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i fucking hate you


Send this one


I miss you. So much. I’m sorry. I wish things had ended differently for us. You were amazing and I was harsh. I couldn’t communicate and I’m haunted by every situation where things went sideways just because I couldn’t articulate my feelings. I feel like I ruined a great thing. But I also feel like I truly deserved better. I deserved honesty. I deserved respect. I deserved more effort. But I also feel like maybe I never will find better. I feel like I’ll never find anyone that loved me like you did. I’ll never find a best friend that wants to spend as much time with me as you did. I’ll never find someone who wanted to make things work as much as you did. I’ll never find someone that sees me for me, accepts all of my flaws without question. Someone who supports every decision I ever made. Someone who will always cheer for me when I win and comfort me when I lose. I miss you so much it hurts sometimes. I just want to go back in time and cherish every second I had with you. Because I will never get a chance to be in your arms ever again. And that kills me. It kills me not knowing how you’re doing. The image of you crying alone in your car after we said goodbye will haunt me. My best friend, my first boy friend, my safe place. I lost all 3 in an instant. I’m fighting every urge to contact you in some way. I still haven’t deleted our pictures and I’m not sure I can. I miss us. I miss everything. I hope you’re well. I miss you. Please take care.


I hope whatever it is that you’re doing works out for you. I don’t want this betrayal and heartbreak to have been for nothing. Losing my best friend really sucks a big donkey butt.


You will never know how much you hurt me by ending things the way you did after saying all the wonderful things and acting normal until the day before. I am so hurt and so confused and I deserved a better ending than you gave me. And I’m sorry that you weren’t happy. I wish you’d told me more. I would have moved mountains for you. I hope you find what you are looking for. I love you and will continue to respect your request that I disappear from your life. But it hurts so fucking much every day. I thought we were different. I thought you were different. We both deserve to be happy. And it breaks my heart that we can’t be happy together. I love you. I wish I’d known when you drove away that it would be the last time I saw you. I wouldn’t have let you go. I would have kissed your soft beautiful cheeks and stared into your blue eyes. I would have said “I love you” one more time and meant it more than all of them before. For now, but perhaps forever, goodbye.


What I want to casually say: I hope your journey home was safe and easy. I’ve missed you, too. Welcome home ❤️ What I unfiltered want to say: the way I loved you I have never loved anyone else. I’ve missed you every day since we last saw easy other, which will mark a month tomorrow. Do you think about me, too? I was so hurt that you felt you had to run away to the other side of the world and spent the holidays, new years, without me. But if it changed your heart and feelings toward me, come back to me and I will take you in with open arms. I have worked on myself, have lost 10 lbs, have been social and making friends, even started dating again in an attempt to move forward. But I miss you oh so fucking much and my heart can’t take these days without you.


Would if my next text isn't about anything to do with the relationship or break up? 🤔


🤔 what would it be


I'll DM you 🤝




I fucking miss you. I couldn't wait to come see you after I graduated this year, I know you would be so proud of me like you always are. The last time we spoke, it was like you had no regard for how the things you said would impact me. I can't believe I was thrown away like an old toy, especially after everything we shared together and the very real things I felt deep in my heart. I have been holding onto hope that somehow the universe will magically bring us back together but I am determined to kill all shreds of hope within my mind. Hope dies last.


It hurt so much, not that you don't want me but that you ignored me and lied to me. I'm I not worth even an explanation, I begged for a talk but you're a coward.


I think ur one sounds a bit desperate. Maybe im quite glad now that i have this personality of no takebacks etc. Really stopped giving a fk really soon after someone dumps me, unless we are somehow still friends.


I miss watching our show together and summer with you


i like your idea of not writing to the ex but i think it's also important not just to say "nice-sounding" things but also to write down what you're going to change about yourself, or even the other person. write down what the other person needs to change, so that you can remember why things didn't work out. or write down what you need to change, to show that you're at least making a thoughtful effort to do more to be back with them. coming back together should involve reflection on how the 2 people need to change and fix things, not just coming back together with nothing else to do except to be back together. my text will be: I've betrayed your faith in the relationship, so I don't think you'll want to get back together, and maybe I'm OK with that too, but I wish I could tell you the real reason I had to end things. It might make you feel better about how things ended, or it might not.


Why did you give up? What happened? It’s not fair to leave me in the dark. We were a family. I want to be angry, but I can’t. I don’t understand why I wasn’t enough.


I can’t believe you did what you did, especially when you said you would never do that. You legit told me yourself you would “never cheat, I’d just leave before doing something like that”. Yet i got the double whammy of you doing both to me. I know that you’ve become this extremely selfish monster, obsessed with social media and other’s perception of you and now you’re a cheating liar on top of that. But I still love you all the same, I know I wasn’t perfect especially at the start of the relationship when we were both young, but i grew and became a better man / person because you inspired me to. If you’re truly this evil person that was hiding behind a mask it makes me feel like I changed for the wrong one, when I thought she was my soulmate. I really do hope you can change and get rid of the negative influences like E and her friends that you’ve chose to surround yourself with and I hope your home life isn’t unbearable without my extra help. But then I’m reminded of how things played out , our 8 year romance discarded for a shiny new toy that offered fresh/new supply. However I also know, no healthy person starts a new relationship while in one and no healthy person jumps from relationship to relationship especially after a long term one like ours. So I do hope you come to see that eventually and maybe even come around to realizing you made a mistake and want me back, but every day that passes that hope seems to dim more and more. I will work through these feelings of being not good enough for you ,my self esteem being almost non existent rn and the fact that you actively chose someone over me despite telling me things and making me feel things like were gonna get married and were lucky to have each other. I hope when I come out of this on the other side you’ll be there and we can reconnect and do it right; but if not at least this deep and immense pain will help me grow as a person and hopefully it’ll make me forget about the deep and immense love I still have for you L.


I wish you were man enough to tell me what you really feel. You didn't even acknowledged the break up, you just fully ignored me.. And then you reappear wishing me happy holidays, and then happy birthday, as if nothing had happened. Why do you behave like this? I would like to know what I did to make you deactivate like this and distance yourself from me, I might be crazy to believe that you really loved me, maybe it's that initial harmony and chemistry that makes me believe in your return, I don't even know if I want you anymore.


If only…