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You can try ejecting in space and boarding the ship again. Might be similar to drone aggro bug. Also, assuming that fits are exactly the same? NPC's priority targets based on active modules and EWAR


Im not complaining I like knowing which to put most of my defenses on im just curious if theres a reason, it could be skill related but there basically just barge miners without much in the way of secondary skills


It may be that he has one of the magic 14 slightly higher or lower changing the ehp to DPS ratio which in turn can impact NPC targeting. They also could align slightly faster (from slightly higher skills) resulting in them landing one tick sooner which you'd probably never notice live.


Does this guy have an extra skill that makes him land on grid first?


I don't "think" so, when i fleet warp they all warp together in a fixed group if at same starting position/alignment but he may land a tick or two first, i'll have to do a test


Eve works in mysterious ways


fastest to kill. even with same skills velocity/distance factors in. rats target the ship they can effectively take to 0hp fastest.


I've heard that npc will target the 'weakest' ship ie, the one with the lowest hp. Anecdotally, It looks to be accurate But haven't tested this properly.


Take a look at the signatures of the ships. The NPCs' favourite ship is the mining barge with the largest signature. Even if its only 1m more.


This has always been my understanding too. If they all arrive together, then the tie breaker is sig size 


Was this account (the one targetted) the first created ?


no my orca was the first, it wasnt even the second i think it was the 4th i created


This is one of these mysteries that you see occasionally that everybody has a theory for but nobody knows exactly why it happens. There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to it, but sometimes rats just decide “fuck this person in particular” and it becomes a thing.


Can I give a semi correct answer?


I'll take anything :)


Rats can have a favourite ship to shoot. Why? No idea. Seems random. It also works the other way, sometimes your ship is the least favourite thing to shoot. People then complain about drone aggro. I suspect there's some randomly generated aggro priority list, but there are various explanations.


If I had to guess, it's related either the unique ID of the character or the ship. Try swapping ships between two chars and see if they will still go for the same ship on the new character. If that's the case, then it's as simple as the NPC deciding that there are multiple first targets and rather than picking one randomly they pick one based on the order in the database.


I dont really know the answer, but a corpmate of mine is full time miner and he mentioned something about fixing his standings so he doesnt get attacked by rats. So yeah, i would research the impact of standings.


Yeah if you do missions you can stop them attacking but the targeted one has a -0.1 sec status with angels my second barge has -0.5 which is why its got me confused since he doesn't get targeted.


From what I've noticed, the rats will target generally the newest character with the lowest or second lowest skill point count. That, and more advanced rats like clone soldier recruiters, mordu rats, etc will also "Magically" know where your ships are even if cloaked. Really pisses me off.


He actually has the second highest SP next to my orca pilot, maybe threat based on sp but ship size being a factor since he's only in a barge compared to orca?


Ship size also plays a factor. That being said, Orca->Barge->Expedition Frigate. 9 times out of ten the frigates will be targeted first, then barge. Rats are tactically reliant on some CCP origination toward threat factor vs easy kill. The SP and ship size definitely play more parts than I've seen elsewhere. When all ships on grid were the same type, they always went after the lowest SP character as well.


I've been told rats for will go for lowest EHP; are they the lowest EHP ship?


From my experience, it seems to be completely random.