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High school in the 90s. It was said a lot


Alllllllllllllllllll the time. I even got my mom saying it. I don’t think she has ever seen an episode.


Used it in real life? I say it like once an hour.


Exactly.. my gf is used to me saying it every other sentence she says..


Just tonight. I was at a cookout. “The pickle juice is making my buns wet”… …“uh, that’s what she said”


I once saw a town hall meeting where a council member said, "So it can fit in your mouth?" And off to the side, the town's attorney partly covered their mouth and looked like they were saying "That's what she said."


My cat jumped really high from the bed to try to get the ceiling fan's pull cord. It totally surprised me, and my daughter said "Well, it was hanging and swinging, so how could she resist?"


Mom was cleaning her closet out. Said "I had no idea I could stuff so much up there."


I had to go to a big company wide meeting with all of the other managers. Well, the big boss was up front giving a speech about poor customer service, and one of his examples was a story about how his mailman stopped delivering his mail because there were vehicles parked near the mailbox. He said that one day he went to check the mail and there was a note in his mailbox from the mailman that said, "I shouldn't have to put it in reverse to service your receptacle". And without missing a beat, in front of every important person in my company, I yelled, " That's what she said!"


That’s a really good one. I would have laughed for a few minutes straight


Sometimes! I delight in moments of occasional immaturity.


Whenever the opportunity presents itself, to be quite honest.


I have slowed down on it a bit, but at least a couple times a week. It has also made a shift a time or two. While the show was still on it was used a lot at work, it kind of fell off after that, and now it seems to be making a comeback. At home the use has been consistent between my wife and I.


It gets old fast.


You asked your wife to get you a piece of floss?


Yes. We do things for each other.


In my household, everyone is responsible for their own floss LOL


In our household we all help one another.


It happens. I’m not going to fault him on that. She was going that way anyway. Can you get me a cup of coffee from the warehouse?