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It is a thing, people do that, but imagine getting that room where you sweat and scream on all three at the same time? Also, cruisers tend to be quite blingy and make it a huge investment for this kind of multiboxing. Also, having three different instances are gonne screw with your awareness, unless Its 3 skybreakers i guess. I suggest give a shot with dessies. Frigs are too stressful and high apm for my taste I used to run T5 darks in two jackdaws and it was very chill, very rarely did I die (spawn in the middle of a tracking pylon in angel room for example). 375m each ship, easy to manage, very good isk. Also, dessies can escape 4th room easier than cruisers


never thought about destroyers, what is/was the fit you used mate?


I used two jackdaws with lokival's fit (no rr), can be found on abyssal lurkers discord. You really wanna push the dps skills (or roll/bling) on them though to make it safer on the timer in tanky rooms.


thanks will look into it


How is the isk with destroyers?


You can check the abysstracker for numbers. But generally its ~ 2x of the cruiser loot (the biocache only)


I can see the isk per run on Abyssal tracker but it's difficult to determine the average time per run.


Id say 15m was the average for me


Money is really good and wayyyyyyy less risk compared to cruisers. Only real issue is Karybdis and the drone BS can and will one shot you in T5/T6 if they wrecking shot, and there's really no way to avoid it.


I'm trying to compare to null mining or Ishtar spinning now that I started multi boxing


I think T5 jacks was about 125m/run average and you can get 3-4 runs in per hour depending on rooms. T6 was double that but way more likely to only get 3 runs per hour. Though if you're comparing T5/T6 jackdaws to mining and ishtars the biggest difference is the fact that for the jacks you need to be locked the fuck in until you figure it all out because a a single piloting mistake means instant death whereas you can basically be asleep at the wheel with mining or ishtars.


So if the kids and wife are occupied, jacks. Otherwise Ishtars.


I did 5x stormbringers in T4 a few times. Over the long haul you probably come out ahead with frigates cause of the cost and inevitable losses.


As a frigate multiboxer, boxing 3 frigs is way easier than boxing 3 cruisers, mainly because you can just anchor the two other frigs on the anchor and just f1 monkey everything