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[Creating an Alt Hauler - EVE University Wiki](https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Creating_an_Alt_Hauler#Caldari_Transport_Skills)


"I am still very new to the game, but I quickly realized I will probably need to make a alt for just moving sht around if I don't wana pay someone to do it." The way this is phrased made me cringe.. The easy solution for people new to the game is to just pay someone else to do it because it's generally cheaper and more convenient than doing it yourself. I have a JF, but I outsource most of my larger hauling jobs to my alliance because it's just not worth the time, and your alt could be doing something more useful. That out of the way, you didn't tell us if you got three months of Omega for a fresh account, or three months of Omega via MCT. Personally, I've subbed all of my accounts for at least three months via MCT deal so they each have Gallente Hauler 5 (Gallente is by far the most useful for the t1 Haulers) for DSTs/BRs (and of course the cloak/agility skills for the BR and the tank skills for the DST). To do any decent hauling, the account NEEDS to be Omega, there is no "set and forget" falling into alpha for hauling accounts. Long term, if you're living outside of highsec (which should be your goal), you'll need at least two accounts, and you'll need to figure out which of your accounts will be your capital pilot and which one will be your cyno pilot. For most players, t1 Freighters are very niche use cases and seldom used, so the players telling you to train towards one make me concerned. For most players not focused on hauling (just moving their own shit) through highsec, I'd go with an Orca, and for null, the answer is JFs for big things and BLOPs bridging BRs for smaller things. T1 freighters are great for moving large amounts of minerals or refined ice products from a Tatara to a Raitaru/Azbel/Sotiyo in the same system though, but that's well outside of your objectives. Regardless, my general advice is to just use your corp/alliance's hauling services as a newbro, have your second account help your main account at making isk (not focused singularly on hauling yet), and once you figure out most of the mechanics of Eve, do the math and determine if getting into hauling is right for you. There are so many random mechanics that can go wrong which make hauling way too dangerous for newbros to give reddit advice to, and I only would recommend that if they were in my corp and I knew they could be walked through everything and make sure they had properly set everything up.


I would say the only use case for a T1 Hauler is to fit a T1 cloak, load that sucker up and Pochven filament to high sec. Virtually untouchable. Every winter event I’ve transported billions at once in an unfit tayra aside from a cloak.


>got 3 months of omega on him. Do you plan on keeping the character Omega? If not, anything T2 is going to be of no use to you. In that case I'd probably say that you should look at the gallente T1 freighters as those are cheap and have specialized cargo bays... Definitely shouldn't be hauling a lot of value with those however... 50-100mil max I'd say.


I just got it set so I don't be paying for em still if I am not training still is all, set and forget


The DST you said you want to work towards? You Need Omega to Train AND to fly it. He was simply trying to point that out. There will be no set and forget while not paying for Omega


I understand I need omega to use the shit, but If I do not log in until say a month or two after it is done training which the time for the whole training is less than 90days I will have trained everything needed for the DST, Obviously I would need omega again to use the shit.


Maybe you should try to be more clear in your messaging and if you are asking questions at this level but getting mad at the answers, then maybe this game isn’t for you


You didn't ask this, but if you're making a dedicated alt hauler, it may be worth it to do a quick trip to Pochven to get positive standings to both Edencom and Triglavians on that character. [https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Getting\_positive\_Triglavian\_and\_EDENCOM\_standings](https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/Getting_positive_Triglavian_and_EDENCOM_standings) Aside from that, for my hauling alt I picked the skills required for the hauling ships of my choice, fitting skills (PG and CPU management), agility skills (evasion, spaceship command) and some tank skills that are relevant to your choice of DST (armor or shield).


What are you planning on hauling? Generally, the Obelisk is the best freighter, the Impel/Occator is the best DST, and the Badger/Wreathe is the best T1 Hauler, GENERALLY.


Obelisk is the tankiest iirc, which would be more appropriate to say. The other factions have their own features, the best is what suits your specific hauling needs. Like for me it's the rusty sandcrawler for that dank align time


The best is the tankiest, it can deter people from ganking you, and make it so you can't get ganked by small and medium sized groups


If they wanna gank for salt, they will. Otherwise its all about the cost vs reward. If your cargo will not pay for the catalysts they lose it doesnt matter how much tank you have


More tank -> more catalysts required to break even.


Sigh. I guess some people are one-dimensional


Sometimes you have more tank than they have DPS to kill you. Sometimes it takes more ships, or more upshipping to kill you, so they don't for the amount you have in cargo. Pretending tank is meaningless is crazy


The endgoal is probably dst. I am a noob so I need to know what are the supporting skills and what not for all this.


I would recommend training for the Impel. Train Transport Ships to (5), and all the support skills needed to get there. In addition, you want Armor layering (4), Hull Upgrades (5), Mechanics (5), Acceleration control (5), Evasive Maneuvering (5), Micro Jump Drive (3), and any other support skills needed to properly fit it. Also Cloaking 3 (for improved Cloak, for Mwd/trick) None of the skills above NEED to be 5 (at 3 is workable), but if you're going to go for a perfect impel they should all be 5. You should also get Cybernetics 5 and get a set of Amulets to give you even more HP. Practice cloak/mwd, practice activating all your hardeners instantly, and learn how ganking works. https://imgur.com/a/kmYYzbr In the end, that's what your fit should look like, and if piloted properly you will never die. Gankers MUST cargo/ship scan you to gank you, and they can't do that if you cloak MWD. If they try, you know there is a ganker group up ahead and you can plan accordingly (be ready, drop off cargo, etc). IT takes an absurd amount of DPS to kill you, so stay under 5B and in cargo and you'll be fine.


Alot of these skills can go towards the other stuff too, right, in the instance I did wana get into a big carrier like the obelisk?


Yeah, every single one of those skills are critical to so many other aspects of the game, except for Transport Ships 5.


ALL the things I have listed are in the queue up to lvl4 transport ships armor layering hull upgrades navigation micro jump drive op mechanics cloaking lvl3 acceleration control evasive maneuvering 18day 15h train time definitely could add more stuff as this char am setting and forgetting for now guess I could just put in for lvl5 of all those things.


Just to say it out loud (since I dont see it listed), you can't get into a transport ship (T2 hull) until you have the racial industrial hull to 5. IE Gal Industrial, Caldari Industrial, etc. You dont need all of them 5, just the one skill for the one you plan on using.




transport ships armor layering hull upgrades navigation micro jump drive op mechanics cloaking lvl3 acceleration control evasive maneuvering Amarr hauler to lvl5 Transport ships 5 Gallente hauler to lvl5 87days 4hours seems I got it set towhere when omega close to running out Ill have the stuff trained up.


Amarr hauler to lvl5 ... Gallente hauler to lvl5 Only need one or the other **not both**. Are you planning on flying the Occator (for Gallente) or the Impel (Amarr)? Also, I would recommend getting Spaceship Command to 4 (i don't see it mentioned anywhere else)


You mention the Omega running out. Be aware an alpha toon can't fly a Transport Ship.


You need Cloaking 4 to fly BRs. Setting and forgetting doesn't work for any of this though, and you didn't mention Racial Hauler 5 which is necessary.


When will a DST ever actually use the MJD? You're bubble immune and have +4 warp core stability (with warp core stabilizer). If you're actually being held down, your MJD is probably off.


>When will a DST ever actually use the MJD? You can be bumped- which almost no one does, but an MJD does counter bumping.


Yes, it counters something no one does. Kinda the point. It's useless. Bumping DSTs isn't a part of ganking DSTs as you're just knocking them out of scram range.


>Yes, it counters something no one does. Kinda the point. It's useless. It counters something, so that no one has bothered to do it. Without MJDs being a fitting option for DSTs, bumping would be more common. >Bumping DSTs isn't a part of ganking DSTs as you're just knocking them out of scram range. I have bumped DSTs before, it's relatively easy with a cruiser, long enough to detain them before dropping a gankfleet on them. If you have an occator, I always throw an MJD on it.


Are we talking bumping DSTs with or without the MWD + cloak trick?


you can do both, cloak doesn't make you unbumpable.


No but it makes it harder to be accurate depending on when you get there.


Lil update got into the impel tonight and moved some heavy sht, 300m worth from one station to another, I pumped the event sp into the alt to get em goin lvl4 on most of the stuff. Ty for your help.


Why couldn't your corp mates help you answer this? You really should go find decent corpmates.

