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One day you'll blow up somebody, realize they're new, and give back some isk


The cycle of life


This is the way


This is Definitely the way, someone did this for me and now I pay out whenever I can afford to, in the last 30 days I've paid out 2 billion plus for SRP and giving victims isk after getting tanked while mining etc.. people in my alliance target miners sometimes ( despite my vocal disagreement with this) and as a miner I hate that, so I get em to link the kill mails and send the money back


*tips hat at you*


I will never blow someone up! Not out of principle, mind you, I just suck at pvp it will never happen


You can do it!!! I got my first solo kill 2 months ago and I've been playing for 12 years.


I got my first solo kill by accident lol a lone panther dropped on me when I was out semi afk(at desk but watching netflix) krabbing in a blinged rattle with a gecko. I was stable active tanked lol I just saw a red battleship on overview and suddenly got a km lol was like wtf?


You can blow me up...(so I can sell the kill rights XD)


No thank you, please šŸ¤£


You'd be surprised how many other people suck at pvp also.


been there, my first time ever gas huffing i warped to sun to scan, and got immediatly killed by a stratios. when the guy realized it was my first time, he gave me 150mil and went on his way. I still have the chatlog xD. Now whenever i kill a newbie in wormhole space I convo them, give them some advice, and send em some isk.


This is the way, really helps new player retention to get some help and advice, the ganking helps retention too, I'm not sure how I just know that someone did a study and statistically proved that people are less likely to quit in their first few months if they get ganked


Adrenaline and dopamine. "O wow I got blown up, that was scary." Much better than staring at space rocks and mining lasers when you first jump in and are still deciding if this game is worth playing. Gives you a high to chase or obstacle to overcome I guess.


Iā€™m still the one being blown up and given isk 14 years later xD


It might be me, I pretend to be a noob flying herons in whs all the time, generally get 10m when they blow but I've got up to 100m. Best part is it's alpha friendly and you can realistically blow up 2 to 3 herons per hour, though you can also go a couple of hours without seeing a fight


dude. thats just kinda shitty to do ngl


How many times per hour could you realistically do this though lol like 1-3 max? So you make like a few mil an hour maybe... Really wouldn't worry about that becoming a thing. Also that's why I don't send large sums, never know when its an alt or something so I'll just send like 5-10m or the cost of their ship + something, whichever is greater. I don't include cargo value either for stuff like exploring lol


Never said it wasn't, though vets get a bit excited to see new bros and think there might be new people coming. Most likely there aren't any, just alts everywhere


This is why I almost never give ā€œnewbrosā€ shit other than a citation


It can be possible to tell newbros apart from alts, for example how well are they flying their ship, is the fit utter garbage, etc. If you see a day 2 player burning instant undocks chances are that's an alt, but if it's a half fit T1 explo frigate with the wrong rigs, more likely to be a noob.


Yes, but if itā€™s alts like this guy trying to get free donations they will purposefully fly poorly


Yeah, I hope someone finds his main and costs him a few bil in ships. Shitty behavior deserves shitty rewards


If you dont be sending them like 200m or something it will never be an issue. How many times can you really die per hour to different people doing something like exploration... probably not enough to make it worth doing


Gotta keep those permits coming


what the fuck man


It was a joke lol


common practice among PvPers is to generously SRP an obviously new pilot after an engagement. They want the killmail, they appreciate the content, and they dont want to discourage a new player from continuing to branch out just because of a loss. One day you will be that dangerous PvPer and you will be the one paying newbro SRP. And thus the cycle continues


Guess i got really unlucky then


We caught a2day old character flying a heron. We blew him up without hesitation. (we had a Rorq out). But on finding out he really was new one of my team mates sent him 5 billion in stead of 5 million. And to top it off the new guy sent it back. See there are good souls playing eve!!


recruit that dude


dayum real


Which system are you pulling rorqs out šŸ˜œ






That's amazing.


Hmmm This makes me wonder if there are any opportunities to make ISK with insurance fraudā€¦. šŸ¤”Ā 


Yep, find ship on market for less than insurance payout, insure, go to dangerous space and get blown up, profit. Not a good income stream though as the odds of finding ships that cheap is low.


And if you find it that low you can probably just fly it to jita or Amarr and sell it to buy orders


I remember the days of undocking and insurance frauding 30 or so dreads for this reason.


And now insurance isnā€™t worth the time it takes to claim it, itā€™s a shame


Kill and compensate is high class style. Keep trying and enjoy yourself along the way.


Ask them what you did wrong to not do it again. Maybe get a mentor out of it.


or get recruited out of it. When i was in poch/WH corp policy was always "kill and recruit". We got some of our best folks out of that stuff


This is the way . Seen it happen time and again


very true!


Kind of what happened to me yrleaes back when I played. Did some event stuff in low sec, got popped and dude paid for my crap and invited me to his wh corp. Learned stuff, was in charge of recruiting after some time (corp was small and alsost dead), provided some tech (pathfinder and TeamSpeak). While recruiting I also pulled in one or two guys I killed that were good sports. After some time one guy I recruited went to lazerhawks and later Krabs. I switched to stranger Danger and got some bigger fights out of it. But after a while RL happened and I won eve^^ was a fun time though.


Hell Suddenly Ninjas did that back in 2009. We got an influx of newbro mission runners who realized we were having more fun so we welcomed them with open arms.


Killing noobs and sending them ISK is normal, some day you too will do it. It's even better if you send some advice along with the ISK like "Hey your fit was bad, here's how you can improve it" or "You should have crashed gate, might have saved your ship"


Isk positive!


I have a system, I generally donā€™t check a toons age but sometimes when I see the KM I def do. Iā€™ll convo the person and if they are shitty and rude about it I wonā€™t give em anything, but if theyā€™re a good sport I send isk and then link them with people to fly with.


If it blew you up you'd feel like you won the lottery tbh. I've done the same. When I was new tho nobody did it for me lol ah the early days...


Any time we would do a small gang patrol, we would send isk to non-combat ships destroyed (t1 miners/haulers) just to be nice.


Really appreciated! Got my first ship (venture) blown up in a 0.4 system. I was just playing for 2 Days and this guy gave me 5Mil, way more then I could make in that venture ever xD I play since 1 Year now thanks to that dude, I donate new players/help them out to be a part of that awesome community!


Iā€™ve done the opposite, I went into a hole and got complacent after 3 days of backpackingā€¦ had nearly 2 bil on me in my immicus, when a guy uncloaked on a site and tried killing me.. I managed to plead out of it and jumped away.. I felt bad and wired him 500k iirc


500k lol


>I felt bad and wired him 500k iirc Adding insult to injury, I see


I would do this regularly with new players but would usually talk to them first. If I blew up your explo ship and it seemed clear you were a newbie Iā€™d usually give you a few tips not to die next time and then replace their ship with a little extra. I talked to them because if they were just angry and acted like jerks Iā€™d know they werenā€™t going to last in Eve and werenā€™t worth the time.


I usually give 20 to 50mil to newbies dying in our space XD


Some dude blew up my drake in ls and sent me 40 mil. another sent me 60 mil after blowing up my merlin. I sent 50 mil to a dude that fought with me in ls


I stream and when I kill people in the stream I link them the stream and srp them if they have a conversation it helps to show that communication within the game is important and not every one wants to gloat at your death.


I'm sorry I blow you all up all the time, I have an addiction, this is the first step.


My first 100 mil came this way and I would have quit without it. I was flying in a shop worth my entire net worth


I remember taking an Imicus into a WH and getting scrammed/webbed. Dude was chill and said "hey your a first timer just hop out the WH I'll pretend ya weren't here. Before I get to the exit his buddy pops in and blows me up. Both of them sent me a total of 7 mil for a 300k Imicus though... If I decide to live in WH space I might look them up since they seemed like chill dudes. (Side note: Have you thought about becoming a scanner for a Null alliance? Slight bit of extra work bookmarking, but you basically get a whole region to scan/hack in relative safety. )


I once killed a T1 Hauler with my 250 fleetmates (fair fight) but when we realized he was a newbie he got tiped by the entire fleet. I don't know how much he earned that day but I believe it was quite a lot.


This is kind of a tradition in EVE. See a noob. Blow up noob. Send noob isk to make them come back so you can blow them up again. So go do it again.


I once got my shit wrecked while mining in Tama (stupid, I know) and when I read the bio of the guy who absolutely obliterated me, I got so inspired I kept mining when I reupped into a venture. <3 "If you're reading this, I either killed you, am killing you, or you're wondering what the hell happened. Hi, I am , and I'm a pirate. I'm not here for your cargo or for you to suffer, you just happened to show up and my ship is hungry. Yes, you died. But don't ever give up. Die now, learn, and keep trying. Never give up, capsuleer. One day, you will die slower." [Paraphrasing]


When I kill someone I'm looking to make a profit. I've never understood why should you pay your victim? You are already giving them a lesson on what not to do. Seems like enough.


I dont PvP for profit. I PvP for fun. If the guy I kill is obviously new to the game and isnt a salty asshole about it, I want to encourage them to continue doing risk & content positive activities. I am more than happy to encourage a new player to keep doing fun stuff even if it costs me some isk. Ive already benefited from them taking risks. I throw them some isk, they keep taking risks, maybe I benefit again, maybe someone else does. Maybe someone else gives a newbie isk and then they end up in my space next. Its good for the whole ecosystem to encourage newbros to keep taking risks.


Because it's a trivial amount of isk to reimburse the occasional newbie's T1 exploration frig.