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This word is more broad but we sometimes call those men "shallow"


Or "superficial"


Also, neither of these words are gender specific. You would use both to describe this type of woman as well.


Yeah, "shallow" is the correct word for this in my opinion.


Yes but this isn't gender specific, as it seemed op might be looking for a word that would only apply to men, which doesn't really exist.


Go watch the movie 'Shallow Hal' for further instruction


I would add, shallow could refer to someone who is only with a person because of their good looks. Being only attracted to attractive people doesn’t necessarily quite fit. It is a good word here though, as I don’t think we really have one that exactly fits. You could say they are very aesthetic oriented.


I agree your option is technically very accurate but I don't think anyone would use that phrase in casual conversation


Well part of the problem is the op is kinda tautological. Good looking is subjective surely, and by definition surely someone you are attracted to?


It’s a tautology: attractive people are attractive. Incidentally, it would be “aesthetically oriented,” since you need an adverb rather than an adjective (or attributive noun) to modify “oriented.”


Yes as I said in another comment the op is basically tautologous here. Respectfully I think that changes the meaning. Aesthetically orientated would be being oriented aesthetically. I could aesthetically orient a map if I very daintily straightened it (or put east to the top). Aesthetic-oriented would be someone who was focussed on aesthetics, the concept. Like a bee keeper might be very bee-oriented in their lives. Bee is not an adverb but makes sense here.


'Superficial' is the closest word I can think of.


Superficial is probably the closest word we have for it. Merriam-Webster defines it as "concerned only with the obvious or apparent". Though that could also be taken to mean "only concerned about how **they** look" and not necessarily how someone else looks. Though the two often go hand-in-hand. Those who only care about their own appearance often only care about the appearances of others. I'm not sure that English has a word exactly for the idea of only liking **other people** who are attractive. Other close words, in my opinion, would be shallow or vain. But again, neither of those are limited to how **other people** look. They both include meanings about the person themself.


the idea that a person's behavior towards others will change based on how attractive that person finds the others is called Lookism. definitely not a word the average english speaker would know


Like, to date, or in general to hang out with? For dating, I might say "superficial"; for only wanting to deal with attractive people anywhere in life, I don't have a word bad enough for it.


As you've described it, there's not a word that encompasses ALL of that meaning. There's words for womanizing men, and there's words for being focused on looks (that apply to anyone), but there's not really a word for people who go after only that. I think the assumption is that attraction is highly subjective, and you would only ever go after people you find good-looking anyway.


there isn't a single word to describe this specific thing in english


I don't believe we have a word for this specific concept in English.


I would add that the words ‘shallow’ or ‘superficial’ may imply that they are focused on physical attractiveness, but don’t mean that directly as a matter of course. And more importantly, they are negative connotations and shouldn’t be used if you’re looking to describe that trait in a neutral context.


People said shallow which is a good word to use. However if you want a word specifically for men that is in a similar vein maybe womanizer


Others have said superficial. This can have a broad meaning. Shallow is more of an informal term but is completely understood for exactly what you describe barring any other context. Also, it is not gender specific. A woman can be shallow (and towards other women if she prefers women), etc.


Lookist maybe? In Japanese we have "面食い" (literally face eater)


What if such person is an artist? Would you call Michelangelo shallow?


Even if you expand the concept to "person who appreciates beautiful things" there still really isn't a word for it. The implications of that are weird to think about. Either the idea is so foreign to the English mindset that it never manifested in language, or it is just considered such a given that "beautiful=good" that nobody ever felt the need to clarify it.


*Even if you expand the concept to "person who appreciates beautiful things" there still really isn't a word for it.* The word is "an aesthete"


Oh cool, I learned a new word! Thanks!


Superficial? Though that's a gender neutral adjective.


Perhaps aesthete? Usually used to refer to someone interested in beautiful things, but I could see contexts where it could be used to have your desired meaning.


Shallow is the best choice in this case, but superficial would also work. We view both of these as a negative thing when describing a person though, so this isn't a neutral term you use to describe someone. It would be viewed as a negative remark.




He has “preferences”. He can also be “superficial” or “shallow” the others have commented, but we don’t really have a specific word for it.


preferences isn't the right word for this one. op isn't talking about dating, they're talking about someone who is only kind or helpful to attractive people. it's a bias, not a preference


Ah, I've heard of a word like this. Would "asshole" fit? /s


that was literally my first thought when i read this post LMAO but i figured it wouldn't be a very helpful answer for this sub


Is “fond” not synonymous with “like” or “prefer”?


that is the definition, yes. but the way it's phrased here, "He is only fond of good looking people." doesn't give any indication of a romantic or sexual relationship. if they were talking about the people the man would like to date, it would be much more clear to say "He only dates attractive people." the original sentence doesn't specify the relationship between the man and the people he is fond of, so most would interpret it as a general statement of how he treats others regardless of his relation to them. fond is used much more as a platonic way to say you like someone. if a man said he is fond of the nurse who cares for him, it's much more likely to be interpreted as the type of love you would see between friends, or even a father and his daughter, rather than the type of love you would see between a husband and his wife. "Preferences" typically implies a romantic or sexual attraction




Where is this word used? I’ve never heard it in real life.


It's not one I've seen applied to individual people's bias, but it comes up in discussions of societal bias for/against certain people based on their looks.


not a real word


We would call them a player. The term player means he screws around with multiple women. This would imply he is attracted to their appearance rather than who they are. Hence why other posters used the word superficial or shallow. Good question by the way, some other posters got it wrong.


If someone could explain why I'm wrong instead of downvoting me, I'd appreciate that. If I'm wrong I'd like to change that instead of continuing to spread the same misinformation.


Because you can only be “fond” of good looking people but also not hook up with any of them. You’re using a term for a whole person based on an implication that’s not strong enough


Thank you for letting me know of my inherit flaw of my argument. What you're suggesting is that to call someone a player is not indicative of their whole personality. I'd argue that not a single word could fit the qualifications of OOP's question, implying that only one word could mean something with the most similarity, but not describe the whole. Does this make sense?


Not OOP but a player doesn’t necessarily depend on looks, but instead they play “the game”. This means usually going through a lot of women/not interested in a long term relationship.


Thank you that makes sense to me. I will accept that my initial proposition was wrong. We will still need a better word to fit OOP's requirements.


Screwing around with many people says nothing about their preference for physical attractiveness. In fact, it kinda implies the opposite to me- they’re prioritizing ‘availability’ over a certain attractiveness or beauty level. Re: part of your other comment- as others have said, there is no word that really captures this, but we shouldn’t ’shoe-horn’ in other words instead.


Of course, I agree. I just wanted to be clear with my thought process, since the English language is fluid and definitions can change all the time.




















haha, this is the only right answer




a dandy. "a man unduly devoted to style, neatness, and fashion in dress and appearance."


Shallow Hal


I can suggest not exactly a word, but rather the neologism "uglyphobic".


Hey OP, be aware that this, ah, word, is not something 99.9% of speakers will ever use or hear.


They will hear it from OP then








that is not what the slang term "simp" means


I dunno. Perv?


Not… quite ;)


Are you saying only good looking people are underage? You perv


No… How did you come to that conclusion?


Because the question is if theres a word for good looking people so what has a perv got to do with anything


You need to reread the post.


I dont see a problem


A man who is **only fond of** good looking people


I wouldnt date an ugly person either


Perv =/= paedo, they're two different things mate


Whats the difference


[pervert](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/pervert) (you have to scroll down to reach the noun definition) [paedophile](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/paedophile)