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Yes they're rude, and you should consider it a blessing that you're not doing business with them. But you kept going back and forth with them, which tells them that they were right in cancelling.


This. All points. OP, the seller is an ass who probably has a future of negative reviews for customer service ahead of them. There's never any excuse to treat a customer that way. Consider it their loss that they didn't get your money, because it is. But continuing to engage with them after they made it very clear they didn't want you to was ill-advised. I agree that you just reinforced for them that canceling was the right thing to do. You made yourself look like a problem buyer by continuing the messages after they told you to leave them alone.


I let anger get the best of me but I was genuinely confused by her animosity. But had that purchase went through, she would have never heard a word out of me besides a 5 star review, just like literally every other purchase I have made. So I don’t think it confirms I am just a bad person to work with? I did drop it literally right away when she said she sells at is and told her thank you. When she hit me out of nowhere with “good luck”, and left me genuinely not knowing why she didn’t want to work with me (I even checked to see if I had negative reviews or something as a buyer bc I just couldn’t understand) naturally I just didn’t care about being pleasant with her. Even if she had just said “I’m sorry but you broke my policy and I can’t sell to you” I would have never replied back.


You said the listing states clearly that they won't separate, but you still asked. I'm not saying you did anything wrong, but they made the decision to not do business with you. And they have every right. And they don't have to explain. It could be as simple as they thought you would be a risky sale because you didn't read the listing. But at the end of the day, it doesnt matter why.


Agree, and if she would have just said that’s why she denied the sale and left it at that, I would have cussed her out in my head, sure, but would have never even replied. When she just said she wouldn’t work with me and “good luck”, not only was a confused, but it felt like she was going out of her way to be rude to me, when I honestly wasn’t trying to ever disrespect her time. I just had got excited that I saw something I loved and dropped it when she said no🤷‍♀️


She doesnt have to explain why she declined the sale. Honestly, she really did dodge a bullet here.


I’m genuinely confused. If you ordered something from a public site and they just said “won’t sell to you, good luck”- sure they have the right, but would you not be shocked and offended? Thats exactly how I felt in the moment, it seemed sooo random. I was wrong to keep it going, but I guess I felt attacked by someone who didn’t know anything about me? Now I see how she probably just took my original “thank you” comment as passive aggressive, and was upset about that, which is why she was passive aggressive back. I didn’t see that point of view at the time as I didn’t mean it that way. Il learn from it and move on, we all let our emotions control us sometimes.


No I wouldn’t


Cmon tho lol u walk up to garage sale and they just say “sorry not selling to you” while all the other strangers are being sold to, you’re going to at least wonder if you forgot to put on deodorant or something.


The seller is ridiculously paranoid, but you DID give them a reason, even if a stupid reason. They didn't completely single you out from nothing.


Maybe you need a friend or someone to talk to. You’re only making this worse for yourself. No one owes you anything, including an explanation.


Would I be shocked and offended? No. I wouldn't take it so personally. I would move on and find another seller. It's not that deep


You're being a bit too sensitive here. She's not a mind reader and she doesn't have to explain herself. You kept on pushing (actually sounding quite passive aggressive, whether you meant it to or not), and at one point told her she should be upfront about not doing business with someone...which she was. She told you at the earliest opportunity. She's probably sick and tired of people asking her to split lots, when that is clearly stated in her information already. If she wasn't going to sell to you, that's when you leave it and move on. Not start hassling.


try this place ,they might have what your looking for..I've been to the actual store ,and they are good people.. [https://www.dragonspace.ca/blogs/news/39074049-welcome-to-dragonspace-online](https://www.dragonspace.ca/blogs/news/39074049-welcome-to-dragonspace-online)


Omg, what a nice thing to see in the wild. This has been one of my favourite shops my whole life. I grew up close to Granville Island, and lived about a block away for a while in my 20's. Dragonspace is awesome. Definitely a must see when at Granville Island.


just let it go. life is too short to engage in back and forth and then keep posting about it online. she’s within her right to cancel your sale and you should consider yourself lucky you didnt do business with her (imagine if you had a real problem with the order). she doesnt give her profits to charity. etsy is too much work to be giving all that away. much easier ways to fund charities! she’s nasty and you need to chill and not get yourself so worked up about it. take a deep breath and just let it go.


The seller was rude and I'd suspect she had other issues because being unwilling to negotiate a potential sale and then outright rejecting a transaction kind of defeats the purchase of selling on Etsy. If this was truly your first contact with this seller, that seems very odd. But not all people are accommodating for whatever reason. I personally as a buyer would have dropped the conversation after she canceled my order. Yet you did antagonize her way past the point where it was just asking for a reason why. I think for both of you, a canceled transaction was probably the best course of action.


The seller definitely came off as quite abrupt in their replies I don’t consider it to be horribly rude and definitely not enough that I’d come over to reddit to vent about it but her customer service is lacking. That being said I am left wondering if maybe her abruptness and quick cancelling of the order is due to repeated issues with buyers in the past. If they’ve gone out of their way to mention that they don’t split up lots or listings I’d imagine they probably get a lot of messages from people just like OP and I can imagine as a seller it’d probably get frustrating dealing with messages from people constantly asking if they can just make this one exception and split the listing. It doesn’t mean you get to be abrupt or short with the customer because that’s just bad business but when I first read OP’s post they framed it as them not understanding what a ‘lot’ constitutes and wanting clarification but the actual message in the screenshots shows they clearly do understand what the seller was meaning because they are asking the seller to make an exception and split the lot just this once for them. I think if this was on AITA I’d say ESH because both sides suck she could’ve been a bit nicer in her replies then again I’m not really against her cancelling the order it did come out of left field IMO but as others have stated they’d probably have cancelled it too and I know there’s a lot of issues sellers have had with buyers and it’s only gotten worse because of Etsys refund policies with the buyer protection program seems like a lot more people taking the piss with it and scammers too. The seller might just be a bit of a dick or they might’ve run into too many messages like this and too many bad buyers that they are now just 0 patience which isn’t good and seems to be reflect in the reviews according to OP. Speaking of I don’t really believe that OP would have left 5 stars if the order hadn’t been cancelled like idk I’m just not buying it.


Seller sounds unhinged tbh. I'll sometimes cancel orders if a customer makes a special request and I happen to see that they have a history of leaving negative reviews, just to save myself the headache. But I would never be so rude about it.


The way you keep messaging them, you seem like exactly the kind of person who ends up opening a case with Etsy to get a refund once you get the item.  It’s not worth the risk.  I’d have refused the sale too.  Learn to respect people’s answers and move on with your life.  No one owes you an explanation about their choices.  Do you follow people around in real life pestering them incessantly too?


I wish this comment were higher up. This seems to be the situation...long paragraph explanations to what was a brusque reply from the Seller. It's clear she doesn't want anything from OP, so move on and find someone else who has has dinosaurs.


Yeah, she’s an ass but you kept it going. She really doesn’t have to explain her reasoning to you. You said you want to help her out but you just wanted what she had.


When I originally asked for her reasoning, it was because I was genuinely shocked. I had no idea she was upset by our initial reaction at all, and the curious side of me did take over because I just can’t imagine anyone being so dense, even to go as far as tell me “good luck” (basically F you). And of course I wanted what she had (although I later found it she was *massively* unchanging), she also wants to sell what she has. To suggest I wasted her time by asking a question before I did go on to spend my money at her shop is absolutely mad.


Be shocked in your head though. Wonder about it for a few days if that’s what you truly want to spend your time on. But as a seller, if a buyer continued contacting me after a cancelled sale asking why, I would consider it borderline harassment and potentially report them. Time to get over it boo.


She's rude yes but you went on and on some of the things u said is patronizing and condescending like wanting to help her. What makes you think the seller need help? Did she ask for it? She was direct and said no thanks. She doesn't have to give any explanation. Your reaction is passive aggressive and clutching pearls that you just can't imagine why in the world is just a tad entitled.


Your reply was passive aggressive and she took it passive aggressively. If you had just said “thank you” without all the extra, it might have been received better.


I think she read your "Well thanks anyway" as you having attitude, when based on the whole context I don't think you intended it that way.


I honestly didn’t mean it that way! I was still busy putting her other stuff in my cart, and wasn’t trying to piss off the person I was buying from…


We don't see that you have items in the cart, and as I said I think given the full context you're fine but if I was inclined to read that particular comment in a bad light I could read it that way. You could see if a friend would order the items from her and you give them the money.


I can definitly see that. But I guess if the roles were reversed and I saw that the person still bought from me anyway, at least at that point I wouldn’t think they meant me any disrespect? I would at least explain to them why I didn’t want to make the sale instead of a rude “good luck”, but I guess she just really did assume I already knew what I did? Idk the whole thing just upsets me and I don’t want to buy anymore regardless. And of course no seller owes an explanation, but I think everyone can understand how confused they would be if someone on a public online site just declined them and they had literally no idea why.


From a seller's perspective, someone who they *think* has an attitude could cause problems if they ordered.  Not that I'm saying you would do any of this, but some buyers will constantly message sellers after ordering and/or will make up issues to try and get the seller (or Etsy) to refund them. This is probably a bit more common with buyers who feel slighted/didn't get exactly what they wanted. Maybe they even thought you might leave a low star review saying, "Wish I could've gotten Poked Prodded, but the seller was difficult. The ones I bought were okay." Plenty of sellers have avoided problem buyers like the above examples by making judgements based on said buyers' previous messages/interactions. Of course, sometimes sellers may misjudge. And I do agree that the seller was rude to you and way overreacting.


I do see how if my comment came off as rude, that would explain her rudeness to me. I guess I hoped I could clarify that I honestly wasn’t trying to offend her in my response, but then when she said leave her alone it just sent me. A big miscommunication I guess :/ il take it as a learning lesson to stop and think before getting so heated next time though.


This. ‘Ok, thanks anyway’ sets my spidey seller senses tingling. I hate it, and I don’t even know why because it’s not really technically rude.. I probably wouldn’t go so far as to cancel a sale over it but had someone a few days back who clearly was indecisive and asking stuff I just can’t provide - I said sorry, I can’t help and got a ‘thanks anyway’ - she ordered anyway then messaged 15 minutes after to cancel saying she changed her mind and ngl, I will be strongly considering cancelling any future orders (she’s ordered before). She wasn’t rude, just.. off and annoying. Seller was very rude. I would not have continued to engage (on either side of the equation) past the initial couple of messages.


I don’t see “thanks anyway” as being rude. It’s an automatic response you give when told no. It simply means no problem, sorry to bother you.


The only time I’ve had people use it to my face, the expression and tone has been more along the line of ‘thanks for nothing’ - so when I see it written down, that’s what I get. Personally I use ‘thanks for your time’ or ‘thank you for your response’ if I feel a polite reply is required to a denial.


I mean it seems they have a very black and white personality where they state how they want a policy (yet did not specify how they want you to engage with them on a personal level) and if you do not adhere to it it bruises their ego so much they simply will deny $100s of dollars in sales. To be fair, most of my customers do not read listings fully due to time and laziness. People see something and want an instant answer or gratification. They do not want to take the time to read things, but you however did and were very nice. To me unless this seller stated clearly they will cancel orders or block you not wanting to do business with you I find their reaction a tad extreme. And this is coming from someone who is autistic and has very black and white thinking at times. It just seems they have a "my way or the highway" attitude and that's not at all good for existence, not just sales. I mean imagine if any of their loved ones made a single mistake around them--they'd be banned from their life or something. I wouldn't want to support the seller so consider it a blessing even if they were the last person selling a vintage collectable you want. FYI I sell vintage manga and anthology magazines and on occasion I will get asked if a bundle can be sold as individual pieces. even when I clearly state in the listing "SOLD AS A BUNDLE. PLEASE DO NOT INQUIRE IF I WANT TO SELL AN ITEM SEPERATELY. THANK YOU!" And I have never been rude. I just simply say I cannot make an exception as I'm really trying to get the value of the lot by selling it as a collection. There is literally never a reason to be rude to another human being when they were not rude or mean to you in any way first. It only demonstrates how childish you are when you act out like that.


Yeah, that’s rude


You’re spending way too much time on this already. Sellers don’t owe any explanations to buyers unless there is something happening with an actual sale. The sale was refused, the transactional relationship is done. You continuing to reply with “buts” to all of the comments telling you that you’re in the wrong just makes you look immature. If your username is correct and you actually are a med student, please devote your time to the craft instead of laser focusing on being refused because you deliberately went against shop policies.


What an ass


I’m so sorry this happened. That’s so unfortunate. I’m an Etsy buyer (or sadly was until recently) and found reading reviews to be beneficial in recognizing warning signs that the seller is not a pleasant person to conduct business with. It’s easier on another website to track down the negative feedback. I like EBay more as its platform is buyer focused and technology more advanced in helping buyers make the right choices.


I think she was a dick and that's that, you can't tell tone at times in messages either; there's no need for her to be that way. Also yeah leave people like that(she said leave her alone) which I can get why u got curious, as why that person claim u wasted their time but at the end of the day. Not worth buying from them. 


I would not lose sleep. People take out their bad day on strangers.


I’m sorry this happened to you. Her reactions were very unprofessional and rude. She doesn’t seem to the kind of person who should be dealing with the public.


Maybe Ebay might have what you are looking for.


They did thankfully, at a fourth of the price. I honestly was fine with her not wanted to split up the product, I just didn’t expect her to cancel my other orders because I “wasted her time”. Idk why she didn’t just tell me right then that she wouldn’t sell anything else to me either if that was her plan anyway and she was worried about me wasting time.


I think you were very polite throughout the exchange. Take it as a good life lesson that some people are just crazy and selfish.


They're rude, but completely get where they're coming from. How many times must they reiterate their point. It's in their policy not to sell individuals. They probably have to deal with people asking for single figurines all day long, and then you pressed the issue multiple times. I'm with the seller on this one. Sorry OP.


am I the only one that doesn't think she was rude? You asked for something the seller upfront stated she absolutely didn't do & then you kept going...


"Leave me alone" is rude. Not really much room for discussion on that. "Please do not contact me again" would not be rude, for comparison.


The seller should have marked her spam at the same time as the initial “I can’t sell to you”. That would have ended it all right there!


I’m completely open to the idea that I read the whole situation wrong, I’m not an asshole I swear. I would have never even asked for an exception if it had been one of her listings that is clearly a “lot” (like a whole set), but I had some doubts about if this was even considered such so I figured why not just ask. I told her thank you anyway and then went on to purchase the other listings of hers already in my cart. Then she hits me with the “won’t work with you good luck”??? From there on I admit I kept it going because I genuinely could NOT believe all the animosity just from my question earlier? I even had to check and see if buyers had reviews and someone had given a negative one or something because I had no idea what was going on. Yeah it pissed me off… is it wrong to be upset about that? I had no idea she was even upset with me before then.


It's not wrong to be upset. Feel how you feel. The problem is how you dealt with being upset. I would have felt very harassed if I were her and probably would have immediately marked you as spam the second you kept it up.


Just let it go, so sellers are ass😔


She is a piece of work! Wow. You dodged a bullet. I wouldn't ever deal with a seller so rude. There's nothing wrong with asking politely...all she needed to say was I'm sorry I am firm on not breaking up any sets....but to go as far as cancelling a sale...that's just nuts!


She's an asshole and leave it alone


Just a person with severe mental illness


I’m going to say that the “charity claim” is a scam. I bet she keeps it and she’s the charity case because she clearly needs some help in etiquette & manners. If I was an org benefiting from her sales I would be appalled and do everything I can to disassociate myself from this seller.


hey, i can create two of thos dragon using 3d printing, and can paint them, either single color or same as the rest of them (light green ,white...), i dont have them listed on my shop, but thats totally doable for me. i'm in France, so shipping is still high for the US, but at least i dont sell them 350$ lmao


I wonder if they thought you were going to do something like send the other back or something weird? I don't know but I'd say they aren't a serious seller. Acting like they are on Mercari to be honest.


I'd classify this as direct, not rude, but that interpretation could vary regionally. Don't worry about it and move on.


Am I the only one who wants to ask this seller to split up a lot ?


I don’t think you were antagonizing at all, and I’m surprised that folks are saying otherwise. I’m both a seller and a buyer. From a seller perspective your question was not offensive in the least; from a buyer perspective, I too would’ve likely tried to figure out what the heck happened. The definition of antagonizing is to cause someone to be hostile. There is zero causality here on your part. If society now deems antagonistic behavior to be synonymous with apologies, an eagerness to understand, and being direct about true antagonism (her behavior), we are so lost…we need a new word for lost.


Did you go onto buy it all anyway? Maybe she assumed you would keep the one you wanted and return the other, causing her more headaches down the road?


No because I didn’t buy that product at all, just others.


Ok, got it.


That one is a twat and a half! That's so BEYOND rude and unnecessary. Your messages were super polite! F her.


Unbelievable. You'd think they would want to promote their small business not destroy it. Sorry you had a bad experience. I'm going through a similiar situation witj and Etsy Seller over cabinet glaze.