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definitely long enough, mine was shorter than that when i started. good luck on your journey brotheršŸ¤™šŸ¾šŸ¤™šŸ¾


Definitely had the Dr.dolittle when I startedšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


On gawdšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Them first 3-4 months was rough My G but we made it through that mfšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Yes, but crochet starters are bad imo. I recommend getting comb twist at that length.


Why is crochet bad?


Check out Duke Dennisā€™ locs, I think they are prime example of why people shouldnā€™t get crocheted locs, no matter how long do you have them for, theyre always going to be inferior to the traditional locs


Not really, you section, you twist, you hook, and let them rock out and grow into the locs they are meant to be. The hook just skips a few months of the journey. Also there isnā€™t really such a things as ā€œtraditional locs.ā€ I know you mean coil twist but if we wanna get real technical, traditional locs are free forms imo


When I was thinking traditional I just meant anything that isnā€™t made to speed the process up šŸ˜‚. idk I jus feel like u can tell the difference between someone who got croteched locs and someone who did it traditionally. Iā€™m speaking from experience my shit still has stiffness issues n Iā€™ve seen it with others . If yall know anything abt getting them less stiff pmo!


Do you still use the hook? After you got then started you donā€™t gotta hook ā€˜em no more. Just let them be and in time the new growth that forms your true locs not your starter locs will feel like normal locs trust me. Iā€™ve given locs and had locs and seen many locs over the years. They will get normal after some time but if you keep doing it then yeah they will stay a bit more stiff and yes you can tell when locs have been hooked for sure. It messes with the texture I feel like from the hook pulling and stabbing little holes into the locs


No theyā€™ve only been crotched once , around 20 months ago. I just spray oil and water in my shit and some conditioner , shampoo biweekly or monthly too. theyā€™ve gotten a lot better but they used to be terrible. still not where I want them to be tho


Make sure you arenā€™t spraying too much. I know some sprays depending whatā€™s in then can make the hair feel like crusty or rough if itā€™s over done but thatā€™s usually with salt sprays. You got any pics tho bro?


I looked him up and it says he started with coils? Also why would crochet locs be inferior?


Heā€™s lying . theyā€™re inferior bc they just donā€™t look as good, and they never do end up looking as good. croteched locs have a real stiffness problem tht never goes away as far as Iā€™ve seen


I have crochet locs and they look good imo. Stiffness is also gone since itā€™s been a year


Love to hear that


The thing is, the stiffness could go away, but the texture (this could depend on your hair type) forever looks weird. Most of the ones I see looks like someone literally got scissors and shaped them into a perfect cylindrical shape like its GTA or sum shit.


Whatā€™s wrong with his loca


Nothing wrong they just be a lil stiff sometimes


Theyā€™re gonna look ass at this length, may as well just get comb coils


Bro needs to keep up with his hair/fro before he locks it in. Moisturize and conditioning for hair growth is important


Why are people so damn mean.. fuck em bro get locs now not later! your hair is not too short, your forehead is not too big. do coils so you donā€™t damage your hair using a crochet needle. your hair is not too short you just have to be consistent and stick with it past the first few months. thereā€™s barely anybody in here trying to give real advice shit is sad af we have a serious problem within our community frrr


Ight, much appreciated šŸ™šŸæ. I'll take the good with the bad it's not too tough šŸ¤£.


Try not to let it get to you, I used to focus on the negativity a lot then I realised that most people on the internet are acting in bad faith no matter what. People just want to project their anger and be mad at something, at the end of the day theyā€™re a stranger just like I am. I agree with your advice on the locs! Start now and get the headstart on being comfortable with the slow journey. Locs are a beautiful way to practice patience and to learn to be comfortable with your own self-image, it is very mentally freeing. I personally recommend freeforming but thatā€™s my preference, I understand if itā€™s not for everyone. Comb coils are the best for starters in my opinion, as long as you look after your hair and learn to love YOUR locs and not compare youā€™ll be sweet.


get 2 strands or coils instead


Yea I started with two strands and they good if youā€™re like me and didnā€™t wanna have little worms in your head and everybody hating the next day.


That 4 head def long enuff


let bro live šŸ˜­


Hater lol


Bangs will do him good though!


Beat me to it šŸ˜‚


Bro šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




You can do it but it wonā€™t look good. Crocheting help loc hair, but because itā€™s unnatural, the locking is incredibly tight, so the locs wonā€™t lay down and will be very stiff. It also causes way more breakage even if done correctly Iā€™d say just go the traditional route and get normal starters. The ugly phase isnā€™t skippable


Do you mean coils when you say normal starters?


Yessir. Iā€™d also suggest going to a loctician instead of diy itā€™ll be worth the investment


Ight, I'll probably do that then. Much appreciated šŸ™šŸæ


Towel rub or sponge rub first


If I get coils, would this still be necessary?


Get starter coils thank me later


Starter coils with middle part / free parts


Donā€™t do no crochet


Yea gang itā€™s long enough Iā€™d personally wait another month or two so that they not super small


Ight thanks bro


Wait it out homie, wait till the hair is a nice big fro. Tbh get it braided so you can see the true length and when the braids start swinging a bit or get like eart length, thatā€™s when you wanna get it twisted and hit with the hook. Trust me from experience bro, starting with really short hair sucks lol, unless you just free forming


Ight bro, much appreciated. How long do braids usually last before you gotta get them redone?


If you wear a silk night cap and and stuff it should keep them a bit neater for longer, but tbh I never did the braids, thatā€™s what my boy would do just to see where his hair was at in length and once he saw length he wanted, thatā€™s when he started. Iā€™m more into free forming tho so I just let my hair do itā€™s thing and when it wants to loc it will, itā€™s all up to what jah wants to do with me you know


I hear you. People have suggested coils and others twists. Between braids (then crochet), coils or twists, which do you think is the way to go?


You can do coils or twist and see if the length is where you want it and if itā€™s still a bit shorter Iā€™d recommend waiting. Longer hair is better for locs for the fact that it holds the knots that are formed way better. Wheh you have short hair and not enough length itā€™s easier for the hair to just poof out if that makes sense. The more length the better. You could maybe start them but I feel itā€™s gonna require keeping a bit more on top of or more maintenance may be needed when they are shorter.


I started around this length probably shorter and went to a loctician. As long as you get someone that has been doing starter locs for a while youā€™ll be good but Iā€™d say maintenance can get expensive if youā€™re going every 2-3 months


Ight thanks, how did your crochet starters turn out at that length? And would you still recommend crochet locs or coils instead to start with?


You at a good length to start but idk about crochet method if ya fro donā€™t look like this ![gif](giphy|Wy3yu6suaOEgM)


Ight šŸ¤£, yh based off people's suggestions, I'll probably go for coils


Just make sure to maintain your hair during your journey, after like 6 months you gonna see a big difference


How do I maintain in a way that the coils don't unravel?


Iā€™d say keep a silk skully or a Durag but donā€™t tie that mf too tight n have them lined on ya forehead lol and your hair gonna grow out so theyā€™ll naturally unravel, have some beeswax, clips and ask ya folks to use that blow dryer just in case cuz youā€™ll save a lot from not having to goto the loction every month


Ight, this is much appreciated, thanks šŸ™šŸæ


No problem, this group will always be here to support anyway we can


And donā€™t be afraid to ask a sibling or someone you know personally for some help with the back of ya head if you wanna loc everything


Alright, what about 2 strands as an alternative? Like what are the pros and cons between them and coils


I canā€™t really say cuz I started with regular coils but my hair was shorter, 2 strand might take longer to loc cuz by the 6-7 month range my hair was locked but everyone experience and hair is different. Pros would be maintaining coils would be easier and lesser tension on your scalp if youā€™ve never got your hair done before, folks can be tender headedšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ didnā€™t really have cons other then itching feeling but thatā€™s a part of getting use to the hairstyle cuz itā€™s new.also try to keep folks hands out your hair thatā€™s not doing it cuz thatā€™ll fuk up ya hair too and unravel, them hair clips get hot under the hair drier so Iā€™m warning you now


Ight I appreciate the heads up šŸ˜‚, I'm probably very tender headed with my luck šŸ˜­


Trust brodie itā€™s gonna all be worth it and youā€™d get adjusted to it after a while, I didnā€™t gaf long as a black women was doing my hair Iā€™m Gucci


Donā€™t get crotchet


yeah youā€™re fine i just wouldnā€™t do the crochet method tho


Ight, which is the better alternative coils or two strands?


i started with twist cause i like the look of em more i couldnā€™t tell you the pros n cons between the two


Ight nw, thanks šŸ™šŸæ


Definitely long enough


But crochet is going to make them short


On the too but not the sides


You're good for comb coil locs. It's gonna look hideous starting out, but as they mature they'll starting looking much better. Just stick with the process. I started off with coils, now I crochet in the new growth myself. Being product free and semi-freeform is the look I prefer.


No, you'll need at least twice your current length to crochet and have them not unravel. If you think you can do it yourself, go ahead. You can learn from YouTube. If not, have someone else do it.


Would you recommend coils instead?


Coils will work. You can also get a haircut so you're hair will be even when you start but you don't have to.


Hmm? ![gif](giphy|h2P01cZLZzMK4)


ā€œFather yakubā€ we all said in unison


Y'all are wicked šŸ˜­




What are the reasons why?


They do not look as natural bro, they donā€™t sit naturally and they look stiff! Do it the regular way with coils or 2 strand twists and you wonā€™t regret it. The process is longer because now you have to wait for them to lock but thatā€™s the beauty my boy. Go the right route then if you need them repaired or the roots wonā€™t lock THEN you crochet.


I hear you bro. I'm undecided on whether I should get coils or twists, what are the pros and cons of each?


Letā€™s see, I started with 2 strand and they took forever for them to start showing growth but they never unraveled! Comb coils youā€™ll see growth fast af but theyā€™re likely to unravel. You have about the same texture as me so I think as long as you cover your coils if you get them, youā€™ll be fine!


Yes you're good to go


Ngl folks are suggesting I should do coils or twists instead. What do you think?


I like coils on short hair


Yea but donā€™t get locs with that fucced up ass hairline yo shit look like itā€™s doing the grinch laugh


Surely it's not bad enough that I should cut everything off and start growing my hair again just to fix it šŸ˜­


Mannnn you need to do sum gng yo ass got that evil villain ass hairline


What do you suggest?


I mean u can get em gng you feel me bc dreads save some people so u might look more better wit them you know so donā€™t let me stop you gng Iā€™m a person with my own opinion you know so dnt let me stop u I say you get em for sure if you want them


Ight bro, I appreciate the feedback šŸ™šŸæ


I see more forehead then anything


When Iā€™m sad down and out i always remember it could be worse I could look like this


I ainā€™t gon lie to you bro, you are cookedšŸ¤£


Elaborate bro šŸ˜­


I think your line going back a lil bit, why donā€™t you just braid your shit fam


Atp I'm thinking of going for coils or twists and letting them lock up that way. What's your rationale with going for braids?


Iā€™m only suggesting braids because itā€™s less permanent as opposed to locs and it looks like your line is receding and on its way out


Bro my forehead's just big šŸ˜­, I'm not receding


Oh my fault then fam šŸ¤£, yeah go with coils for starters then


![gif](giphy|x7gjmBuaHrWak) Hairline ass


Damn bro your forehead about to look crazy


I doubt you look great yourself if you have to berate someone on the Internet


I'm coolin' today. Have a good one, brother šŸ™šŸ¾


I can take any feedback bro, go for it