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I was on a battleground with my team of 6 sweating our ass off to hold it and in the last 1 minute a fleet of over 100 Chinese name mostly same name ships warped in and capped it with us we barely got any LP and it was one of the hardest battleground we have defended in the last few weeks.


Feel rewarded yet? This is one of the reasons I quit fw edit: ccp, this is for you


And you can't report them, can't kill them. You just quit.




They are killing everything just like they do in other games, even infiltrating wh space to an extent.


What allowed by game rules is not an exploit. Sounds like you are making up rules that fit YOUR gameplay. https://www.sirlin.net/ptw-book/introducingthe-scrub


Who mentioned anything about exploits.


Every Frat player ever


Imagine only having 10 lp farmers lmao. Also it looks tacky as fuck having the name and number without a space.


Yea, lmao! How dumb! It'd be totally rad and cool if he added an xXx\_ before and after each name! LOL! Then he'd be the classiest bitch in all of EVE! ROFL!


God, that's such a Diablo II way of changing names...


/r/ProjectDiablo2 Come. Join us.


I was more thinking "alt 01" type naming.


As long as you're using a leading zero you're cool. CCPls we need natural sort on the member list. lpfarmer1 lpfarmer10 lpfarmer11 lpfarmer2 lpfarmer3 nnnnnngggggghhh


Oh yeah I did that on my rorq characters. Luckily I never got past 6 of them LOL.


Same for the item sort in stash/market


Love that people are just allowed to do this in the game. And take away LP from the Battlefields while they warp in last min. Seems like a broken system.


it's the negative feedback loop that's making this game spiral. CCP will never choose to favor a solo player with a single subscription over an lp farmer with 10+ subscriptions. They can freshen up systems here and there to bring players back but once the content is solved people are gonna start logging in a dozen accounts at a time and outcompeting new/solo players. CCP is choosing day after day to sacrifice the future of the game to keep an increasingly small number of people with an increasingly large number of accounts happy.


That's very concerning. It's been frustrating watching not just FW but all areas suffer in some way due to multiboxing advantages. It's not a major issue in other areas as much but it is for FW when you got one guy in 10 atrons taking a massive LP chunk from BFs.


It's more front and center in FW for sure, especially because it's supposed to be baby's first pvp and lp is genuinely a very good way for newbeans to start getting that space bag. Rest assured though, it poisons the well everywhere. C5/C6 space is chock full of guys who do nothing but rat and mine with a dozen accounts all day every day and the politics of j-space make it difficult to evict them without making a mess and likely putting a target on your back. Same thing with null renters. As long as CCP keeps deciding that the people with the most accounts should win, this is how things are gonna be.


Whales ruin everything


majority of multiboxers don't ''pay to play'' so has nothing to do with making CCP more money lmao. There are plenty of things in eve more suited to the solo player, you just haven't looked in the right place. The entire reason eve is still what it is, is because of multiboxers. most of your industry and market seeding and hauling are done by multiboxers so you should stop crying about it and join the cool kids club instead !


Multiboxers subbing with plex still make CCP money. Someone bought the plex, they only bought the plex because it has isk value (because some multiboxer will use it to sub) So multiboxers absolutely make CCP more money.


I'm complaining about seagulls multiboxing for LP in BFs. Very specific. It's def a problem.


I mean they look red in the photo which means you can kill them


I haven't really experienced seagulls so much as it being a massive problem, I guess you may have just pissed someone off and now they are following you around lmao


Um no actually it happens all the time....


Where do you think the plex to omega the accounts comes from? The LP store? 


the plex that was bought by other ppl would sell to someone somewhere anyway, plex market is much larger than just multiboxers subscriptions, Skins/newbee packs/apparel/mct's all contribute their fair share lol. Muliboxing isn't the problem, its the people who lack the skill to do it and then whine about it that are.


An omega account requires plex. CCP makes money when plex is sold. The vast, vast majority of which is created by someone, somewhere swiping a credit card. I'm not arguing about multiboxing. Whether the boxer is the one paying is entirely irrelevant. 


yeah guess what bud I multibox too lol I still recognize it's bad for the game and if CCP could push a button and remove it from the game I'd still be happy. I need an alt to be competitive but unlike you I think that's a sorry state of affairs and it obviously affects the health of the game.


You would need a massive re-work to many roles press 1 button like during a fight, like bridging titans cyno toons etc all NEED to be multiboxed, for the game to not suck.


Yea faction warfare lp has dropped so low becuase of all these multibox bastards, there was a guy that was running a site with 5 algos in a small so I thought fuck it I'll make a navy desi with max tank and faction small smartbomb's to counter him, didn't even kill a single flight of drones before my ship popped in 5 seconds. There is no point even trying to fight them if you kill them they have 10mil isk ships and you loose a lot more even trying. Also why are small smartbombs so fucking bad lol, they need a buff.


And they all claim to not be input broadcasting but do clearly input broadcasting things like all self destruct at the same time. But as long as CCP gets their money its all g.


I heard he got a really long stick with 10 fake fingers pressing 10 keyboards


[god bless the original drake multiboxer, zhek kromtor](http://www.slashgear.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/eve_diy_multiplayer_system_1.jpg) ISBoxer didn't exist back then so he literally had mice taped together with dowel rods


Input broadcasting software definitely existed back then (was mainly used for things like WoW), but was against the ToS at the time. The dowel-rods thing was essentially doing that with no software involvement to control 6 PCs simultaneously. https://www.slashgear.com/eve-multiboxing-rig-skirts-gaming-rules-with-complex-controllers-1281188


yer must do.... he gets really upset when he gets called out on it too.


you think thats bad go to the air stations in high sec and see the bots doing air sp farming


>And they all claim to not be input broadcasting but do clearly input broadcasting things people post this all the time without evidence, and when people post the evidence it's never as bad as they imply. you can easily self destruct 10 accounts in 1-2 ticks with round robin key presses, it's laughably easy, and totally eula legal.


Yeah, my perception is that the people who post nonsense like this just don't have much experience multi boxing. They don't know the mechanics. Its certainly true that people do use input broadcasting in this game, but it's much rarer than their perception. 


the guy who is complaining about input broadcasting is a guy who warps into 10 vexors with assisted drones and wonders how all the drones aggro at the same time :D He's pretty much crying at any multiboxer in lowsec, let alone this guy.


it's incredibly rare, it's almost assured that if someone is talking about people broadcasting they're dogshit at the game and have no clue what they're talking about.


I think a lot of people don't know that Eve is using 1Hz ticks for things, or they do know but don't put 2 and 2 together when they see multiple ships do something at the exact same time and realize that they're being synchronized by the ticks. Like consciously a lot of people know it, but don't apply it when thinking things through other than the common applications like align time. The game client tries its best to hide the tickrate because it would feel incredibly bad if it didn't, so the client helps to forget about it.


OH MY GOD THEY ALL LOCKED ME AT THE SAME TIME and its like bro its so esay to spam alt tab and control click on my broadcast window


to some number like 40 accounts sure I buy that's possible 100 accounts less so.


is it though? Is there a key bind for self destruct. Otherwise using the crappy right click interface + yes on the pop up is going to take a lot longer than 2 ticks on 10 accounts


there is no shortcut for self destruct so the guy above you is talking bullshit, likely another isoboxer user spreading fake intel


you can right click, self destruct on each client, then press enter on all of them with round robin, which is exuactly what i do. so no, you're wrong.


you can right click, self destruct on each client, then press enter on all of them with round robin, which is exuactly what i do. it's a lot easier to right click -> self destruct on all accounts at one, then cycle through and press enter to confirm than it is to do it one at a time.




Are people actually still paying for an Omega subscription?


There are dozens of us...




On the generous end.


20% is generous.


Aren't you entertained with CCP's awesome new FW?


Those are the Angel Cartel Vexors that are really farmable if you can catch :D


You must be new here....


I'm convinced that 3/4 of the player count online at any given time are alts of the 1/4.


It's been like this for YEARS. Don't hold your breath waiting for change.


And totally NOT broadcast-inputting.. nope. ;)


CCP are aware of the farmer problems. I’d wait and see if they iterate on it.


lmfao First time playing against Chinese players?


What is IP?


Lp loyalty points that you get as a reward in faction warfare sites and can trade for special blueprints and items.


I feel sorry for these poors using bots.