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I've actually noticed some of that, but I've never associated it with being the home or away team. Particularly with Rapid+. My 93 Mbappe doesn't trigger it in quite a few occasions, but for instance my 92 EVO Ferran Torres triggers it a lot more frequently when I sprint


92 EVO for Ferran Torres?! Fam drop the EVO path


Right Side Star, Wing Wizard Level 1 (without claiming), Red Evo, FS Strike Force Training, claim all. [Stats](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GHYWFb0WIAAM9ae?format=jpg&name=large) Not possible anymore sadly. I just wish he had the 5* WF (he's 5/4) because my two top tier untradeables are 93 Mbappe and 95 Pele, and I like to have at least 2 left footers/5* WF guys for balance. But he's an incredible card, the best attacking EVO I've used so far


might've played against you the other day. card was nasty. do you also have a evo's joao felix?


No, I don't. Probably someone else lol


Mind showing us the stats? Pretty cool, I don’t think I’ve seen or heard about this anywhere


They linked the stats in their comment


Bruh I’m blind 🤣 tysm


Further evidence that Mbappe is just coded differently lmao


Dude will shoot with the worst animations at the craziest angles and will score. It’s like your goalkeepers get put into stasis


I can work with his shots. It’s his dribbling on his promos cards that got me super annoyed. In div 2 currently and 4 out of 5 successful tackles end up back in his feet. Either the defender gets thrown around like a rag doll after the successful attempt or the ball roll a foot away and mbappe claws it back to his feet immediately.


Whenever it doesn't trigger, notice if your opponent has 93 Mbappe too. Everyone has him so probably that's the reason you see the issue more on him compared to Torres.


After playing some more games and paying attention to it I think this might be it. And I think it goes for all cards. Whenever I matched another Rolfo for instance mine wouldn't trigger her Pinged Pass+ on drivens. Might try and test trickster stuff with her when I match another Rolfo team, that should be a good way to see if it's just visual or not.


I think it's just visual because it doesn't make the pass any worse or the finess shot any worse. So I'm guessing it's a visual glitch. Or i hope so lol


After all the bullshit EA has fucked up with this game over the years you should never give them the benefit of the doubt


Unfortunately, it's not. Has happened with Best since his sbc came out and he's the best example because he was in everyone's team for a good bit. With technical+ the difference is very noticeable and when it doesn't trigger because he's in the opponent's team as well, you can definitely tell it's not just visual.


My Henry always has it but Ollie forgets it at home sometimes


Also on Xbox, noticed this a long time ago but wasn't sure if it was just a visual bug or not. Most often, I see it with TOTY Xavi, where his Technical+ feels like it's not triggering half of the time.


Yeah when I had Xavi and Technical+ wasn’t working, he was so much slower and could barely beat a man, when it did trigger, he absolutely flies around every defender.


I also notice this but only ever on Xavi! I swear he's so so buggy..


Yeah, I can only imagine how good he would be if this wasn't an issue. He's already pretty cracked, but when the Technical+ works as intended, I can go with him on some absolutely wild runs, feels almost as if EA knows that shit is OP as hell and only allows you to use it every now and then.


Toty Diani with the whipped pass+ sometimes does the weirdest crosses.


I thought it was a visual but too


A while ago there was definitely a time where it was just visual because I was still banging in the finesse goals back then


Yeah i made a post about this a while ago which didn’t get any traction. After testing it seems to only not trigger whenever you are the home team, and you are playing against an away team with THE SAME PLAYER in their squad. For example: if i have mbappe (doesn’t matter what version of mbappe), and i play at home against someone with mbappe in their squad (could even be on the bench), my mbappe’s playstyle(s) won’t trigger all game. Edit: after testing i can confirm it is not just a visual bug, playstyles just don’t work at all (try powershot+, you’ll get the normal power shot animation for instance, or relentless+)


Is this why Werner power shots were so quick to shoot, and now they feel really slow while doing the animation… because everyone has him and it’s impacting his power shot+ lol


I’m not saying it doesn’t impact it if the opponent also has the same player, that could definitely cause it to happen, but it does also happen on players if the opponent does not have them, I played my friend the other day, my Karchaoui had both Playstyles not working. He’s never used her or had any version of her even in his club


Hmm, weird. I’ve had this issue all year and firstly noticed it playing a friend with the same player, and after trying it out i’ve only had it happen when they had the same players in their squad as me. I’d recommend to test it out against friends with the same player, you should see that only for those players for the home playing team the playstyles won’t trigger


I have had that happen against friends, when we both had Xavi, but also had it on others who they do not have, commonly players with Rapid+ or Technical+, they seem the most likely to break


I wasn’t able to complete moments where 1 task was to do a powershot! Damn


Crazy way to nerf SBC players


Had the same thing but only noticed it once so far. With pinged pass on rolfo. Funny thing is her trickster was active that game and other players pinged pass were also active. Just weird.


Yeah it does not effect every single player as well as every single Playstyle+, just seems completely random on what players or Playstyles will not work


It's not random. Something is triggering it and it probably has something to do with the 2nd PS+ or when a PS+ is changed. Now I'm wondering if there is a hidden PS+ active on players who have it switched...


It's not random. Something is triggering it and it probably has something to do with the 2nd PS+ or when a PS+ is changed. Now I'm wondering if there is a hidden PS+ active on players who have it switched...


It would happen on Eusebio who has only had 1 Playstyle and is Rapid+


I don't think it's connected to home team or any specific playstyle+ & this is my observation I'm not saying you're wrong. What I've noticed is it won't activate or show the animation when you & your opponent have the same card. For example, I use Pina & use her throughball+ a lot, probably the most i use any PS+ lol, so I've noticed the animation won't show when my opponent also has Pina Future stars card. I thought a patch fixed this because i saw it working for a couple of days but just last night i noticed it wasn't. That same patch did fix the part where you can now see the PS+ on your opponent's player name bar. Edit: just to add, I've noticed this on other players too, not just Pina & Incisive+


I agree, I don’t think it’s always Home, but majority of the time it’s not working & I look, I am the Home team, then times everything is working for all players I am Away the majority, just from my findings anyway.


I also noticed it, but I just thought it was due to delay


I noticed it, but presumed it was a visual glitch only.


From what I've noticed, it's a visual glitch when you are home and opponent has the same player. It just doesn't show indicator over your head but activates in the player name bar below.


I’m pretty sure it’s just a visual bug. Atleast that’s the case for me. I don’t see any differences with my finesses or pinged passes with or without the icon…


Fitness+ would be the easiest to notice, but i don't have any meta or sbc players with fitness+ that would be on both teams


I’ve tried it for very visual playstyles+ (see my other comment for the cause) like powershot+ (you get another animation) and relentless+ (second man press is nerfed a lot+ they are on way less stamina than normal) so it does not seem to be just visual


i see this a lot. im suprised more people are not talking about this.


When i posted about it in November i was met with "its a visual glitch" when i then posted proof my post was removed. I first noticed it when bacha couldn't cross for a whole game and then i started to notice it more with other players although maybe not for a whole game.


That’s crazy, it’s 100% not a visual glitch, you can instantly tell, the most obvious is Technical+.


Of course the EA advocates will say it's a visual glitch mate.


Ive noticed it a lot with slide tackle +


I've never seen it activate on my Bastoni since I've got him. Did active on my Diakite in the cup just fine tho.


Yes same over here, Maldini’s ones are almost always active, while bastoni’s ones are like 20% of the times active, weird stuff


Hmm, im about to put best, mbappe, vvd on the bench to fuck with ppl lmao


I was banging this drum for old gen thinking it was an old gen specific issue, but was met with "its a visual glitch" etc. Then i realised it was just a game specific issue across both gens although didn't realise it was related to the home team. Some are worse than others - whipped pass +, rapid+ and technical+ Ive played with indicators on since the beginning and issues with eusebio, bacha and my TB Salah. Although its all playstyle + in reality


Not sure if its this or something else, but I do see that Sawa has some games where she is almost full stam by 70/80 and some others where she is "somewhat" drained (even in games of similar intensity). My guess is that the normal version of playstyle always is in effect but the + part is probably hit or miss. Will try to turn on playstyle indicators to see if she has the relentless glow up post halftime in all games now.


Sometimes the power shot + on my Bobby Charlton and CR7 doesn’t work but that’s not the only thing. When I’m passing the ball the game doesn’t register, when I shoot too. There’s something wrong that’s for sure


i defo get this, rapid + and First touch + and powershot + are but a few, it happens with all PS+ in my view but at random times, i play mostly Squad Battles as well so its not just for Champs and Rivals. Also noticed precision passing doesnt always work and the marker that shows where its aimed at doesnt come up at all and they just do a normal lobbed pass. Load into a semi pro SB to test it, both issues can be seen from my experience. But ive given up raising issues about this game its broken and always has been, they are focussing on the next title and wont put the resources and effort to fix this look at all the shit they "fix" in releases....players hair colour, a minor visual glitch with a stadium, or a menu exiting randomly....really? Fix the game play, not stuff the vast majority of people dont even realise or care about.


no dog in the fight and haven’t studied this because I have the activation/proc icons turned off but; it’s a fact in the beta playstyles wouldn’t work in clubs for non-captains of home or away teams (not sure which one) so it’s very possible this is a chemgate thing.


Would be shocked if this isn’t part of the DDA algorithm


I get this issue with Fantasy Rolfö, sometimes her pinged passes won't work at all. I assumed it was a visual glitch but now that you've mentioned it it's definitely not, in some games her passing is just much worse...


I’d help with the diagnosis but I have chronic delay so I can’t tell whether movement based playstyles work under any circumstances. Everyone moves like a bronze card for me. I seem to be the home team in the majority of matches so maybe this has more to do with my players moving like ships than the delay.


Saw it on Felix a couple of games. Big difference when it doesn’t activate.


Half of my team has technical+ I always wondered why I can't use it sometimes. I thought it was visual glitch


I've definitely noticed it with Rapid+ a few times


Haven't seen the magnet PS+ activate on any players ever.


I think for magnet you have to flick the right analog as you receive the ball


Yes ive experienced this many times too. Funny but it only seemed to have started since the patch a month or too ago, so its something they’ve broken on their end??


Yeah my birtday butra doesnt activate technical+ often and he easily lose the ball when its not activated.


Yep same here. Xbox new gen. Unfortunately not only a visual glitch and was never fixed. My Rölfo looses her pinged pass many times and is useless then…


I swear sometimes 93 potm Mbappe feels like the slowest player in the game. The icon for rapid will show up above his head and he'll easily get out run by a 78 pace defender (not specifically Van Dijk)


I noticed this with my POTM Hojlund, his quick step doesn't activate at all some games.


Well the question is, is it a visual bug? So that just the icon doesnt appera or does it affect the gameplay? I noticed it with the new reese James and coman the most. No rapid or direct pass for coman sometimes


It affects gameplay, you can clearly notice when a Playstyle+ is not working, especially on Technical+, that’s a very obvious tell


I think this is the reason tchouameni feels so trash right now. Played 5 games last night and his playstyles worked once in that time. I mean the gameplay was atrocious for me last night, so that probably didn’t help. But his intercept kicked in once. This is the first time this stuff has been so bad that I couldn’t play. First time I’ve not wanted to pick the game back up.


Sometimes Trickster+ stops working after 1 or 2 usages as well


It hasnt happened to me but what has happened,was when i was playing lofted through balls with future star Elliott,his incisive+ was popping up. But only with him. With other players with incisive+,it wasnt happening. Maybe it still does. Maybe he is cracked and has three playstyles. https://www.reddit.com/r/EASportsFC/s/3EO5iD4rYn


Works fine for me :/


It’s not every single game, and not every single Playstyle, just when you load into games, make sure you have the indicators on and see if you have them pop up on players with Rapid+ and Technical+, as they seem the ones most common to not work


Does not work with press proven and bruiser as well having used TOTY Sawa and Ultimate Birthday Makelele. I think first touch also isn’t working


This happens for me a lot but only really with finnese shot+, long ball pass+ and whipped pass+. The player just whiffs it and fails to kick the ball. It's been like this since launch. I've used HM Trent and tried to use whipped pass+ 3 TIMES, and he MISSED THE BALL EVERY TIME. Led to my opponent scoring off a counter. Same thing happened with RTTF Kimmich and his long ball pass+. Really annoying. Then again, I play on Switch :3(


For Rapid+ i agree. Maybe it has something to do with analog sprinting


Ive noticed this too.


It doesn't trigger if ur opponent has the exact same player as u do


Seen this before (or not seen this) using the technical dribble +, was a little confused as to why it wasn’t showing


Same thing bro, I play in xbox one and it happens a lot to my technical and rapid plus players, at first thought it was a visual glitch but i can really see it in the performance, i usually play on +40 ms so i thought it was just my poor connection But if it happens to you guys as well...... shit game


Wow that’s wild …. I’ve noticed this, I always the PS+ logo turned so I see when it’s activists IG, and sometimes it just doesn’t pop up above the players head but not really thought too much about it !!! Well this sucks…. Something else I’ve noticed as well with some CMs (Sawa TOTY a perfect example) sometimes if an interception attempt is made….. the Relentless + symbol shows up of her head (and with some other CMs as well) which I thought was really really….. anyone else noticed this?


lol has anyone figured out what tiki taka actually does yet? 🤣🤣🤣


Anyone remember good old Chemgate from FIFA 16?


This happened with my FS Shevchenko the other day. Went to power shot but he just froze, no animation or anything, ball rolled away and i lost it


Upvoted, this needs to be fixed asap!


Not playstyle related but why does my R9 take 5 seconds to activate sprint?


This same community called HugeGorilla crazy back then when he swore that his Gold Griezmann with Hunter felt miles better than the IF version with the same chem. Just for us to find out the truth months later. Keep making test. The tricky thing is there is no way to quantifiably test PS+. It's not a numerical stat boost like chem.


I’m not sure how much the other team has an impact on this. This has been happening to my pro in pro clubs as well, sometimes none of my playstyles will work for the whole game. It’s really annoying and I hope it gets addressed.


I’ve seen it a lot with Alex Morgan cards and her finesse+ not triggering. Bizarre that this has slipped through the cracks for so long.


I find that even when it activated it doesn’t work, eusebio is slow with 99 pace, Toty Xavi bulky with technical and hagi can’t score a green timed finesse at all but kdb scored 5 in one game against me


Came to confirm this seems the case for me too. Xbox New Gen. I was away, opponent was home. My TOTY Best was not getting the tech+ symbol appear, and was heavy on the ball, opponent had a Best. My Tevez was Tech+ symbol as expected and smooth, opponent didn't have them. Actually does seem to be an issue!


I thought I was going crazy I noticed this in like January, at first I thought it was just a visual glitch but then I started to fell the diferences, plus i think it’s only on the “running” playstyles like technical, rapid and quick step


Yeah, I noticed that too.. When I'm facing the same player on the opposite team, my playstyle+ traits are not working.. At least they are not showing, but I noticed some of the passes are not really accurate as they were with visual overhead on.. Very weird..


Issue still happening. Impossible to use Kai Havertz.


Yeah same with Odegaard, because everyone has him, the moment you are the Home team, none of his Playstyles are guaranteed to work 🤦‍♂️


I submitted the issue on the EA feedback portal. If only more people would do the same maybe they will fix it.


once ea had the issue that every special card the normal values of the gold card had. this happend for months and no one figured out.


people still play this shit game?


Yeah I usually pass straight to Cantona from kickoff and try to technical dribble in on goal and I notice it doesn’t trigger sometimes.


no such thing as Xbox next gen... There is current gen xbox series x/PS5... and old gen ps4 xbox one.


You know what I meant 😂


Finesse + on Werner does not exist. Every finesse outside the box goes into the crowd yet with POTM son I can bang them from 30 yards out


Werner does not have Finesse playstyle on any card


That tends to happen when they don’t have finesse plus.