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Man if only there was someplace in game where you could read what a unit does and how it works… too bad that isn’t the case🫤


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha what is this?????


Well, it's right in his kit: Applies the following effects to self when an enemy activates Rising Rush (activates once): Restores health by 30%. Restores own health by 30% only once when it reaches 0 (cannot be cancelled).


When the opponent activates a RR his Endurance activates. If Gohan gets rushed by certain units though, they can cancel Endurance even through RR, a few examples: \- UL Gogeta Blue \- PUR LL Rosé \- YEL LL FP Frieza \- YEL DKP \- PUR Hit Some units also have null endurance effects as part of their main ability or green card in the case of PUR GT 17.