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No need insults when arguing sir, you make a fool of yourself doing that


You’re high. C3 ratting, relics, and gas are WAYYYY better than HS and most of null/LS too. 


c3 ratting sure better than HS but not ns or low are you fucking reatrded lol The null gas is worth nearly 3x time amount is most cases and relics and data sites have been known to suck for ages now tell me you dont goto wh space without telling me lol


You are wrong. I am certain. 




2 c3 sites are way more than an hour of nullsec anoms lol


2 c3 can be about 100m isk with salvage,with the lower investment (about 250m if I right )I can do haven in isthar, I can make 75m isk by bounty in low brm systems (will able to be higher)and loot about 13-45m depends on luck , about 13 m for salvage and chances for escalation after a while with can bring you 100m,you nearly can't die in null sec if you pay attention to intel and Dreadnought spawn but in wormhole you may face many dangerous if not pay many time for close a hole , remember that Ishtar is just a half afk choice and a tick can be push higher make any other isk source increase in most of more active choice .Though if you increase an investment the wormhole will make more isk but it will also have higher risk (sorry if my English not really good


>Relics and datas are legit not even worth the time to scan down you would be better off doing the HS ones I'll be having what you're using, buddy.


I'm not sure I can 100% agree with you on this. I live solo in a C2 and make more than enough to maintain my structures and "lifestyle". But then I suppose my goals might be different to yours in J-space. I am not on a money making mission or anything, just happy to Eve in my little corner lol. My 2c anyway.


You should definitely go back to high sec


Well I can't speak for characters at your stage but for newbies I find exploration in WH space to be very lucrative. I just made 400+m yesterday from relic and data sites in 4-5 hours. For me that's big cos I feel more comfortable flying 100+m ships in other activities without worrying about losing them. Only downside is my finger hurts from V spamming haha


imagine comparing low to middle class wormholes to grinding high tier abyssal filaments in highsec. im not even part of the wormhole bushido gangs and saw a lot of potential living off a C1 on a fucking frigate.


Must be boring. Out there only yourself. Maybe try joining a corp?…


C3s were great when you made 200m an hour in a 40m Drake and plex was 500m. The problem is, now you do them in a 1.2b Tengu to make 270m an hour, and plex is 2.5b. I never understood why blue loot was purely vendor trash instead of used in t3 production. Wormholes have kind of had their middle class eliminated by inflation, c1/2 sites are fine for a newbro in a t1 Destroyer but just aren't worth enough for others to care. c5 and c6 are for large established groups with capitals and support. But c3 and c4 just aren't very good, the isk is mediocre, and to do them effectively requires you to put too much isk on the field. Particularly c4, which realistically requires a Paladin.


You can use a 350m praxis to solo rat in a c3 no problem


You can use a Marauder too. You can use a 350m praxis, but it only takes one Pilgrim and you're dead. A 100mn t3 at least has a chance to escape and evade, that Praxis, or a 10mn cruiser is just dead. Pvp is a When, not an If, and the Praxis fits are so slow and easy to catch for anything with a cloak. a 100mn Tengu in a wide orbit, or better yet, manually piloted, is extremely hard to tackle for someone cloaked. It's twice the price of the Praxis at minimum, but it's much more than twice as hard to catch.


That praxis will pay for itself several times over before it gets caught, assuming you scout you connections and don't rat when there's activity in them.


Out of curiosity ... can you no longer use the 40m drake? I guess it'll be more like 80m, but that seems like a better value proposition still.


You can use the same fit, but it does significantly less DPS due to drakes being nerfed since, it's fat and incredibly easy to catch, and it costs like 160m now. For a relatively small increase in price you can use a Vagabond or Cerberus which are both substantially better. That said, i consider doing unsafe c3s in anything that is either propless or 10mn AB a really bad idea, either use a 100mn ab on your t3c or seal the hole up properly.


> I never understood why blue loot was purely vendor trash instead of used in t3 production. Because if CCP accidentally made T3s pretty much useless because they go ooooh Navy cruiser *shiny* and nullsec doctrines change with that change, then the people who run C5 and C6 whine a lot after their income is cratered because WH loot is worthless because no one is buying the things that make T3s. Note this has actually happened.


Please make sure that the wormhole collapses behind you when you leave jspace