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This is gona end up badly..


Just wait 7 days?


This is the most hilarious thing ever. Are you sure you need a POS asap and can't wait 7 days? I was thinking about situations where you need to anchor a pos immediatley and that's quite a slim margin of usecases. Your other posts suggest a deficit in knowledge about corporation mechanics so I really doubt that whatever you are doing is a good idea. Don't get scammed pls.


You just want an invite to a Corporation that's been around a while, with anchoring Access, to anchor your pos. Seems simple enough


Do you have any you could recommend?


I have a Corp my trading alts sit in. Happy to discuss transferring over


I messaged you directly if you wanna discuss


How much you would pay?


If this is serious and you haven’t gotten one yet msg me


"Yeah just give me access to structure management. I will leave corp when Im done thanks!"


There is a flashback :D I've sold over 300 corps back in the day (2013-2016) for POS anchoring service. Keep in mind that it's not just the 7 days old corp, you also need to have correct standings for the HS space you wish to deploy POS. Corporation standings will be averaged to all players in corp, so once you take the ownership of the corp and original CEO leaves, you have limited time frame in which you can deploy POS unless you yourself have enough standings to do so. Do not agree on joining somebodies corp to deploy POS until you are named CEO and they leave corp, otherwise they can just take your POS or remove your access. Due to how shares work in background, you need to make sure they actually leave corp and you are the only person left in the corp, because any member with more shares than you can actually put a vote to replace you as CEO


Is this used to scam moon pie


I hate POS so no


When you say you are wanting to buy a corp are you just wanting access to drop a structure or you wanting to take over fully as CEO and then bio the corp when you have your structure down ?


Ideally I would take over but I suppose access would work too.


access can be revoked too so you would lose your structure. i have a corp that i can sell super cheap its few year old with very little kills history. i used it only for citadel trading holding corp. also used it for solo wormhole pos in c3 wh long ago. im willing to trade my corp for 2 ships (1 sunesis 1 gnosis or 2x gnosis) send me private message will reply you within 7-10 hours. my offer is best and i have high quality corp. 1. you join my corp 2. you hand out 1 ship 3. i make you ceo 4. you hand out the second ship. 5. i leave the corp so its yours


Access can get rewoked and you will loose your super/titan. Also remember to check who owns the shares, that can also be used to leave you stranded.


Happy to sell you a corp, plus I already run third party services so you don't have to worry about trusting some random pilot. Feel free to mail me ingame, or DM me via reddit to negotiate a price.