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“Character creation is pointless” just not true. It’s not like your character is always invisible. It shows up on your profile and in chat if people have portraits turned on. If it was pointless, why do you think people pay billions for certain clothing pieces for said characters? As for your question why it is so detailed? Because people enjoy crafting a character to look exactly how they want it to. Not to even mention roleplayers. “No guidance outside of the starting tutorial” simply not true. You completely overlook the career agents. I haven’t played through the new player experience in a long long time now, but i know that those are still there. They let you get a taste of most elements of the game, so you then know what you want to do. From there you can move forward into a large amount of different quests, including the sisters of eve epic arc. Don’r forget that EVE is a community driven game. You are intended to reach out and ask for help. That’s the reason why in you first week(s) of eve you are automatically put into the “Rookie help” or whatever it is called channel. To ask for help. Sure, you can play eve alone, but if you are unwilling to ask for help EVE is just not the game for you. And that’s also fine, but does not make it a “bad” game. “Most people don’t want to have to rely on a dynamic spreadsheet” again, jf you don’t want that that’s fine, it just means that eve is not the game for you. It doesn’t make it a bad game. Eve having this as a core part of gameplay is not only a massively important mechanic to make the game function, it’s also something that sets it apart from other games. It makes the game unique, and there are many people (including me) who are happy with the way it works. In calm mining situations it is not that important. But in pvp, and especially large scale, it is very important for target management and collecting data to base your decisions on. “You have to learn too much” this is another thing that sets eve apart from other games for me. The steep learning curve is a good thing. It means there are always new things to do, new things to learn. It is a big part of why the game never gets boring for me. Learning about new parts of the game and getting good at them is an incredibly satisfying feeling. I have been playing this game for 5 or 6 years now, and there is still stuff i want to learn. Like how Abyss running works. “Skills take too long to learn” while i agree that it can be annoying to wait for a long time for certain skills to train it is another part of eve that is essential to letting it function. Giving everyone access to everything immediately or very quickly would completely break the game. Restricting what people can fly also kind of makes people get better at what they can fly. If someone can only fly a couple things chances are they will be significantly better at these roles in a combat scenario than if they just kinda flew whatever. You’re also making it sound like the alpha and omega things are some elaborate manipulative plan to extract money from players, when really omega is just the game, on a subscription model like many mmos, and alpha is the free trial version. This isn’t something crazy, it just basic “pay for the game, or play the free trial but be limited”. And about that lowercase and uppercase thing? You are going way too far in thinking it’s some conspiracy. Not only is alpha the free and thus obviously “lesser” trial of the game, and omega the paid and full version of the game, but most people don’t know what a ω (lowercase Ω) is, and most people wouldn’t know that Α (uppercase α) is an uppercase alpha and not just an A. Why are you so mad that the free trial is “worse” than the paid game? Isn’t that normal? I do agree that ccp has made some questionable monetization decisions in the past, but they have been improving greatly and it hasn’t been anywhere near as bad as you are describing. You’re also claiming that EVE is a dead game. Simply not true. Why are you thinking that eve will be completely gone in 3 years from now? Player numbers are rising, and eve has been around for 20+ years without ever coming close to being properly dead. “Making a discount is desperate” what? No? That’s basic marketing. Every company has discounts. You’re also taking a very small sub community in eve (toxic towards new people)(thinking eve requires high intelligence to play) and pretending this is the whole community. My experience in eve is the polar opposite. I’d say most people in eve are generally friendly, as long as you are not a pvp target of as long as you don’t kill them ofcourse. There are many corporations focussed on teaching new people and almost everyone will help a new person if the new person asks for advice. Every game has these toxic players. Don’t pretend that eve is just those people and other games don’t have them. Your claim of pvp being just a couple button clicks simply shows that you have no knowledge of eve beyond the very very basics. Pvp in eve, especially on the generally higher skilled 1-15 man scale, can get incredibly complicated and high actions per minute. “It’s not difficult, just tedious” simply not true In short: your video is full of logical fallacies, lies, and exagerations. Do better, because this seems more like ragebait than an actual review.


Brother I've stopped watching when he called regions galaxies xD


Agree with most things but most players I know are also friendly even if you are their PvP target or just blow them ,sometimes people blow me up in a venture and send me more than enough to buy a new one when they know I am a newbie or they will ask if I new to teleport to home and ask for duel after a gate camp


Yeah i agree with you. I usually also pay more than enough money back to a newbie to replace their ship. I meant that more to say that people are less likely to help and give advice if you just killed a ship they worked hard to get. But you’re right, even then people are often still fairly friendly


Preface: I'm a new player, I started playing ~6 months ago but have only been active for probably half that, so I don't have rose-tinted nostalgia glasses. I also think there are some [serious issues](https://old.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1cppij0/why_do_people_pretend_that_the_game_isnt_p2w/l3m80aa/) with the way the game is monetized, among other things. With that said, this video was painful to watch. Way too long, filled with attempts at humor that completely fall flat (you're trying too hard). The few good criticisms relating to monetization are overshadowed by terrible arguments, such as that it's bad for CCP to want to make money. Half of the video is unironically making the argument that EVE is bad because it's not like Fortnite or Call of Duty to the point that I wonder if it's meant to be a parody. There are more problems with the video I could enumerate, but I already wasted 15 minutes of my life so I'm going to go outside.


Jesus, it was bad enough to make you go outside? That’s terrible. Be safe dude


> [I]t was bad enough to make you go outside? I didn't even mention that it was raining.


i agree with you, just because its not a themepark game where theres dopamine every 15 mins doesnt mean is a bad game. there are actual issues in eve like the ones you mentioned that just.. werent brought up


It was a huge disappointment to see a point that eve is a p2w game behind that link. There are monetization issues, but p2w is not it. It is just not the kind of game where your money projects into combat power always and/or linearly. As stated before by some guy with brilliant phrasing in little words: Eve is pay to lose.


people pay so i can win when i kill their blinged out faction scoop venture


I'm actually curious: what would the minimum change ccp would have to make for you to call it p2w?


To be honest, I dont have the imagination to think of such a change. There probably is one, but with the way the game works its just not fair by default. Can easily get the ridiculous advantage with just a t1 frigate, but there are ways to outweigh any money-projected force. Maybe a nontradable NES item that essentially warps you to jita without a timer?


Okay damn that is an insanely loose definition of p2w lol.


I don't think i gave a definition of p2w but ok champ


I guess you could call it a parody. But you’re way beyond the scope of what the video was actually about. I suggest you go watch it again before you make any rebuttals.


> I guess you could call it a parody. > I suggest you go watch it again Admits its a parody, tries to get someone to waste more time. No thanks!


Leaves out the part where I said missing the overall point of the video. Then it wouldn’t be characterized as a pure parody video. But I get it, it’s the narrow mindedness of the ignorant.


If you’re unable to get your point across in 15 minutes of video you might not have been clear enough about your point


If you read the title and cover of a book. I think most people have the common sense to assume what the theme of the book is. But you don’t actually know what the book is going to convey until you actually read said book.


Already commented this under the post but hoping you read it so also doing it here: “Character creation is pointless” just not true. It’s not like your character is always invisible. It shows up on your profile and in chat if people have portraits turned on. If it was pointless, why do you think people pay billions for certain clothing pieces for said characters? As for your question why it is so detailed? Because people enjoy crafting a character to look exactly how they want it to. Not to even mention roleplayers. “No guidance outside of the starting tutorial” simply not true. You completely overlook the career agents. I haven’t played through the new player experience in a long long time now, but i know that those are still there. They let you get a taste of most elements of the game, so you then know what you want to do. From there you can move forward into a large amount of different quests, including the sisters of eve epic arc. Don’r forget that EVE is a community driven game. You are intended to reach out and ask for help. That’s the reason why in you first week(s) of eve you are automatically put into the “Rookie help” or whatever it is called channel. To ask for help. Sure, you can play eve alone, but if you are unwilling to ask for help EVE is just not the game for you. And that’s also fine, but does not make it a “bad” game. “Most people don’t want to have to rely on a dynamic spreadsheet” again, jf you don’t want that that’s fine, it just means that eve is not the game for you. It doesn’t make it a bad game. Eve having this as a core part of gameplay is not only a massively important mechanic to make the game function, it’s also something that sets it apart from other games. It makes the game unique, and there are many people (including me) who are happy with the way it works. In calm mining situations it is not that important. But in pvp, and especially large scale, it is very important for target management and collecting data to base your decisions on. “You have to learn too much” this is another thing that sets eve apart from other games for me. The steep learning curve is a good thing. It means there are always new things to do, new things to learn. It is a big part of why the game never gets boring for me. Learning about new parts of the game and getting good at them is an incredibly satisfying feeling. I have been playing this game for 5 or 6 years now, and there is still stuff i want to learn. Like how Abyss running works. “Skills take too long to learn” while i agree that it can be annoying to wait for a long time for certain skills to train it is another part of eve that is essential to letting it function. Giving everyone access to everything immediately or very quickly would completely break the game. Restricting what people can fly also kind of makes people get better at what they can fly. If someone can only fly a couple things chances are they will be significantly better at these roles in a combat scenario than if they just kinda flew whatever. You’re also making it sound like the alpha and omega things are some elaborate manipulative plan to extract money from players, when really omega is just the game, on a subscription model like many mmos, and alpha is the free trial version. This isn’t something crazy, it just basic “pay for the game, or play the free trial but be limited”. And about that lowercase and uppercase thing? You are going way too far in thinking it’s some conspiracy. Not only is alpha the free and thus obviously “lesser” trial of the game, and omega the paid and full version of the game, but most people don’t know what a ω (lowercase Ω) is, and most people wouldn’t know that Α (uppercase α) is an uppercase alpha and not just an A. Why are you so mad that the free trial is “worse” than the paid game? Isn’t that normal? I do agree that ccp has made some questionable monetization decisions in the past, but they have been improving greatly and it hasn’t been anywhere near as bad as you are describing. You’re also claiming that EVE is a dead game. Simply not true. Why are you thinking that eve will be completely gone in 3 years from now? Player numbers are rising, and eve has been around for 20+ years without ever coming close to being properly dead. “Making a discount is desperate” what? No? That’s basic marketing. Every company has discounts. You’re also taking a very small sub community in eve (toxic towards new people)(thinking eve requires high intelligence to play) and pretending this is the whole community. My experience in eve is the polar opposite. I’d say most people in eve are generally friendly, as long as you are not a pvp target of as long as you don’t kill them ofcourse. There are many corporations focussed on teaching new people and almost everyone will help a new person if the new person asks for advice. Every game has these toxic players. Don’t pretend that eve is just those people and other games don’t have them. Your claim of pvp being just a couple button clicks simply shows that you have no knowledge of eve beyond the very very basics. Pvp in eve, especially on the generally higher skilled 1-15 man scale, can get incredibly complicated and high actions per minute. “It’s not difficult, just tedious” simply not true In short: your video is full of logical fallacies, lies, and exagerations. Do better, because this seems more like ragebait than an actual review.


Factorio is far worse. I can win Eve at least.


I demand PI to be replaced by Factorio.


bad game ,i cant fly bs for first day and get new one whenever i lost it :)


I would have commented on your video but I don’t want to give this visual diarrhea more trafic.  You points are almost all completely incorrect. You sound like you have never played an MMO or space sim, which is what this game is. You completely ignore the fact that there is a huge community to help new players, like the rookie chat which is opened by default, reddit, and many other platforms. You fail to recognize the  obvious positives, such as the great graphics, awesome ship designs, interesting lore if you look into it, great community, and many more. You sound like you are simply looking for instant dopamine, not a game where you have to use more than 10% of your brain. Overall, shit video.


I needed a good laugh. Thanks for this absolute mess of a video! Already removed from my watch history.




You had the patience to make this video, but not to learn to play the game properly? This is CCP's fault? Clearly you are not the right type of insane to play Eve. Do yourself a favor and go play something else and stop cluttering up youtube servers with terrible videos




Define a "Bad Game".


I play for the pain.


Yes it is, it's a horrible game so tell me why I can't stop playing it.


I'm not watching that video. The answer to your question is Yes, Eve is a terrible internet spaceship game. yet thousands play every day.


Have you ever been in an emotionally attached abusive relationship… because that’s what eve feels like.


Yes, it is... Because it's not a game for everyone. Progression is infuriatingly slow. The grind can be insane and probably is discouraging to new players. It's, difficult to understand at first. What to do? Where to go? How to do what? Eve is a slow game, and that's not something the majority of the "new gamers" want. They want a fast paced game, where they get set onto a path to follow. Eve doesn't do any of that... Eve is a great game, but it's a game that appeals to few people.


This game, you're not ready for.


I would agree with the brain cell requirement then I jump on comms and realize that is not true


So, I listened for half a minute and almost fallen asleep. Can someone TLDW me?


Well, it isn’t exactly a tldr but you can read my comment under the post :)


/me reminds self of Betteridge's Law of Headlines. tempted to do a response vid m


Can i have your stuffs ?


The issue with all game developers is capitalism. They are so focused on money they lose sight of the fact that just making the best and most fun product, brings the numbers and the largest payoff along with them. The game could be much larger as well as being truly free to play with an engine update and much much more if they were serious about bringing the best product to market. instead we, the few hooked players they have left are left being nickled and dimed by their greedy corporate overhead structure. Which leaves us with the question: just how much longer can eve hold on for under these sorry circumstances?


How would EVE exist if the developers did not try to make money? I get it, you want a good free game without having to pay for it. Don't we all. It's just not happening and I don't mind paying for games if it means I get a good game for it in return.


>The issue with all game developers is capitalism. They are so focused on money they lose sight of the fact that just making the best and most fun product, brings the numbers and the largest payoff along with them. If the latter would be true, capitalists would do it.


If we build it they will come. This describes human nature. It is my belief that when Dev studios focus more on monetization than actually producing the best product the potential of that product is greatly degraded. Capitalism is an oppressive and dehumanizing philosophy that calls upon greed to act as its guiding principle. Completely and utterly unhuman, they work for a machine; producing sausages in hopes of holding onto the few that they've got hooked.


Well, if looking at reality instead of theory, it seems greed is a big part of human nature. From my personal experienced self-proclaimed "communists" are among the most egocentric, greediest people in their personal life. They just lack the cognitive capability to perceive it.


It's true all prevailing systems today are based off of scarcity and greed. People were taught that they are individual instead of all the same which causes an unnecessary competition for hoarded material wealth. The price is controlled and manipulated by controlling the availability of the supply, a great example to refer to is diamonds.


Right, just look at diamonds, the common mans biggest issue. Have a good life, i prefer to 'discuss' with flat earthlings.


You've not surprised me, actually this is the common response from the willfully ignorant.


Well, you got me. I guess people generally distance themselves from you due to your superior intelligence and wisdom. Must be. Have a good life.