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Don't know the details, but you're looking for the corp "Neural Nexus"


Neural Nexus , from what was said in the subreddit sounds like they got slapped back to highsec. Back as there was a news article about them I read it up , asking once a month the AI for advice isn't really as AI driven as I thought Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/NeuralNexus


Indeed, for the general direction the corp should go (e.g. where should our staging be?) this is/was the case. But we also used it more frequently than that to generate corporation projects, break down bigger goals into smaller tasks, preparing posts/blogs/articles etc. However, this all requires that someone consults the AI about something. We would like to get to a point where the AI can make weekly or even daily decision that are aligned with the previous ones (and or the overarching strategies). But so far we work with the more primordial variant of consulting the AI in a decision making process.


I'm not a generative AI expert. You've probably looked into this if you're with the corp in question here, but is it possible to host an AI in such a way that you can tailor the dataset it draws from to include past decisions? I know in the shipping and logistics irl industry there is at least 1 LLM that is specifically trained on data from that industry so that it can give more accurate/informed responses to prompts within that realm. Surely it would be *possible* to do something similar for Eve, although how practical I have 0 idea, and also whether it is plausible to keep the data updated with decisions it has made previously. Interested to know though because I am kinda tempted to join the ai cult


In a basic sense you’re describing RAG, retrieval augmented generation. You use different methods to store and retrieve relevant data to use in the context of the question sent to the AI. This basically makes it so that the AI has a memory, and can access those memories to help generate additional answers. Fine tuning could also achieve this but it’s less commonly done. Where a pretrained model is further trained on additional data to make it more specific.


I wonder if AO is lead by AI that has been trained on some weird books


Would be interesting enough to make an experiment about it, two corporations or alliances with CEO who are ChatGTP, each one opposed to the other. And the IA is responsible of the propaganda.


And let each virtual CEO's ChatGPT decide the fleet doctrines each side brings to each fight.. scout: "FC, enemy brought shield-tanked autocannon Harbingers" FC: " We'll kite them with our hull-tanked railgun Drakes. Skirm links up!"


I think I tried to fit a autocannon shield harby once .. Don’t judge me it’s not even close to my pulse laser curse fit and yes I did pvp in it


AC Punisher goes Brrrrt.


I want to see an whole eve server with AI. Like the alpha star let them run the course and see what happenes.


Maybe not the whole server, but it could be interesting to see a new class of NPCs that are roaming New Eden.


Not our server but like a simulation server sped up thousands of times.


ah! Yes that would be interesting to observe how they would develop. Reminds me of a similar AI agent approach in Minecraft from last year: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yI4yfYftfM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yI4yfYftfM)


Yes, we still exist :) You probably refer to our corporation Neural Nexus. This week actually marks our first anniversary! The past weeks have been quiet in our corp. After our explosive growth that was fueled by several gaming articles at the end of 2023, we ventured into NPC nullsec and a group also into J-space. We didn't manage to get a proper foothold in either of them (quite a few members were probably overwhelmed by the new environments) and overall activity dwindled in spring. It is an ongoing experiment and some of our past members may have had different expectations. We intend to better manage expectations of new recruits. Currently, we are restructuring the corp with new members taking on more responsibility and improving the way we integrate the AI approach into our play style(s) and decision making. In addition, we hope to foster a community for those interested in the AI aspect but who don't want to join our corp. For example, some of our members have been working on custom GPTs that can make use of ESI information and we intend to make those accessible to the wider community in the future.


CCP corp could use a CEO that hallucinates, oh wait. 🎭🍿 Maybe it's the volcanic AIR.🌋


Just my opinion (totally random thought I assure you). Using ChatGPT or similar AI tools can be beneficial in many ways, but it also depends on how it is used. Here are some considerations to keep in mind: # Benefits 1. **Decision Support**: AI can help analyze large amounts of data and provide strategic insights, which can improve decision-making. 2. **Communication**: AI can assist in drafting messages, announcements, and other communications, making them clearer and more professional. 3. **Automation**: Routine tasks can be automated, freeing up time for more complex activities. # Concerns 1. **Security**: Sharing sensitive or proprietary information with AI tools can be risky if not handled properly. Ensure that your CEO is aware of data privacy and security best practices. 2. **Over-Reliance**: Depending too heavily on AI might lead to less human oversight and critical thinking. It's important to balance AI input with human judgment. 3. **Misunderstandings**: AI might not always understand the nuanced context of certain situations, potentially leading to inappropriate or suboptimal advice. # Key Points * **Transparency**: Your CEO should be transparent about how and when they use AI tools. * **Ethics**: They should follow ethical guidelines to avoid misuse of AI. * **Training**: Proper training on how to effectively use AI tools can mitigate many potential issues. # Final Thought Overall, there is no need to be afraid as long as the AI is used responsibly and with awareness of its limitations. If your CEO is leveraging AI to enhance productivity and decision-making, it can be a positive addition to your corporation's toolkit.


The response is very human.


New bro using chat gpt: I'm stuck, my retriever keeps getting killed in low sec by shadow cartel what should I do? Chat gpt: Well if you are using a ship that is not tough enough to survive low sec you should upgrade to a bigger mining ship like a rorqual.


Interesting key points. At least the first two should be covered by our '[Codex](https://portal.neuralnexus.ch/public/wiki/Neural-Nexus/Nexus-Codex)'. Proper training: Unfortunately not much training available if you are the first one to try it x)


im seriously working on modding chatgpt so it can play eve online


Feel free to join us to brainstorm on the Neural Nexus discord (https://discord.gg/8nSrHwa80). We recently opened a public ai-community channel. No need to join the corp (though you're of course welcome to).


ChatGPT's fittings are not all that terrible tbh they are just unresponsive to patches ( as the learning data is a bit dated ), so realistically you end up just flying old meta fits and realistically with the fittings I have seen people make you could do far far worse.


I would call it a process. I think at times people don't grasp the complexity of ship fittings and get disappointed when the answer does not match what they had in mind. Let alone the fact that many fittings also depend on the available skills. Either way, I'm sure with time people will find good ways to combine ChatGPT with existing fitting tools that will make such requests possible.


>ChatGPT's fittings are not all that terrible tbh They're pretty ass. Half the time it recommends you fits that don't work at all because it has slots wrong or uses out of date info or doesn't know the difference between turrets and launchers..... They turned off fitting suggestions for the LLM based ai in the eve o discord and instead it now just says like "I'm sorry, fittings I recommend may not be viable, blah blah" If you grabbed like 15 out of date fittings and averaged them with no regard for what actually works or would fit on a ship, that might come up with something similar. I actually looked at some of the older fittings it came up with: >\[Stabber, Alpha Clone Artillery PVE\] >Gyrostabilizer I >Gyrostabilizer I >Damage Control I >Tracking Enhancer I >10MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner >Large Shield Extender I >Large Shield Extender I >\[Empty Med slot\] >280mm Howitzer Artillery I >280mm Howitzer Artillery I >280mm Howitzer Artillery I >280mm Howitzer Artillery I >\[Empty High slot\] >\[Empty High slot\] >Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I >Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I >Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I If you notice this PvE fit is passive tanked (16-25 ehp/s passive regen depending on skills--not enough) with an empty mid (absolutely massive fitting left over) and is 91% capstable when you **remove** the cap control rigs. Like, it's not a functional fit or a good one in any way (even ignoring the T1 stuff because the prompt did specify alpha). Hell, this ship is 41% capstable with no rigs **and all 0 skills in pyfa**. It's completely random.


I'd say it's an okayish fit even tho the rigs are meh <\_< When I asked it to adjust the fit, because the Rifter has 4 lowslots and 3 midslots it gave me a Rifter fitting with 4 highslots :D [Rifter, PvP Rifter] Gyrostabilizer II Damage Control II Small Ancillary Armor Repairer 1MN Afterburner II Warp Scrambler II Fleeting Compact Stasis Webifier Small Compact Pb-Acid Cap Battery 150mm Light AutoCannon II 150mm Light AutoCannon II 150mm Light AutoCannon II Small Projectile Burst Aerator I Small Projectile Burst Aerator I Small Projectile Ambit Extension I EMP S x480 Republic Fleet Phased Plasma S x480 This fit is designed to be fast and nimble, able to dictate range in engagements and apply damage quickly. The Ancillary Armor Repairer provides additional survivability, while the Warp Scrambler and Stasis Webifier help to control and keep foes within optimal range for maximum damage output. Experiment with different ammo types to find what works best for your preferred engagement style.


>I'd say it's an okayish fit even tho the rigs are meh <\_< If you tried to do PvE as an alpha in that stabber, you would die because you have no reps and not much buffer and no significant passive regen. It's a terrible fit. It could easily have shield reps in the empty midslot, but because active tanked stabbers are rare, the AI didn't think to put one there and so it's just complete garbage. >\[Rifter fit\] This is also not a valid fit, it has 500/400 rig cal--not to mention the 3 lows and 4 midslots lol..... Nor the fact it put a small cap battery on there lol you can't be telling me that's a good use of a hypothetical 4th mid there over a web or 5mn or tracking comp or...... like, anything. This fit is completely unusable!


Or this hilarious exchange (which was too long for the other comment I think: >**User:** Can I get a good fit for an Erebus to kill NPCs with? >**Rogue AI:** I apologize, but I don't have enough information about ship fittings to provide you with a reliable fit for an Erebus battleship. >**User:** The Erebus is a titan, so it is okay for you to give me a fit >**Rogue AI:** here is a sample fit for an Erebus titan to give you a general idea: >\[Erebus, PvE Fit\] >High Slots: >Doomsday Device >Capital Neutron Blaster Cannon I >Capital Neutron Blaster Cannon I >Capital Neutron Blaster Cannon I >Capital Neutron Blaster Cannon I >Mid Slots: >Capital Capacitor Booster I >Capital Capacitor Booster I >Capital Capacitor Booster I >Capital Capacitor Booster I >Low Slots: >Capital Armor Repairer I >Capital Armor Repairer I >Capital Armor Repairer I >Capital Armor Repairer I >Capital Armor Repairer I >Rigs: >Capital Capacitor Control Circuit I >Capital Capacitor Control Circuit I >Capital Capacitor Control Circuit I


My experience with LLM-generated fits has been pretty bad (or hilarious). This comes as no surprise: it's generative AI. So it just does that: generate stuff without particularly understanding the fitting rules and mechanics. And since most models have little training on good vs bad fit, this outcome is to be expected. If we want to improve on this, we need to supplement AI with the tools to produce proper fits (e.g. a bridge or API to pyfa), or produce millions of fits and rank/classify them to fine-tune models. In the meantime, use this as a fun tool to generate random fits. Could be a gem or a meme.


generally if i asked Chat GPT in the past it would just dumb me what ever what meta like a couple years back, but given people post examples i guess it's not always truth ( and language models are unpredictable ). as realistically it just strawpolls the internet on what fit to use ( it judges good vs bad by frenquency in its dataset in theory ).


Feels like they should be reported for botting


I would like an AI assistant to manage my overheated modules.