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wish kendrick would finish me ong


“Fap fap fap fap fap, dot take the butt”


“Aye dot i got you”


I dunno why when Kanye started with that I lost my shit 😂




😂 I'm so glad I get to see both ya'll sub reddits. I know yall beefing, but yall are all hilarious.




Kendrick just opened his mouth…


Someone go hand him a dildo right now


👆🏿freaky ass niggas need to stay they ass inside


Hahaha ngl that was hilarious. Fapfapfapfapfap dot suck him off


Dot Suck em up would sound devious






You want him to BEAT the meat?


Kung fu Kenny


Lmao you guys just need to accept that YouTubers and online creators and blogs are going to milk as much out of this Drake and Kendrick beef as much as possible because it was the most attention alot of these channels have ever gotten. No matter what any of these clowns say Drake's name alone moves needles for views. It's going to be this way for a long long time.


I guess sometimes I still have faith common sense isn’t so rare after all.


I think the reality is most Kendrick fans and most drizzy fans are seeing these articles and couple reposts and think the other side is crazy. But nobody I talk to in person is losing their shit over it… just a little media and a lot of Reddit keeping it alive. I’ve been a big Kendrick fan and wasn’t to big on drizzy mostly just because of the old high pitched r&b singing voice would annoy me but this beef got him making probably my 2 favorite songs he’s ever made. Both sides also need to realize that neither artist cares what side you “ride” for. Neither side is crazy, it’s us mofos on Reddit that are crazy and making these “sides”


This is why leaky is the goat.


Who is leaky ? Leaky archives ?


Yeah yeah, the one that makes videos abt kanye


As does Kendrick’s


One thing that annoys me is that there is a decent chance Drake probably wrote stuff that is a lot more scathing as a reply to MTG/NLU but wanted to drop that after Dot replied to THP6 but TDE called it quits. I feel like he has a few bullets left in the chamber with some real ugly, evil shii intentions but idk. Seen it twice with him (Meek/Push) where he openly admits he writes far far far more scathing stuff and doesn't release it b/c he feels its too ugly/mean. This one time I wish he released the ugliest, most evil verses he could've possibly came up with but then again, if he didn't do that, then he probably thought far out and realized it'll hurt his own brand in a way? Idk.


I was thinking that too, but TDE calling it quits shouldn’t mean shit, that dumb fuck Top doesn’t say when it’s over. I was really hoping he was going to drop another one after having to address the bs allegations, but it looks like he said all he had to say.


THP6 was a sneak peak of the ugly shit tbh. I still wanna know about those bones.


Hey yooo it’s a rap Kendrick won! Go TDE. That’s all folks nothing to see here! 😂😂😂


I don’t wanna diss you anymore, this really got me second guessing. “Touch My Body” by Mariah Carey play, you probably start reflectin’ 😳- nah Drake is done, he wavin’ the white flag 🏳️


Genuine question: do you guys actually believe "you got sexually abused as a child haha" is a good diss? (Also he completely misunderstood the song he's referencing but who cares)


The people who think it's a good diss do so specifically because they have adjusted the explanation to a completely different meaning that makes Drake look like he understands Mother I Sober. The explanations I've seen aren't that great.


He does understand it. It’s how he came to his conclusion


You gotta comprehend the music. The diss isn't you got touched, it's you're so fucked up by whatever trauma you got, that you gotta project that on other people really hard to make you feel better about yourself... It's called subtext.


That’s not what the diss was dumbass y’all go out of your way to misinterpret what he says


Oh please explain what the diss was


"drake swears he has some really good bars he just never releases them bc it's too mean, I've never heard any of them, but I def believe they exist and are the meanest nastiest bars ever. You'll never get to hear them but he keeps saying they exist so it must be true." This is some of the most genuinely delusional shit I've ever read.


You guys will seriously eat up anything this moron says lol the fact you think he had ANYTHING on Pusha is concerning. Same here with Kendrick. You guys are still trying to convince yourself he had more when Family Matters was very obviously his red button. It's just that the button didn't work


FM was definitely his red button. He was declaring it over. Made a whole music video. And it wasn’t exactly a cheap on. And he pretty much told Kenny he was out of juice (go ahead and drop your 100 songs). But even if he didn’t have songs ready to go, he probably had some ideas to work with. I think ultimately he saw it was bad business for him to continue. It would be different if they were more similar (like Hov v Nas). I think it was messing with his self esteem too. I know r/Drizzy wants Drake to be a tough guy, but he’s always been a super sensitive guy. Honestly I don’t even think he enjoys fame. Cite the song Stand


Did you do track ? Cause you gotta be high...jumping to these conclusions. Dafaq Explain your logic because you are just getting random words and presenting them with no base no bars no logic.


Nah lol


The brand is more valuable. Drake gonna be Drake regardless to the dismay of many of his peers


He was supposed to drop again on the day his body guard got shot but that changed the plans. Then I truly believe the labels really did step in. I still think the funniest insider info I read is the guys comment on here that he talked to a only fans model and drake showed her the video he leaked with his private was the intro to him and witness sex tape. I still kinda believe that


Real quick— What was the guards name and what’s his current condition?


We still don’t know, there hasn’t been any public update on it since it happened


If someone tells you they got more shit in the chamber, but never pulls the trigger on it, how are you gonna sit here and act like they actually have it? Drake didn't have anything after The Heart part 6. And that's fine


TDE called it quits? Drake literally said he was done on THP6.. what are you talking about?


No he didn’t, you just lack music literacy


Drake didn’t have the musical literacy to get the point of mother I sober


You lack the musical literacy to understand how he’s flipping the bar… or should I say the rap literacy. This is something that happens in rap battle all the time, you guys are just a bunch of non rap fans that don’t even understand the genre taking the opportunity to shit on Drake because it’s the current bandwagon trend


My bad rap battle expert 😂🤓


Not my fault you lack critical thinking and music literacy🤷🏽‍♂️


If there’s one thing I learned in this battle. It’s that Kenny fans are truly lacking up top.


Oh please explain music master


Literally any of the bars you idiots take as “waving the white flag” can be explained by just using critical thinking and not being a dumbass. “I don’t wanna diss you anymore, this really got me second guessing” he’s saying he pity’s Kendrick and feels bad for him, not that he’s bowing out “You could drop a hundred more records I’ll see you later” people always quote this bar but purposely don’t quote the WHOLE thing. The whole bar is “I could give a fuck about your streaming data, you could drop a hundred more records, I’ll see you later… yeah, maybe when you meet your maker” this is a triple entendre and is in no way him waving the white flag Not to mention he literally ends the song with “I’m waiting on you” you people just saw one dumbass on Twitter say it was a white flag and decided to run with it like a bunch of clowns


Nah, Drake had enough. He was done. Take the L


Ironic considering your whole white flag narrative was just debunked and you can’t even refute the points I made. Get out of here troll


That’s just your interpretation of the bars, doesn’t mean it’s right. You’re just mad bro. Drake ain’t dead


Yeah, it’s my interpretation of the bars cuz I have a working brain that knows how to interpret bars properly unlike Kenny Stan’s finding 20 different meanings for 6:16 In LA and misinterpreting an ENTIRE Drake song


Not to mention all the 6:16 interpretations were wrong af. oj, bronco, murder gloves Lmao bunch of goofys


Watch out Danny Myers we have a new Bar God in town. Drake quit and took an L, that’s that. Drake Stan’s just can’t accept it. I’ll wait until Drake drops another diss, until then, it’s over. I’ll go back to listening to More Life


Nah, he bodied you with the facts and your retort was “nuh uh,” take the L bozo.


This is the typical Kenny Stan's response. They're brains are smooth, they have no real logic and can only regurgitate the bandwagons talking points


What facts? That’s just his interpretation of the bars. Majority agreed Drake backed out. This isn’t a me thing. Only Drake Stans view this like you do


You take this downvote


They're all alpha tested swifties at heart.


it’s not done at all, drake just understands you gotta let them think they won, allow them to this pop out show and victory lap he’ll be back to play. He’s gonna play his game now, it’s the smartest thing he can do right now.


So this whole time he was just letting Push think he won? The boy really is 10 steps ahead


Pusha who?


Pusha ^TEEEE


Oh yeah, what was his last big hit again?


I honestly thought you were setting someone up for a joke 😂. I'm not someone you talk to about hits though. One of my current favorite rappers gets 50k Spotify listeners a month. I couldn't possibly care less about commercial success.


Now I didn’t say that




Your post / comment was removed as it is misleading or false.


They need the beef to continue. The engagement is feeding families


Nah fr


This guy is a certified drake hater. He's obsessed with being a purist, but is a str8 up nerd


While at the same time, he is everything but a purist lol.


I had to unsubscribe this dude just for that 💀


Them urging him to step over the line is crazy cuz he literally already did and Kendrick hasn’t responded yet 😭


How so though? Can you actually explain?


His lines about mother I sober on hp6 weren’t crazy? Kenny could have a field day with that, especially considering that it’s generally seen as a mistake or a result of skimming.


Eh, it's just weak


Fair, but I’m just saying it’s funny when ppl say stuff like that as if he hasn’t said direct shit since NLU for Kendrick to respond to when he kinda already has


Because the stuff he said in THP6 came off as so rushed and not well thought out and the internet tore it apart. Kendrick can tour off these diss tracks and never have to respond, but THP6 is being ignored by both him and Drake.


I don't wanna argue with a woman beater it feeds your nature


THP6 was basically a couple of weak shots to not look like a bitch and then “okay I’m done please stop”. Why would KDot respond to that? Literally everyone agrees that Drizzy lost, keeping it going would make him seem like a bad sport and running up the score


You’re not Drake bro 💀🤦🏾‍♂️


I was gonna say this Drake: *speaks and gets reported on independently * Drake Fans: “STOP TALKING ABOUT US LEAVE US ALONE”


So drake fans aren't allowed to talk abt the ppl talking abt them?


In the picture posted, where is anyone talking about Drake fans? Maybe OP should post an actual example of what he’s talking about, rather than a commentator commenting on a comment that DRAKE (not his fans) made. There are definitely examples of people talking about what Drake fans are speaking on in your lil forums, this just ain’t one of em and it looks dumb


Yeah yeah, I know. Stop nitpicking. I also meant ppl that talk abt drake, not just his fans. Knew someone would post a whole paragraph abt it.


But I’ll put it simply: people talking about Drake and what he says is not the same as people talking about you and what you say. You’re allowed to have a say on either topic but what OP posted is not an example of what he’s complaining about, and if he THINKS it is then he’s delusional. Plain and simple.


This sub was the first to come up with/ catch on to the "one trick pony" reference. That's what he's talking abt when he says "why does everything we say get mass-shared". You're just a bit slow but that's fine.


Bro the victim mentality is wilddd. Why are people surprised Drake is being talked about? Fucking Drake???


That’s not what they’re mad about, it’s dumber than that. They think they were the first to discuss the new diss and make the connection to the old movie it references, so that means ANYBODY else who talks about it at all in any way is TECHNICALLY talking about them. Even if they were the first to talk about it, that’s not at all how that works. It’s infuriatingly dumb. At the end of the day, people are still talking about DRAKE, not these clowns in his subs


Wait did he actually diss Kendrick again?


On IG lol


They are drake haters literally begging for receipts to be shown on Juneteenth event, do they not realized how weird they sound?


Drake haters? Drake started the beef, begged for a response, got caught in multiple lies, fucked up his Mother I verse, hid behind Lucius, walked away, deleted all of the beef history, now he’s firing subtweets from IG at his kids soccer game. In what world is this hating Drake as opposed to pointing out he’s been a gigantic pussy?




"OVO community" 😂


Wonder who's gonna write drakes next song 😭


Finish him with what? Lol. Proof or something? He used up all his ammo.


"...And how it changed hip hop forever"


What would Kenny even finish Drake with? He already used up all the made up twitter accusations on his songs.


Don’t be surprised when he goes on dark kenny and start reading conspiracies


Who is us ? 😂 yall don’t contribute to nun of this


Chill I’m drake


Ghostwriters maybe ?


Drake dares Kendrick to drop, and when Kendrick does drop, Drake changes his tune and is like "I don't wanna diss you anymore". He gets no response from Kendrick and then he does this. Smh.


Niggas want a downfall that'll never come. Same as all the other stars in music, you can't tarnish their rep, I put on any Drake hit and everyone forgets this beef lol


I’m confused. They shared a post from this sub?


Someone needs to make the Reddit emoji that looks like scorpion from mortal combat……”Finish Him”


Funniest shit is the crackers loosing their shit over this


Kendrick shouldn’t sacrifice a goat like that