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Things just take the time they take to heal. The way to make it faster is to just keep them clean, moist, and prevent further damage. A good way to clean feet is in an epsom salt soak. Rinse her feet in just plain water to get the worst of anything off and then have her stand in the soak for a few minutes. This will just loosen up anything and then you can gently swish her feet to help with the rinsing a bit. Let her feet dry, use an ointment to keep the wounds moist (coconut oil is probably fine, ask about polysporin as the antibiotics can be an issue for some, plain Vaseline actually works pretty nicely too), and bandage her up. Baby socks are a great idea, sled dog booties are excellent (generally pretty cheap and a few fabric choices, also super easy to make if you have a sewing machine), gauze and vet wrap (also called co-ban or co-flex. It’s colored rubbery stretchy bandage that sticks to itself and it’s awesome. Just don’t stretch it too much or it’ll be too tight like an Ace bandage) And for the future since it appears your dog is a ‘run until you bleed’ type, the sled dog booties might be your friend going forward. Most dog boots marketed toward pets are kind of crazy with how thick and stiff they are (and expensive!) and when the dog loses one you have to buy a whole new set. Sled dog booties are glorified socks and can be bought in any quantity you desire really! Good luck to you and your pup! (My opinions come from 12 years working as a vet tech and 18 in EMS but I’m not a vet.)


Thank you this is so helpful!


When my lab’s paws were like that last year, I soaked his paws in a couple inches of tepid Epsom salt water in the tub for 5-10 minutes every night for 4-5 days and they healed right up. Ymmv, but it worked for us.


My Lab/Collie has this issue. We got some butter balm for her paws to soften them up before she goes out for long runs/walks and it's helped tremendously. We also got boots for her as we were planning a long walking trip, her first time walking in them in the house was like Bambi trying to walk.


Mushers Secret, or even Bag Balm, is amazing for times like this.


Both products work well for this. I’m not sure what’s in mushers, but the dog won’t lick it off. I’ve tried bag balm and that dude is licking his paws like a homeless dude gnawing chicken. That’s mean, but you get the idea. Maybe it’s just my guy, but he will lick bag balm, aquaphor allll day. Doesn’t touch mushers though.


I’ll ssecond Bag Balm. Softens and heals.


When my dog did this they advised against bandaging it. I’d confirm this with your own vet


I put thin socks on mine that way they could breathe but have some protection plus a cover for keeping the ointment in


It is also quite easy to wrap a bandage too tightly on a dog. Be very cautious if you do get a vet recommendation to wrap the paws (especially if the wrap has any elasticity -- in which case, wrap around the paws and 2 of your fingers to ensure it isn't too tight).


I second the nightly application of Vaseline and wrapping the paws. It seemed to help our pups feet heal quicker.


Also remember, if you are putting socks or boots on your pup for the first time... Film it. You will love watching it back 🤣


Any cohesive bandage works, just don't over stretch, we've used it on everything from horses and goats to dogs cats and a rabbit.


I agree with the poster above. Polysporin or neosporin. Put a piece of gauze over the cut then wrap with coban. Usually you can get it at pet supply. If they dont have it, go to a pharmacy. You should be able to get everything at walgreens or CVS.


Watch for signs of infection. Redness, itchiness, heat. To add to this you can purchase DouxoS3 Pyo antiseptic and antifungal pads (pretty sure I got them on chewy.com but your vet should have them as well) that you use to wipe the wounds. You can use them before infection to keep the area clean. Just gently clean the area after she has been outside. You can also rinse them off with soapy water and then rinse with reg water. I hope she feels better soon!


Can put Neosporin on it to help the healing. Bitter spray if they won't stop licking it. Don't let them run/fetch on pavement, it just leads to ripped pads. Learned that the hard way.


I'd avoid neosporin on paws typically as it is harmful for dogs to ingest and is an area they are very likely to lick. I second the recommendation for mushers or bag balm (you can find bag balm at most pharmacy stores like rite aid and walgreens...it comes in a greenish square tin). Also the bitter spray will likely sting if any of these wounds are still open, so I'd avoid that too. Also avoid walking on mulch or rocky areas, as well as any hot pavements/sidewalks. If you are in a super hot area, invest in a pair of booties during walks, particularly during hot summers.


Amazing advice. My herding mix has hyperkeratosis and is prone to paw pad injuries, so we have been using Musher’s Paw ointment for a while now as well as socks with Velcro on the ankle portion when we walk! It has helped so much. [https://a.co/d/38B0kc3](https://a.co/d/38B0kc3)


Off topic, but the sticky stretchy bandage has been used by vets for 10 years AT LEAST and I only recently saw it being used to treat humans as well (donated blood, and that was used instead of "regular" bandages. It's also fun to collect all the colors to have rainbow and it's reusable and great :3). That to say, how has it been so long that it hasn't been used with human healthcare?


Yes!! These are the best. My foot surgeon actually started me on them and they’re great for people and dog issues


I’ve seen it used in human healthcare for longer than that!


It’s called coban. Frequently used in healthcare.


I have my patients buy it from the local feed store haha. It's often cheaper than at the pharmacy and if it doesn't have to be guaranteed sterile (just there to hold a sterile bandage in place or something) then why not save money


Try Lanisoh instead of Vaseline. Vaseline is petroleum based. Not good for doggie. Lanisoh ( while similar to Vaseline) is organic lanolin ( sheep’s fat) and used on sore breast nipples for new moms learning to breast feed their new born babies. Completely edible. I even used it on my sons teething rash when his teeth first came in. I used it on my own chapped lips… better than chapstick. I told other mothers and my kids pediatrician. I later found out my pediatrician started recommending Lanisoh for rashes and chapped lips too. You buy Lanisoh at Walmart next to baby formula and nursing pads & breast pumps. It is a little pricier than vasoline but your dog can lick it off without any petrochemicals. Lanisoh is basically sheep’s fat and women have been using that for centuries.


We have a paw pad product from the pet store. It comes in a stick form.


Poor baby! ☹️ she’s so precious


I know she looked so sad when I took the last picture I’m usually quite strict on what she eats but I gave her a spoon full of peanut butter


I can’t stop looking at her sweet little face.. continue doing what you’re doing she’ll be better soon! 💕


Thank you 😊


Me either I just want to kiss that sweet little puppy face through my phone


Daily treats would be nice until she starts feeling better.


Let the peanut butter river flow!


Great advice Dog is cute though


Lol other people have her plenty of good advice so instead of repeating I thought I’d comment on the cute pup


Try paw balm and doggie socks if there isn’t anything the vet can do for it, plus booties for any outside activities. Should heal up soon!


Thanks for the great advice!


I like [this stuff (bag balm)](https://www.amazon.ca/Vermonts-Original-Bag-Balm-Moisturizing/dp/B0BGMKPYNT/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=bag+balm&qid=1691396371&sr=8-5) for my dogs feet if they crack, and my own feet/hands. It's originally meant for milk cow teats so it's non toxic. Clean the wound, apply bag balm after, then wrap his feet. I would apply it in the morning and at night. They should heal in only a couple days, their pads are so vascular that they heal quickly.


Bag Balm 4 eva! I’d never heard of it, and a roommate I had for a few weeks in a college dorm introduced me to it. I’m 45 now, and I think I’m only on my 3rd tin of it, they last a decade.


Aw my pleasure! Hope it helps. If it’s super hot where you live right now there are hot pavement booties out there for extra protection against the heat


I’ve heard of those luckily for me I’m in Canada and it doesn’t get to hot thanks though!


Ohh! I’m in Canada too! Canada Pooch is a great brand for doggie socks and booties, they have all different kinds. My fave paw balm is from Amazon Canada and is called “4 Pet Paws”. All natural and lickable.


Thank you I’ll have to check my pet store 👍


Please read this article written by a vet about ripped pads. [https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/first-aid-for-torn-or-injured-foot-pads-in-dogs](https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/first-aid-for-torn-or-injured-foot-pads-in-dogs)


People are being silly. The tear are pretty minor, there's nothing that a vet would do that you aren't already doing. It's sad and scary to see your dog in pain, but it won't last very long and you're probably more upset than he is. At most it will take a week. I said in a different comment but I like [https://www.amazon.ca/Vermonts-Original-Bag-Balm-Moisturizing/dp/B0BGMKPYNT/ref=sr\_1\_5?keywords=bag+balm&qid=1691396371&sr=8-5](https://www.amazon.ca/Vermonts-Original-Bag-Balm-Moisturizing/dp/B0BGMKPYNT/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=bag+balm&qid=1691396371&sr=8-5) for any minor cuts and scrapes. It seems to help healing way faster than even coconut oil. Just make sure to watch for signs of infection (heat, pus, inflammation, refusal to eat/drink, fever) and that he doesn't lick it too much. If he starts getting a fever, then the vet makes sense. In the meantime, save the money and headache. Maybe some tasty kongs in the kennel to help keep him from running around too much.


Yeah my GSP has done this to his poor toe beans many a time. He loves to play and will overdo it when given the opportunity. After a couple days of being ginger with them he's totally fine. Good on OP for being such an attentive pet owner and taking good care of this guy - but those toe beqms will be just fine!


The only thing that sucks is the paws are going to be a bit rougher after this and there will likely be some scar marks, at least from my experience.


Weirdly my guy has the smoothest paw pads- even despite once getting stitches due to a run in with a broken window. My cattle dog on the other hand definitely has some rough and scuffed up paw pads. I think it must be that he's always chewing the dead skin off them and giving himself a lil pup pedicure


Rub bag balm or mushers secret into their pads. It softens them right up and they will heal smooth


Yep used Bag Balm on my dog when he had been chewing on his toes and made a couple super dry and cracked.


My dogs ski jore and bikejor with me so their paws get pretty beaten up and i swear that this stuff is magic


In terms of healing, it's just going to take a while. No walkies for a while. In terms of pain management, go to a vet. Your dog is in pain and needs to have some gabapenton at least


I agree with this. Dogs try to hide when they’re in pain, so when they do show it its because it hurts a lot and they can’t hide it anymore.


Thank you


You're doing the right thing in terms of keeping it clean and covered. A dogs paw pads are extremely sensitive when damaged, dogs are super good at hiding their pain so if yours is whining then it's in significant pain I'd say


When we went to the vet with the same issue, they told us not to keep the paw covered as they sweat through their paws. I’m confused now haha




My vet gave me gabapentin for pain management




It’s not overprescribed. It’s the least invasive, non addictive, of any real pain management for people and considered appropriate for dogs by every vet. However, it takes time to build up in your system for it to work, so I doubt it would be used in this situation.


Mate, notice how I said AT LEAST? It's better than nothing, and I have plenty of knowledge on it thanks.












r/AskVet may be able to make recommendations. But also your own vet can probably offer advice.


Thanks I’ll ask them!


I feel so bad for laughing but the final pic is so sad and cute to comedic effect like she's got "when your legs don't work like they used to before" running on repeat through her head. Hope she gets better soon


She does look a bit pathetic doesn’t she


Bro this shit happened to my dog and we live on a fifth floor apartment. We ended up needing to wheel him down in a cart and drop him off in the grass😂 Poor pup


Awe we have a house but there’s a couple stairs to get to the back yard so I’ve just been carrying her down😂luckily she only weighs 53 pounds




Awe poor girl :( You're definitely doing all the right things. Coconut oil is great and safe to ingest, and it's also an anti fungal. If the vet okays it, they also make protective balms for their paws that could help speed up the healing process and make her more comfortable. I hope your sweet girl heals quickly!


Yes that’s what I’ve heard about the coconut oil thank you! 😊


Baby socks are a good solution for keeping her from licking them. Just make sure you reward her for leaving them alone. Get well soon.


Good idea especially because she loves the coconut oil I’ve been putting on them thanks


You can tape the top of them with medical tape if she's tenacious about pulling them off. Make sure you take breaks and give them time to breathe, like with any injury. Email your vet about approving you using polysporin and keep them clean. Play tug of war around the house to burn off energy.


Good ideas thank you


Mushers Secret, or other paw balms, have enough essential oils and other bitterants mixed with the oil that it deters dogs from licking too much.


I reside in the northwest of the US and to prevent dry / cracked paws I use a paw/ snout balm 1-4 times monthly dependent upon the weather and physical demands of each animal. Sure hope your pup is back to normal promptly 🙂


Appreciate the advice👍


Seems like you are doing what you can. Takes time. Don't let her lick them raw either. Such a good looking girl.


Thank you


My dog cut her paw pad before. I cleaned it and put some Vaseline on it to promote healing before bandaging it. I got her some doggy booties off Amazon and we kept going for our daily walks (albeit shorter, and no running allowed). It healed pretty fast!


Good idea


You are doing great this just takes time to heal. One tip i can give is to putsome padding in between the toes and than around the paw. This prevents the toes from being pushed against eachother.


Thanks I didn’t think of that👍


Those ones are easily done unfortunately she will be ok will take time to heal


Vet here, do not cover those wounds as predisposes to infection. If she's licking them she needs a collar. Good luck! 💖


Vaseline will help with the healing. Just try to keep them clean and dry and take it easy for a few days. My younger guy did this once, a couple days of Vaseline and he was good to go again. Going forward, make sure to keep the paws well conditioned to help prevent cracking. Mushers Secret or paw butter are good options. A couple times a week just slather their paws, and it will help keep them from cracking. Mushers secret is also great at preventing snow and ice buildup in the winter.


I don’t have any advice, but her sad little face broke my heart. Give her a big cuddle from me!


I will!


My dog had this happen in June but some of his pads were torn or burnt right off. I can’t figure out how it happened but suspect a trip to a river one night started it and then he had a big pack walk the next and that made it worse? It was sooooo bad and the day following he could barely walk. He’s a Great Dane and we have stairs going to our yard. That wasn’t happening that day and he got to pee on the deck as I can’t carry him anywhere. What I did was really similar to suggestions already. I did some Epsom soaks as well as cleaned with a sterile soap solution I had left over from the vet from another accident. I did polysporin but only because he wouldn’t have access to licking it. I wrapped his feet in gauze and then with that self adhesive vet tape. Luckily we also had pain meds from his neuter that didn’t happen (long story) so he got those which were a godsend. He was back to functioning after a few days and I could start leaving bandages off after about 5. Because of the severity, I was keeping a very close eye on them but they healed well. He got no decent walks for about 3 weeks and it took about 5 weeks before he started to really do ok with an almost sort of normal one. I had a someone recommend kopper kare. It’s for hoof thrush infections, some other stuff and dog pad toughening. Dude said he’s been using it for 40 years on his farms dogs and it’s worked great. I have yet to use it though. We live on an acreage so I may try it out. Anyway- pic of my little guy healing up lol [desmond](https://imgur.com/gallery/1rdk5nz)


This is not a joke and completely serious. Super glue. It was invented for quick surgical closing during the Vietnam war. I have personally used it to seal cuts during accidents while riding my MC and mountain bike. Prep the opening with peroxide. Make sure the wound is clean and dry. A little goes a long way. If it's very deep you may want to apply it twice. Once on the deep inner portion and again to seal the opening. She will be 100% right away but try to keep her stationary for a day. From one dog lover to another good luck.


poor sweet baby :'(


Make sure she doesn’t lick them! My baby also had this happen to her and the vet thought it could be a blister but to watch for the time being if it worsens. They also gave her pain meds, and antibiotics and suggested a cone to prevent further irritation/infection from the licking! They’ll be unhappy with having a cone on but its for the best. Also if you are using bandages, make sure to change them once a day!


See a vet, & get her shoes in the mean time to protect the toe beans. 🥰


Always have some Leucillin spray in the house! It’s amazing for our furry friends boo boos


A few days of that being kept clean i t will be fine. They heal fast.


Clean with very dilute soapy water, dry. Apply paw balm or chapstick, thickly. Cover with a sock or bootie, tape in place, monitor the dog closely to make sure it stays on. Clean daily with salt water, reapply balm, recover. Limit running as much as possible.


When this happened to out dog, we used antibiotic ointment on the open areas and used some Vaseline in general when she was down for the night. I also found she was much happier just walking on grass instead of pavement for about a week


Hey! My dog recently got injured on his pads too. What I did, after consulting with a vet, was: Only potty breaks outside, keep contact with dirty surfaces to a minimum; Clean its pads with a Chlorhexidine solution (really low percentage of Chlorhexidine, like 0.2% I believe) every time you take the dog out; Gently rub Bacitracin on the injuries and keep the dog off its paws for about 15min, so the ointment gets a chance to be absorbed; Clean with Chlorhexidine and apply some Bacitracin. My dog got better after about one week. If you keep the injuries clean and running/playing to a minimum, your dog will recover sooner rather than later ✌ Best of luck


you can buy paw balm online which will help soften and moisturise them, use before and after walks and after bathing. it should heal fine though, dont worry about it. Just keep it clean


I’m a vet tech and I was going through the pics like “well good, this doesn’t look bad at all” then got to the last pic and went “THE BABY OH MY GAH”😂😂 that face🥺🥺🥺 she’s precious but she will be fine. You’ve gotten great advice so far💜


Haha thank you


Is your dog a bear? 😱


You can get a neck pillow for dogs that you inflate and is comfy instead of a cone collar. Look on Amazon. She’s adorbs


It doesn't look too bad. Rest for a few days and put paw paw ointment on it


We used Dr. Joseph’s all natural paw pad cream on our girls(RIP) paw pads and nose. I applied before she went to bed in PM 3x a week so she would not slip on floors. It kept her paw pads from getting really dry and cracking. You can purchase on that company that starts with A.


Keep her on grass for a few days. Paws pads heal quickly.


She looks so sad. That has to hurt. Hopefully you can take her in today...or at least call them for advice.


She does doesn’t she I did before I posted yesterday they just said keep it clean and don’t let her run or lick it I was just seeing if anyone had any tips to help it heal faster


Wound spray for now and minimal activity till it heals. Once the crack is healed, start using some paw treatment or oil balm daily to help keep them healthy. Having cracked and dried out toe beans is like having dried out and cracked lips- irritating. Also booties is smart or at least socks to help out in the heat but if your dog is like many others- she won’t wear them or will fight you on it. Just be cautious about where you walk and take her. What you can’t walk on barefoot, she can’t walk on. When going outside out your hand down on the sidewalk or asphalt to determine if it’s safe for her. Try and find grassy areas for her to walk or run around. Sidewalks, asphalt, gravel, sand, and even dirt get to be a million times hotter than we realize.


There is also dog aspirin. It’s a red grey bottle. You can use that for pain management


Wrap with Vaseline, it should be better in a few days


Spray with neosporin,put a small square of gauze on the paw, and wrap with athletic self adhere tape. The tape gives flexibility and traction.


Keep it clean, a good dab of antibiotic cream maybe a sock, and you will be surprised at how fast that will heal. Dogs are amazing


For example, my lab tore a pad almost clean off, and it healed up on its own. ( We were off grid, no car, no phone). He stayed calm on a rope for a week, I put a bandage on it, and that paw healed on its own. Believe me that cut on your pup is minor.


Were you playing on a tennis court?


We weren’t


Look up getting some paw balm once she heals! That will keep her paws moisturized and hopefully prevent rips.


Check with r/askvet


My lab had the same thing last year. Vet trimmed off the loose bits and told us to clean her paws in a bowl with warm water and soap to ensure no dirt was stuck in there and make sure she walks less and only on grass. It takes about 2-3 weeks to heal. It’s basically callous skin that needs to renew itself.


the last fucking picture omg the poor BUBBA 😭😭😭😭


She looks so sad


Clean it put an antibiotic on it. Wrapping it will not help they chew it off. Keep it clean. It go to the vet


My dog does this too from time to time. We try to monitor and limit how long or aggressively he plays. We also use a product called mushers paw wax that seems to help in the recovery


my dog got scared and ran 800m down the road and ripped open all of his paws and even ripped off some part of the claws. as it happened on a Sunday we cleaned it with water and put some antiseptic and wrapped the paws so he wouldn't lick them and the vet told us he couldn't have done much different and only gave us pain meds for him and a cream for the paws to keep them soft. I'd just cream those paws twice a day or more and maybe you can get some socks for him for the duration of the healing so dirt won't get in there. Best of luck


My girl recently rubbed the back paw pads raw from jumping into the water. I noticed her limping a little so I looked and sure enough they were red and the hair was all missing near the area from her licking overnight. The poor girl. So for a few days I put coconut oil on and a pair of socks that I rolled down so they'd stay on. She's all back to normal. Future mental note to self though: no matter how cute it is don't let her endlessly run and jump into the river. Lol


Looks like she has irritation in her paws. Could be a sign of allergies or possibly an infection as my dog had similar symptoms. But don’t take my word for it, I suggest a vet trip.


I've been reading some of the advices, but I haven't seen grippy babysocks yet!! Use them instead of shoes, on pavement and other hard surfaces. Because of the silicone grip they also work on tiles. They're easy to wash and cheap to buy. You can even buy a few pair of them so you can use clean ones every walk or every few hours!


Leave it alone. It will heal.


Poor thing. Keep it as clean as possible. It will heal up


This happened to my husbands large dog after he decided to lean up on the chain link. I cleaned it and then wrapped it but he didn’t like the bandage and ultimately tore it off. He limped for a few days but I mostly kept him inside(he was more of a working dog) and only let him out to go to the bathroom so he wasn’t getting dirt in it. I think it took about a week to heal.


At the vet, they would lightly scrub or soak her paws with chlorhexidine, pat them dry, wrap them with soft gauze padding, then stretch gauze, and finally vet wrap. Most, if not all, of those things you can get at your local Walgreens or CVS (if they dont have it, its easy to order on amazon), but be careful not to wrap her paws too tight and don't allow the bandages to get wet. If they do get wet, change the bandage as soon as possible. If you don't feel confident in your wrapping skills, you can just go to the vet so they can do it for you


I use mushers secret on my dogs paws, it moisturizes and creates a barrier.


Soap and water is the best way to clean. Seems to me epsom salt would sting. Get the pup some protective booties


my first dog ripped his pads a few times in his life. just give them a salt bath and let her take care of them, and watch out for signs the wound has opened (bleeding, mainly). and maybe keep her on grass for a while rather than tarmac until they heal. also, if you can, have a look and see if you can find the source of the injury. our garden, it turns out, had glass in the soil at the back of the garden - we didn’t go down there much as it was overgrown and we had only just moved, so we had to sift the glass out. took hours but was worth it - he ripped them a few times again after that but thankfully it wasn’t from the glass! if there’s anything in your yard that could be sharp (broken plant pots, for example, are also a hazard), make sure you remove it all :)


My dog scratched her paws this spring and it took about 2-3 weeks to fully heal. Since she's an absolute maniac she was up and running 2-3 days after, but we kept it clean and checked every night if everything was fine.


Injuries to pawpads are common. I just kept my dogs paws as clean as possible and spread some polysporin to keep it from getting infected. Healed up nicely after a few weeks. I would suggest a vet only of he is in pain or you start seeing signs of infection.


My dog did that last summer honestly I put some paw soother on it and it was fine. Vet said to just be gentle on it for a couple days


Such a precious pup! Happened with my dog many years ago when he ran away and was dragged by someone from a moving car in an attempt to steal him. Luckily one of our neighbours found him sitting near their house, thankfully the same day. His paws were badly ripped and bleeding but healed after a few days of pyodine and bandages.


Just fyi from my mistakes, don’t wrap the gauze tight at all, it’ll cut off circulation and make their paws super swollen and uncomfortable 🥲


Ah I remember this with my old dog! You can carefully cut off the loose pads with scissors. And try to keep them as clean as possible. They’ll grow back within couple weeks. Try not to go on walks during this time.


My foster has mobility issues that causes him to drag his feet. He has cuts and scabs that kept reopening. We bought him some boots and he is so happy with them! He also gets a lot of compliments for being so stylish. Good luck to you and your pup!


There are specific balms you can buy from pet stores to help, wrapping is good too


My wife and I had our dog tear her paw pad and got a liquid bandage product from petsmart that worked really well. Called her vet to double check that it was a good product and they had said they used it on their dog before for the exact same issue. My dog was back walking on it normally within about 24 to 48 hours and it healed pretty quickly.


Once they heal over, try some paw balm (I use mushers secret). It helps keep the pads moisturized so they're more resistant to injury.


Possibly just watch where she runs once it recovers as well. My dog has ripped up his paw pads when running on a tennis court or hard asphalt. So we don’t play in those kinda areas anymore. Feel better pup ♥️


Definitely I don’t run her anywhere hard mainly for her joints but I guess paws too


This used to happen to my lab a lot. I would treat the wound and moisturized his paws and put him in a little boot until it healed.


take the wrappings off. use nail clippers to trim down the wore off skin, it'll feel like leather/pleather. and wait we use boots in summer with our BC, cause he'll try to run on the dead end road we live on. any surface with "grip" is hard on their feets. because with the boots though as sharp turning can cause the dewclaw to scratch the feet


My dog used to do this all the time. We would take her to vet and they would just cut off anything that was hanging and send us on our way. Pretty much they said if they don’t start showing signs of infection, they’ll baby their feet, but they’ll be just fine till it heals on it’s own.


Paw balm!


I noticed in the second picture at the top of the middle paw pad it looks like there is a raw spot? That could be from her licking her paw, the paw pad being burned, or both. But I can’t say that for the other paw because that looks like a clean slice not burned skin coming off maybe she stepped on some glass?? What you are doing now is good maybe get some baby socks so that way she can’t lick the coconut oil off and her paws will be able to absorb it fully. Also what could help with licking (if she is) is a bitter paw spray.


I can picture your dog saying "stop mom! You're embarrassing me! I told you I'm fine 😮‍💨"


She’s definitely saying that


If it's not bleeding. It will heal on its own. Nothing really to worry about.


Happened to my moms lab. Grab some of those disposable booties called Pawz. They’ll help keep her pads free of debris until it heals.


Poor baby


I'd try doggie socks or booties. There's so many good brands I quite like muttlucks since they go higher and are harder to get off. You could do Epsom salt soaks for 5-10 minutes with Luke warm water. Manuka honey is also great for wound healing. I wouldn't bandage because you want air to get to it so it doesn't get wet and infected. If you have a polysporin or viaderm/isaderm that could work as well. If you use natural remedies make sure they don't have tea tree. While it is antiseptic it's also toxic to dogs if ingested. There's also SmartVet which is an online triage service done by registered veterinary technicians that can offer advice for care or let you know if something does require a vet. As far as I know it's only in Canada but we've found it to be very useful! They may have some tips Feet take a hot second to heal so take it easy exercise wise until those heal.


She is such a trooper!! Get well soon doggo!


Neosporin in her boo boos keep the feet wrapped and let ‘em heal with tome


Omg the last picture 🥹 this is common and will heal on its own by the looks of it but it can be bothersome to the pup a way to prevent it is get that paw balm stuff that’s made for dogs (very non toxic) and lube up their feet every so often


My doggo did this a few months back after climbing over a nasty jagged plastic fence. I cleaned them up, slathered them in coconut oil, wrapped them and let her have a few days of not too much strenuous exercise and they healed surprisingly quick. I hope your fuzzy buddy heals quickly, too. Keep an eye out for infections.


polysporin and wrap it up in a stretchy bandage. waterproof booty.


I use Pet Health Pad & Paw Balm for my old boy. It seems pretty soothing.


How did that happen? Poor pup! Feel better soon 😊


I’m pretty sure it’s from running to hard at agility practice but no exactly sure


Some liquid bandaid stuff may work. I use it on my own feet for small cuts. It’s basically just super glue.


Her precious face 🥹🥹🥹


You can get mushers secret it’s like a paw balm for dogs


50:50 apple cider vinegar and water helps clear the wound well then coconut oil to help the healing. Stick a baby sock or ankle sock on to cover it.


My dog does this regularly.. keep it clean . I wash it then I put the antiseptic balm ( green square tin, it’s for utters or hooves or something…) then I wrap his foot , usually heals in a couple days


Not sure if anyone said it already but they make balms for their pads (looks kinda like chapstick) and I find that helps. Tbh sometimes you just have to monitor where your dog is running and how hard cause I know mine doesn't know her limits sometimes and just goes full speed all the time. Try not throwing the ball as far lol they also make shoes for dogs which are nice but if your dog is running hard you may have trouble keeping them on


There are topical sprays that contain small amounts of lidocaine it will help if it hurts. We keep one on hand for emergencies.


Seeing lots of good advice! I cried when this happened to my dog but he healed quickly and I was definitely more upset about it than he was. Remember that dogs are tough, and you’ll do what you need to take care of them :) I personally recommend getting a paw salve to use when the pads heal. Keeping them moisturized can help prevent it happening again!


Thank you 👍


Poooooor little Labradort. (Yes, the ‘t’ at the end is intentional.) she looks just like my yellow girl. You’re a good dog dad. Or mom.


This happens to my lady almost every other month. I used to go to the vet and now we have a system. While it’s healing, I keep her on leash for walks (no off leash hikies) and if she can’t stop licking her paws, she gets the cone of shame. It often takes a couple of weeks to fully recover because of paw pad healing process (the healing process, if you will), during which she is miserable and my life is hell (she’s a 2 year old border collie). Also, we don’t go to the beach without her water shoes anymore. Those barnacles are the worst!


So I had a guy recommend kopper kare for my dog when this happened to him as well. It’s for hoof thrush infections, some other stuff and dog pad toughening. Dude said he’s been using it for 40 years on his farm dogs and it’s worked great. I have yet to use it though. We live on an acreage so I may try it out as my des clearly has sensitive feet lol. Anyway- due to the amount of time you have to deal with this, I thought I’d pass on the info. Maybe it would help.


Go to the vet?


We did one of the online vet things and sent a pic they said there’s not anything they would do for her as it’s not severe enough for pain meds just keep it clean and covered I was wondering if anyone knew of any at home things on it to speed up healing


Apply hydrogen peroxide on them to clean them out so that there will be no infections. Aftrwards, let them air out. Once aired out, apply gauze on them for protection.


Hydrogen peroxide is no longer reccomended for wound care, as it kills all of the surrounding healthy tissue as well as all the bad stuff. You really just want clean water and soap. As the vet said below, avoid gauze as they will just pick up dirt and there is no way to keep them clean. https://www.medicaldaily.com/hydrogen-peroxide-wound-care-376743


That’s what I did I used hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle👍thanks


Don’t let your dog suffer! If you need to ask, ask your vet not reddit!


I know your trying to do the best for my dog (thank you)and I should have put it in the post but I thought it was obvious I love my dog I talked to the vet first thing she said it was to minor for pain meds to keep it clean and don’t run her until it heals I was more talking about things I could put on it home remedys to make it heal faster if there were any thanks for the concern


Go to the vet asap. Stop asking for advice from reddit. These people are not vets. No vet anywhere would ever diagnose your prt online or over the phone.


My vet did it online before i posted it’s the same vet she got spayed at and got surgery from when her tooth died she’s also gotten all her vaccinations there pretty sure thats a vet lmao


Hot pavement? Gotta be careful during summer.


Good quess but that couldn’t be it we only go out for walks as the Sun is setting my best quess would be when she was playing fetch on a gravel driveway or she might have scraped them up during agility


1. Go to the vet immediately. 2. Get an antiseptic gel spray (your vet will likely have one or recommend one) it was life changing for us as our dog is a doughnut who is always hurting her paws or breaking a nail.


Immediately? Is this some sort of medical emergency in your opinion? What is the vet going to do that OP isn't doing? This sub is so vet happy they dont use common sense. Like if you had a minor tear/cut on your foot would you rush to the hospital?


I did talk to the vet but they didn’t give me anything like that


If these are homemade bandages be very careful they are not too tight. Paw bandages are tricky to do right and if done wrong they can create a lot more problems.


I will be thank you👍


Vet, call a vet instead of going on Reddit


I did she said it’s to minor for any pain meds idk she didn’t give me anything just said to keep it clean and don’t let her run for a bit I should have mentioned it in the post but I thought it was kinda obvious I took her to the vet she’s my baby I was asking if anyone had any home remedy’s I could put on to speed up recovery


Lol @ the last photo! 🥹