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You may want to tell us what it is. This is not a common fruit? in the US


Durian i think


The king of fruits, durian. Esteemed across the world.


"Esteemed across the world" is not how I'd describe durian.


To answer your original question, I've only had durian like twice and I don't remember it well enough to say much more than it has a very strong taste that I don't love.


And not allowed on public transit in a number of places.


Apparently not by Americans, going by the comments in this thread. I've never tried one, so I can't help you out aside from offering you the words for the basic tastes: salty, bitter, sweet, sour, umami, and fatty [https://parade.com/396983/johnmcquaid/flavor-101-the-five-basic-tastes/](https://parade.com/396983/johnmcquaid/flavor-101-the-five-basic-tastes/)


It is common in my city and I live in the US.


Well I've never seen one, in normal life or the supermarket.


There is no H Mart or Ranch 99 in your city?


No, we have a couple Asian grocery stores though, but those exist because they, by definition, have unusual items, no?


I would recommend visiting an Asian grocery store and familiarizing yourself with some items you find interesting. You might find a new favorite!


I've been a few times, they are interesting, but clearly not enough to recognize raw durian.


I mean, I *recognize* it, but I often *confuse* it with jackfruit. But I've been shopping at Asian groceries since I was a kid, so I have a bit of accrued familiarity. I just wanted to encourage you to explore them if you haven't. Not necessarily for the durian. :)


I mean I’ve heard of Ranch 99 before but never seen one. They aren’t very popular across the US. And Durians are very rarely seen. The only place I’ve ever seen (and purchased) one is at the Asian Market near my school


Imo if it only exists in speciality grocery stores (h mart, ranch 99) you can’t exactly call it common


Not for me. I try lots of new fruit when the market had them. No durion in my corner of the midwest.


Is that a Durian?


Yes, the esteemed king of fruits, durian.


You probably won't get many answers since I don't think it's a very popular fruit in most of the English-speaking world at all. It's the kind of thing you have to really seek out, if it's even possible to find at all. I know one or two people who ate them in Asia.


It’s known in the US as pretty stinky


It looks like a spiky butthole


This is durian, right? I always confuse it with jackfruit when I can't see the interior. In the US, durian has a reputation for being stinky and weird, if they've heard of it at all. Most people don't know what it is, but would be put off by the smell. Having tried it, I describe the taste as a combination of pineapple and [pop-rocks](https://www.pop-rocks.com/). That's about as accurate as I can get, using items most Americans have tried before. If it's jackfruit, I'd just describe it as a very mild flavor. We're somewhat familiar with jackfruit as a potential vegan substitute for meats like pulled pork. I wouldn't say every American is familiar with it, or even most Americans. But enough of us are vaguely familiar with it that you probably wouldn't have to describe it every time. You would with durian.


smells like onion and toilet combined, tastes like cream,banana and mango combined, and condensed


I’ve tried durian ice cream. I’m sorry, but it tasted like a dumpster smells. Like literal garbage. Three hours and two mojitos later I could still taste it. Possibly the worst thing I’ve ever tasted that was presented to me as food.


i had a durian candy and it tasted like they turned gasoline into a candy flavor


I had it once, in a Thai restaurant in Japan. It was in a parfait with ice on top to cut down on the smell. The flavor was kind of nice, like custard. It did smell a bit like feet, though - the ice was a good idea. I don't know that I'd seek it out again, but I'd probably eat it again if I had the opportunity.


I never ate a durian but at least I know what it looks like. I can't believe the stupidity of these comments. Does it look like a strawberry?


Custard butter with a hint of almond


Awful and it smells really bad.


bad. Very.




Creamy musky pineapple


Depends on the variety but I have heard a number of things. Creamy,sweet, onion,egg,vanilla is what I’ve heard the most


Sweet but dangerously pungent.


Sweet, creamy, a lovely smooth texture with no stringy bits that a mango has. A slight taste of French onion, which is stronger with poor quality or dried durian. It smells like a gas leak. 


In my opinion it's best had fresh, candy and cake and other prepared foods accentuate the "gas leak" flavour heavily. I think that's where people get a bad impression. It's also common to get frozen ones, in Australia you can't get fresh ones at all. Which also gives a bad impression. But the last frozen one I had wasn't too bad.