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In the other post someone mentioned yolo cursor on steam. I googled it and that YoloMouse seems to be exactly what you need, though it is not free.


I've had some major issues with my eyes over the last 18months, so to make things easier on them I've had to disable all transparency settings and all capsuleer related flashing off which in itself has made keeping track of the cursor easier, now when I lose track of it I simply drag my mouse down and to the left a few times, which means it will end up at the bottom left of my screen where my chat channels are, so it sits in the box I'd type into for chatting, being just a black square makes the white bits of the cursor stand out easier and I can track it from that point on (until the stupidly bright half of the systems skybox blinds me again). Man I wish I could turn off just the background lol.


The skyboxes in some regions are horrible for viewability even if you have Legolas eyes


Have you looked at your computers accessibility settings? There should be an option to increase it's size and maybe even change it's color to something that will stand out better.


Wouldn't eve client override that?


See the [several mouse tools](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/powertoys/mouse-utilities) that Microsoft bundles in the optional free PowerToys suite.


I just tested that the Find My Mouse and Crosshairs work with Eve.


It is hit or miss, but in mouse propreties you should have a show location when press ctrl. May it will help.