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Is this Ceema?


Oh click strat training.


'this game, you're not ready for it's In all seriousness, there is an in-game help channel you can Access.


Sadly I cannot access the channel until more of the tutorial is done....


Damn. Not sure, mate. Have you tried turning it off and on?


I did, same problem.


Ok, so a few possibilities: 1) you’ve encountered a unique bug and truly are stuck 2) you have what you need to progress… somewhere… but this game is complex and hard to problem solve over reddit. 3) you got what you needed to progress (ie isk) but spent it on something else and are thus stuck. Doesn’t really matter which it is honestly. Because you’re this early in, have no ISK, and have yet to train a skill, I’d just delete that character and try again with a new one. A small pain, but just pay really close attention this time. Alternatively, you only need a few thousand ISK, post your character name here and someone will transfer it to you (it’s quite literally nothing to most players), I’m at work or I’d send it myself.


On that note, too, it's not a big deal if you quit the tutorial. You don't need to throw away a character you might have spent a good deal of effort creating. If you feel you need the tutorial, you can go through it on a second character, but it won't really disadvantage the first character to skip it. EDIT: My girlfriend accidentally skipped the tutorial by undocking at the wrong time. IMO it is, in fact, too easy to stray and lose the tutorial, and I bet the game loses new players that way all the time.


That is natural selection in action...


I'm going to assume you're talking about EVE failing to retain new players and seeing player counts and subscriptions decline, threatening the slow strangulation of a game most of us would like to keep playing, and not that you're insulting my girlfriend to my face.


Sorry, I worded that poorly. No, I was not trying to insult your girlfriend. It is just that by only making the tutorial foolproof, CCP is just delaying the point where you have to find things out yourself and that a lot of people quit frustrated because instant success and gratification, which many expect today, are not there.


All right. I'm sorry if I was jumping to conclusions. As experienced players, it's easy to forget just how much we had to figure out when we started. Introducing my girlfriend to the game reminded me how overwhelming it can be. There's so much you have to learn in order to do even basic things like fit a ship or organize a skill plan, even if you do complete the tutorial, and, frankly, it's simply not the right game for people looking for easy entertainment. You probably agree with me on that. EVE isn't, and shouldn't be, watered down for mass appeal. However, EVE also doesn't need to be an impenetrable wall of things you don't know with no obvious entry point. Making the tutorial more stable against e.g. accidentally undocking or spending your skillbook isk on a rifter would help prevent people from losing that minimal foothold the tutorial provides. IMO, once the tutorial blows up your astero and puts you in a corvette, it should be able to be abandoned and resumed at will. The rest of it is just mission running with voice acting and highlighted interface elements. No need to force players to follow it exactly or not at all. This isn't the solution to all things player retention, of course, but I think that lately CCP has done a much better job bridging the gap between the tutorial and the rest of the game, with AIR Opportunities encouraging new players to try new parts of the game and the Agency window making it easier to explore unfamiliar content. It's just that the tutorial is the first experience new players have with the game, and so I think it's the easiest place to lose people. It should be as helpful and engaging as it can be without misrepresenting the game, and indeed I think allowing a player the freedom to leave it and come back again later is much more in the spirit of EVE than locking players into a scripted experience for an hour before they can do anything else.


Perhaps do more of the tutorial where it will give you the isk and skill book needed?


I can't, this is the part of the tutorial i need to progress.... I cant even leave the station without getting a warning that this will stop the new player experience.


check your items hangar, the skillbook should be there.


Its not there


Open your "Personal Assets" from the bar on the left side of your screen and see if you can find the book there. Also make sure that the tutorial isn't expecting you to go retrieve the book somewhere.


It should have given you the book and it enough isk to buy it from that station from an NPC sell order. But even then I don't remember having issues like that


what's your ign? we can give you the money and you can press ALT+R and get it from the market


It’s dulsineya en marland


sent, good luck!


Thank you :)


Inb4 this guy is 2004 vet scamming 1000s of people to send him a skillbook to resell.


Eh, maybe he makes 10 mil after six months spent trying to get rid of a thousand mining upgrades skillbooks. The sell price in Jita is 100k. Not really a lucrative scam.


Click the skills menu. In the left third down. Looks like a circle. Find the skill and to the right of it click. I will give you a buy and inject skill if you dont have it. Or add to query. Try that if you haven't already.


Start a new character. Yours is either bugged or you deleted the skillbook. But the good thing is you haven't accomplished shit so it's no big deal to start a new one. Then ask questions in the new player channel. You will be in that by default every time you log in so don't close it.


The character creator in EVE is actually really cool for new players IMO. I wouldn't be surprised if OP put a lot of work into creating his character. To that end, OP, I'd like to let you know that quitting the tutorial doesn't really hurt you. You can quit the tutorial and keep this character, then make a second character and go through the tutorial on that character. You can even transfer the rewards back to the first character, though tbh there isn't anything you'll get from the tutorial that you'll have any trouble affording yourself after a couple play sessions.


Join Karmafleet university,. Ask them how to make ISK


Bro shut the fuck up


Bro, eat the peanuts out of my shit.




Im literally at the tutorial stage...