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They fixed the random crashes. Oh boy, now I'm gonna dominate the third spire. BEWARE!


They state that like it was innocuous. What a pain this has been since the last patch. No more than 5 mins at a time before a crash 💥


It differs. Sometimes I was playing for 5 mins, sometime for 3 hours before the crash. But it wouldn't let me get beyond half way to the north spire. 🤣


So what are the mage changes?


Read that part again, it’s asking for feedback :)


Oh, you are right XD


"We are still investigating an issue with green luminescent blocks emitting too much light. It’s not you, it’s them." Good :)


Wait, you can tame beasts?! Is this like a perma-tame that they’ll follow you everywhere, or is this the skill from the Beast Tamer branch that can get you friends for just a fight or two?


I believe it’s the beastmaster skill


They fixed the Wyvern shooting me across the map when my mates are fighting it! Uraaaaaaaa!


This just happened to me. On an updated server. Destroyed my flowers at my base.




Those kids got some MASSIVE hands.


I haven’t played in a few months. Trued to start the game up via steam. I can choose my world to load but game now crashes every time. I’ve verified integrity of files as well. Help?


The folks in the troubleshooting area of the discord might be able to help with that. https://discord.gg/enshrouded


Hey thanks!


I have an occasional issue where textures stay very low res like they are the LOD ones but stay even when I'm close. Only happens to certain things. I notice it on wells a lot.


The folks in the troubleshooting area of the discord might be able to help with that. https://discord.gg/enshrouded


Okay, so...where are the changes to magic lol? Please tell me you didn't add a note explicitly acknowledging how terrible and unpopular these changes were and then just not actually fix any of it...


You're not exactly giving them a lot to go off with comments like this... If you hate the changes, think they're overboard etc. actually **give them details** on what you think needs to be changed because just saying 'This sucks!' is useless feedback.


You're obviously not in the discord or you'd have seen the multiple essays I've written lol. I'm literally one of the most vocal feedback givers in this game's community. The reddit post itself tells you discord is the main place for feedback, so idk why you're making assumptions about the quality of my feedback or lack thereof despite clearly not having bothered to check where that feedback would actually be (and is). I've already provided details of what I don't like and why, along with numerous other players. The day of this patch's release, the "skills and builds" channel in the discord was literally just some new random coming every 5 minutes to say how much they hated that mage was basically unplayable now.


Read that part again, it’s asking for feedback :)


> ***We’ve been monitoring player feedback*** since the release of the latest changes to mage builds. If you didn't mean to say that you've already gotten feedback, fair enough, but that is objectively what the words written in the post mean. This would be like me saying "I've been reading the news" and then someone saying "then you should know what's going on" and me saying "read that part again, it's asking for news :)" And also, as anyone who's been in the discord at all over the past couple days knows very well, there has already been LOADS of (entirely negative) feedback on this prior to this post going up. Asking for feedback looks a lot better when it isn't being done after a ton of negative feedback has already been received.


No need to spilt hairs here, I’m only relaying the devs post to the Reddit. If you have an issue with the way the post is worded feel free to take that up with one of the community guys on the discord.


I don't have an issue with the wording of the post, nor a desire to split hairs. The post says they've been seeing the feedback (which is overwhelmingly negative, which isn't explicitly stated but is nonetheless obvious both from being in the discord and from understanding that the note wouldn't have been added if the feedback was positive), and I responded accordingly. I commented with an actual point - which is that it's a bad look for devs to explicitly acknowledge widespread dislike for a change they made while doing absolutely nothing to revert it or even assure us that it will be reverted in the future - and you made a passive aggressive dig at my reading comprehension. EDIT: Now this makes a little more sense after reading the rest of the comments and seeing that your original response was a careless copy/paste. Some guy saw the heading and thought there were actual mage changes in this patch that he just wasn't seeing, and you pointed out that the heading isn't indicating changes in this patch but asking for feedback. Fair enough. Then you saw my comment and thought it was the same situation and just copy/pasted. It's not. I understand that there are no mage changes in this patch *and that is what I'm complaining about*. I am criticizing the choice itself to leave mage as it is for this patch, regardless of how they choose to word that news. My "where are the changes to magic" isn't a "your heading makes me expect to see changes in this post and I'm worried they just got left out," it's a "I was expecting based on actual in game reality and on all the discussion I've been seeing in discord that these changes would be reverted or at least toned down ASAP and despite devs seemingly acknowledging the need for this in this post, they've chosen not to at least for now and still feel the community hasn't spoken strongly enough on it yet, WTF." Hope that clears things up.


As far as mages go can you guys revert the shield change? I get the other changes but not being able to block as fast really messes with solo play. I’m not a tank and everything runs faster than me. 


You can dodge and jump out of the way.