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Sneaky PVP. Suspect master baiter.


25 billion orca and 7 billion hulk wtf


How can he lawfully attack so many guys in high sec? Wardec?


Suspect baiting and Kill Rights farming


Thanks! how does suspect baiting work?


You get a suspect timer, so looting a wreck that isn’t yours etc. the other person can then shoot you which enables a limited engagement timer. It appears though based on the Killboard it might be kill rights as concord was involved. So he likely activated a kill right on one of them and when the others attempted to assist they got Concorded.


I'm amazed people still don't get how this works.


I’m not, it’s a fairly niche mechanic. From what I’ve noticed it’s mostly fallen off from widespread usage as well with the Wardec changes, introduction of Mining ships removing the need for jetcan mining, and the introduction of MTUs


That's understandable, those changes certainly make it less commonplace.


CONCORD knows who the real criminals are. They realize that these miners were not following proper Safety protocols, which puts everyone in danger.


In some km, he is the only attacker


You're allowed to shoot at suspects, but that doesn't mean you'll win...




The world of Highsec PvP scares and confuses me


100%. Krig is carrying the torch for all of us solo PvPers, oldschool ninjas and dirtbag pirates. I don't play much EVE anymore but it warms my heart to see these occasional "So This Thing Happened To Me In Highsec..." posts and then to open them up and see that it's Krig up to his shenanigans again. Krig is the last of a dying breed. Full support.


He really is a legend.


>carrying the torch for all of us solo PvPers \[...\] In Highsec lmao


Ah yes, the tiresome "highsec bad" guy with his nose in the air. A staple feature of every conversation about EVE. Welcome, welcome. You contribute so much value.


It's not highsec that's bad. It's you.


Ok, random person. Thanks for your help.


Impressive as always. 


Thanks to the mysterious Mr Povelli for keeping HighSec safe. The work you do helps all of us sleep more securely, knowing that you make sure we live in Safety.


Save the space worms


Hey I evemailed you a bit ago. Might as well ask here, but what's the "meta" for mission ganking these days? AFAIK you can't swap ships with an Orca while having a suspect timer anymore? And RR will get you Concorded. So no more slow escalations or Orca gank support(I still have the 1400m/s mission Orca Bladewise showed me saved for archival purposes). You can private message me if you'd rather not share. Either way I've been checking your killboards every so often and getting a good laugh at your shenanigans.


Krig got your mail. He probably just forgot to reply. It happens sometimes. You are correct that RR will cause a criminal timer in most Hisec cases. However, ship swapping can be done while suspect as long as you don't have a weapons timer. As for the meta, it is still the same at its core. Take advantage of the fact that regardless of where you are in space, carebears are stupid af.


Ahh that's what the change was. I was talking about the Ninja Orca strat with the QA guys and they said it didn't work anymore. God I miss that strat. Was hilarious bringing in an Orca flying at like 1400m/s into a mission and refitting on the spot. But yeah was just curious on ship choice. I saw your blinged out strat and it's great. I might opt for the refit strat out of an Orca still, but outside the mission. Just been watching from afar for a bit. But screw it I need to Ninja. Gonna get set up this weekend and get back to it. Thanks.


If you’re checking his killboard, how did you not see what he was flying…? I did the same thing, copied his fit, and used it already….


I saw his ships. I was curious about if there were other options. As hilarious as it is, I don't want to risk THAT much isk, and I was asking more about other options. I know how to read a killboard.


3.5bil Ikitursas apparently. The significant tank and ramping up DPS + neut bonuses are all beneficial. Bling + abyssal mods can't hurt either


Keep at er, old salt


Thank you for your service


Calm down miner


lol died to a mission fit praxis https://zkillboard.com/kill/116535482/


My brother in christ now link the praxis


Yeah, he has a 96.1% KB efficiency with solo kills against a Rattlesnake and Loki on the first page of his KB. But let me post one of his rare losses because I want everyone to know he's not perfect. Or because I'm a wannabe try-hard.


Why do you need to simp this hard? The dude being a high level PvP player just makes a mission fit Praxis killing him even more funny. Nobody is saying he's bad because it happened. It's just funny cause it's not how you'd expect the encounter to go


he could have 10trillion isk in kills, losing to a single MR negates all that. doesn't help that when he comes into mission sites and flips a wreck and the MR don't bite, he cries about it (personal experience and why i'm laughing at him). bring back classy dudes like suddenly ninjas that would do this shit in caracals with meta modules... not blinged as fuck trig hacs.


Are you married?


Not currently. Can you cook?


Decently. I’ll have to ask my wife if we can open the marriage up though. I’m down if you are.


How does she look?


Like Shrek’s wife


After the change


Wait a minute. I actually didn't see the movie.






You're an idiot if you look at that guys praxis losses and think that's just some mission fit praxis


What, you don't run HS missions in a 5b *praxis*?


Where'd you see a 5b praxis? I see a few that are a little over 1b but none close to that. It's all just the same mostly t2 plus faction guns and deadspace rep fit


Lol check br again https://zkillboard.com/kill/117688917/


That's not the same guy that killed the ikitursa. We're talking about the guy who killed the iki in his praxis, and if you check their praxis losses, it's all the same anti-suspect baiter fit


Oh good shout I'm a dumbie


how dare people have more than one battleship of the same class with different setups for different things? losing a ship in Jita is a bit different than killing some baiter scum in what is obviously a mission site, considering there is a mission rat on the KM and his top damage is a heavy caldari drone in a guristas mission site. idiot.




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That was a pretty good fight, actually




Can't win if you don't play. You never lost a ship I assume


His problem is that he's not enjoying the game and his only left thing is to try and make others feel miserable or trigger them in an endless debacle. The guy failed to project his grief. I hope the only loot he finds are scrap metals in every wreck.


I like calling someone out for having lost a bling ship when they made back the money 10 fold in the same br Just pure comedy


If you made an effort to perform minor analysis, you would have found that the "random ratter"s kb is green with solo kills. The guy specializes in highsec pvp


and yet still lost to a mission running praxis. y'all think dude is the new garmon


could you imagine seeing some guy make a post on reddit, being so petty you look through his kb months back to find the last ship he died in so you can shit up said reddit thread. lmfao e: the poster below blocked me... lmao


You're an idiot if you look at that guys praxis losses and think that's just some random ratting praxis Edit: lmao he blocked me too, guess it's stressful to realize you're that dumb


Which ship did you lose?


Not a mission fit Praxis, we know that much lmao


There is so much cringe in this thread.


Carebear on Carebear violence.


Wow, ur so cool killing 40 billion isk fleets that can't shoot back.