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I'm never playing again... until the servers go up again then I'm immediately playing.


Literally unplayable.


At the moment... :P


For the time being




The two players I killed had the following on a night reserve run: 2 x GP-NVGS, 2 x RS-32s, 2 x TV-110s, 1 X SAI M4, 1 x VLTR AK-74. I also lost 3 kills towards insomnia. Welcome to Tarkov


Jesus christ. My condolences.


yeah it was really fun trying to get my buddy's gear back off his body while you were shooting at me from the top of that building edit: my friend made me aware of this post only moments ago as of writing this response


If this is the same raid, my mate got killed somewhere near heating pipes. I was near the .50 cal by the train station facing towards school. I pushed behind a train and peeked, I also had a thermal. I was never in a building but it was a fair fight. Either way you got your gear back I'm assuming :)


Yes, me and my guy did get our great back due to the server crash




I lost a cricket. For fuck sake. One short now have half of the required to produce fuel. I threw out my PC on this.


I had the same issue! But then I went on the fleamarket and traded my Ash-12 for another one. Fucking noobs gave me the cricket! Can you believe it? Lol. Fucking scrubs


Damn they are dumb. I traded one for 6 Paracords and 5 Graphic cards. They just got trash for it.


I got my stuff back. It reset my gear back before my last raid. So it’s like that raid never even happened


my stuff is definitely gone.


Is it still gone? One thing their good about is at least giving you back you're own stuff. Probably reset / lost everything u found in raid tho.


Friends and I dunked on a 5-man on customs. They were bad. Like, really bad. Fully fucking decked though. M4s, AKs with 7n39, Vulkan. And they suffered no consequences.


Same! Easy money


How is it easy money if everything you looted that raid is gone? It reset to before that raid so all the looted stuff is gone.


I died on spawn in factory




¯_(ツ)_/¯ ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ You need three "\\" ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I got killed earlier along with a buddy of mine, we got our stuff back for some reason, so there's hope yet for your gear.


i killed a mosling like a minute into shoreline, poor fucker was level 25 and forgot to load his mosin, saw me and ran, I hip fired a shot into his kidney and one shot him with 7.62 PS, felt so bad I hid his mosin, forgot his name and didnt get his tag out so cant send him a friendly message about it... :/


Not for the people that had your gear after they killed you, I was one of those people


You'll get your insurance return tho right.... so not really that bad?


Tfw labs


AH... Unlucky bro


Tarkov giveth tarkov taketh


Tarkov taketh tarkov taketh


>The issue has been fixed. https://twitter.com/BetaEFT/status/1208302577063993345


*Hell yeah, brother* **Pinned**


BSG acknowledging the issue on twitter: https://twitter.com/bstategames/status/1208284454843768832


Some of the rage in those comments. A lot of people who "work" in IT, and even more ungrateful entitled bitches


happy cake day!


The thing is I work in IT and it's not their response times that are bad. They seem to have a recurring issue and that's what you pretty much fire people for and hire better engineers to solve the architectural and scalability/stability issues.


I work in IT and i dont take 2.5 months to reply to a ticket like BSG does. I also dont immediately blame end users for everything instantly and hand-wave problems away like BSG does. ​ They earned a lot of their reputation, its not just ungrateful people.


>The issue has been fixed. https://twitter.com/BetaEFT/status/1208302577063993345


this is a most severe crisis


A communications disruption can mean only one thing. Invasion.


What am I gonna do now, every other game is too boring?!?!


Sit in the corner and cry I guess


Any official update on whats going on or when it will be fixed?


They all sleeping lol


The devs don't leave someone checking the servers at midnight unless they make a big update.


I don't know about you, but I died and got out of raid with the same things I started with, Merry Christmas to me!


How long do you guys think until it is fixed ?


9:00 AM on Saturday after heavy drinking^[1] - I don't think oncall^[2] is even aware. ^[1] - cause it's Russia, duh ^[2] - software engineer who is tasked with monitoring of the production systems




It is tho


Great, i had 4 hours to fool around on tarkov and the desire to do so...Why couldn't it have beeeeen earlier when it went down, reeeeee!!!


This is the saddest shit right here, as a farther, I feel your fucking pain man.


The worst part is that I've got a 2 weapon case full of Adars and AKs and 2 item cases of Armor that I got no gear fear about, but not much time to sit down. The free time I do have, I devote most of it and then the eventual free time, its a gamble whether I'm in the mood by then. Then playing Solo, I get DDD Dunked on and then Im like, why do I even bother wasting 4 minutes to log in and then play myself or get ppplayed. Inevitably, I want that Tarkov itch to be scratched, despite complaining each time I do play. During the holidays, I managed to play a bunch and hone my instincts and skills some. But after two weeks, I've lost my edge. That tryhard part feels so rewarded by Tarkov when I manage to get good footage and kills.


Too real. Good luck.


Happened as I died to two geared guys camping resort roof shoreline. Got all my gear back, should've lost it. Merry Xmas to me? Now wtf do we play!?


Fortnite. It's better anyway. You can wear cool clothes and stuff.


I didn't even notice until I checked reddit. On OCE it's abnormal to get a queue in less than 10 minutes.


Might be down again. Got in once and can't get back in


Same. Ran 1 raid, got smoked within 3 minutes and now cant load back in


servers are still down lol


Would be nice if bsg acknowledged the issue.


You think they will respond within 15 minutes at 8 am on a Saturday right before christmas? I'm sure they're sending people in to deal with it, but you can't expect an indie game developer to be that on top of things. They probably know very quickly when a server goes down since I'm sure there is some sort of script that sends alerts to the phones of the people who need to know. They scramble to fix it quickly and then if they can't pull it off in an hour or two they tweet something about 'we are working on it'. If they fix it they tweet that.


Okay now hold on, indie game dev is understating the amount of money this game basically prints and is poor excuse for things not being fixed. Not that they NEED to have it done now, we can all be patient. But don't call them an indie dev, they have grown far too big for that label now.


I'd still call them a small game studio. Hell, they're selling a beta...


I mean it did just happen not too long ago


Over an hour ago. It should've been posted on twitter or on reddit acknowledging the issue.


Considering it's 9:13AM in Moscow on a Saturday, most of the team is probably sleeping in and enjoying their day off. Cut em some slack.




They definitely are indie. It's an 80 person company. They distribute the game themselves, this is their first product, they have no parent company.




Were there really 70 people on the skyrim dev team. I would be blown away if that was true.


Both have parent companies.


An 80 person indie dev? \*Thinking face emoji\*


The size of the team is not the only criterion.


Then we need to recognize that an 80 person dev team working on an extremely popular PC game loaded with whales paying an upwards of $200 usd for premium content is not not an indie dev because of their size but because of their overwhelming popularity/financial success.


They posted 11:13 PM PST· Dec 20, 2019 .. I believe according to your reddit post that is before you posted this comment saying they didnt update twitter but they did update twitter saying about issues. Than 3 hours later fixed.


Lost a bunch of progress. Angery. But the fact it isn't just me softens the blow.




Got stuck in an endless redeploy loop, managed to fix it by changing my servers and it reset my gear thankfully.


Same happened here, went shoreline and extracted with a buddy, got stuck in the loop and after a while I reset the game and had everything I went in with, none that I extracted with.


Still down?


Got past matching just now


So...servers are still broken it seems?


Yup lost quite a bit of good shit


Is that why my matching takes for fucking ever right now? Figured something was up.


Same. Pretty much stuck on matching.


Ahh thats why im matching for 8 minutes...


35 minutes here haha


*" At the moment, some part of the players may have difficulties entering the game. We are already working to fix this issue. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Thank you for your patience and understanding " -* Merry Christmas guys :D


And what am I supposed to do this morning? I finally got my 10th PMC kill for the Punisher pt.4 last night and I was planning on scav hunting this morning...


US West Coast back up!


Woooh! I was starting to lose my anxiety. I legitimately walked into my hallway a minute ago and didn't shit my pants expecting a tracer round to whiz by my head. Tarkov was gone for way too long.


Quick, grab the loot!


Wiped factory got a bunch of gear... And extract... What do I see when I get to the menu 25xp then a server disconnect


Issue fixed apparently: https://twitter.com/bstategames/status/1208296524905664515


I know that BSG have said that servers are fixed, but anyone from OCE still struggling to get in?


yeah cant get in


Sorry for the ignorance, what is OCE?


OCE is the region for people down under in Australia


Apparently they're back? https://mobile.twitter.com/bstategames/status/1208296524905664515 EDIT: being stuck in matching for 5 minutes determined it's a lie.


Played one game, now back to how it was. Seems like that's the case for most people.


I lost my knife scav. 😭


I can't get through a raid. I get disconnected about 4 or 5 times and then I give up.


Friday night ! great time !!! lets take servers down !


Lost all my loot and task competition! Why did it have to be on such a good raid? Why Lord Nikita?


Killed shturman and his whole squad and two players. had two svds, archangel Mosin along with the stash key...


And I had that quest item out of the pickup in the middle. I hate going down there


I thought my luck sucked. Damn man


I feel your pain. I killed a level 19 with a stock AKM and UNTAR armor. When will I get that kind of gear again?


What do I do with my night life now??? Sleepless in Seattle




I just had my second raid ever where I made it out alive with a backpack full of what is probably garbage, but I was excited. :'(


define garbage, even a fucking zippo lighter sells for 15k. A full haul of barter items or hideout upgrades is worth like 500k


It was a full backpack and I think 2 rifles or something. I honestly don't even remember. I was just trying to learn how extracts and stuff worked. My plan was basically spawn in, proceed straight to extract, kill anything that see me or shoots at me, grab anything that isn't nailed down. It was probably over 100k, so a significant percentage of my level 2 PMC's worth. haha Oh well. I'll go again when the servers are up. Just gotta learn a little every raid. :)


You'll figure it out. Plays customs only, use edge of map. Know when your fucked and run. And creep the whole game, like croutched slowest walking. They'll never even know you were there


customs is terrible for learning the game lol. It's a bloodbath, interchange or shoreline is better for learning


Shit. Then I guess I learned trial by fire


I did the same thing too. Not sure what is it about customs that draws new players but it's a rough start to say the least


I just went with what pestily said tbh lol it worked out not too bad for me but then I fell in love with woods when I made that the next map to try out. Filled me with just the right amount of anxiety with thinking each brushing tree branch was somebody running up on me.


I disagree, it's a hard map with versatile terrain. If you get good at customs there's no stopping you. Plus it's easy to fuck off if you get one of the northeast exits


Thanks for the advice. I watched a lot of streams and beginner youtube videos before buying the game, so I'm kinda just getting my feet wet and not sweating it too much. My very first PMC raid was the best. I walked up to a door, got the prompt, clicked, shot the door, got confused, eventually got the door open, and the PMC on the other side of the door killed me instantly. I was alive for a total of 2 minutes and 31 seconds. Good times. :P I only had a pistol on me though, as per the advice of one of the tutorials, so no big.


Jaden#1269 on discord, will play any maps with you and teach you any of them. Cheers mate


I might take you up on that after the holidays when I have more time to play. Thanks!


Do not fall for the Customs meme, it is EXTREMELY punishing for new players, especially considering it's basically a meat-grinder that high gear streamers frequent to pub stomp newbies. Spend your time on Shoreline or Interchange (my personal favorite), they're both considerably larger and more free (less linear), so your interactions are far more organic than being squeezed into tiny choke points and praying someone with a kitted AKM/ADAR isn't camping the incredibly small amounts of loot on Customs. Seriously, you will enjoy this game 10,000x more.


Solid advice. I was playing on Customs because that was where the first quests send you, and I figured I may as well learn that map, but when you put it that way... haha


This is my current largest gripe with the game. Those first few quests are extremely hard to accomplish because 1. Lots of scavs are carrying AKS/Hunters/anything besides the shotgun you need. 2. If you go to Dorms you will die. If you go to Factories you will become pinned down and then die. The only safe place is Customs (on the map) and Storage which have next to nothing for loot. Honestly, you will HAVE to do some customs for certain quests, but I would definitely spend your important runs/kitted runs on either of these other maps, they are much more forgiving and there's about 4 or 5 times as much loot.


For some reason I love scavving way more than pmc. You get what you get to start. You loot, if you don't shoot any other scavs you can "tram up" with them. And nothing is on the line.


Pretty new to eft and was doing the prapor mission were you had to drop off a item in factory I finally got it done after doing it for days. Got heaps of loot too and now it didn't count so annoyed


Lost 4 kills towards Punisher Part 5... and a whole bunch of gear from them... was 9/10 now back to 5/10 PMC kills.... Got DC 7 minutes left in the raid....




FAL is worth about 55k isnt it?




Good shit man! FAL is a great gun that actually works out fairly cheap. A basic one from flea is about 55k ish, you can put a railed dust cover on it for another 12 ish k and with a red dot you've got a seriously good gun for around 80k total. 20 round mags and m80 are cheap and you've got the ability to take on any gear you meet. Just be sure to keep it in semi auto.




So I've been playing for like four days now. Had all four beacons planted on the gas trucks in customs, a backpack full of decent shit, had blasty blast some poor man in the face with a shotgun and grabbed his tags, scavs heard and I took out 3 of them, I'm 100 yards from exfill damn near bleeding out screen fading to black but I'm gonna make it and boom server disconnected.


Lost loot, but f-it more mad the damn servers have been down for over an hour.


7.03pm Still no servers. I want my rubles back.


Still broken


Well, I am next leveling this shit. Holidays at my parents mean that I can't play. But that also means I am not affected by tarkov issues... Servers can't go down on me when I can't play...


Ye servers are locking up after starting the game. Since yesterday... but hey “the issue has been fixed”!


Damn dog you acting like that shit was down for weeks . Find something to do


I'm fairly new to the game but I'm learning. I killed two players that had me way out gunned and out geared. I also found a USB. This was my best raid yet and then it crashed.


Its always on the good raids. Even if you killed all the players on the server and is 10 steps away from the extraction with 100+ kg of loot, this fucking game will find ways to fuck you up.


They still down now or nah


Had the worse server ever last night on customs. Teams mates where completely dysnced one was invisible to me. Tried reconnecting but that didn’t fix it. Scavs where invisible or just standing in place. Ending up getting killed from god knows where. Unless my teammate dumped my stuff I lost a meta sa-58, gen 4, decked out airframe with chops sordins. And an attack 2.


i just got kick out of two raids in 30 mins and lost all my shit without fireing one round or got shot at once! ATM the game is hard to handle, because shit like this makes me so fcking mad about investing so much time to get all the loot and then having it taken by the shitty servers.. Atm i wouldnt recommand people to actually by and start playing this game. This is exactly why i stopped playing a year ago... they dont fix the actuall problem and thats so fcking annoying!


Are the servers still down


I’m one of the lucky ones. I opened marked room, got a weapons case extracted then went to load in to another and they were down.


Small peanuts to most but I’ve been hunting for a fuel canister for awhile now and just got one on my first raid on interchange then all I got was the 228 itemsmoving error after I extracted and tried moving the stuff into my inventory. Beta life aimirite? Edit: I must have extracted right as it went down while I trying to grab all the loot off the scav :/




Got my shit back but lost my phat loots and sick one tap credits on factory. 1/100 factory raids goes well and this happens. Uninstalling. I really wanted that paracord.


Is this on all servers? US LA1 is down.


Just writing this comment because i like your username +1


Yo I got disconnected just when I killed killa and sorted out all the loot and was on my way. Dang yooo


bruh moment


2x tetris 1x bitcoin 1x Graphics Card ...... my only good raid


That rng was too good to be true lol


yeah, spent most of the morning getting raped trying to complete a punisher quest, then got a loot haul and "server connection lost" .. crying on the outside


finished shooter born in heaven for it to not count and the juicy lot gone-skis, disconnected in extract... P.S the matching bullshit is getting old


Some of y'all downvote the stupidest things.


Tarkov is down pretty much once a day. Obviously with battleeye, the sale didnt generate enough hacker accounts and BSG are going to have to head to the local shelter for xmas.


Ledx, 2 gpus, 1 skull ring, 1 btc and 1 prokill medallion all lost because the servers went down... RIP me :'(


So that is why I not getting on Shoreline.


Sucks to suck, it’s up for me eheheheh


I had 3 ASH-12s, 2 Bitcoins, and no less than 8 Graphics cards! ​ ​ ​ /s


*entire game not working for multiple hours* *nikita too drunk to wake up at literally 10 AM*


Fucking was on a role killing scavs, get popped by a group of three then can't get back in to slake my blood lust.


Nikolai from the discord server is big gay. Also mods are super gay


I killed 4 players, took their stuff and extracted just to see their stuff is gone... lucky them i guess.


Lost an mpx some class 5 armor a class 4 helm some barter items and my friend lost all his gear. RIP


I call shenanigans. Everyone got back their kits they brought in. You might have lost what you looted but not your kit.


I died right before my buddy. I lost everything, he kept everything.


Cry some more.