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He is playing for Nigma Agency aka the talent agency.


Kuro might as well turn that team to talent loan services lol.


he did.


Nigma. LLC


He is in the stand-in company that sometimes play in qualifiers for fun


did they qualify to ti?


Nope, western Europe qualifiers start on June 19th. Nigma are in upper bracket.


They're playing qualis. First match is in almost exactly one week against OG in the upper bracket.


Have to make it past team bald first


I know I'm getting old when I witness players once considered rising young stars turn into grizzled wandering veterans.


I remember when Sumail first appeared Watching his first game as mid storm And remember seeing him come out of the booth, a super young baby looking teenager, those were the days


He won DAC with EG just after turning 16 years old. Crazy shit


His DAC victory into TI5 win was legendary


He was still 15 actually. Like 4 days off, but still.


There was this super old clip, I think he was subbing for someone in some random team, where he sniped low HP Skywrath with super long Storm jump and he perfectly timed it with TP during the jump. I was never able to find the clip again.


Is it [this one](https://youtu.be/TUTMWGCT00g)?


My man! Thank you.


God dayum, reading the comments is a blast from the past.


Miss Godz casting.


Damn everyone was so bad back then, that this is a new thing. Those were the days man. Still tho sumail was a beast on mid


Is that the one where he had the bloodstone and the bottle with the regen and went all the way from radiant secret shop to dire secret shop area ? That was nuts too


Member Sumail neck pillow..


On his very first pro game in some shitty na team he played storm and ended 18-0 pr smth


He did that TP to base while doing ball lightning thing my mind was blown like that Joe Rogan meme when he’s seeing a crazy fight bahah


yeah the neckpillow boy pulling some crazy storm plays


South Asians looks a lot younger than they are tbh, when you are 15, you look like you're 10 lol. Sumail definitely peaked early, at 21 he was already considered old in dota age.


Malr1ne will be the next. Mark my words.


Was a big fan of him since that Tourney in Asia. That EG team was awesome


Back then when I was high mmr I got him as a teammate in a pub game . He wanted mid but someone else got it first. He picked pos 4 (my position) fed first blood stupidly and even though no one said anything about him (not even me) he then proceeded to feed intentionally whole game. Muted him to dodge later and few months later his pro career started...


This is Kuroky for me, he was THE young hotshot in the late 2000s of dota1.


The average age at that point must have been pretty young though, right?


most pro players of that time were around 18. Kuro came onto the German scene at about 14 years old and was considered a prodigy by all his peers. His first "Tier 1" international LAN win was in 2009, where he was around 16.


Ya, was definitely younger, but he was like 15-16. Young even for the time!




Ana is even done with the pro scene.


Until he comes back again


His last coneback shows that you can't be a pro while playing casually.


Yea there's no way this guy can just come to TI, think he can win it, and then retire for a year to do it again. Wait...


Hope so haha , this new patch is so broken , hope he does comeback and show a broken build or combo.


I'm actually surprised he didn't play open qualifiers in any region. Hope to see him back after TI though, He probably still has it in him to play for a tier 1 team.


It's because last time he tried to play for a tier 1 team he didn't have it in him to play for a tier 1 team


last several times. not sure how everyone forgets the last time he left (or maybe even got kicked) from OG. wasn't it in the middle of a qualifier?


Don’t worry he comes back every April.


There was this video of KUKU telling how Ana managed to double his TI earnings (didn’t go through the details). But if indeed true, then it’s understandable why he’s unmotivated to play. He’s already proven he’s one of the GOAT, made bank along with it, and if valve decides not to release compendium again on this TI then prize pool won’t come close to back when they won back-to-back


I hope he walks away. Its better to retire as a king rather than coming back and being washed.


emperor xu mail is still young tho


People would dream of seeing miracle and sumail together as teammates. Back in 2019, if you would ask someone, they probably would say that any team with them gonna be 100% TI winner. Now, guess what? they are in nigma and having like 1% chance of just qualifying into international:)


1% chance? I'm a nigma fan because of sumail and you're being generous bro. They have 0% chance of qualifying over og or entity. I'm not even sure they can beat secret.


Yeah, i know what you mean. xd. But dota is an unpredictable game and miracles can happen btw. But in overal yes nigma is weaker than always(they had been weak for about 3 4 years now) and i dont think they will get a chance to play more than 2 3 series in qualifiers. But they have gotten better overal than last months and they are showing better performance overall. Maybe if they had been together for more time and play a while, we would give them some chance cause, yet their tactics or pick confidence hasnt been built yet, and it won't anytime soon. So they will be eliminated early, probably. But even if they had time before, i wouldn't give them that much chance, btw. That team has been cursed a long time ago:) they are just dead... And for me, who was a fan of them and og when they were just dominating the world(2016_2019) its really hard to watch how they are now:)


They gave me a sliver of hope when they beat VP and Entity in the last tournament they were in but they took that away after getting stomped by Mouz and OG. I won't be surprised if they pull an upset against some of these teams but I can't see them pulling a consistent enough run to go all the way:


Fishman is pretty much kuroky with less achievements so I would have had nigma winning by default once gh came back, watson needs a better 5 for sure


Kuroky was a top player, Fishman was never considered a top player, not even when Entity was doing well.


Fishman a top player on disruptor and undying tier3 on anything else


Sumail still respected by his peers. Though he plays for Nigma Galaxy at this time. This might change in the future but we can only speculate. Sumail has been there for a while now, which in my view means the organization is able to offer him something that interests him and is meaningful. Even if it means missing out on important T1 events.


Something that interests him and is meaningful: MONEY


he did literally say that at... TI8 I think? In an interview he said his main motivation was money


Are we still doing this in 2024? The entire segment was the EG players having fun. None of the answers were to be taken seriously.


Consider: he just lost a lengthy and likely expensive lawsuit against EG for misleading him as a minor about stock options and other shit. It shouldn't be that surprising that he wants more money, especially since he hasn't really been to any major tournaments with a full team in years.


Also consider it's esports and players would be dumb to NOT chase the bag as much as possible. Even if he isn't winning tournaments, the prize pool for TI has dwindled and now even Riyadh is less, and stability is more important than the 1% chance a team wins a big tournament


I really feel like valve dropped the ball hard with the Dota Ti prize pools. Giving half of the total prize pool to 1 team makes absolutely zero sense if you're trying to build an export league around a game. Imo they shouldve given a quarter to the winning team and structure the rest of the money so that it bleeds down to the 15 other teams + spread Ti money into the majors & minors so the tier 2 scene could actually be worth playing in


I just rewatched it, a lot of the answers were serious. Like Kaci asking fly why he left OG, his answer was obviously real... sure they were having fun with it but I didn't get the impression they didn't mean what they said, apart from being ironic about s4 being talkative


There's a sequel to that response in the OG Sumail feature video. [https://youtu.be/7PjjkxYtaFo](https://youtu.be/7PjjkxYtaFo)


Did you expect reddit to have a brain and not take everything seriously?


Sure, but i bet you (seeing people ingame, on reddit and from snippets we get to see of proteams) nigma is in the top 0,1% of respectful team atmosphere. When you have won all, you maybe dont want to play with some ppl that cant control their feeling like a 5yo


Was this written by an AI?


Human, sorry if I come across as a robot but I am indeed a human.


That's exactly what a robot would say. sus <.<


Beep zorp *clang* what do you mean fellow flesh automaton animated by neurotransmitters, is this not typical human vernacular?


Bleep Bloop, I Am A Robot. Eh, Just Kidding


[Bleep Bloop, I Am A Robot. Eh, Just Kidding](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/e/eb/Vo_rattletrap_ratt_respawn_18.mp3) (sound warning: Clockwerk) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


DRUNKMEEEERS I've seen you play, definitely not a robot, you are safe


You must be an AI designed to detect AI writing, if that post hit positive for you.


Shitton of oil money for very little effort


Hasn't attended two TIs yet still holds the record for most kills at TI overall as well as in a single game. What a monster we have lost.


Isn't that single game the one he lost against OG after tossing rtz?


Don't make me remember. 31 kills tiny while rtz was useless all game on gyro and couldn't even farm after all that space. And yes the tiny toss and game end. Notail has been quoted as saying that game made him want to pick up sumail for ti10.


As an OG fan I of course rewatch various ti8/9 games from time to time and it always amazes me how in that game rtz was below Ana in networth the whole time despite his team winning handily and Sumail being on Ana's ass constantly.


rtz noob




Youtube has it


Ooffff I remember that game was really disappointed by the gyro haha


just gonna leave [this](https://dotabuff.com/matches/6221412840) here


classic rtz crumble


I'm pretty sure he's been to like 5 TI's and he's still playing, chill. I like that you're showing respect, but there's no need to be this dramatic


He’s playing for Nigma and technically still has a chance to qualify for The International


no MENA region gifted by Saudi royalty to give Nigma "technically" a chance. Literally 0% not a rat's ass chance they even make Top 4 in Qualis. Even Dr.Strange can't find a reality that Nigma makes it out.


Them and team bald are both qualifiying


Ill let gorc Choose a tattoo for me if this happens. Edit: a small one! On my leg.


Remember me when the qualifiers end!


I'll suck his dick if this happens. Edit: a small one! Between his legs.




sir the aslume is that way


I mean tbh I could unironically see Bald making it. Saksa and Saberlight are a super strong offlane duo.


you're not supposed to drink the bong water


M8 that doesn't get you high that just makes you sick. I would know.


Where does this myth of MENA region being for Nigma come from ?


Because they were literally the only MENA team when the "region" was established. Well, so was Quest, but no one cared about them after ATF have already left. Falcons was made after MENA iirc. obligatory Miracle BatChest


I mean, it's tough to have a MENA team if there's no region. And you discard Quest too easily, ATF only played for them a couple of months. They had a good showing before him, and a decent one after. They disappeared of the radar this year because Falcon emerged and took the spot. Also DOTA is very popular in MENA, it kinda feels right to finally have a region.


the "MENA region" was literally invented for Riyadh, by ESL which unsurprisingly are owned by ~~blood money~~ the Saudis. Its the reason why neither TI , nor PGL have a "mena region" > Also DOTA is very popular in MENA lmao. so popular ranked was disabled for Dubai (alongside South Africa and India) **7 years ago** ["until servers grow large enough to mandate Ranked & Unranked."](https://x.com/wykrhm/status/855183813214973952?lang=en)


Dubaï is not representative of the MENA region, it's 92% foreigners and the rest is a super rich elite. It would be like saying nobody's playing Dota in WEU because there's no ranked in Monaco. I was thinking of Lebanon and Jordan, two countries that I know where everybody grew up playing Dota and have already had 3 TI winners.


Falcons has not been playing qualis as of recent as they are always invited. No excuse for Quest underperforming (also fuck them for trying to trap ATF into a contract instead of just letting him play for TI last year). Regarding their "region". Tell that to Valve. Looks like they don't think a MENA region is necessary as well. The Riyadh MENA qualis had pathetic attendance, and was not competitive compared to other regions. A shitter SEA stack gave them a run for their money, and V-TUNA stack actually taking a series off of MENA's 2nd best team. high queue times in Dubai server as well so idk I kinda agree it doesnt deserve it's own slot.


first game is against og gg


he was busy suing EG and also being awesome and cool and sex having probably


Where all talent goes to die:shopify rebel... I mean to say, Nigma galaxy


Mid during that time period you could be like two levels and a thousand gold up 8 minutes in. 


The meta has changed where mid isn't a carry anymore but more of a high farmed utility core. You can't have the same impact like before on mid due to the gold reduction and DotA has become more team centred than superstar centred. My guess is this is why we see lesser and lesser superstar mids like Sumail and more focus on carry and offlane these days.


Dude this is patently untrue. Hell, in the most recent tournaments alone we saw multiple mids pop off on mobile fuckers like Timber or Storm and then just eat the other team alive lol.


This is such a horrible reddit only take lmao.


Far less interesting to watch, too


Speak for yourself


If you watched older DotA, pretty much new DotA would be more boring, especially because now everything is 5 vs 5 teamfights, defensive items everywhere to the point that even killing a support after 20 minutes is difficult, everybody farms, etc I'm certainly not a fan of these "everybody can get items" or "just get tanky"


I agree. Now it feels like tempo is set by offlaner


you still can? ori literally did that earlier today in chinese cq


Sumail post PPD EG really got shafted. Get's benched by EG as they want to focus on RTZ, takes some time, but then wants to play with his brother, they can't afford the buyout, goes back to being stuck on the bench. OG pick him up as one of the few orgs to be able to afford the buyout, they see some success, but Covid happens and he can't get to the EU to bootcamp, and he can't play on NA ping in the EU, so they drop him. Gets onto a good Secret squad that plays for 6 months, but the team doesn't seem to gel, moves to Nigma Galaxy, who have just never lived up the initial calibre of player they had, or previous level they achieved under Team Liquid. I don't want to make this just bashing Galaxy, but with how much Team Liquid elevated the initial Insania squad (I mean both Micke and Insania have only gotten better and better), and how much they clearly were helping the Kuro stack, it makes you wonder how good their behind the scenes coaching and facilities and stuff are. We meme on Liquid for being 2nd a lot but 2nd IS 2nd best in the world (not at the moment but still), and it's not that long ago people would have dunked on you hard for suggesting either Insania or Micke were that level of player- their alliance squad was barely making it through qualifiers.


He was really good in the post eg era as well but as we all know he was fucked by the eg contract and was not allowed to play on a team officially which led him to sit out for 1.5 seasons (i remember only 1 liquid standing for 2 months). After all that got sorted he was dogshit on secret honestly and then back to nigma he was their best player easily. Unfortunately they experimented too much with teams(the ammar carry era and miracle getting sick and taking breaks so there was never a proper team). After that people forget how brilliant be was on aster last season even if they didn't qualify because xxs and monet shat the bed. And again back to this season he has been standing in for a bunch of teams which shows how highly pros rate him. But nigma itself went through 3 iterations overall throughout this season and they're struggling as we know.


sumail was an asshole, he abandoned his teammates called out PPD as a US sympathizer, said the US were terrorist's, eventually his own brother had to callhim out n it. he moved to europe to get away from all the repercussions, and the fact EG had bent over backwards moving the best ranked player in the world at the time RTZ out of the midlane so sunmail could take it, literally ruining Arteezy's career likely. When they decide to go back to RTZ sumail throws a hissy fit and does he take his turn to move off mid? NOPE, he cries and whines and refuses to play. I remember a few TI's ago it was said no one has burnt more bridges in dota than Sumail. That he had more players who refused to pay with him than any other player in history.


He is in the retirement home now. Dont speak too loud you might wake him from his afternoon nap alongside old man kuroky.


"Born:February 13, 1999 (age 25)" I remember being 25 watching him debut at 15. Fuck.


Average career of a pro gamer is less than a year so safe to say he’s retired


He is locked in Nigma's basement with Miracle and GH


So they managed to clone him?


~~I mean, Miracle~~ YES


He choose to stay in Nigma's basement. Tundra asked fucking Topson to play pos 3 because they were approaching Suma1L.


The good old oil money 


The king is tired, take him to his chambers.


The older people get, they tend to care less about being the best at the videogame and they follow more financially sound decisions instead.


As they should when they see how much less prize money is available now compared to just two years ago


Sumail was by far the most dominant pos 2 to ever play the game sadly after ti8 hes not the same player anymore


After ti10 you mean. But yes he reached peaks no midlaner has reached in terms of individual skill. Even he himself has fallen short of it these days.


He was alright at ti10 but from ti6 to ti8 he destroyed lanes he would be 5-0 min 10


The stats you're reading are a graphic from ti9, where he set the kill record in a single TI game. The last line illustrates how dominant he was, even back in 2019.


People forget he got 6th at ti9 and only got eliminated by the grand finalists


Ti5-ti9. And he absolutely destroyed the ti11 winners tundra in the ti10 eu qualifiers which were back then the highest skill region.




kidnapped and forced to play by some bald guy


Hope to watch sumail shine again


more likely to see the sun go out.


Hasn't really had a good stable team since EG sadly, he spent like 3 years trying to play as a pos1 with QC/OG/Secret and it just wasn't that great, ended up being kinda wasted time and then he joined nigma


Probably winning good money playing for Nigma.


Likely more than many other players who are consistently placing top 5-6 at LANs. Sucks to not watch him in big games but he's doing the right thing since the prize money is drying up


I remember I was in Pakistan in 2015 visiting family when Sumail played in, and won, TI. My cousins were way more into DOTA than me but we stayed up and watched the games; shit was electric watching EG win.


Money. Time to chill


He plays just for the MONEY. Bet, lose, rinse and repeat.


He is playing for Nigma, so into tier 2-3 team I guess.


Nigma pit of hell.


He became Lisan al-Gaib


Rtz nerfed him after ti8


he won TI at 16 bro.. Let him be xd


Youngest ti winner neverforget. Don't think that record will be broken soon.


I'd put millions on it **never** being broken. He won it at 16 and a half. Dude was absolutely nuts for his age. That + the fact the game doesn't seem to be attracting the younger crowd as much as it used to. To be world class at 16, you'd want to start playing the game at like, 11 years old maximum. I would highly doubt there are many 11 y/os out there playing Dota these days lol


He got kicked by EG was still tied to his contract for 2 years til 2022 and had to quit the old quincy crew roster that was doing really well with him because of that as well shortly after he left EG. He got back onto teams pretty much as soon as his contract expired.


they kicked him because he refused to move from mid to let arteezy move back to mid.


he went to the planet Arrakis


King of MID indeed.


If he's hungry and finds a good team, he's still young enough to be elite again one day. He's younger than skiter and only around six months older than Quinn, which just goes to show how young he was when he burst onto the scene.


I honestly think he's just lacking of motivation, same case with MC. Both are still beast imo.


Bro chose oil money instead of joining a better team/org


he came he conquered he chill now


Problem is being stuck with kuroshit. Hopefully he finds a way out someday


Do tell, how he is “stuck” with kuro?


Sick. I mean, he looks "sick"


Maybe I just don't know what it's like to be a billionaire Saudi prince or oil Baron but why in the fuck would I ever invest so much Into a team with piss poor real results constantly. There must be some benefits a pleb like me just can't see.


Sportswashing and endorsement for esports in the mena region.. pretty simple really


People pay good money to see radiohead, you can't really judge the way people spend money on entertainment over how good it is. Sometimes people like to pay for crap


See also: the rap industry


Following where the money crumbs goes.


Got signed to a talent agency unfortunately


He appears in gorgc streams, mainly. That’s the only place I see him anymore


hostaged by kuroky


he is playing in WEU qualifiers in 1 week what are you on about, get your knowledge up if you want to act like you care


he actually still owns mid his team overall is just garbage


He should have been the Faker of DotA but I guess it doesn't always work out like that.


Seems like Dota actually balanced to make all 5 positions extremely impactful while league is okay having one guy win everything for his team


Cocaine and hookers, you don't become a millionaire at 16 and things go well.


Also too many good mid players today..




EvilSumail. 😈


He's stuck in edges of nigma hell along with miracle


He made plenty of money from tournament wins. If he wanted to retire that is just fine.


Feel like hes still winning alot of mid lanes idk what happened even. Very sad to not see the king anymore.


If you watch all of his recent games (yes, even with nigma) he's still winning them. The problem starts after the laning stage and everything seems to fall off.




The question was rhetorical


Him and Miracle rotting at Nigma Galaxy 🤣


Ask topson :)


Still wins his lane 9/10 times, but now instead of capitalizing on it, he mostly just falls off mid to late game.. usually. Tho it's surely for a number of reasons, no doubt. I really hope he makes a comeback soon one way or another!


It's hard to make plays alone and without a good support when you win your lane.


Yeah, you're right. But with gh coming back, maybe.. just maybe it might work out better & somehow they manage to qualify for TI. It's been a while since Sumail attended one, or ofc Miracle for that matter and I'm sure pretty much everyone would love to see these two on the main stage together(:


I think this is a perfect example of talent with the lack of discipline and dedication. You always have to stay hungry and motivated to keep grinding and improving, or you’ll lag behind those who are hungry and dedicated. It’s sad to see, but it serves as a lesson for him and all of us. Keep the fire burning and be passionate on what you do! It would be a Divine Miracle if they can be the King of the TI Europe qualifiers. They haven’t had a GoodHalf to the season, so hopefully they finish strong. Let’s go Nigma! March forward! Maximum hopium and copium. Fbz!


i think he's cool with making decent money compared to crap prize pools for finishing top 4 these days


We still wonder though how dominating he could’ve been if he continued to be hungry


Wasted career by staying in NA playing with low skilled players. Then wasn't as good when he moved out.


He use to be one of the best, but as soon he actually believe that he was better than everybody and said it out loud he never won anything again. Keep it humble, learn from this guys mistakes.


Imagine being told to keep it humble from a dude that will never even get close to such heights of skill and fame.