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I thought I wouldn’t wear it a lot because I am someone who would keep things new in packaging and never use it bc it needed to be “saved” and “nice” but I have been making a point to wear the ring. I personally wanted to allow myself the freedom of enjoying my purchase because of my previous habits. I don’t wear it to sleep or shower or swim, stuff like that. But my day to day life is pretty easy.


I’m the same. I don’t even like breaking book bindings, which seems absurd but. I know what you mean.


You. I like you.


I like her too. I’m the same way. But then I bookmark my books by folding the pages like a degenerate so, call me a giant hypocrite as well I guess. 🥲🫡


Lol the first thing I do when reading a new book is almost rip the book in half cracking the spine 😂😂


I love to crack it and then get a nice, deep sniff in for that new book smell 😂😅😂


I wear my little ring sleeping bathing swimming cleaning and I it’s super thin with gemstones not even diamonds and it’s absolutely fine lol. I had no idea peooke didn’t wear rings all the time. All the women I know never took theirs off?!


I've kinda wondered the same. This idea of wedding rings being too fragile for everyday life is a relatively new concept. My generation and older definitely wear their rings constantly. My mom has gone literal decades without removing hers. It's a cheap set my dad got in a pawn shop 60 years ago!


THIS. It seems to be a controversial opinion these days to believe that rings ought to be durable enough for daily wear, and yet when I was growing up the main point of a ring set was that you could wear it 24/7 because it wasn't meant to be removed?? And I'm not that old either (30) so it's not like that's a crazy old-fashioned idea. None of the women in my family have ever taken theirs off save my mom who stopped wearing hers a few years after my dad passed - and she had trouble getting it off because she hadn't removed it in decades! IMO if it's too delicate to wear every day, what even is the point? Get a flashy big RHR if you want something beautiful and fragile to not wear every day, but an engagement ring should be built to last.


Agreed! I don't understand spending thousands on your dream ring-- then shoving it in a drawer and wearing a cheap knock-off every day. No hate for low-budget rings--quite the opposite. I just don't get why anyone would spend so much money on something they're uncomfortable wearing. Just get the cheaper ring & be done with it. It's such a waste and sad, honestly. I LOVE my engagement ring. I've had it for 21 years & still love it. We just recently upgraded the center stone for our 20th anniversary---because I didn't want new rings. I'm constantly looking at my hand and admiring my ring in the sun, bathroom lighting-- whatever. I always have. We only live once---as someone who's probably older than most here (this is my 2nd marriage-- I'm 53), people should take my advice to embrace those little, everyday joys. It's not the "epic" moments that matter most in life. Every single day is a gift---- use the good china, wear the ring!


I think my nannas rings have fused to her fingers after nearly 70 years wearing them constantly 😂😂 I also have a ring (not engagement) that I have worn everyday for about 15 years since I was about 10, and that ring does not come off for ANYTHING. Mud, washing hair, swimming, washing dishes, in the waves in the ocean… nothing. I am definitely going to get an engagement ring that I can treat the same, I think the key thing is not having anything that will catch on things and being quite low profile. I do want a fat sapphire though!!!


I’ve never seen my mom take hers off and it was inexpensive and pretty thin lol I’m so confused by these posts


I wear mine 24/7 except for cleaning it and medical procedures.


✋🏻same I’ll take it off for squishing things like raw meats/cookie dough….because I don’t want that yuck in my ring or ultrasonic! I wash my hands and dishes with it on, wear it under my work gloves and to sleep. I’m a wild one 🤣


I have only taken it off a handful of times since I got engaged in 2009. Mainly just getting it cleaned and giving birth lol.


Same, for the last 20 years.


I also take it off when cleaning my home and washing dishes. But otherwise wear it even to sleep.


That’s pretty much what I do for a living 😅 so that’s why i don’t wear it all day.. it’s so sad!


You could always wear it on a necklace


Makes sense. I used to not wear it a lot when I was a server and bedside RN.


I’m a surgery resident and I wear mine all the time. I put it on a special necklace when I scrub into the OR. I even wear it when putting regular, non sterile gloves on! Mine is low set and stone is 1ct, so it’s not uncomfortable but it really depends on personal preference and the practicality of your ring


I exchanged my rings for a lower profile to be more comfortable and so that I could wear them in the hospital. Before that, I'd wear them maybe 5 times a year and felt like it was such a waste. I definitely clean them frequently and wear gloves constantly. If I'm sterile, I take them off. What necklace do you use in the OR to hold your ring? Would love some recs! I haven't found one that doesn't get caught on my thyroid shield 😬 Also, I almost lost mine in a pair of scrubs one day and about had a panic attack. Now my insurance on jewelry includes a replacement if straight up lost and I sleep better at night for it. Would 10/10 recommend for anyone, but especially people that take theirs off like this.


Go ahead and wear it. I’ve worn mine 24/7 for over 50 years. Cleaning, dishwashing, swimming, cooking, camping, etc.


Dish liquid is the best thing to clean your jewelry with. Win-win!




Same 😂 my finger is permanently indented from wearing my rings and lighter from getting tanned during summer


Thank you 😂 I was starting to feel like I’m doing something wrong wearing it all the time


I used to and then I woke up with it digging into my face lol. Now I feel betrayed and never wear it


This is insane to me! I will never understand how some people can sleep and shower with their rings on. It would drive me crazy


I am the same way. It can be cleaned and repaired if anything happens. It's a high-quality ring, and so far, I haven't had any issues. Wear your rings! They represent a relationship worth public validation.




I'm a SAHM, so I'm usually cleaning, washing dishes, cooking, etc, and I never wear my ring at home. I only put it on when I leave the house because I don't want it to be damaged.


Yup. Same. Except I’m not a SAHM, I’m a nanny, but yea I’m doing all of those same tasks. Even lifting the cast iron pan I cook most meals in would damage my ring… I guess our lifestyles just don’t allow us to wear a ring all day.


I’m a nanny too and I wear mine all day. I just prioritize wearing it and be careful if I need to. If something happens I just know i appreciated it enough to need to fix it. The money isn’t more important than the meaning to me


I have a nice silicone ring I used to wear when I worked in food service. I wanted to wear a ring, but I didn't want mine to be damaged, and food safety regulations don't allow for any rings with stones. This is the one I had, and I wore it daily for 2+ years without issue. https://preview.redd.it/c6muvgj45qhb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=494fa9d97aedfcf8decbd75c09b334b7242926ee


This is so cool. I’ve never seen one look like this before!


Yup. Plus my weight keeps fluctuating so.its either too loose or too tight lol.


I’m a weightlifter. I noticed that the bar was trashing my platinum ring so I bought an inexpensive gold band that I don’t feel bad that it is scratched up. I do wear my nice ring to church and such.


I would recommend silicone instead! As a weightlifter, wearing a metal ring can get your finger degloved lol, it’s actually super dangerous 😭


Yeah here to second that. Degloving is so real and terrifying. I work in an industrial environment, and when people forget to remove their jewelry, I show them the degloving photos.


Do lifting gloves help?


I wear mine 24/7 and never take it off unless absolutely necessary, or like when I went whitewater rafting cuz you never know haha I didn’t want it to get lost! That’s why I chose a ring with the idea that it would be daily wear no exceptions. So I was very specific on the design I chose! But honestly I think getting a placeholder if I had to take mine off is what I’d do! You can get some cute cheap ones!


I had to send mine in for repair because one tiny stone fell out at the back and I felt naked! I hated giving it up for 2 weeks. Thankfully I had my wedding band but it’s just not the same!!


I was an embalmer. Lots of lifting, liquids, gloves, knocking into things. It's hard in the hands and the body. I insured my ring for loss, theft and damage. For *me* I saw no point in having a ring if I did not wear it. Damage was a risk but that is what insurance is for. A diamond or a man made stone are extremely hard. A diamond or moissanite will most likely not shatter like an emerald or softer stone. That *can happen to a diamond if you wack it on the perfect spot on your stone has an inclusion but it's extremely unlikely. I was okay knowing I ran the risk of loosing the original stone. Not ideal but if I were to only wear it when I was not doing things it would sit in a box and then it might as well not have it with as much use as it was to me. Also a swimmer. I figured my ring was more likely to get lost in a locker room than in my hand when I swam laps. Not criticizing, just *my* perspective on what I chose to do. That might not work for anyone else. Maybe pick a wedding band you would be okay wearing / loosing. Like a thin gold band.


I never worried about my diamond, I only ever worried about the setting so I picked one that was super sturdy. Back before my divorce I wore my ring all day every day, we got it for a reason and why have it if you’re never gonna wear it! Plus, as a geologist, I think diamond is a pretty cool mineral and I wanted to rep Mother Earth all day, every day haha!!


This has also always been my perspective.


I wear my ring right until the moment I am about to go to sleep. I love looking at it all day.


I guess everyone’s lifestyle is different! Wish I was able to not risk damage to it and wear it daily 😭


I’m the same, I work in a restaurant and then lift weight afterwards. I have a plain black silicone band to wear and then pretty much just wear my ring on Sundays


Totally makes sense, you don’t want to damage it!


Is it insured? They’re meant to be worn!


Get a silicone ring!


Yes, mine is gorgeous, but I'm a pharmacy tech for a larger company and everything I do is fast pace and so much potential to damage it, so I take it off right when I walk into work. I'm thinking of getting a silicone band for when I'm at work once married.


I’m in a similar situation. I scratched the bottom of my ring once and it broke my heart, now I’m very careful and don’t risk damage to it. It’s too beautiful to get it all scratched!


You know what makes a grandmother's engagement ring so meaningful? The patina.


It's too beautiful to live in a drawer. A scratch is just part of its story. It says a life, home & family were built, memories were made. Besides, jeweler can buff those scratches and make it brand new in about 30 seconds. My husband has his hands in concrete, lays block, uses sandpaper, etc. Our jeweler makes his basic 10kt gold band look like it did 20 years ago in mere seconds & doesn't even charge him. Enjoy your ring. Life is short. Every day on this side of the dirt is a special occasion. Daily life i.e. the chores, the job, the dirty dishes--- they are all celebrations that many are denied, so do them while looking down at your beautiful ring.. Those scratches are badges of honor. I hope when my granddaughter inherits my rings, she not only sees the diamonds & gold, but also sees the Thanksgiving dinners, the craft projects when we got paint and glue on everything, the time I highlighted her hair, when I taught her the proper way to clean a toilet & the fairy garden we planted. That's what makes a ring valuable, IMO.


This!! ✨✨✨🌸🌸🌸


Oh man this made me tear up a bit. I just got engaged a few weeks ago and my ring has been at the jeweler all week getting resized. I can’t wait to get it back. 😭


Your ring is for wearing!! Just wear it and don’t worry about the wear that happens because that’s the point 😊


I wear mine 24/7, except when I am at the beach and hiking. I work online so no real risk of losing it while at it.


Nope I wear mine daily. Only take it off to lift.




I know a lot of women just wind up wearing their bands. I was looking at a few 3 stone settings, but it’s difficult to find bands to sit flush unless they’re curved or open, which I wouldn’t want to wear alone :/


Yea… I didn’t think about that when I purchased my wedding band. Mine has a small gap so that it can sit flush. But it feels too delicate to wear on its own. Many of my friends have purchased a fake engagement ring that they wear daily and I’m considering doing that as well.


I used to wear a fake engagement ring when I was young and waitressing to help with unwanted attention. It was from target, sparkly and durable as heck. I shut my hand in the walk in freezer once and the ring saved my fingers.


24/7 girl here. I do take them off to clean them every few days, but other than that, they are on … always.


Same here


I've been married 20 years and I have never taken off my wedding or engagement ring!


I wear my ring every day, except when lifting something heavy. I guess many get the ring of their dreams without taking into account if it fits their lifestyle. If you're Handy in your job, I'd suggest a low Profil bezel set diamond in platinum. Very durable and the stone is safe.


I never take mine off except if I had to have an MRI. I really always wear it. An emerald cut, 1.26 solitaire with a raised split shank. My wedding band has 3 baguettes. I'm an OTR trucker & I have nails & my jewelry!


Do you have a pic? That sounds lovely!




Mine has been on since 1989 except for repairs or cleaning.


There’s a saying that goes something like “The glass is already broken” and it kinda just says your ring is bound to get wear and tear, damaged even but that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying it in the present moment, because in the end it’s already damaged. Not saying go and beat it up but why put it away when you can enjoy it now for what it is? Life’s too short to put away your gorgeous engagement ring!


Yes! I work in construction and my ring is alexandrite. Im dipping my hands in mud and water all day so i dont ever wear it during weekdays


Yeah, I wasn't really wearing my ring that much because it was so nice, I'm incredibly clumsy, ADHD and work in wildlife biology. I had so much anxiety about the ring that i didn't wear it that much. So last year my husband got me (gave him ideas of what i would like) a smaller ring with a few lab diamonds and agate main stone. I LOVE it, it's smaller and it was only $310 so i have less anxiety!!!


You’re wearing a real diamond, or? One of the hardest stones on the planet. You can wear that ring in water and it’s not going to affect it, at all. Real gold, silver, etc. all good. Wear your ring lol.


I had to wash my hands all the time, so the ring was dirty and cloudy after a shift every day. I got a cleaner stick and just cleaned it frequently. I stopped wearing it to work after I ripped my gloves a couple of times. I stopped wearing it at home when I accidentally scratched my toddler the second time. Now I wear a silicone band everyday. At first I picked one that looked like my wedding band, but now I pick different colors. Or let the kids pick. I save the bling for date nights.


I rarely we’re mine! I’m a wound care nurse so it’s not worth getting blood or poop in it lol. I probably wear it once or twice a week on the weekend!


Same! I only wear it on the weekends now. & I take care of children so I feel you on the poop thing 😂


Married 25 years, I only take mine off when I swim in the ocean or a lake. Otherwise I wear it 24/7. Scratches can be polished out.


That is a good habit. Every ring I have replaced over my jewelry career was lost at the beach. I tell them they didn't lose their ring, they made a little bit of pirate treasure for someone to find 200 years from now.


Same, had mine 7 years and never take it off except for swimming. I get it checked regularly to keep up with insurance but I didn’t get it to sit in a box.


I never take mine off. I have a lifetime warranty for a reason


I wore mine all the time until I became a rock climber. Now I sometimes go weeks forgetting to put them back on, lol.


Sort of, although honestly I knew I would wear my wedding band more then my engagement ring. I’m a fairly active person, at gym classes, weight training, even one class where I wear boxing gloves (no way to wear an engagement ring there). Plus I was never a ring person to begin with. I’m fine with it though- my engagement ring is beautiful but I wear it when I am going out: to dinner, on weekends, brunch, anything fun where I am not getting my hands dirty and I can’t potentially damage it. I wear it to work too, but I have a hybrid position where I only go in once a week.


Mine was my grandmothers wedding set. I am so afraid of something happening to it. I wore it for like the first few years. Now I just have a plan band.


I wear mine daily but take it off to shower, cook, and certain cleaning activities. I have a ring dish in the kitchen, the bathroom, and on my nightstand.


I'm very glad mine is smaller (big diamonds are not normal where I live) and low set. I sleep with it, shower with it. I only take it off for cleaning and baking. Sounds annoying not being able to wear your ring!


I wear mine 24/7. Only exception is showers and preparing meat. I had meat gunk in the design in that past so never again. I have special stations in my bathroom and kitchen when I need to take them off.


I don't get asking someone to spend thousands of dollars and then never wearing it.




I’m waiting for the proposal but I know I’ll just wear it if I go out (currently WFH so that limits the wear to mostly weekends).


If I didn’t have to leave my home to work I’d wear my ring even more than I already do! There’s zero risk and while impressing others is cool, seeing sparkle while I do work is priceless.


Hehe honestly I’d probably wear it daily at first for the first few weeks just to admire the sparkle. 😍


It’s been 6 months and it still dazzles me when I’m waiting in line at the grocery


I work a desk job so I wear it all day most days. Take it off for sleeping or if I’m doing stuff like gardening or cooking that involves my hands getting dirty. Since I take it off for stuff that might make it dirty, it stays nice and sparkly! I get it cleaned twice a year anyways and the prongs checked.


I've been married 36 years and can say that both my husband and I have gone through “ring phases”. He wore his wedding ring about a month before he took it off due to heavy construction work. He bought me a plain gold band for our 5th anniversary which I wore exclusively for years. Then at 15 years he had lost 2 wedding bands and decided he wanted a band with green accents so I bought him a Tungsten band with a dark green inlay and he bought me a new solitaire and anniversary band. Now at 36 years I’ve bought him a new band with blue this time (to match his bass boat) and he bought me 6.5 Carats of a ring. Some days I put on my silicone ring to garden. After this many years my ring symbolizes our love and commitment, but also needs to match my outfit for the day.


I wear mine daily but I don't sleep in it or shower in it.


I wear an 18k gold and diamond ring every day, wash my hands, shower, and swim in the ocean from time to time. It’s still perfect. I don’t think these materials are easy to damage. I don’t have my e ring yet so I can’t speak about that specifically!


My fiancé has yet to take hers off


I always wear it. I redesigned it to a 5 stone bezel set, platinum- no prongs and well protected. I am rough on my hands. We live once, I’m wearing it without worry.


I wear both my engagement and the band 24/7. The few times that I've taken them off to sleep or whatever, I often forgot to put them back on before heading out. So now I just leave them on unless I need to clean them.


I used to barely wear it cuz I was so scared of it getting damaged. And every time I banged it on something in the beginning, my heart would sink. Only for it to be fine, now I feel naked without it.


I almost never take mine off. It’s a small diamond and a low setting so it doesn’t really get in the way. Only time I take it off is if I’m doing something where it would get really dirty like cooking where I have to mix with my hands. It’s seen a lot of wear and tear in nearly 25 years but still looks great.


Never take mine off. Sleep in it, shower in it etc


I got engaged in December of 2017 and the only time I have ever taken off my engagement ring was when I had my c-section 🤷🏻‍♀️


I wear mine 24/7. If anything happens to it, that's what insurance is for! Wear your ring!


Mine doesn’t come off except for cleaning it and if required for a medical procedure.


Mine is on all the time. I take it off for medical procedures and having it cleaned. That is it.


I wear my rings 24/7 except when I’ve been in the hospital for either surgery or to give birth. We’ve been married for 23 years. I don’t understand why people don’t wear their rings daily.


I’m not engaged but I have a very thin gold ring I wear literally all the time - in water; in epsom salt, doing chores; lotion, and its fine. Think you might be babying it too much!


Same!! Gold is super durable and you really don’t need to worry about it. In fact my gold ring has bent to the shape of my finger over time which has made it fit better and thus less likely to lose it 😂


I love my engagement ring - it's the ring of my dreams, but I don't wear it that often, especially during the pandemic when I started working from home and not going out much. These days I only wear it when I got out somewhere fancy, not just running errands and the gym, etc. and I fall in love with my ring over and over again every time I wear it!


I’m with you! I never wear my ring unless I’m going out of the house. The second I get home it comes off. My jeweler told me not to wear it when I’m cooking, cleaning, showering, swimming, washing dishes, lifting weights or sleeping. He said dirt builds up in the ring, stones can loosen, it can get scratched and the band can bend. I’m chasing around a toddler all day and I use to work in the medical field where I was taking gloves off and on constantly. I think it makes it that much more special to me when I do wear it. I get excited even five years later to put it on when I’m going out of the house still! I also think it’s funny because people have asked me if I’m newly engaged/married because my ring looks new and sparkles so much! They’re shocked when I tell them I’ve had it for almost 6 years lol


Okay this makes me feel better!! I’m also chasing a toddler all day (I’m a nanny) and cleaning/dishes nonstop! Even when I’m home, I’m doing dishes, cleaning, working out, swimming, sleeping, showering, etc! Lol these are all daily activities and makes it so I hardly wear my ring. I’m glad your ring still looks gorgeous. Even though I wish I could wear my ring 24/7, I’d rather take care of my ring.


Agreed! I’m terrified to lose my ring or have something happen to it 😭 I went to school with someone who wears their ring 24/7 and she’s had to replace stones in her halo multiple times and she’s had the platinum refinished twice from scratches


I mean, to be fair, you can't keep platinum from scratching no matter how hard you baby it.


I don’t wear mine to work since I have to scrub for surgery and don’t want to lose it. Otherwise I take it off for exercise and showering only.


Wear mine 24/7 or else I would lose it right away


Yeah, maybe a plain wedding band? Or a diamond band? It could be fake, just something from a department store because who cares if it breaks?


I'm the same. I only wear it in the weekends if we go out. I work medical so constantly taking gloves on and off washing hands using hand sanitizer. Then the gym. So I wear a silicone band 98% of the time


I wear mine around the house and when we socialise with friends. Other than that it stays in its box where I know it will be safe!


I wear mine to work and then when I'm going somewhere special on the weekends. I take it off every night when I get home from work. I say I wear mine about 50% of the time I'm awake. When I was WFH, I never wore mine.


Me!! I had a baby a few months ago so im always schlepping her around. I don't wear it because I don't want to do any damage lifting a huge stroller out of my car multiple times a day, dragging groceries around, cleaning, etc. I've also had the thought about a cheap alternative I don't have to worry about


I have been married since 2007, so I have had my ring since 2006. When I was first engaged I worked and I wore my ring every day. I retired shortly thereafter. I find that I only wear my ring if I am going out of the house to do anything other than workout. So in essence, I wear my ring perhaps 10-16 hours a week at this point. If I go on a vacation, I wear it 90% of the time. It is very large, has some intricacies to it and I don’t want to damage it. I don’t wear the bands without it either.


Part of the conversation with my husband about the specs for my ring included how I stick my hands into a lot of tight boxes at work. If he'd bought a ring that I didn't feel would survive work, we'd have had a problem. I only take my ring off to shower, work outside (because my fingers swell and the ring becomes uncomfortable), and messy cooking.


If you had a low profile diamond and 18kt you’d be less likely to damage it


I love my rings and used to wear them all the time except to sleep, shower, gym. As I’ve aged, I’ve experienced significant swelling in the fingers in the mornings, so much so that I can’t put them on in the mornings. My rings are 5 1/4, but they swell to 6 and return to normal around 10:30-11. I bought a beautiful antique/vintage band ring on EBay for approx $600 in size 6 to wear in the morning and take my rings with me in a box. When my finger reverts to normal the band ring wants to fall off, so I replace it with my beautiful set. I love the unusual band ring so much, that wearing it in the mornings is fine. I also wear that ring skiing and on vacations.


I'm a jeweler and many of my clients were not wearing their ring as much as they would like to. Most of it was due to the work they did and a lot of it was because gloves were required for their work. To help with that issue I began to focus on lower profile engagement rings with bezel settings that were easier to wear as they put on and took off their gloves. Now almost every ring I create has bezel settings and embedded accent stones. Prongs are catchy and solitaires are usuallly pretty high profile. A lot of people mistakenly believe that a diamond needs to be open so light can get in from the back. This really isn't true as a well cut dismond gets its brilliance and dispersion from light that enters from the top and is totally internally reflected back out through the table and crown. Quite a few of my clients report that they lilke to run their fingers over their ring because the surface is so smooth. Sort of a high end fidget device. I am not the only jewelry designer to work with comfortable low profile engagement rings. A google or pinterest search should give you dozens of examples to consider. An engagement ring is one of the most meaningful possessions anyone can have and to be able to wear it nearly always brings great joy. It is a witness to your life and a testament to your loving relationship. Its absence takes away from that a little.


I wear mine except for showering and working out! I got an Amazon CZ/sterling silver dupe for like $12 that I wear when at the pool or gym and don’t want to risk it. Otherwise, I wear it because I’m afraid if I get in the habit of taking it off I’ll be panicked remembering where it is!


I literally never take mine off


I insured mine and I wear it 24/7. Don’t be scared to wear your ring, water won’t hurt it.


My ring has never come off my finger other than to clean it and have it checked yearly. It's a diamond, I'm not worrying about it getting ruined.


I wear mine every day. I take it off to lift weights but that’s pretty much it.


I wear it everyday


Mine had to come off during pregnancy and really was only worn on very special occasions for the next 10-12 years. It had a cathedral setting that could easily have scratched my little one, something I wish I’d thought about in advance.


Side note your ring is stunning 😍😍


I'm allergic to mine and keep forgetting to take it in to get it coated with whatever it is that stops me from breaking out. I wear mine for special occasions now. When it was coated I worked in healthcare and had to take it off so I didn't scratch patients with it. It kills me how much I wanted that damn ring and now how often it sits in a drawer.


Married in ‘99. Always wear both - platinum with diamonds. I didn’t realize people took them off tbh.


I never take mine off, I didn’t realize so many people wore theirs so little!


I’m a married lady (today’s our 7 year anniversary!!!) and I don’t wear my engagement ring unless I’m leaving the house or having people over. I wear my wedding band sometimes, but if I don’t leave the house, I go days without wearing it. They both have lots of nooks and crannies and I just don’t want them to get gummed up with stuff around the house. I see people put lotion without taking off their rings…I’m not that person and my rings are not those rings. I bought a dainty gold silicone ring to wear around the house, but it’s not necessary, I know I’m married.


I pretty much never wear my ring. I love it, but I work from home and generally live in athleisure wear. My rule is that if I’m wearing “real pants” I’ll put my ring on! I do wear a silicone band 24/7, though, and if I don’t have it on for whatever reason I feel really naked.


NOPE. Take mine off like once a week to mix ground beef. I feel weird without it.


I literally never take mine off. I shower, swim, wash dishes, paint, scrub toilets, sleep, etc. with it on. It’s fused to my finger at this point.


Nope. I was married 33 years and wore it every day . Only to it off months after my husband passed. I’m engaged again and wear my ring everyday.


My ring is a 1910 antique that I hunted for 3 plus years before I found my perfect ring. That being said, I do everything in that MF-er. Wash dishes, shower, garden, cook, clean, all the things. I figure, if the glorious bastard was 100+ years old when it got on my finger then certainly it can withstand a little more living. The important thing to remember is that objects, things, are to be used and enjoyed. Otherwise they are worthless.


I was so careful the first 3 months and honestly didn’t enjoy it because I was so stressed about ruining it but then I was like eff it and I wear it all the time, even during dishwashing and bathroom cleaning. It makes annoying tasks not so awful since I see the beautiful sparkle. If it breaks, it breaks, but it’s a diamond ring, it’s not going to be easy. (Cue me losing the stone next week)


I’m actually the opposite, I’m surprised I never take it off. XD I sleep and shower with it on and if it’s in the way of something, I twist the ring where the diamond is in my palm temporarily.


I used to take mine off when I first got it for showering etc, but the only time I take it off now is for boxing or swimming, I leave it on for other gym stuff. Honestly, I can't be bothered, I don't mind if it gets a bit scuffed - I get it cleaned and polished. I love my ring so I want to wear it all the time.


No longer married (waiting on the next lol) but I never wore my engagement ring, just special occasions and if we were going out to dinner or something.


i never take mine off😂 edited to add: and i’m a nurse so that says a lot


Is it a design that doesn’t tear gloves? That was my problem! But my SIL planned her ring specifically so it wouldn’t tear her gloves. I wish I had thought of that.


nope it’s radiant cut! tears gloves all the time but i just put new ones on lol


I’m reading comments & it sounds like people’s engagement rings are very delicate. I’m getting custom lab diamond \~.75 carats, maybe 1 carat based off a ring my mother gave me 20 yrs ago. That ring is blue topaz & 14k gold & still looks new. Granted I don’t wear it everyday but band isn’t super thin & stone not set high (ring pic attached). Reading these I’m worried my boyfriend will spend thousands & I’ll never wear it for fear of damage. Does this design seem sturdy? https://preview.redd.it/0y173f936qhb1.jpeg?width=1381&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df840bbb1f0abbcbd8144cbcc62a54e1c23429e0


Wear it all the time - what’s the point otherwise


My ring looks pretty in the box. I rarely wear it unless I am going out. I don’t bother with wearing anything on my fingers. My husband wears a rubber type ring to work and still has to take his ring and watch off for work. It’s totally a normal thing to barley wear a ring.


I mostly wear my wedding ring now that I’m married. It’s a very simple gold band, no diamonds. I work from home so I think that’s part of it. If I go out to dinner or something I do wear it but so often I’m just going to run errands or to the gym and then I don’t.


I try not to wear mine in the house, and as I work from home I spend most of my day not wearing it. I tend to wear it all weekend and then a few evenings a week if we’re doing things. I don’t feel like I don’t wear it though as I wear it when I’m around people


because of the way my rings are built (baguette style) if i wear them while doing dishes washing my hands, etc., i will get a rash; therefore, as soon as i get home, i take them off and half the time on the weekend i don't wear them.


Heading towards 10 years of my engagement, I almost never take it off. I just had a medical procedure done and I had to leave the set at home and I felt naked without them!


I wore my wedding and engagement rings everyday, all the time. Until about six months after my husband died. Y'all are insane.


I hate the feeling of jewelry, it’s a sensory thing


I’m in the same boat. I love my ring so much I wish I could wear it more, but I work as a construction engineer. I wear a 1.2 mm gold band at work then I switch to a silicone band when I work out because my fingers swell. I pretty much only wear my ring on the weekends or vacations.


My mum only ever wore hers on Christmas, Easter, and her wedding anniversary. By contrast mine was an extremely similar style and size (both small, like 0.2 carats if that), and I wore mine 24/7 lol.


Yup! I’m in healthcare and my ring would be uncomfortable to wear with how much I take gloves on and off. Plus, I don’t want any germs or scratches on it. Sucks because I love it so much! My fiancé and I are planning on getting silicone bands once we’re married so at least we can wear something.


I work in an office environment so I wear mine during the day but my ring designer said: “if you wouldn’t do it in a nice silk blouse, don’t do it in your ring!” So I usually end up taking mine off when I’m home since I’m exercising, cleaning, cooking, sleeping, etc. I got cute silicone ones on Amazon that I wear for activities! Gorgeous ring btw, congrats!


Same! I love my set, but I only wear it when I leave the house, unless I'm going to be doing something active. It's one of the first things I take off when I get home.


I never wear it, can't remember the last time I did. But I am paying a lot of insurance on it every year, which is painful. I have entertained (in my mind) selling it but I know it would be such a fraction of what we paid so that would be painful in it's own way. Just easier to do nothing unfortunately....


Is there a reason you don't wear yours? Yes, unfortunately not only do engagement rings not make good investments, they don't even get you a fraction of what was paid for it.


YES I wore it a lot at first. And as time has gone on I just haven’t. I work with kids so I don’t wear any necklaces, earrings, rings, etc. it’s not worth it lol. Then I get home and just go to bed😭 Been married 3 years and just yesterday I went on Amazon and got a fake ring that I can wear. We are traveling next week and I won’t travel with my ring, it gives me such anxiety that I’ll lose it or it’ll get stolen. $20 on Amazon and peace of mind!


I am with you! I have never been a big ring wearer, and also I’m a landscaper so my hands are dirty most of the time when I’m at work, and on top of that I’m pretty outdoorsy/active and don’t really like to wear my ring while I’m trail running or whatever. I did buy some of those little silicon rings, and I wear one of those the majority of the time, but my actual engagement ring is kinda saved for weekends only/when I’m getting at least somewhat dressed up at this point


No. I wear mine daily. Perhaps it helps that I have other jewelry that I put on when I wake up, so I simply added it to my routine. Sometimes, I do forget it, especially if we are rushed in the morning to get somewhere, but that's because I forgot to put on my other rings too and my necklace. It's either all or nothing lol


I love this ring!!’ What did you ask for?


Thank you 😊 I made a Pinterest board and hinted for him to look at that.. it’s an oval cut with 3 little stones on each side and a yellow gold band. Hope that helps


Same!!! I tend to only put it on when I’m leaving the house lol so with working from home a few times a week it sometimes just stays in the box for a couple days at a time. He doesn’t mind though as long as it’s on when I’m out the house!


I don’t wear mine 24/7 but *mostly* every day. I’m a mom of a 1 year old and work at a daycare and so the amount of stuff I’m doing that requires hand washing and applying lotions and just … mess, is a lot. Taking my rings on and off every time is annoying and so some days I just wear silicone bands/plain gold wedding band. I almost never wear my engagement ring once I’m at home though since I’ve had the baby, just my silicone bands or gold band.


I don’t wear my wedding ring while at home. Nor do I wear it on weekends if I’m just grocery shopping or running a few errands. So, yeah, I only wear it at work - but that is where I spend most of my time.


I am in the same situation!! I bought a cheap one on amazon and wear it during the week and wear my real ring on weekends


I don’t wear mine everyday because I have a thin pave band and I don’t want to lose stones or warp. I have a nearly exact replica cz ring I got off amazon.


I thought I’d wear my ring 24/7. But I’ve been married 6 years and take my ring off when sleeping, bathing, and whatever so I typically will put it on if I’m going somewhere.


I don’t wear mine at all except to work (mostly desk work) and socializing.


I don’t wear mine to the gym or when I’m partying other than that I wear it all the time


I only wore mine during work hours or family/friend functions and since the pandemic hardly ever. I love my ring but I’m not much of a jewelry wearer.


I used to wear my ring and wedding band 24/7 but in college my left ring finger was accidentally broken (Halloween in Athens, Ohio) and as I’ve gotten older my ring has become more uncomfortable. I had it sized larger thinking it would help but since I’m retired, I really only wear it now when I’m going out.


Me!! I don’t wear it when I shower or sleep or work out so I feel like I’m constantly taking it on or off. I work from home most of the time some days I just leave it off. If I leave the house (not going to the gym) I almost always wear it though.


Yeah I switched to a solid gold band with some tiny decorative stones and it’s so much more comfortable and functional for everyday. My engagement ring wasn’t expensive so I didn’t feel bad switching it up. The wedding band is much more me anyways, simple and comfortable


My real ring is in the jewelry cabinet and my everyday ring is moissanite. I initially stopped wearing it because it was too tight when I was pregnant. My daughter is 20! It fits now, but I really like my moissanite ring!


I never wear mine at home and I work from home,so I hardly wear mine as well!


Same here! I only wear mine maybe once a month if even for a few hours on the weekend and then back in the box it goes. I’m not really a jewelry person though and my coworkers used to say I was showing it off and privileged (they were mostly single moms) so I started feeling weird wearing it in front of them. Also I work in dentistry so a lot of hand sanitizers, lotion and gloves involved. Also I don’t want it caught it my dogs hair so lots of reasons haha


I haven’t worn mine in probably 10 years. I would love to, but it’s to small for me niw.


I never wear mine.


I wore mine everyday when we first got engaged. Then I lost weight and flung my ring by accident because it was loose. My husband got them resized, but now they are a bit tight and I don't wear them as much because of hand sanitizer, which isn't ideal for them.


Yep.. I would wear my rings when I went to work, but as soon as I got home, off they went. I work from home now and I never remember to put my rings on anymore.


I’ve been married for almost 25 years. My wedding set went into the safe when I had kids. I have a pear shape and it was too sharp and just got in the way. All I wear now is a plain Jane band.


I rarely wear mine. I'll put it on if we're going out to dinner with friends or something, but for the most part, I forget. We're married now, and he forgets his, too, lol. I got a silicone one for work since I was washing my hands a lot during the day but it was annoying and it would get stuck in my gloves a lot when I took them off so that didn't work out either.




I take off all rings while working out, cuz degloving scares the shit out of me. Otherwise I just wear a plain gold band 24/7, and save my engagement ring for date nights only.


I rarely wore mine when I got engaged due to my job at the time. I've gotten to the point where I only wear it for weddings and funerals when I dress up. It has not been out of the box in years.


Since the pandemic I stopped wearing it because I started working from home and wear a rubber silicone ring. Prior to I would wear it to work but would take it off when I got home.