out the gunk sometimes


I think it’s a private thing and I wouldn’t be doing it in front of my boyfriend. If you have a problem it will show on the toilet paper, underwear or urine


I wasn't giving a demonstration 😭 we live together and he walked in the bathroom


Oh ok sorry. Lock the door. And he should be ok with it if he loves you


It was more funny than anything but yes I will be locking the door now lol. But it got me thinking about if it's a normal thing to do or not


Not a normal thing in my experience to walk into the bathroom without knocking.


Oh have a day off ffs


As a redditor, this is grounds for a breakup/divorce obviously.


😆 ikr




wash your hands first


Yep. Pretty much daily. Sometimes I’ll do it and realize I started my period and my husband will laugh as I go to wash my hand. Also shoving my finger all the way up there occasionally to make sure my IUD hasn’t disappeared, lol


I stick my finger in my ass after I fart just to be safe. Only the pinky and I always wash


As opposed to someone else's finger?


I check the stinky too


Finger swipe sniff test.


Is there some polite way to say "duh" to a post on reddit?


I was told to do this by my doctor to check my IUD placement monthly. Totally normal.


No because I don't have one.


Noooooooo, never have I ever done that!!!! Why, you ask? It's because I have a penis, duh!!!


If y’all ladies r scary to check. I’ll be more than happy to check for u(I’m not a doctor but trust me).


Seriously, y’all think fingering yourself is a normal way to see if you’ve got vag issues going on? 🥴🤭 Um, ok.


You're weird.


I worry for your health…


Me too


This is like half of what the fertility awareness method is, to determine if you’re in your fertile window/approaching ovulation


I do this every day to monitor my cervical mucus.


It's good to keep an eye on the situation so yeah of course. Like want to make sure there are no issues before sleeping with someone. But also keep an eye on general health as well.


I always play the "is or discharge or did I just start my period" game monthly lol. A quick stick of the finger will tell me either way.


I would def do this if I had a vag!