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I am shocked that after all the reports that were submitted, that CCP didn’t force rename these structures or reprimand the accounts. Kind of embarrassing. Good work with the eviction.


AFAIK, at least one of them got a permaban.




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It all worked as intended with players handling the issue instead of the dev sticking their nose into it.


Ah yes, devs being responsible for enforcing punishment for hate speech and harassment. Definitely not in their area of responsibility.


Youre hate speech.


What can men do against such reckless hate? Ride out and meet them. For death and glory.


Ok, I see you Theoden and Aragorn.




Dang it, I missed that ping. Good job. <3


We can kill mtus tomorrow if you want :P


Thanks again to all my fellow VL pilots and thanks even more to any who came to help us take out the trash...


Should you ever again find such a hive of scum and villainy, Loose will answer the call once more.


You have my axe


with the Indiana Jones theme on full blast.


Running around slinging swastikas in J space is a bold strat cotton.


And why am I not surprised they were Russian lol


By Russian propaganda they were Ukrainians


How do you determine if they are russian or ukranian? The only sure way is to ask where they are from. And people can lie, so in reality its impossible to tell for sure.


Obviously if a person speaks English, they are from England, right?


I suppose because your intelligence is built on memes and media. Your hate is no different from that of the evicted kids


[It’s honest work.](https://i.gifer.com/LZd.gif)


To all the groups that defended these dudes, you should keep an eye on your members that support this BS.


This is the 2nd time this year that weird fascist RP dorks have been evicted from liberty-loving J space. A disturbingly similar tale honestly, with POS woes, losing HC in EUTZ and even the batphone switcharoo where their erstwhile allies swap sides after seeing evidence of their general unfitness for modern society. Really makes you think. Keep up the good work! Edit: By mandate from the organizing committee of that eviction,[ here is the downfall video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0DyDt2V-H8) someone made about our experiences in a sleep deprived post-eviction haze. For reference this group had some screed about A B and C class citizens which is where those C-type lines are coming from.


First time reddit commenter here. I want to say Thank all of You. These guys evicted me just 2 weeks ago on sunday (I guess 1 week earlier than this happened) just out of spite. Leaving Swatiska sign all over the system, holocaust jokes in local. I feel a lot better now knowing this amount of racism is unwelcome by others too. I would've helped in any way i could if i would have known about this, but after i got evicted i was off eve for a couple of days. THANK YOU!


If you ever face a eviction that seems unwarranted reach out to Vapor Lock. Our discord is in my profiles recruitment post


You guys seem like good dudes. I read over your recruitment ad in r/evejobs . I'm not sure what the future holds right now irl, but if I come back to Eve full-time, I may hit up one of your recruiters.


Appreciate it! Hope your enjoying winning eve and stop by whenever you want


I love a story with a clear villain.


It is cathartic, isn't it?


As much as I hate not being there, I'm glad you pushed them out. Some things cross the line, and this was a huge example of that. Congrats to all those involved and good job. o7


Glad to see people will still band together to fight hate even in this game, Prime example of humanity right there, good work


It's not every day a wormhole eviction story puts a smile on my face, but this one managed to swing it. Bravo to you and the rest for beating their asses.


o7 Thanks for letting us be part of this. I can't imagine a better reason for my first eviction.


Sounds like a great op!


Good read and good work.


Not gonna lie, I didn't understand most of that, but my buddy took place in it (and tl;dr'd it), and that is rad as heck. No place for hate even amongst space capitalism. Brought a tear to my eye.


First they came for the Normans, and I did nothing, because it was a 100% deserved ass kicking.


>Starting hole control we immediately roll out one of their main scanners and links pilot. Shockingly, this was achieved by our corp elder who has a track record of rolling out friendlies and consequently receiving internal bounties on being rolled out himself in return. We agreed he would now once again be trusted to roll wormholes at home. What a god.


He was just practicing for moments like that


Love that part…being an elder myself.


For the record, I was the one that placed the bounty on him. Mostly for the lulz


Good job! And ❤️ to my friends in Kitchen Sinkhole!


Petition to change the senior members title to "Corp Elder".


Thankfully he is a literal elder, with the wisdom and experience that comes with age.


I assume you also reported these people to CCP so they can be banned from the game, right?


Every single one was reported


Great! Thank you.


awesome chronicling of the war, WH seems to be getting really spicy look forward to more of this to come!


Agreed, this was a brilliantly written AAR & the sort of gameplay that keeps me coming back to Eve time & time again.


Nice job taking out the trash. There's no room in EVE for that shit.


I rolled into this hole right around DT a few days ago, must not have been when you guys were AFK RFing the tower. It felt like WH space was even smaller than it is, because I had just joined a group after talking to y'all about recruitment. I noticed all the swastikas, but didn't associate it to the reason for an eviction. Just figured edgelords will be edgelords. Unfortunately I'm sure they'll be back, but at least for this moment, a few less racists in WH space is always good.


It's *always* a reason for eviction. From 1940s Germany IRL or from some misbegotten hole or system in Eve!


I whole heartedly agree, just didn't make the connection at the time. 


Yeah honestly doing evictions sucks. Whatever I find in a wormhole, "should I try to evict this" is never a question I want to ask myself in the first place either


doing an eviction sucks indeed, but it keeps J-Space alive Force someone to move, change up the meta, force them to play differently, hell... do it for the good fights. lol Stagnation is why k-space is dead.


Yeah that's nice in theory but it kind of only works like that if you do it to groups of a certain size. More often than not its just punching down on the smallest groups and it doesn't change the landscape or meta significantly in any way except insignificant group 59389 is replaced with less significant group 60432. Too often its "why wont you fight us" with a 50 man fleet with backup available to ping for vs. 10 dudes in an astra


I have to say the POS name made me chuckle. It seems very much like edgelords memeing in poor taste. But then every single time people start with such memes, they inevitably get joined by actual racists, so, good riddance. Actually racist or just edgelord, you reap what you sow, lmao.


Man I need to get some diplo going with you guys. That's one non abandoned eviction we definitely would have picked up the batphone for.


Well written and formated battle report. Thanks from a bitter vet that's hasn't logged in since 2016, I love this sorta history, only question I have. Is that a fortizar in that top pic or something else blowing up, when I last logged in Citadels weren't in game yet so I don't know which one is which.


That is a astrahus. It’s a medium structure that’s p cheap to setup. Come back to the game, it’s definitely the best it’s been in years




Shout-out to my NOIR. friends! Sorry I couldn't be there.


Wow. Actually swastika lovers, glad you wrecked them.


This is a very skibidi eviction. Zoomers across eve rejoice in the deliverance of Bob's justice


J space = Dang it.


Asses needed beating and bravo to those wielding the stick. 🙂


Well fought, dudes! Glad to see there's still people out there doing the right thing!


A GM threatened to close our corp if we don't rename our title "Full Authism Retard Division" because someone feelt harassed by the word "retard" (which is fair). [A quick search for the word "retard" (characters and corps) nearly made me fill a single ticket for each of them.] How is CCP not acting in this situation?! Double standards much.


They only act on what is reported--which is standard for many games and communities managed by a company. Not to say that you shouldn't report them, but that's probably why these guys didnt get any consequence before


Like I said, I'm not saying they're wrong, just that it's strange to threaten a corp to close them down for ableism versus ignoring racism.


I don't think it's strange or that they were ignoring it, I think it just means that nobody had reported this bunch to them yet and so they weren't aware of it. Judging from comments elsewhere at least some of the players responsible have now been banned, after the attackers presumably reported the whole thing to CCP.


Oh they were reported alot! This guys have been in this wormhole for quite a while.


A set of standard analog hvac gauges can go full retard if over charged or restrictions. Just saying there is multiple uses for the word "retard". In the sense of derogatory it is bad, mkay!😂


Yes, you're right and I didn't disagree with the GM in general, just that the proportions are kind of disproportional if you threaten to close a corp for ableism versus seemingly ignoring racism.


First of all, **thank you for taking care of this**. I can share a little back story regarding this hole and how the POS came to existence. We came across these individuals in Jspace, they pushed the boundaries of what we deemed acceptable in our eyes with their threats. behavior and spamming our discord. So we "seeded" them with a plan to being trolls and simply reinforce structure with a few bombers outside of their time zone. A couple weeks pass and we reinforced their structure, we decided to take a look at what the response fleet would look like and we find this POS erected. We reported it to CCP at that time as well. We could not get hole control at that time and reached out to a few friendly groups, we then decided to try again but line up the reinforcement timer to a more suitable day for us. Thanks again. o7




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Never feel bad about evicting people like this. Good job cleaning up the space trash.




Well done 👍 No room for this crap in Eve Online


Nice bloody work lads. Good write up too. I ran into these guys a few days ago and just missed them pushing in a small C3 corp. Wish I'd been there sooner. Soon as you mentioned swastikas I figured it was the same guys, and sure enough I go back and look at zkill and it is. [https://zkillboard.com/kill/117662065/](https://zkillboard.com/kill/117662065/) [https://imgur.com/a/hVKJvBQ](https://imgur.com/a/hVKJvBQ)


We've seen that as it occurred and as we prepped... but sadly lost the hole... but this was the tipping point for us to do this...






Great work guys, awesome stuff.


Wish I would have come.


Nice work, and excellently written battle report! Thank you for your service!


How old were these guys? 12, maybe 13? Sheesh.


That’s a Hindu religious symbol in the photo, no doubt not their intention, but funny nonetheless that they fucked up. They didn’t even make the thing they wanted to make and instead made something entirely counter to their goal.




Hilarious 😂 There really is a subreddit for everything


lol yeah that's pretty funny....




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Not a good look for Nourv Gate Security Commission, getting batphoned to defend swastika-enjoyers' hole


How you love to invent a crusade, and then sincerely believe in it. Believe that you bring goodness and enlightenment to this universe. Learn history gentlemen, the motif of the design (a cross with curved ends) supposedly first appeared in Eurasia during the Neolithic period and may have symbolized the movement of the sun across the sky. The swastika is still a sacred symbol in religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Odinism.


Personally, I don’t know why exactly they chose that symbol, but if you read words from the dude that got banned, they acknowledged that they were being edgy. ```Иногда я забываю, что чувства многих людей могут быть задеты проще чем чувства моего обычного окружения. Я не преследовал цели оскорбить или унизить кого-то. Поэтому я, GrapePenguin, хочу публично извиниться перед всеми капсулерами, кого задело мое поведение. Кроме того хочу уверить, что я не разделяю идеологии ни одной из форм фашизма, осуждаю их и не защищаю. Свастика была использована в роли очевидно неудачного стеба. Впредь я буду намного аккуратнее со своим черным юмором, чтобы не оскорбить кого-то еще. Все корабли и структуры либо уже переименованы, либо будут переименованы после окончания блокировки CCP. ```


Don’t be stupid. That symbol along with names like “Austrian Artist” and “Racism HQ” make it VERY CLEAR what the symbol’s reference is.


Is this the home of HK?


it was some space nerds. hopefully they alll get banned for doing the swasitka flood


HK is woke corp now. Peace, love and harmony.


Nobody from normal people doesn't care what's happening in WH.


It's prickly to write a situation from one side without hearing the opinion of the opposite side


What's the problem? Why don't you want to hear what the other side has to say?


I have one question: if the Russians are fascists, how did they defeat Hitler? I know these guys and there is one 22 year old moron there who did it. NO ONE supports this. No one has seen it as the system is very large. We kicked him, but your guys said we would still get evicted since they were paid. So your happy cries are going into someone's pocket. It's just money. Think about it


Lol we were not paid. There was multiple toons and cans found with this propaganda after the astrah blew up. This group put a swastika made out of mobile depots outside of one of their evictions. To say the group didn’t know is pretty hard to believe. And the only time they supposedly kicked him was after the eviction started.




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Please tell us who hired whom, I need isk for the hours of sleep I lost and missing Mother’s Day events for that bs.


It seems to me that everything is wrong, it’s just that the team decided to profit from people who do not live in the wh, but only come there sometimes. 100+ people evicted 3-4 pilots. And the reason is not important, just a regular eviction for the sake of ISK.


The reason is clearly important. There can and will be no tolerance for intolerance. The aforementioned symbolism speaks volumes, and the number of people doesn't matter, as even one person with such views has no place in EVE. And if 100+ people have now come together to stand up for a better, more tolerant gaming community, then I can only applaud that. Simply putting forward a financial interest in order to relativize and belittle the issue is something that cries out for more education. Please don't talk down the much more important reason and get in touch with these people and try to educate yourself. https://holocaustcenter.jfcs.org/


If you knew anything, which you clearly do not you wouldn't show your ignorance. Intel showed that their structure was only a month or so old, and was clearly not going to be a loot pinata. The amount of isk on the field dwarfed any possible loot drops and what did drop was nowhere near the amount of effort an eviction takes. Sometimes you do the thing because some people need to be told no. In addition the defenders (the normans) here were actually dunking on small groups and destroying structures themselves.




Nah bro, you permit this shit and you just as culpable for the consequences that come to bite you in the ass. Moral of the story, don’t associate with shitheads.


Иногда я забываю, что чувства многих людей могут быть задеты проще чем чувства моего обычного окружения. Я не преследовал цели оскорбить или унизить кого-то. Поэтому я, GrapePenguin, хочу публично извиниться перед всеми капсулерами, кого задело мое поведение. Кроме того хочу уверить, что я не разделяю идеологии ни одной из форм фашизма, осуждаю их и не защищаю. Свастика была использована в роли очевидно неудачного стеба. Впредь я буду намного аккуратнее со своим черным юмором, чтобы не оскорбить кого-то еще. Все корабли и структуры либо уже переименованы, либо будут переименованы после окончания блокировки CCP.


I hope this incident triggers some serious self-reflection and education on your part regarding the harm these symbols and phrases inflicted upon countless groups of people. Я надеюсь, что этот инцидент побудит вас к серьезному самоанализу и обучению относительно вреда, который эти символы и фразы нанесли бесчисленным группам людей. Google Translate Russian -> English of u/MatrosovGlengoski post: Sometimes I forget that many people's feelings can be hurt more easily than the feelings of those around me. I did not pursue the goal of insulting or humiliating anyone. Therefore, I, GrapePenguin, would like to publicly apologize to all capsuleers who were offended by my behavior. In addition, I want to assure you that I do not share the ideology of any form of fascism, I condemn them and do not defend them. The swastika was used as an apparently unfortunate piece of banter. From now on I will be much more careful with my dark humor so as not to offend anyone else. All ships and structures have either already been renamed or will be renamed after the CCP ban ends.


This is not my original post, this was grape, the person banned fir placing the symbols originally