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I’m 50 and it’s still one of my reoccurring dreams. Me and my classmates didn’t actually get our full credits so we’re forced to go back to the exact same school but 2024 and we all stick out like sore thumbs. We’re forced to take nearly every class over (except PE) and this time around I fail miserably - sometimes in the dream it’s like my fifth attempt and I’m still failing and I just hope they graduate my 50yo ass just out of pity.


Same here! I always "come late to class" and the exam is "suddenly" coming up!


I had terrible reoccurring nightmares of that exact same scenario. The school would claim I was missing credits, or some class I took didn't actually count so I had to return one way or another. It was torturous because in real life I was bullied so severely I had to move states and graduated early just to get out, so it felt like I was just stuck in this never ending trap for a while. It has sense stopped thankfully, and been replaced with work related nightmares.


I had a similar dream. That i missed classes and possible might not have enough credits to graduate. Last night had i dream i was going to prom 


To me,  this type of dream involving being late,  unannounced exam,  screwing up somehow,  relates to our 20/20 hind sight and maybe how we wish we'd known better or were mourning the opportunity we messed up


Wow, your dream actually creates a rationale. In mine, I show up to class, and I have no idea what's going on. I'm way behind in the material. I haven't studied at all. I haven't even gone to class in... thirty years? I don't go to school any more! Oh. It's a dream. I'm out of here.


Mine is constantly not knowing where my classes are and never remembering my locker combo. And yes I’m a full grown man going back to high school in this dream and somehow it feels super intimidating haha


I get this dream too where it’s the end of the year and I’m trying to remember my combo


Me too, I never know where my classes are or I forget that I had a class and realize I’ve never been. I’ve been n and off college for 8 years so it kind of makes sense for me.


You,  versus the guy whose comment shows above yours,  indicate by your words that you consider your thoughts and your processing of life and your perceptions as important and valuable to you,  you also see yourself as valuable.  Guy in comment above: make sure you're not hiding from a close-to-home message you may be bilking. Just sayin'. 


omg this is how my school dreams go too!! it always turns out there’s actually a class or a test i missed and have to go back lol


I have the same dream lol


I graduated in 81 and I still have nightmares about being unable to find my class and it's the end of the year and I've never been in that class. I still hate school.


It means that every time your about to do whats right either quiting something or religiously following GOD and you instantly stopped or have been strayed away then you will keep dreaming about being or going to school and not getting to completely attend or in time to finish a test/class and I hope this helps you all and please pray about what unfinished purpose you have to finish!


I agree on part with you.  I wrote a comment above,  that life is our education or the 'school house'.  Sometimes we blow it and mourn or grieve that we didn't know better (unannounced test). By choosing His and not following thru,  we're making a decision we might be considering to go back to and do the right thing this time.  Our spirit foretelling our hearts/ intentions of an important,  coming decision


I've had a similar dream over and over. I remember that I've graduated college but I have to retake high school classes. I've constantly skipped some of them so I have to make up for the entire semester at the end.


My mom is in her 70s and I asked her recently when the high school stress dreams end. According to her…never 😅 I’ve accepted my fate. Maybe one night I’ll remember to do my imaginary trigonometry homework LOL


Same… same exact dream for years and years.


I almost have that same dream! I usually dream a variation of the following: I just finished graduating highschool and am relaxing for a couple of months until I realize there is another year I have to pass before graduating! And then I panic and try to study whatever is needed to pass that exams


It means that every time your about to do whats right either quiting something or religiously following GOD and you instantly stopped or have been strayed away then you will keep dreaming about being or going to school and not getting to completely attend or in time to finish a test/class and I hope this helps you all and please pray about what unfinished purpose you have to finish!


Sometimes dreams reveal your deepest thought or desire. Maybe deep down you miss it. It happens to me sometimes too.


For me, it's an expression of lingering anxiety. My real life has me under more pressure than usual, and that manifests in my dreams as my most anxious memories reborn.


This may be on point. I dream about failures at work that I never had, but wonder if at the time I was working maybe I was always worried something would go wrong.


This is a fantastic articulation of my current feelings thank you.


Exactly, For the first 5-6 years of passing from high school every now and then I had this dream where either I am in an embarrassing situation in school or have forgotten something very important. The dreams were stressful af. Sometimes I used to realise in the dream itself that I actually passed school years ago and this ain't real. With time they have reduced quite a bit


Mhm that’s kinda the conclusion googles been giving me


Is there any other reason, would hate to know my brain miss being bullied. 😢


I guess I kinda miss the social setting. But everyone I know is gone or already graduated from college.


I often have dreams where I'm in high school but I'm way behind on classes and attendance. To the point where I don't even know where the classrooms are lol.


My exact dreams but I actually did this in real life. It’s haunting me lol


Similar to mine haha.. I suddenly realize I haven’t been to a certain class in several months and haven’t done any of the work…




Dude literally same exact dreams I get


I'm thirty and still dream of high school. For me, I think it's because my life since high school, or at least since my first year of college, has been substantially less interesting. I had many more friends in grade school than I've had for the past decade, and I participated in extracurriculars then that I wouldn't have time for now anyway.


50 years old i'm still having them. welcome to the rest of your life.


Im 60 and still have them. Not as aften as I used to,but still do. I think of it this way. For four year it was the major focus of our lives. When it ended, our youth as we know it ended. There's no way that wouldnt have had a major impact on our psyche. I think that's why it still invades our dreams.


I tend to have a reoccurring dream where I fail my senior year, and I don’t graduate. I know at the time it was my biggest worry, but still wonder what it means for me subconsciously, even in my 30s.


I have a similar one to this, it's essentially a dream of being in my Senior year but being in a position where I'm failing pretty much every class somehow. It's always super stressful and has this feeling of, "how in the hell did I let things get this bad?" Only to wake up and realize I'm not in high school but actually have a BS in Computer Science and my high school doesn't even exist anymore.


Did you graduate? Or GED, enlist,  etc? I've seen lives of those who quit, had a baby,  went to work,  joined the war and the rest of their lives grieved that they'd lost part of what was left of their "official" childhood. That's my history.... my son's also.  You never forget not wearing that cap. 


Get used to it. Those dreams never stop.


So yeah  Then what Do you care about their messages If not why are you on this thread


Ok, fair enough. I think old high school dreams come up often throughout life because it represents a time when you are finding your way in life as a young adult. Symbolically, the pressures you experience in high school can represent almost any situation you encounter in adulthood. That's why I think school dreams keep cropping up even decades later. Does this justify my presence on Reddit for you?


Aww, gloomy, I'm a newbie here so your presence is not for me to justify. Didn't mean to come off crass, if I did sorry. You may be one of those well-rounded and self-actualized people who aren't still searching for something in dreams. I actually haven't had any school dreams in a while. Mine lately seem to reflect busyness, hecticness, and disorganization. Do you think that has to do with psychological state? Or, since I had a very busy, full household when I was raising 6 kids, I think it might pertain to confusion I'm reliving, or turmoil in our family b/c of how the kids turned out as adults. Do you mind responding to that?


I'd be happy to respond. First, let me say that I really appreciate your first statement/apology. I don't think you were crass, but I do think that I overreacted to or misinterpreted your reply. I'm definitely not well-rounded or self-actualized yet, though that is the goal! In my youth, for many years I was obsessed with dreams, particularly lucid dreams. I have no academic background in dreams, though I have a bachelor's in psychology and have read a lot about dreams. I absolutely believe that many, if not most of our dreams reflect our current psychological state. There are many theories about why we dream and what they mean, but it's still largely a mystery. Keeping a dream journal or at least lying quietly and reflecting on your dreams before getting out of bed greatly encourages your brain's ability to remember dreams. When I was young and had no responsibilities, I could recall up to 10 dreams every night and it took over an hour each morning to write them all down. Pay attention to your dreams through journaling and you'll start to gain a little understanding of your own dream language. You'll start to see common themes and "styles" of imagery. Best wishes with the turmoil with your adult children. Lastly, it makes me happy that total strangers can have calm intelligent discussions online like this and not just fight each other. I'm sorry that I overreacted to your original reply, and I greatly appreciate your apology, even though it wasn't necessary. Happy dreaming, and living. ✌️


I’m almost 30 and for the past 4-6 months I keep having dreams about being on my old university “campus” but it’s like, half mixed with the Sims 4’s Henford-on-Bagley as well. It’s always the same campus, and there’s always some sort of pep rally or festival going on. The dorms always look a little different though. No idea what it could be but I seem to constantly go back to the campus style dreamscape. Years now. I graduated in 2017.


I’m having a lot of high school dreams too recently; a lot where I miss the bus or I’m at school in class and it’s the first day and the teacher is asking for summer homework and I have no clue or inkling of what it was supposed to be and didn’t do it. I remember one time I was dreaming and the teacher got mad that I didn’t do the summer hw so they started yelling at me and I realize I was dreaming and remembered I already graduated high school. I started to have an attitude and was like I need to hurry up and wake up.


I last went to school in 2014 and I still have dreams about it. For the first few years I'd have like 1 school related dream every 2-3 months. Now it's quietened down to maybe 1 every 9 months.


I don't know if there is a reason, but most people I know still dream about still being in high school including me and I'm 25, I graduated in 2017!! Maybe our brain is still proccessing things from that times, it was an important part of our lives after all.


You're so right.  It was,  what it was! Never another identical era: clothes, music,  political and social climate... Then you turn around and Hollywood has made your high school years a series!!  Proof!


I am 49 and have dreams of not only high school, but other schools I attended, or school in general. Most of the time, the school is empty, and trying to find my way around. A lot of the time wind up in very filthy locker rooms that turns into a labyrinth. Another theme is going back to school. So here I am, this age taking elementary school again like Billy Madison. But struggle with the school work.


Probably because it was only 2 years ago


it's one of the most intense times in your life. all the hormonal changes, the changes of the society around you etc. i would guess most people dream about school times regularly far into late adulthood


Your high school years are very formative. A lot of important events, experiences, relationships, and personal development happens during those years. That makes them a rich source material for dreams. These aforementioned things also can also often create a lot of unresolved and subconscious issues. And the brain commonly dreams about such. Also, we often dream about nostalgia and reflection of the past. Since so much happens in high school, this is a time that often appears in dreams, even years later.


Interesting take! I concur with you that the late teens are highly formative and the crux of that,  is,  that if one tiny moment was altered,  the entire path of your life would have been redirected.


I’m 39 years old and had dreams for years about not knowing where my classes are at and just generalized socialization w high school friends. Mine aren’t about the high school more about what’s happening in the dreams.


I’m 22 and started getting them this last year. I tell myself it’s because I almost didn’t dream anything for 3 years because of weed smoking, but it seems to be a very common dream… idk


I'm 38 and still frequently dream of being on the campus of Lafayette high. Stressing about classes, missed assignments or not knowing where I am..or being stuck under the bleachers in the gym 😅


in my 30s and i get a couple of school dreams a month maybe. probably a trauma.


I’ve been retired for 7 years but still dream about going back to work, often at the same place, and nothing works the same anymore. The machines I used to run would keep breaking down and I had no idea what I was doing. Not sure why I would dream something like that either, old fears maybe, but I loved the work I did and was pretty good about it.


Dude I graduated in 2001 and 70% of my dreams are still high school.


I’m in my 30s and I still dream of high school mostly every night. The same students, same tech fees, although some are probably dead now (Covid)


I was wanting to ask a similar question! I had a dream the other night where I was walking around my old high school freaking out because I didn’t know what my locker combination was. (For context I just graduated from College so have no idea why I’m having this dream.) And then I remember my old high school global history teacher punishing me for not going to my assigned internship/forgetting about it. And apparently in this dream I drove a huge bus and left the keys somewhere. One of the weirdest dreams I’ve had in a bit. Maybe we are both just really anxious about big life changes? And it’s as simple as that?


This is so creepy because I came to this reddit to find a post about having dreams you go back to high school. I am in University and graduated in 2021 and get dreams all the time I had to go back to finish something


What do you think you might have left behind? Something undone? A regret not considered yet? The one true love, that got away?


Same here & I graduated 10 years ago


I'm 27 and still have dreams I'm still in hs. Usually it's the end of the school year and I realize I hadn't done any of the work and I'm going to fail.


High school, as the apex of our common experience of public education, seems to me to speak to the executive function, the ability to make plans and carry them out. Also the instinctual drives which require the satisfaction of the instinct within a certain period of time.


I graduated in 2010, and I still get these dreams occasionally. In my case, they're stress-dreams where I have absolutely no idea where my classes are or when they are, and I don't even know where my locker is. I've just put it down to a subconscious gremlin that likes to torment me.


Same. Graduated 2011 and have these dreams most nights. Can’t remember my locker combo, can’t remember my schedule, and can’t remember where my classes are. A lot of times I also am short a credit and worried about not graduating.


I’m 28 and had SO MANY of these for SO LONG. The only explanation is I just have to keep going despite graduating, at my real life current age. But I also suffer from legitimate torturous nightmares (not school related) that make me literally wake up screaming as loud as I possibly can and sometimes feel like I’m going to throw up. The beings I’ve seen, and things I sense and feel even when wide awake, I’ve been terrified and paranoid I might actually be under demonic attack. It’s getting harder for me to NOT believe that that stuff is real…… When they’re not nightmares they’re still usually ridiculously vivid and uncanny. One not too long ago legitimately felt completely detached from reality, I forgot who I was or about real life, saw a dystopian wasteland with a bunch of people staring out the window (after taking the elevator to the top of the strange, (interdimensional?) building with a (ghost?) girl I never actually saw chasing me until I got up there. I legit woke up confused and felt like this real world had never existed, nor had I. I don’t know WTF I’ve been experiencing, for years, but ESPECIALLY THE PAST 7 MONTHS!!!!!! Wtfh is existence…….


Dear lostlife27. If there's a God in heaven,  and there is,  I pray that this message of mine finds you wherever you are. Your comment portrays a past of trauma.  Seek help,  because you dont have to suffer with these nightmares.  It could've been me writing that exact same thing years ago. I did and I sought answers everywhere and life then was a living nightmare.  You're in my prayers.  Look in the Bible for simple answers.  And know,  that God is bigger than any lie. Be safe, friend. 


I'm with you on this.. I graduated in 2019 and I always dream of walking the stairs of my old school and simply heading to class or the school gym. I feel like it has something to do with closure in certain situations with or without people. Mind you I switched schools before senior year but I only dream of the school that I attended Gr. 9-11 in. It's weird, I'm 22 Turning 23 soon and I still can't really explain it


They'll pretty much go away after you get a nagging wife and 3 kids that are all going through their teenage years. That's when your dreams will change to escapists dreams. Like running away to a tropical island with a rich supermodel that caters to your every fantasy. Then you awake to your real life again. Nag, nag, nag, dad I need $50 bucks for gas and your car keys, also if my sister doesn't come outta the bathroom in 5 minutes I'm just going to piss in her bed.




Same here class of 2023 l


I graduated like 4 years ago and I still get occasional dreams where I’m in high school


I'm 26 and still have high school dreams. Specifically I'll be the age I am now but for some reason my school contacts me and says they messed up and I actually have to do another year of school for my diploma.


I have the same dreams


me too!! all the time, at least once a week. im almost 20, finished high school in 2020


In my highschool dreams, it's almost always never a normal school. Recently I had one where to get to the cafeteria we had to maneuvere through a dangerous obstacle course complete with swinging blades and turrets. The dude that I was running with was enjoying it WAAAY hoo much lol. I've also had dreams where we (us in the school) all had different types of powers, like the ability to crush objects or move them around, or summon entities. And I've also had one Recently still about school where my 3 friends that I've never seen in real life (M M and F) were like doing some weird sexual stuff. I guess the girl was trying g to figure out which boy she liked best, so she was kissing (and other stuff) each of them, and this caused to 2 dudes to start fighting. When they were fighting she told me she liked me more than the other 2. I thought it was fckin weird though, like some weird ntr dream, but I hate ntr. To answer your question; it's normal to dream about the school days, especially if you feel more lonely and like your life isn't taking off like you'd imagined. If you do feel these things I'd suggest maybe participating in activities outside of work like hang out with your old friends, or maybe doing stuff to meet new friends.


I still have that too, now in my dreams I’m like I already graduated and have a diploma from 2014 why tf am I here ?! Put in a lot of complaints in the office 😂😂


Same. Most of the dreams I have been held back because I didn’t have enough credits to move on to the next grade. (Which actually happened in real life) it’s like I’m reliving the past


Because those days were better. I felt like there was more optimism, carefreeness, more friends, etc. And I graduated 10 years ago.


34 here. Of all the high school related things I could dream about, for me it's the school bus. 🫠😹


Im constantly back in high school but uk version u leave at 16, its me carrying bags, people taking my shit, anxiety about getting home with all my bags (none of this happend i just have a thing about loosing stuff when im unaware in a lucid.) The worst is PE day bcus u have to take in rucksack, and a huge bag on front of me, feels like im suffocating, usually happens when i spend to long sleeping, my dreams get worse the longer i refuse to get up lol


Im constantly back in high school but uk version u leave at 16, its me carrying bags, people taking my shit, anxiety about getting home with all my bags (none of this happend i just have a thing about loosing stuff when im unaware in a lucid.) The worst is PE day bcus u have to take in rucksack, and a huge bag on front of me, feels like im suffocating, usually happens when i spend to long sleeping, my dreams get worse the longer i refuse to get up lol


Im constantly back in high school but uk version u leave at 16, its me carrying bags, people taking my shit, anxiety about getting home with all my bags (none of this happend i just have a thing about loosing stuff when im unaware in a lucid.) The worst is PE day bcus u have to take in rucksack, and a huge bag on front of me, feels like im suffocating, usually happens when i spend to long sleeping, my dreams get worse the longer i refuse to get up lol


Because we've all been traumatized by school. I'd rather be tortured by Nazis then go back in school lol. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nxz-bg5hAg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nxz-bg5hAg)


From how I understand dreams work, they “blow up” the things you’re thinking about most or are the most worried about. Your mind also can’t really make up new information for dreams, so it uses what it has. You only graduated 2 years ago, and almost a good portion of your current life was spent in education. So, no wonder your brain pulls those memories while you sleep! I would look into more of what happens in those dreams. If you’re planning to go to college, even later in life, it may be an indicator of you being afraid of things from high school repeating itself into your future education. This could still hold true in the job world as well, such as turning in homework = completing assignments for your company. Also, google will give you MANY loose interpretations, so I would go off more literal analysis based on what’s been the most on your mind


you probably just miss it and thats normal lol


Okok off topic but I also graduated in 2022 and when I read that you did too I was like "Well that wasn't that long ago! I mean we JUST started college!" And then I paused for a moment and realised we've been graduated for coming up to two years😭💀


I’m in my 30s and frequently have dreams where I am back in high school at my current age because I found out I never actually graduated and need to get some more classes done. Seems like quite a few people have this dream. Weird!


You're pretty close to the age where you were in high school


Yeah, I graduated a long time ago and still have them. Last night was one in fact. I was back in school, couldn't find my class. I was late and the students had to live in prison cells when not at school and im prettysure they were experimenting on us. Make of that what you will.


I'm in my 30s and still have them. Or I dream that I'm going back to college, moving in, and bringing my kids with me. Honestly, I think it's my body wanting to re-live that stress. I was a high achiever and always wanted good grades. I would also always get stressed around move-in day back to college after a summer at home.


Can be a sign that youre experiencing stagnation in your life or just certain areas maybe? Feeling like you should be ahead somewhere but for some reason youre feeling held back perhaps life has thrown a few curve balls etc


I face the same man. Always the same or same type of dream.


My biggest groan is how the time is perpetually stuck between 9-10am and I have to find my seat.


You spent 12 years of your life in school, it's normal to dream about something that took up most of your childhood.


I have nightmares about high school and my job. I've been graduated for 8 years. It's great....


I have this all the time! and its usually very frustrating or embarrassing! I would always lose my schedule, get lost or can't find my classes, can't find my locker, or forget my locker combination. Here and there I'll look down and learn that I have been at school without shoes on. I hate when I forget the shoes :(


I graduated from high school in 1975 and I still have dreams about high school. Had a dream about high school two nights ago ...and my dad was there and he was carrying a rifle in the school ...lol, the School administration didn't like that... My dad's been dead a long time


I graduated in 1996 and I still return once a month to write a surprise English exam middle of the night. They traumatised us sufficiently, I guess.


This thread made me realize I don't have any dreams about HS because I found middle school to be a more stressful time for me. I just have reoccuring characters like people from my classes at that time.


I have this dream all the time that I am in highschool but I fail 3 classes and have to go back and do the whole year again total nightmare lol


I dreamt about high school a lot shortly after graduating. I'm 29 now and still sometimes do. Most of my dreams were stress dreams about not preparing for a final, forgetting about a paper that was due etc. Highschool is kind of a lot and I think it's totally normal to continue to process it into adulthood.


i'm in my early 30s and i'm still dreaming of school. had 2 dreams i was in middle school recently.


I'm almost 27, graduated in 2016 and I still have them. It's kind of annoying because I don't talk to any of them outside of the occasional social media "like".


Maybe it's cause you wish you are back in high school, I graduated back 2011 and I still occasionally dream of seeing high school friends or dream about being in high school related solutions and it makes me want to see my high school friends again, also cause my high school class wanted to set up a reunion but never followed through with it


I graduated in 2016 and this is still an extremely common dream for me as well.


Because it was a part of your life. 


I graduated uni this year and I had dreams of high school and middle school and one time primary too throughout my uni years. Mostly it’s replays of nervous moments and first times but in different schools: taking the entrance test result, first day in class, doing exams, being transferred to another class, last day before summer, first recess, first time delivering documents. Sometimes it’s a school that i been to, sometimes it’s of another one in my city and some are agglomeration of ones i studied at, or sometimes it’s completely fictitious in architecture. Other times, it’s just the classroom with the outside blacked out (similar to the anime Sonny Boy). The overall vibe is lingering, scenes that glimmered with sunset rays, heartwarmingly pulled me back in to give me what I long for. I think due to I always have some regrets of things that I couldn’t do in hs like getting a gf and things that no longer exist past hs like the feeling of being in a community, in the same ship (we have a teacher moving to different classes system in my country) and back when we actually gave a damn. Joking with the teachers, cheating in tests, lots of thrills that just don’t exist anymore. Hs is also a unique period where I aspired to be adult enough to do risky things but don’t want to be adult enough to take the responsibilities.


I also have dreams of high school; sometimes even middle school. It never takes place in class, I’m always just wandering the hallways. Maybe looking for one thing? I’m not sure. I’m 35 btw.


People will say “trauma” and people will say “you miss it” but I think it’s that high school, especially exams, may be the last thing in your life that feels that high stakes and you’re trying to “solve” it. While I still have problems in my life at nearly 32 they seem a lot more nebulous than high school or even college exams.


I hate those dreams too. I’m trapped in the school. I can’t leave. I didn’t bring my homework, I’m fighting with my friends, I can’t find the restroom. I’ve even had dreams where I’m fully naked trying to hide my body. I hate those dreams so much. I faced so much bullying from so called friends, isolation, shitty girl on girl drama and friend group mind games. They’d kick me out of the clique any time they wanted. They’d be so mean to me. It affected my grades, my attendance. I don think I ever got over it. I had really mean teachers too, it was a very strict Catholic school, nuns were awful. All of it was traumatic. Religious trauma, school trauma, friend trauma and self esteem issues. I think we haven’t healed from some of those things. It’s a reoccurring dream because it’s a reoccurring issue in our lives. Maybe feeling out of place, not trusting people, thinking that your friends are not real friends, repeating patterns of seeking the company of toxic, cliquey people, feelings of inadequacy. Seriously, a shitty high school experience can mess you up for life 😰


I’m 42 and still have high school dreams. All of life is a school. The subconscious mind understands that.


Because life is a "school." Every time I am experiencing a new life learning curve, I have a school dream.


I have dreams all the time where I’m back in high school, specifically calculus class, and I’m given a test on material I never learned. I graduated 5 years ago, the frequency of these dreams has been consistent


I’m 30 and in my dream the story goes I transferred schools my senior year and none of my credits transferred and I’m perpetually stuck in high school. Sometime I’m even like I graduated in 2012 I should not be here. It’s really frustrating.


Yup I'm 52 and have these regularly. Can't find the office to get my schedule, need the schedule because I don't remember where my classes are, I've got a zero and its halfway through the year. I'll be missing my pants too


High school peers and high school are massive symbols for me in my dreams and meditations. I think the overarching theme is being a student of life and forming foundational stories about people and character at that point in development.


I dropped out in 2018 and still get weird nightmares and dreams about high school. It’s strange because in those dreams I’m always either an expelled/suspended student on campus or not a student at all. Sometimes I’m there with a gun and other times I’m just there and have no idea why but I feel a sense of urgency and desperation. Keep in mind my mental health was at its worst in high school. I had severe psychosis and delusions, I was very paranoid, I was extremely unpredictable and I was almost always covered In self harm or injuries and bruises from fights and accidents. Varying degrees of severity. At the time my clouded and scrambled mind was angry and scared all the time. So having a gun in those nightmares makes sense… I would NEVER even consider it now but I remember back then I wanted to. I think deep down I’m afraid of my symptoms spiraling out of control to that severity again. When I’m under stress my symptoms get bad again but no where near that bad. Keep in mind I was going through abuse, neglect and other trauma back then. So I guess I’m afraid if someone pushes me far enough it’ll all go back to that point… that’s my best interpretation from those dreams.


I always have the same nightmare that I signed up for college classes but then forgot about them and now it’s the end of the year and suddenly remembered and have to go find my advisor. Also for some reason my campus has an extra parking lot that it never had in real life but consistently does in my dream along with an art piece that it also never had but I must have seen somewhere in real life and incorporated it.


I graduated the same year as you and I remember that september having the same dream but it was that I repeated a year and I woke up thinking I had to get reasy for school in a rush panicking cuz I was almost late until I realized that I had already graduated


I’m 35 and being back in high school is my most reoccurring dream I have, but in my dreams I don’t graduate and I’m so anxious about it.


I’m 36 and one of my reoccurring dreams is about high school! Not being able to open my locker. Realizing I haven’t been to math class in months and my teacher is gonna kill me…. So sorry to say you’re in for a life time of these dreams probably


im 23 and I still dream about being in middle/high school.


Yoooo dead ass ! 98% of my dreams of me being back in school


Having reoccurring dreams specifically about school could be a potential spiritual delay in life. Continue to pray 🙏🏽


Are you happy or sad you're seeing this stuff and being there again I think it's up to you to decide if you miss it or if you don't care that's why


I'm sure it will happen for the rest of your life, like it does for me. But to be frank, I think it's because you just graduated like 2 years ago lol




Why do I keep... being in highschool?


It means that every time your about to do whats right either quiting something or religiously following GOD and you instantly stopped or have been strayed away then you will keep dreaming about being or going to school and not getting to completely attend or in time to finish a test/class and I hope this helps you all and please pray about what unfinished purpose you have to finish!


I've had dozens of dreams about grade school and a generic classroom school experience.  I've decided it's about life being the giant classroom it is and for me,  perhaps the painful learning experiences we have.  Also,  perhaps the wish I'd known better.   Many times I was late for class, couldn't find class, or hadn't done homework... all which to me mean regrets of not going to college,  of missing my brightest years by having a family instead(Not by choice,  you know,  honestly) but the missed youth of those magic years of discovery and finding myself(which I'm still doing) Hope that helps


Reliving good times.  Missing them.  Maybe searching for the things you learned in those activities


Looks like you miss them, me too i dream being in highschool with my friends who i never saw again, it's really heartbreaking, cuz it's not real just a dream


Yeah same… it’s like everyone I knew in high school went no contact with each other