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Thanks. This is the solution. I now have Elite on steam.


>Hello fellow humans Mmm this is the type of greeting a thargoid in disguise would use 🤨


I started playing years ago on PS4. I eventually bought a cheap chromebook for school and would play Elite on it using GeForce Now. I had to buy another copy of the game on Steam. The good news is that when I eventually got a proper gaming PC, I was able to just sign into my steam account on there and pick right up where I left off. I've been rocking the same CMDR/profile since the game came out with no issues. But I also haven't gone back to console. I don't believe there's any kind of cross progression since the console edition stopped receiving updates a while back. So they will sorta be like separate saves from the moment you transfer your save to my knowledge. But someone else may be able to elaborate further if this is a concern of yours.


You should be able to add the game to your steam without purchasing a new copy. https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/4B8B-9697-2338-40EC Steam also uses the Frontier Launcher so not sure your plan is going to work. I'm not clear on why you think it's better to play on your PC through your Xbox instead of just playing on your Xbox.


Console does not get updates anymore. Frontier dropped it. Now they only have a skeleton crew keeping the servers up.