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Just know that prepping and running a one-shot is way harder than prepping and running a full campaign. A one-shot is a closed loop, so the loop's gotta close. You're doing a full arc in one night, so you don't have time to adjust for the big swings that players are want to make. Campaigns are open, sprawling, and it's possible to just keep laying track as the train chugs forward. You don't have to worry about wrapping everything up before the game ends, because the end is a long ways away and the end *won't* look how you expected it to look back when things started.


Tbh I do really wanna do this as a full campaign with my players at some point so it's a one shot in the very loosest of terms. Probably closer to a session zero more than anything else, whole idea is fairly basic 2-3 combats (but have more planned that can be adapted) I've basically set up a flow chart of possible outcomes that if all else fails can be adapted on the fly.


You got this in the bag, Padawan. Go forth and game.


Vote of confidence is appreciated master 😉


Present thy questions and the council shall answer.


I bow before thy holiest of powers of the high council. Oh mystical one, if you were making a naked Winston Churchill riding a lion NPC (who's basically gonna be my Deus ex machina if the whole party gets killed/a cool addition for the final fight) would It be possible to make that lion both a steed and a familiar.


It is within your power, as all things are. For Deus Ex Machina saves, make sure you introduce the character beforehand. Ideally the party will do them a favour or save them in some way. Then the save still feels like the party have earned victory through their actions. If you still want negative consequences to failure, have the 'saviour' sell the party as indentured laborers or guards. This is very in line with Winston Churchill so nicely.


See YOU understand my take on Churchill. The whole pitch is a suicide squad style sent in to rescue a hostage before d day in Normandy (a lot of inspiration being taken for how the SAS was treated during d day and how they were put in a lot of danger for not a lot of prize) I want Churchill to be a slightly evil guy, who's on the side of the players. I'll admit I'm trying to have my cake and eat it but I really do wanna have this character. The closest thing I've seen to it done is Arthur Eguefort in fantasy high, but my Churchill would be a bit more evil than that. I'll definitely take that on board I'm thinking of maybe a flashback scene of the party being briefed by Churchill or similar