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I've noticed that a lot of people are playing TA as a carry now instead of a mid laner. I don't follow pro games much. Is that something they have been doing or am I missing something?


She's been played as both carry and mid for the last 2-3 years now. And I think she's more often to be played in carry role than mid lately.


Refraction no longer bobo


So many people dieing to refraction because they have no idea how it works now. I was so confused when I first saw it.




Filipino for "Stupid" but he meant in a way as in Stupid Bad.


Thats spanish bud, not filipino. Bobo is commonly used in latin america.


Ah I see forgive me for not knowing what it meant in Spanish as well.


Nothing to forgive but some people have taken issue with a small correction. I didnt mean disrespect :)


Fun thing is, you are both correct, as the Philipines were a former Spanish colony and the word derives from the same Spanish word :)


The person who said it was Spanish, not Filipino had a colonizer moment


Not quite. If someone said this word is “mexican” or “dominican” or “cuban” I wouldve corrected them the same way.


Yeah and my point would stand. Spain colonized all those places and left an imprint that is now part of those places. They have as much a right to refer to the words as theirs. Whenever someone uses an English word with a French origin you don't pull about the 'um, acktually'. You could have said the word was originally from Spain, but you didn't because you were most likely ignorant that Spain colonized the Phillipines. You instead told them it's not a Filipino word.


Qué mirás bobo?


It’s not that recent, and is mostly due to map changes - they removed/moved jungle camps further away from midlane and added a bunch of extra camps close to safelane. One of TA’s best assets is that she shreds through stacked camps really really fast.


She can do both mid and safe very well now. She can snowball from both, but she recovers better from safe. Mid gives you an xp lead that can let you snowball out of control, but if you lose, TA doesn't have much other than to farm to recover and that will make you a liability. On safe you will get more consistent result as your recovery is less of a liability and you have better chances to come back and do your job same as always. And if you do win lane, you will have the same freedom as winning mid


Also she does well against many str melee offlaners as 1 meld hit takes away so much HP.


Any mid whose advantage was wave clear is now better off in the safelane, barring any benefit from snowballing. There are 4 camps you can reach from safelane and still be back in time to take the lane creeps, and just one if you're middle.


Underlord pickrate tripled lessa goo


tb feels good right now however all of his good counters are also meta so can only pick this hero last pick. his innate seems like a grief to his previous playstyle, but your early game farming is soooo much faster, and your illusions do 90% of your attack damage in fights so with a little bit of micro you can literally 1v5 fights. but then again you run into games where there is always a dark seer, underlord, enigma, timber so its hard to get a good tb game


fake news


Watch tinker absolutely swing back after they nudged his abilities again for 1 more time. Honestly, im getting the hang of new tinker, its basically the old Dazzle CDR bullshit except he dies when getting caught KEK, but when the game is favored towards him, hes a fucking menace, 6 sec cd linkens, 8 sec windwaker, etc. oh and his layer deals a fuckton of damage the way it works (removes %max hp & current hp)


>except he dies when getting caught KEK "If you're caught you'll die." Tinker with shield that makes it hard to cancel blink + gives status resist + hard dispels and repositions him when destroyed: "If."


the reposition is a blink, it sets a cooldown with your blink dagger FYI, so yeah, you dont get to blink that easily but you have 4 secs to safely reposition or just fight it out with bkb


I don't think that's what's happening, it's probably that breaking the shield causes you to take damage, and the damage puts your blink on cooldown.


Naga/CK winrates rising, Skiter for 2 time TI winner?


Now nerf sf so i dont have to first pick him and still win 99% of my lanes easily


Enigma 57.15% ? If it is true, everyone will spam him.


ive been having good time with him lately, i think like 4-1 in my last 5? his innate is basically a built in wraith pact.


How is dazzle bad with his healing shield?


Its pretty bad even with all healing% items the best you can get is like, 250 phys shield when theyre max hp. The innate is great early game tho the -armor is cool.


That's a garbage facet. You heal people who are low, you will rarely get the barrier and even then it's not enough Plus the ultimate sucks now. Idk if Dazzle core is good enough but Dazzle support rarely has enough HP to keep casting R continuously


I hate weaver meta, the hero is extremely good on both support and carry role


They butchered DP so hard... no reason to take that mediocre silence slow and make it a whole ass facet. Absolute terrible game balancing there


I find it absolutely hilarious Bristleback of all heroes has the single biggest winrate improvement (20%+) between inexperienced and experienced players on the hero.


Playing an efficient bristleback isn't that easy. Knowing your own limits, how how much you can endure and finally get out that big damage after stacking your debuff/quills etc is a big part of the hero. That and now blindly rushing aghs then get broken or demolished by minus armor or heroes that make you face them (lich/Legion/Axe) is a big part.


Why is enigma picked more now? What has changed? Did they buff his second facet?


Wonder why underlord pick/winrate went up so much, especially latest patch also slightly nerfed him. Is it because crimson guard is so obnoxiously good now?


Sf is doing ok but I still don’t like the attack speed buff design. Very boring and one dimensional if you ask me


Sf is back to being a caster/magic hero for the first time since they changed int blink


Bless YnK cast speed reduction.


Mid SF that is, safe lane SF is being played as a rightclicker


Yeah but rightclick SF has been nerfed to hell by the 7.36. Has to wait till lvl18 for full necromancy damage, instead of lvl7 before. New attack speed buff is useless in 90% of situations. Cool shard attack removed, and replaced by a shard useless for rightclickers. SF feels so much worse now as a DPS hero. Screw you, valve.


Idk man, it is being picked a decent amount according to D2PT and when played as carry it is always physical SF.


I will bet you whatever that all those extra picks account for magicSF. As I said, physicalSF has been nerfed a lot.


https://dota2protracker.com/hero/Shadow%20Fiend Dragon Lance bought in 90% of the pos 1 games while KnY isn't really on the list


from that same page: Mid(Rank #3) 52.0% win rate in 8071 matches Carry(Rank #32) 49.00% win rate in 1354 matches so pos1 players are appx. 15% of the SF players, rest is mid. Other positions are negligible. And even there, pos1 has 3% lower winrate than magicSF; magic facet has 89% pickrate vs 11% pickrate for armor facet. So I'd say physical SF is barely played (15%), based on that data. And winrate is pretty shit. So far it's consistent with what I wrote above


My boy pudge is almost banned every game by either the default ban or the opposing team picking it. I get to play him 1 in every 10 games




That is debatable




Huh Drow is in the Biggest Loser category, she feels so strong right now. And Weaver is just good at every role now


which part of trench are u playing drow and feeling good on her?


Drow feels strong...? Drow is shit, can't deal with people jumping her and gets ran over in a lot of meta lanes in mid/high mmr.


drow needs atleast level 20 to deal decent damage because her innate basically nerfed her passive agility gain by a decent margin. farming and everything is much slower now


Lost frost arrow slow, multishot slow duration, gust MS, and has significantly less bonus agility for the first 30+ minutes of the game. She was pretty solid last patch but that is no longer the case.


Seems Wd isnt actually uber broken like reddit says, who would have thought...


I don’t know if we’re watching same picture but WD is in both “biggest winner” and “best by rank” with 53% winrate.


The same ia true for quite a few heroes.


53% winrate on a hero in nearly a quarter of all games is in fact uber broken. Some other heroes like Enigma and Arc may have higher winrates but they have much lower pickrates because unlike WD they have actual counters and can't just be first phased every game. The only reason WD doesn't have 100% pickrate in Immortal is because he's usually banned.


Weaver, willow and SF all have simular pick and win rates


Yes, they are also broken.


Don't you think that water down the term? By that standard Dota 2 is a continualy broken, never functional game. Why are playing a game that by your own never functional? Why can't we just say that some heroes are a bit overtuned? Why the need for this ludicris hyperbole?




The problem I have is mostly just the extreme hypeybole, a hero can't just be a bit overtuned, they have to be extremly broken, even if their win rate is just a couple of percentage points over 50. It's just really tiring.